

*Wendy quirks a smile.*

"Count me in but I want to be Jeff's partner so I am on the winning team."

*Wendy can't help but laugh and run her foot alone Clint's under the table.*

*As Katie walks along the outskirts of the ranch she trys to let her emotions go floating on the wind. Her mind sifts, and her feelings move trying to ride her mind of the darkness she had told Trent about. It just seemed so hard with so much to think about. Making her rounds and coming to her bunk Katie makes her way up the pourch put turns before going inside. Looking up at the moon and the twinking starts Katie whispers.*

"Goodnight Scott, where ever you are. Grant me some good luck huh? I'm not doing all that grand at the moment."

*Finally going inside Katie gets into bed completely exsausted. Laying down she toss and turns well into that night till rest finally comes but its far from peacful.*

And so the night draws on covering those in darkness for sleep to come. But like every darkness sooner or later there is light peeking over the moutain tops. Chasing away the shadows and offering hope of a new day to the hopless that maybe it will be better than the last.

*Getting out of the shower Katie runs a towle through her hair and looks into the mirror for a moment. Her eyes were puffy from lack of sleep the night before she woke about every half hour, and it took her another 15 minutes each time to fall back to sleep. Shaking her head and going back into the other room to slip she shoes on Katie recives Jason message. Thinking for a moment Katie dosn't answer right away. Maybe going to Jasons and seeing Kaylee would help her feel a little better. Not to mention Katie didn't feel much like eating with a crowd.

Sure let me get my shoes on and I will head on over.

Finishing tieing up her shoes Katie heads out of the bunk and heads for the short lane to Wes and Cindy's. The morning was cool and Katie's hair still being wet gave her even more of a chill. Pulling her hoodie up over her hair Katie stuffs her hands in her pockets and heads for the house.

After minutes pass and what almost felt like hours Katie reaches the quiet house. Making her way to the pourch she knocks softly at the door though know she didnt need to because Jason probley already new she was there.*

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