

Katie stands with her bags pack her heart acked more than ever. She was ready to go back, but at the same time she felt the same maybe even a little worse than before. Her mind still raced about Scott and that thought of going home or back to the office and him not being there hurt. Yes Scott and she were going there septet ways but they would still stay friends and now, now Katie couldn’t even have that. Her friend was gone, and Katie just wanted to be alone.

Looking out the window the dark clouds only added to Katie’s mood. Glancing to the mountains they had a strange look about them. Something called to her…the mountains, quiet, peace maybe that’s where she needed to go. To be away from anyone to be alone to just get lost.

Wendy looks to Clint and than back to Jason not sure if she should say anything or not. But in case it ment anything Wendy thought it best.

"I saw Katie last night. I went to talk to her a little bit before bed. I had hardly seen her at all this hole time she had been her and I felt just a little bit worryed. I guess I take after my mother. Anyways we talked about a lot of things and a lot of differnt people..."

Wendy's eyes drift back to Jason for a moment before breaking away.

"...she seemed sad when I left her but she reasured me she was ok. That was the last time I saw her."

Grabbing her bag and the bag with some food she packed Katie places her cell phone on the dresser and slips out of the bunk house. Moving along he back Katie is quiet and silent bring no notice to herself. Moving alone till she came to the path that the last time it was used was when she and Scott had taken the journey. Stopping at the entrance Katie looks back at the ranch and just scans the area. She new her aunt would be worried and maybe Jason would be upset, but this was what Katie wanted. She lost someone she loved, and she had to look at someone she wanted to love but refused the feelings back day after day. Maybe being alone was how she was meant to travel. The last thing Katie had to do was shut off her feelings, her emotions to Jason but still let a little slip through as to not kill him but before she did that she had to at least let him know so he didn’t too much. She couldn’t just leave like that not to him. Mustering up a few bits of pure and true emotions that she could Katie closes her eyes letting the soft wind blow through her hair.

Jason, I’m not going back to Nevada with you. I’m not ready to be back in the office yet. I just, I can’t. I’m sorry. I don't want to bring everyone down with me. It's just better this way. I just wanted to let you know so when you went looking for me and couldn’t find me you didn’t worry.Goodbye J, thank you for everything and I’m sorry.

Slowly Katie opens her eyes and before she can even get a reply from Jason, Katie slowly shuts her mind off but leaves a tiny space open. Though the space was there it was too small to let any feeling through either way it was just enough to keep Jason alive.

Taking one last look around the ranch Katie turns and heads behind the trees and up the path to reach the mountain and climb its peeks breaking her self off from the world.

Jess sits in one of the first booths thumbing through a news paper as she waits for Carson to get on one of his breaks. Stopping at the apartment add she skims through them looking for anything that sounds interesting. Stopping at one she takes a pen and highlights it.

2 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, full kitchen, full living room and dinning room, second floor with balcony, $650 a month.

Jess nods her head back and forth to herself remembering to keep that in mind and gives the number a call later.

She had been to 3 apartments before this one and came up all empty handed on them because of her past. This one here was closed, looked nice, and was about in her price range. Not to mention it was two bedroom and bathroom so if she had to she could find a room mate. Maybe, just maybe this time she would have better luck.

Giving a sigh Jess takes a sip of her water and leans her head back in the booth just trying to collect her thoughts for a moment. Life was starting to get better but it was still less than normal. Jess still sometimes had nightmares when she went to bed, and sometimes was a little jumpy, but she was trying her best to look to the bright side of things even if it was really hard at times to keep her head up at least she was trying.

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