

*Feeling Jeson's lips aganst her own and than feeling his rush of emotions send Katie into a topsy tervy spin of emotion with in herself. She thought she would be ok but after that kiss that didnt even last long it sent more emotions to run haywire inside Katie.

Masking the emotion of confustion Katie gives a small smile and nods to Jason and than look to Clint.*

"Never taunt a guy who wont lose, they stop at nothing you know."

*Katie shakes her head and gives a small smile. It felt like the walls in the room for a moment were caving in. It almost felt like it was hard to breath though there was much space. Maybe Katie just needed the fresh air.

Standing again Katie gives a yawn though she wasn't very tired. Giving Jason a pat on the should a mentil emotions drifts on the wind to him as she talks to the other saying something alse.

It's ok J, don't stress over it. It's ok.*

"Well I think I am gonna head out maybe talk a walk than head to bed. I am sure I will see you guys again. Have a great night and thanks for the welcome."

*Kaite bundles up her hoodie once again and heads for the door steping out into the cool night air that felt good on her warm skin. Taking in a deep breath Katie trys to clear her mind of the rampid emotions.*

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