

Katie stands with her bags pack her heart acked more than ever. She was ready to go back, but at the same time she felt the same maybe even a little worse than before. Her mind still raced about Scott and that thought of going home or back to the office and him not being there hurt. Yes Scott and she were going there septet ways but they would still stay friends and now, now Katie couldn’t even have that. Her friend was gone, and Katie just wanted to be alone.

Looking out the window the dark clouds only added to Katie’s mood. Glancing to the mountains they had a strange look about them. Something called to her…the mountains, quiet, peace maybe that’s where she needed to go. To be away from anyone to be alone to just get lost.

Wendy looks to Clint and than back to Jason not sure if she should say anything or not. But in case it ment anything Wendy thought it best.

"I saw Katie last night. I went to talk to her a little bit before bed. I had hardly seen her at all this hole time she had been her and I felt just a little bit worryed. I guess I take after my mother. Anyways we talked about a lot of things and a lot of differnt people..."

Wendy's eyes drift back to Jason for a moment before breaking away.

"...she seemed sad when I left her but she reasured me she was ok. That was the last time I saw her."

Grabbing her bag and the bag with some food she packed Katie places her cell phone on the dresser and slips out of the bunk house. Moving along he back Katie is quiet and silent bring no notice to herself. Moving alone till she came to the path that the last time it was used was when she and Scott had taken the journey. Stopping at the entrance Katie looks back at the ranch and just scans the area. She new her aunt would be worried and maybe Jason would be upset, but this was what Katie wanted. She lost someone she loved, and she had to look at someone she wanted to love but refused the feelings back day after day. Maybe being alone was how she was meant to travel. The last thing Katie had to do was shut off her feelings, her emotions to Jason but still let a little slip through as to not kill him but before she did that she had to at least let him know so he didn’t too much. She couldn’t just leave like that not to him. Mustering up a few bits of pure and true emotions that she could Katie closes her eyes letting the soft wind blow through her hair.

Jason, I’m not going back to Nevada with you. I’m not ready to be back in the office yet. I just, I can’t. I’m sorry. I don't want to bring everyone down with me. It's just better this way. I just wanted to let you know so when you went looking for me and couldn’t find me you didn’t worry.Goodbye J, thank you for everything and I’m sorry.

Slowly Katie opens her eyes and before she can even get a reply from Jason, Katie slowly shuts her mind off but leaves a tiny space open. Though the space was there it was too small to let any feeling through either way it was just enough to keep Jason alive.

Taking one last look around the ranch Katie turns and heads behind the trees and up the path to reach the mountain and climb its peeks breaking her self off from the world.

Jess sits in one of the first booths thumbing through a news paper as she waits for Carson to get on one of his breaks. Stopping at the apartment add she skims through them looking for anything that sounds interesting. Stopping at one she takes a pen and highlights it.

2 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, full kitchen, full living room and dinning room, second floor with balcony, $650 a month.

Jess nods her head back and forth to herself remembering to keep that in mind and gives the number a call later.

She had been to 3 apartments before this one and came up all empty handed on them because of her past. This one here was closed, looked nice, and was about in her price range. Not to mention it was two bedroom and bathroom so if she had to she could find a room mate. Maybe, just maybe this time she would have better luck.

Giving a sigh Jess takes a sip of her water and leans her head back in the booth just trying to collect her thoughts for a moment. Life was starting to get better but it was still less than normal. Jess still sometimes had nightmares when she went to bed, and sometimes was a little jumpy, but she was trying her best to look to the bright side of things even if it was really hard at times to keep her head up at least she was trying.

Time flies

Jason’s grin spreads as he watches Katie. He was still so amazed with this room himself, and was more than happy to show it to his best friend.

Seeing her pause at one of the pictures, he makes a point not to draw attention to it. He saw that look in her eye…he recognized it, and had felt it himself.

Moving on, he comes up beside her as she stands, looking out the window. He cross his arms, and just scans the outdoors. “Yeah, it is pretty amazing, isn’t it? I just can’t believe that Wes and everybody else would do something like this for me.”

Glancing down, he waits to catch Katie’s eye. “Thanks for a good secret. It was worth it.”

As his eyes roam her face, a lump rises in his throat as a longing tugs at his heart. But like a parent might grab a youngster from running off, he takes hold of those feelings to pull them back inside.

Finally he pries his eyes away and clears his throat. “Well…I was thinking about coming back to the ranch…hang out…see Clint…see Austin.” He turns and heads for the door. “I’ll walk with you if you don’t mind.”

…Jason enters the back of the mess hall, setting his backpack down on the floor and glancing around. It was nearing lunchtime…he didn’t feel like leaving yet… the last two days had flown by. But the plane would be waiting, and so was home and work the next morning.

He’d enjoyed his visit more than he thought he would. Though he still didn’t feel as rejuvenated as he’d like…and though he could spend another week here just unwinding, it was better than nothing. He’d spent quality time with his mom…gotten to know Kaylee better…and Wes too. Time with Austin hadn’t been anything too special. Now that Jason was older, there was a strange tension there…but it hadn’t been all that bad. Seeing everyone else too had been a treat, and hanging out with Clint in the shop had actually been fun.

“Yo, Jase! You leaving us, man?”

Jason looks across the room to see Clint and Wendy as they waited for lunch. He ambles over and nods. “Yep…looks like it. Soon anyway. I’ll stick around for lunch, but then I gotta hightail it out of here.” He glances around. He hadn’t seen much of Katie the last couple days. Though he hadn’t been too surprised, it had felt just as little odd. “Seen Katie?”

“Not this morning.”


*Katie can't help but giggle a little as Kaylee grabs onto Jason's finger. Feeling the warm feeling from Jason helped Katie smile even more. It was nice to feel this from Jason to see him happy about his sister.

After Cindy takes Kaylee from Katie she sits down at he table with Jason. The breakfest kept light and the smiles going around. Talking was nice about a little bit of everything.

Once finises and receiving the invitation Katie is quiet for a moment. She remembered what was sent and the pictures given. She wasent sure if it was a good idea to go or not. But seeing the look on Jason's face and feeling the pride for his new room Katie couldent say no.*

"Sure, I'd love to J."

*Standing from the table Katie follows Jason to his room.

Stepping inside Katie cant help but stair at the murle on the wall for a long moment.*


*Moving slowly around the room Katie looks at everything running her fingers over the pictures she remembered sending, her fingers stoping for a moment as they come to a picture of Scott. Katie can feel the emotions welling inside of her but inseted of leting them free Katie bottles them up and moves on running her fingers over the wood carving.*

"The time is must of took..."

*And than moving to the guitars a smiels spreads across her face and looking out the window Katie stands in aw looking at the moutains.*

"Oh..Jason....this is so amazing."

*Katie turns to looks at Jason the sun light shining in the window lighting up Katie almost giving her a soft glow.*


Jason studies Katie as she holds Kaylee, wondering what's going through her mind. He'd seen the hesitance there, and felt just a little jolt...just enough to notice. What was it?

Seeing her with his sister, a smile spreads and he walks up to them both, reaching his hand down. Once more, Kaylee spots his finger and latches on. Jason chuckles and moves his hand, but she refuses to let go.

Cindy walks past with some breakfast to set on the table and she laughs. "She got you again."

"I guess she did." The warm feeling spreads through Jason again and he glances down to Katie, aware that she probably knew what he was feeling at the moment. He didn't hide it though...it felt too good.

"Alright..." Cindy comes back and offers to take Kaylee. "Breakfast is on."

After a prayer, the meal is eaten, conversation light with some laughter, the atmosphere so homey... so peaceful... so warm.

As they're finishing up, Jason leans back in his chair, and looks down the hall, then to Katie. "Want to see the finished project your grand secret contributed to?"

Little one

*As Jason opens the door Katie looks back into his own eyes. Like a spund thirsting for water is felt like Katie was being fed the emotions and made her feel a tiny be rejuvanated. Giving a small smile and steping in Katie replys to Jason.

I told you not to worry about. You were fine.

Giving another small smile the best she can Katie walks in father. This had been the first time she'd even been in the house before and she couldnt help but look around in ah. Wes did a grand job on the house indeed.

Seeing Cindy and receveing her greeting Katie gives a little smile to her and a wave.*

"Morning. Thank you for leting me come over for breakfest. You home is very pretty."

*Continuing to follow Jason into the kitchen and seeing Wes with the little bundle in his arms she can't help but smile a little more hearing the gigalling sounds emited from it. For a moment Katie almost feels stuned thrown back in time to when she first saw her baby brother.*

*Seeing Katie, Wes stands the smile on his face growing even more. Walking over twords Katie he bends down just a little.*

"Katie this is Kaylee, Kaylee this is Katie."

*Moving her head slowly Katie looks down at the small baby. The big blue eyes looking back at her with wonder. *

"Want to hold her Kaite?"

*Receving no answer Wes looks to Jason for a moment and than back to Katie.*


*Hearing Wes voice snaps Katie out of her trance of though as she looks back up at him.*

"I'm...sorry what was that?"

*Wes gives a smile and holds Kaylee out to her.*

"Would you like to hold her?"

*Katie looks at Wes for a moment and almost says no but changes her mind trying to clear her head of thoughs and gives a small nod reaching out and taking Kaylee from him.*

"Hi Kaylee."

*Katie gently rocks the small bundle and brings her finger up to the small baby's hand touching the tiny fingers of the child and her looks back at Katie and moves her tiny lips and her eyes scan Katie's own. The smile on Katie's face spreads as she just watches Kaylee*


Jason waits, almost afraid either he'd woken Katie up, or she'd shut him out. Getting her response though, he feels a little better and looks back up to his mom. "She'll come."

Cindy's eyebrows lift. "That's it?"

Jason gives a short laugh. "Well what did you expect?"

"I...don't know." Cindy cocks her head. "Do you...hear...."

"Words?" Jason shakes his head. "No. It's... just... emotions." He shrugs lamely. "It's like another language... hard to explain."

Kaylee crying interrupts them and Cindy sets her spatula down. "Well, someone is up. Watch these eggs, will you?"

"Yeah." Jason takes over the stove for a few minutes until Cindy has taken care of Kaylee, passed her off onto Wes, then returned to the breakfast.

Jason is just ready to sit at the table, when he feels his emotions speed up just a little. Like a magnet getting closer to a pile of paperclips, the emotional pull increases. "I'll get it." He heads for the door.

Cindy turns around, bewildered. "Get...what..."

There's a knock at the door. She can't help the surprise on her face and looks to Wes. If Jason weren't her own son, she might be thinking this was just a little too weird for comfort.

Jason is to the door right when Katie knocks, and opens it for her. Looking at her for just a moment, he studies her eyes, trying to figure out how she was feeling. The spark still wasn't there...it was still dim...it would be a while.

Jason had worked last night at not giving her too much to think about. After the awkward scene in the mess hall, he'd felt ridiculous, hadn't wanted to deal with anything he'd felt from it, and had shut it out so he didn't have to think about it.

Sorry about last night. I wasn't thinking...I shouldn't have put you in that position, so I apologize.

He almost felt as if he was apologizing for the feelings for Katie that had seeped out, even though his gut told him that it was really what she wanted. He just felt...clumsy and stupid. But now wasn't the time.

"Morning." A smile creases his lips and he steps out of the way. "Come on in. Breakfast is just ready."

Cindy leans back so she can see the door, and smiles. "Good morning, Katie! Make yourself at home, hun, we're just getting started."

Jason leads the way to the kitchen table where Wes is holding Kaylee. "I guess proud papa can show off the baby," he teases, throwing Katie a wink.


*Wendy quirks a smile.*

"Count me in but I want to be Jeff's partner so I am on the winning team."

*Wendy can't help but laugh and run her foot alone Clint's under the table.*

*As Katie walks along the outskirts of the ranch she trys to let her emotions go floating on the wind. Her mind sifts, and her feelings move trying to ride her mind of the darkness she had told Trent about. It just seemed so hard with so much to think about. Making her rounds and coming to her bunk Katie makes her way up the pourch put turns before going inside. Looking up at the moon and the twinking starts Katie whispers.*

"Goodnight Scott, where ever you are. Grant me some good luck huh? I'm not doing all that grand at the moment."

*Finally going inside Katie gets into bed completely exsausted. Laying down she toss and turns well into that night till rest finally comes but its far from peacful.*

And so the night draws on covering those in darkness for sleep to come. But like every darkness sooner or later there is light peeking over the moutain tops. Chasing away the shadows and offering hope of a new day to the hopless that maybe it will be better than the last.

*Getting out of the shower Katie runs a towle through her hair and looks into the mirror for a moment. Her eyes were puffy from lack of sleep the night before she woke about every half hour, and it took her another 15 minutes each time to fall back to sleep. Shaking her head and going back into the other room to slip she shoes on Katie recives Jason message. Thinking for a moment Katie dosn't answer right away. Maybe going to Jasons and seeing Kaylee would help her feel a little better. Not to mention Katie didn't feel much like eating with a crowd.

Sure let me get my shoes on and I will head on over.

Finishing tieing up her shoes Katie heads out of the bunk and heads for the short lane to Wes and Cindy's. The morning was cool and Katie's hair still being wet gave her even more of a chill. Pulling her hoodie up over her hair Katie stuffs her hands in her pockets and heads for the house.

After minutes pass and what almost felt like hours Katie reaches the quiet house. Making her way to the pourch she knocks softly at the door though know she didnt need to because Jason probley already new she was there.*


Clint laughs. “I know, I know.” He grins and waves to Katie. “Night, Katie. Sleep good.”

Jason’s eyes follow her out. No stress… just… oh… goodnight, Hero.

“Who’s up for cards?” Clint reaches over and steals the deck from Jeff.

Jason slips inside the house, seeing that the light is still on in the living room.

Cindy looks up from her resting place against Wes. “Hey, Hun. Did you see everyone?”

“Yeah, mostly. Thought I’d hit the hay now.”

“Alright. If you can’t find something, holler.”

It’s not much later that the house is quiet. Jason lies on his bed, staring out to the end of the room where the moon was shining in through the window. He tried not to think about his emotions…he tried not to think about Scott…he tried not to think about Katie. He just wanted to rest for once…just rest… just…sleep…

Kaylee’s cries echo from the room across the hall. Jason’s door was halfway open, and he sits up straight in bed, for a moment, trying to get his bearing. What on earth? Then he remembers where he was. It was the middle of the night…and that was his sister crying.

He hears his mom get up, and hears her gentle voice trying to sooth Kaylee back to sleep. But after a while, it’s apparent that his mother’s efforts weren’t working very well tonight.

Cindy paces the baby’s room with Kaylee in her arms, rocking her gently, and talking, trying to stop the crying. “Shh….Kaylee…” she whispers. “Come on, hun…shhh…”

Suddenly she stops, hearing…music? Walking to the door, still rocking Kaylee, the music gets a little louder, though is still soft. A mellow melody is quietly picked out on an acoustic guitar, the notes gently drifting though the night air. Then the words that accompany come with such a sweet voice, to lull anyone.

"Little baby, don’t you cry.
Your mamma’s here by your side.
So dry your tears, don’t be afraid.
Shut your eyes and dream again.

Look at the stars in the sky,
The moon is smiling down on you.
The clouds have all gone away,
Sleep now, little babe.

Tiny baby, don’t you fret,
Love is here, oh don’t forget.
Arms to hold you close tonight,
Just close your eyes and see the light.

Look at the stars in the sky,
The moon is smiling down on you.
The clouds have all gone away,
Sleep now, little babe.

Yeah look at the stars in the sky,
The moon is smiling just for you.
The clouds have all blown away,
Sleep now…little babe."

Looking down, Cindy suddenly realizes that Kaylee is sleeping soundly in her arms. Shaking her head with a smile on her face, she returns to lay the baby down in the crib once more. All is quiet the rest of the night.

Jason yawns and stretches, shuffling down the hall towards the kitchen.

Cindy looks up from the stove where eggs are cooking and she smiles. “Morning, sleepy!”

Jason grins. “Morning,” he mumbles.


“I think so.” Jason heads to the fridge. “Orange juice?”

“In the door.” Cindy keeps cooking. “You can eat here or at the ranch…it’s up to you.’

“Oh, I’ll stay.” Jason pauses, the juice carton in hand. He’d thought a little bit this morning, and was a little hesitant, but wanted it. “Would you mind some extra company?”

“No. Who?”

“Thought I’d ask Katie to join us. I wanted her to meet Kaylee.”

“Sure!” Cindy smiles. “Speaking of which, I think your sister likes your voice.”

Jason grins a little as he finds a glass for his juice.

Cindy points to the phone. “I don’t know where Katie was bedding down, but you can call up to Mick and Rosetta’s. The number is there.”

Jason takes a swig of juice and shakes his head. “I don’t need to.”

Cindy stops for a moment and lifts an eyebrow, skeptical, even though her son had explained the evening before.

Jason’s eyes focus on nothing for a moment, looking as though he’s lost in a stare. Hey Katie…Mom’s got breakfast on…Want to come over? Meet Kaylee too?


*Feeling Jeson's lips aganst her own and than feeling his rush of emotions send Katie into a topsy tervy spin of emotion with in herself. She thought she would be ok but after that kiss that didnt even last long it sent more emotions to run haywire inside Katie.

Masking the emotion of confustion Katie gives a small smile and nods to Jason and than look to Clint.*

"Never taunt a guy who wont lose, they stop at nothing you know."

*Katie shakes her head and gives a small smile. It felt like the walls in the room for a moment were caving in. It almost felt like it was hard to breath though there was much space. Maybe Katie just needed the fresh air.

Standing again Katie gives a yawn though she wasn't very tired. Giving Jason a pat on the should a mentil emotions drifts on the wind to him as she talks to the other saying something alse.

It's ok J, don't stress over it. It's ok.*

"Well I think I am gonna head out maybe talk a walk than head to bed. I am sure I will see you guys again. Have a great night and thanks for the welcome."

*Kaite bundles up her hoodie once again and heads for the door steping out into the cool night air that felt good on her warm skin. Taking in a deep breath Katie trys to clear her mind of the rampid emotions.*


“Ohhh, you’re mean.” Clint grimaces at Wendy. “How can I have any fun with you around, hmm?” He gives her shoulders a squeeze. “All I want is for everyone to be thanked proper like.”

Jason rolls his eyes. He received Katie’s message just fine, but made no physical action to show it. “Give it up, Clint. It’s a losing game.”

“Ha!” Clint sits straighter, puffing himself up. “I never lose!” He bangs his hand on the table. “Now come on! Thank the poor girl. I can’t do it for you!”

“Clint, behave yourself.” Jeff walks behind him and slaps the back of his head.


“You’re cruisin’ for a bruisin’ and you know it,” Jeff warns, pulling out a chair. “I wouldn’t push that guy.”

“Aw.” Clint waves him off. “Jason wouldn’t hurt a fly… Ow!” He looks across the table after getting kicked in the leg. “What was that for?”

Jason shrugs. “Good measure?”

Clint smirks. “You’re just scared of kissing Katie, that’s all. Afraid she’ll slap you?”

Jason shakes his head. “What is with you tonight?”

“It was getting thrown into a pile of chairs I think.” Clint rubs his elbow. “Payback time.”

“At whose expense?”


Jason’s eyes narrow. “You’re on thin ice.”

Clint grins. “I’m prepared to plunge. But apparently you’re not.”

“Clint! Cut it out!”

“I will if you just give in! I’m out for blood man! I’m not in the mood to lose this one!”

Jason’s eyes narrow. He hated to lose, but he was fed up with the razzing too. And it was his own fault. If he hadn’t started this whole thing with Wendy, Clint wouldn’t have started in on him. Then Katie didn’t even mind. What was he thinking?

Glancing to Katie, he shakes his head. Clint is a moron. Leaning over, he cocks his head and places his lips gently against hers. But even the lightest of kisses with Katie opens the floodgates of emotions, and for a split second, it’s a rush that Jason can’t manipulate. Pulling away is the only way to stop it and he does, trying ever so hard not to let his face get red in front of the others. He shouldn’t have done that… he was made vulnerable once again and he knew good and well that Katie had just felt too much of his own feelings once again.

“Ha!” Clint throws his hands in the air. “Winner, once again!”

Jason tries to laugh, but it’s weak. “Shut up.”

Last week

*For a moment Katie look between Clint and Jason not to sure what was going on or what she was being thanked for. Finally have it revealed Katie remembers and gives a small nods as she thinks of the pictures she put in the room even the ones of Scott. Giving a sigh she trys to stay calm at least they were good memories.*

"Your welcome J. I'm glad you liked it."

*Looking back at the table and than to Jason again she searches his eyes receiving his men til message once again.

Not like I would mind a kiss much from you, but its ok if you don't.

Katie gives a small smile showing that it really was ok if he didn't. The last thing she wanted to do was put Jason on the spot.*

*Wendy gives a slap to Clint arm in a playful tone.*

"Would you leave him be your embarrassing him. Don't make me bring up what happend to you last week in the shop now."

*Wendy cant help but grin at Clint and than stick out her toung playfuly.*