

*Katie looks up at Scott and smiles.*

"Dinner sounds good, and I havent seen Domino in what feels like AGES! It will be nice to spend some time with both of you. Maybe we can even find a movie to watch."

*Jamie smiles at Bret and sits down in one of the chairs. Looking back down the hallway twords where Con was, than back to Bret.*

"He is resting now peacfuly. He's gonne be ok other than his broken collar bone, and some cuts and bruses. Any word on Dean and Brandon?"

*Misty looks up from her desk removing her glasses. Giving a small smile.*

"No dinner tonight with me?"

In the darkness of the house rustling around can be hurd. But the movment is slow, weaving in and out of fernature not bumping into anything. Darkness hiding everything from the eyes of others. Wait, watching for those who belonged here to return home.

"So Estimado tell me about this guy you met?"

*Lockheart shoots a look to her sister from across the table as she mother speaks.*

"Charlotte you told her?"

"No not everything."

" Estimado I'm your mother I know this stuff weather you tell me or not."

*Lockheart rolls her eyes and lets out a sigh. She really dident want to get into this with her family.*

"He's just a friend that I worked for. Nothing more."

*Lockhearts grandmother eyes her from acorss the table. a smile curling on her lips.*

"And is that why that look is in your eyes Estimado?"

*Lockheart looks up at her grandmother.*

"There is no look in my eye Abuela!"

*Lockheart trys to hide she own smile that wanted to form on her lips.

After taking a bite of her rice Lockhearts Grandmother states in a very matter of fact tone.*

"You mights not want to addmit it Esimado but the look is there. You deserve to be happy and should stop running away. If he is a good man than you should be with him."

*Lockheart rolls her eyes.*

"Abuela I hardly even know anything about him."

*Lockhearts mother perks up wanting to put her own two cents in.*

"Well maybe you should?"

*Lockheart shakes her head and lets out a sigh.*

"I have a company here I have to run. I dont have time for that."

"Angelica, life is to short to always put stuff off. You should be happy. Its what he would of wanted."

*Lockheart shoots her mom a look, one that refected coldness.*

"Angeal wanted alot, and his life was cut short. This conversation can end now please."

*Lockheart goes back to eating, pushing her emotions away. This was not something she wanted to think about.*


Thank you for your prayers. Con is alive and well. Few injuries but nothing life-threatening, PTL.
Take care.
-Mike R.

Scott takes his other hand around Katie’s shoulder from behind and gives her a short rub. “I know,” he speaks quietly. “Life is too short.” He leans down to plant a kiss on her cheek. “And as such, I don’t want to waste a moment, so you’re coming over to eat supper with me and Domino tonight.”

Bret is standing in the quiet hall and turns quickly as he feels Jamie’s hand on his shoulder. A smile automatically gets put into place. “Oh yeah, well, people gotta blame someone for an accident, might as well be me, right?”

He shrugs casually, hooking his hands in his pockets. “Nah, Dean had me find the best deal on surveyors and I chose a little-known company because their prices were good. If I would have investigated more, I would have discovered that they’re not all that legit. But instead of the media attacking them, they went after me instead.” He shrugs again. “It’ll all blow over.” He gives a little chuckle. “Let’s hope this thing doesn’t get as far as needing a lawyer. For now, Titan Inc just has to figure out how to recoup and how to move on, since our housing edition obviously can’t move west.”

Glancing over his shoulder, Bret’s eyes drift towards Con’s room. “How’s that tank of yours doing?”

Carson fiddles with his keys as he walks down the hall, sticking his head through the infirmary door. “Yo, Misty. Taking off.” He’d planned on working late, but it was barely past his normal time to leave. Supper and the evening had gone undiscussed. “See you tomorrow, alright?”

Jason sits in the booth at the little café, picking at his hamburger and fries. He should be feeling better than this. Con was alive and well…it was enough for celebration. And yet the gloomy cloud still hung over his heart. So many ups and downs…so many emotional rollercoaster rides, it was as if his mind had finally said, ‘that’s it!’ and shut down completely.

He drags a French fry through his ketchup, making swirls. Feeling alone seemed to be a constant now, no matter what.

“Ah, he’s back again. Thought maybe he’d show up one of these days.”

Jason doesn’t have to look up. He knows that voice. He didn’t normally come to this café…had he secretly hoped for this company to give him a distraction? “Well, I wouldn’t want to disappoint you. I’d never live it down.”


*Jamie gives a nod to Scott and offers a small smile. A genuin one Con was ok and she felt tons better already.*

"Thank you Scott."

*Jamie than turns her attachen to Katie.an apoligetic look in her eyes.*

"Katie I'm real sorry about yesterday. Everything I said, I just blew up and I am sorry."

*Katie smiles at Jamie and shakes her head.*

"Jamie you were upset, dont worry about it."

*Jamie smiles at her friend sliping her hand from Con's stanging.*

"While Con is sleeping I am going to go to Bret alittle bit if you guys can stay here with Con. If he wakes up just let him know I am down the hall and will be ok."

*Quietly Jamie walks to the door and exits. Looking down the hall her eyes find Bret. Walking over to him Jamie lays a hand on her shoulder and gives alittle smile.*

"So I hurd theres alittle bit of pressure on you huh? What happend? I just wanted to let you know if you need someone to talk to I'm here. And lets hope you dont but if you need a lawyer let me know I have the number of a real good one. "

*Katie sits in the room with Scott. *

"Ya I'm gonna be ok."

*Katie watches Con for a long while as he sleeps not saying anything. Finally look to Scott she lets out a sigh. It hadent been long ago, but seemed like yesterday that Katie had been in that bed close to death herself and though Con wasent dieing, she understood how it felt now.*

"It seemed like just yesterday that I had been the one laying in that bed and everyone was waiting for me. I relize now how it felt for everyone. Its hard seeing someone so stong like Con seem lost and small."

*Katie takes Scotts and rests her face on it.*

"Something like this just proved how fragel and presuse life is."

*Herb and Mable embrace eachother for a moment. How releaved they were Con was ok. They couldent even start to imagen what it would do to Jamie if he hadent. They new how much she cared and love him. They were happy God hurd there prayers.

Aerith comes along side Wyatt and gives alittle smile. She dident know Jamie well but she could tell by her parents and the few times she saw Jamie and Con together they were in love and it would not have been good if anything had happend to him.*

"I'm glad Con is going to be ok Wyatt. The Lord sure does a good job of reminding us he is in controll. and I am certinly glad he is."

As the day draws on. People coming to see there friend they though was lost, some staying, and some leaving again but live moves on till finally its night fall again and all is quiet.

*Lockheart drives up to a small little one story house. A few cars line the parking lot. She was tired but had promised her mom she would come and visit. This was her first time home since she got back to Cali. Geting out of the car and heading up to the door Lockheart knocks and than enters.*


*Lockheart calls as she enters. A short, churcky woman apreas in the hall her face lit up with a smiles as she comes twords Lockheart. Her thick hispanic accent showing through.*

"Ange Ange estimado."


*Lockheart embraces her mother as a smell from the kitchen hits her nose making her mouth water.*

"Ma...Did you go all out?"

*Lockhearts mother mouth curls up in a smile, as another figure apears in the hall way. A woman who looks younger than Lockheart but almost idenicle smiles.*

"Well Sis its about time you showed up."

*Lockheart smiles back and hugs her sister.*

"Charlotte! Its good to see you."

*Lockheart and her famile continue to reunight as another woman appears.*

"Is that my little estimado I hear?"

*A short older woman is the next to embrace Lockheart.*


*The hugs continue as the Women greet Lockheart with open arms. The chatter and happyness righing through the house. Sometimes The chatter is in english and than is goes into spanish, than once again back. Lockheart follows everyone into the living room and than into the kitchen helping with dinner as the smell of the food grows even more. Finally it is finished and everyone sits down to eat.*


Con manages to quirk the corner of his mouth. His voice is hoarse and quiet as he tries to stay lucid. "It'd take more...than that...to get rid of me." His fingers give Jamie's a little squeeze.

As Katie comes in and speaks to him, he opens his eyes halfway. "Hey, Kat...quit your worrying." A soft chuckle emerges. "Like that'll...happen." His eyes drift shut again, the exhaustion too much for even him to handle.

Jason looks into the room and hesitates, seeing the two women in there and not wanting to intrude. But noting the quietness, he goes ahead and enters. Walking up slowly, he sees that Con is sleeping. "I just talked to the doctor," he whispers. Explaining briefly, he nods. "So he'll be in here a bit, but only a few days probably." He glances over his shoulder. "That other guy, Brandon, got the worst of it. They don't know if he's going to make it or not."

Pausing, he thumbs to the door. "The other guy there, Bret, he's in for it too - I guess someone has already pounced on him for the land surveyors that apparently he hired...they're blaming him for being negligent and not looking into the company more, even though the foreman wants to take responsibility."

Giving a little sigh, Jason starts to retreat. "I'll head back to the office," he informs quietly. "Anyone need anything, let me know."

Just as he leaves, it's Scott's turn to come in. He sets a hand on Katie's shoulder. "You okay?"

He looks to Jamie next. "Your car is out in the lot. I brought it over."

Wyatt jumps as his cell phone rings. Answering it and receiving the news from Jason, he breathes a sigh of relief. "Thank God....alright, Jase...thanks." Hanging up, he gets up from the booth at Mom and Pop's where he'd been for lunch, and heads to the counter. He waves Herb and Mabel over. "That was Jason....they found Con...he's going to be okay."

"Yeah?" Carson answers his cell phone from his desk. Hearing the voice at the other end, he listens for a moment. Suddenly his eyes widen. "What?" Listening more, he stands up, the phone still to his ear. "Look, I think...no....that's impossible...."

Glancing around at the full office floor, Carson aims for the exit where less ears are. Hitting the outdoors, his voice raises just a little. "I don't know what you're trying to pull but..." His face forms a scowl. "No, I don't think it's true. I think it's a game that..." He stops, swallowing hard. Despite the anger, a look of fear crosses his eyes.

Stay with

*Jamie stays close to Con all the way to the hospetil. Her hand never leaving him. She saw him, she new he was there but feeling him reasured her that this wasent a dream.

Having to leave Con for a bref amount of time as he is in the ER. The minutes feeling like hours as Jamie paces ourside with Bret. Everytime someone came out the door Jamie lifted her head hoping it was someone leting her know she could see Con again. Finally Jamie is informed she can and hurrys down the hall to be with Con once more. Pulling a chair to the side of Con's bed Jamie sits down interlocking her fingers with his.*

"I love you Con so so much. I thought I'd lost you. I'm just so happy your ok."

*Jamie takes her other hand and slowly runs it through Con's hair as she talks. Giving his hand alittle kiss. Seeing his eyes slowly drift in and out Jamie smiles staying close. Leting him know she would be there still when he woke. She'd be waiting when he opend his eyes again.*

*Katie smiles back at Jason giving a nod*

"I guess I do. Alright lets get over to the hospetil before I explode from happyness shall we."

*Katie hopes into her car and starts to make her way down the road. It was hard to contain her excitment. Con was ok, this was a good day and he Lord had answered the prayers of many. Finally geting to the hospetal Katie asks where the could find Con and are directed. Quietly knocking on the door Katie peeks her head in. Making sure everything is ok and enters. Going over to Con's bedside Katie can tell he is in from the pain killers. Bending down she gives him a small kiss on the head.*

"You had be worryed Big Brother, I'm glad you ok."

*Katie steps back alittle giving them some room and wanting to know herself what went on. But knowing Con was in no shape to answer that right now she wasent sure who to find out from.*

*Nate smiles at Laura returning her hug. His own happyness over flowing. Con was ok. Her was really going to be ok. Nate gives a nod and starts to walk to the door with Laura.*

"I sure can take you. I wanna see him myself and find out what happend."


Movement catches Con's eye and he suddenly zeros in on the moving figure coming toward him. He couldn't have felt more relief...more joy. Reaching out, he catches her as she reaches him, holding her close...holding her tight. His one arm wraps around her in a hold that offers shelter like no other.

Tears glisten in his eyes, whether from the sun or from a rush of emotions it wasn't clear. Leaning down, he ignores the crowd, he ignores his pain, he ignores the filth of dust and grime. Enveloped in Jamie's kiss, all that was left was a feeling of being filled with the closeness and happiness that he'd so desperately missed while separated from the world.

Finally prying Jamie back just a little, he gazes down at her, a weak smile creasing his lips. "I love you," he whispers. His dirt-caked and blood-stained hand brushes her hair out of her face. There was so much more he could say...he wanted to say...yet it all seemed so petty. After what he'd been through, this was pure heaven.

"Sir, please come this way." A medic tries to get him to move toward the ambulance.

Con shoots him a glare. "If you don't..."

"...If you don't leave him alone, you're going to be sorry." Bret walks up from the group of construction workers who had been staying on site to help. He looks at the medic. "Give him a minute, will you? He's standing on his own two feet, which is more than the other guys can do, so why don't you concentrate on them for a moment?" Turning to Jamie, he winks, then looks up at Con. "One day I'd like to hear how on earth you survived all this, and managed to get Dean and Brandon out as well."

Con still holds Jamie close with his good arm. "One day I'd like to explain it as proof of the power of prayer."
A sudden surge of pain shoots across his shoulder and down his arm, causing him to let go of Jamie and put a hand to his injury as he can't withhold a wince.

Bret nods to Jamie. "Come on. We got to get this tank of yours looked after before he collapses."

"No hospitals," Con retorts.

"Sorry, but you're not winning this one," Bret argues, waving one of the medics back over. Though a smaller man, he tries to support Con as he aims for the nearby ambulance.

Con staggers a bit, unsteady on his feet and dizzy with the movement. Now that he was out...now that he had seen Jamie and knew she was okay...his body was starting to shut down. He'd reached his goal, and now could finally let go.

A medic reaches out to stop Jamie. "I'm sorry, but you'll have to stay."

Bret stops walking with Con and turns his head, throwing the other man a look that could kill. "Do you have a death wish or what? If your loved one was in this kind of shape would you want to leave him? No, you'd want to go with him, and I suggest you do, or you're going to find out just what an angry two-ton brute is like when he's not even thinking straight."

The medic clamps his mouth shut at the threats, sizing up Con for a moment, and taking the warning seriously. "Alright fine."

Bret smirks and continues the route with Con. Reaching the vehicle, it doesn't take much to get Con to lie down in the back as they start to check on him, poking, prodding and checking his eyes. Despite the tight enclosure of the ambulance, Con keeps a grip on Jamie's hand, not letting her go.

Jason watches from a distance with Katie and Scott, and unbelievable amount of relief sweeping over him. Seeing Con walking was good enough for him. Amazing...but good enough. Going for his cell phone, he dials Laura.

When finished with the call, he turns to Scott and Katie. "I'm going to head up to the hospital to find out exactly what's going on."

"We'll come with," Scott nods. "I can drive Jamie's car so she'll have it there. I see she left her purse here, so I've got the keys."

"Sounds good." Jason nods. Looking to Katie, he gives her a slight wink. "Looks like you still got a big brother after all."

As Laura shuts her cellphone, tears stream from her eyes, a smile spreading across her face. Turning to Nate, she throws her arms around him. "He's alive, Nate....he's alive!" Pulling back, her eyes beg him. "Jason said he was on his feet, but doesn't know anything more - they're taking him to the hospital. Can you...would you take me??"

The hospital seems to have adopted some of the chaos as the three victims are brought in and split up into different areas with multiple doctors and nurses.

On his way to pass out, Con loses his fight and numbly follows orders, letting himself be led to the E.R. even though he's separated from Jamie for a short while.

It seems like forever, but finally, finally, there is quiet. The room on the third floor is peaceful, away from the chaos, away from the scurrying doctors. Malnourished and severely dehydrated, Con lies in bed, hooked up to an IV and several monitors. His right shoulder is tightly bandaged - it had been dislocated and the muscles had been torn. His collarbone had broken as well, but otherwise, no other bones were broken. Cuts and bruises weren't surprising, and the gash in his head had been stitched up.

Though seeming to be out of the woods, the doctor had implied that Con would have to stay several days to fully recuperate, and to make sure there were no injuries they had missed. Con hadn't even argued - evidence that he truly was completely drained of energy.

Lying in the bed, Con fights to keep his eyes open as his head is turned toward Jamie. Not only was he exhausted from his physical condition, but the medications were wearing on him too. But he didn't want to sleep...he didn't want to drift away again...

His fingers wrap around Jamie's as reality becomes blurry. At least he knew she was there.

"How's Dean?" Bret stops one of the doctors in the hall.

"Both his legs were broken pretty badly in multiple places, but we think we'll be able to repair the damage. He should be okay."

"And Brandon?"

The doctor shakes his head. "He's in critical condition. There was a lot of internal injury and broken bones. I can't say yet what will happen."


*Jamie straghten and stands a bit closer to Jason watching. Without even a relization of it Jamie clings to arm as if she were dreaming and feeling him there made it real.*

*Katie stays wraped in Scott's arm but her head perks at Jason's words and seeing the workers move just alittle faster. Her ears picking up sound.*

*Nate steps closer to Laura drapping his arm over her shoulder. A glint of hope in his eyes. Was it Con? Was it all three men? Where they alive? Many questions were still left unanswered..But Nate's hope had been resparked, recharged.*

*Katie and Jamie are close behind Jason. Hope, fear...what was going on....what was happing.

Jamie watches intently, her hope growing. There was one man out, she new that to be Dean, and than before Jason's words were even finished that form, the hair, though covered in dirt Jamie dident have to think twice it was Con. I serge of pure joy, a happyness like never before surged through her vains as a squeel of happyness escaped her lips. As she watches the take Con to a safe area Jamie cant contain it any longer. Breaking free from the arms that held her back Jamie's feet hit the pavment as her heart racing matches. Finally drawing close Jamie slows just a bit before running into Con wrapping her arms around him. Burrying her face into his chest as new tears form in her eyes. Tears of Joy replacing thought of sarrow. Pulling away from Con but not fully leting go Jamie brings her hand up to the sige of Con's face rubbing a bit of the drit away her face, her eyes filled with a joy like nonother. Standing on tip toes Jamie reaches up pressing her lips to Con's and taking in the moment. It was as if this was the first time kissing him all over again, the joy that Jamie felt was indiscribable.

Katie turns to Jason and than to Scott after seeing Jamie cause an opening and running for Con. A smile spread across her face. With all her heart Katie wanted to follow Jamie and give Con a hug of her own. But watching Con and Jamie in there embrace Katie waits. There would be her time to give her big brother a welcome back hug for right now, it was Jamie times. She deserved this, Con deserved this, this was there time. Katie stays standing back with Jason on one side and Scott on the other. Her own heart filled with so much joy. God was amazing.*


Scott follows Katie to join the other two, respecting the silence. Looking across the site, he sees so many people…so many at work… For just a moment, he wonders how the rescuers must feel… To be working so hard, and facing the frustration of not finding what they’re looking for…then when they finally do, if lives have been lost, how many shoulder guilt for not working fast enough?

Stepping up closer to Katie, he slowly moves to put an arm over her shoulders.

Jason looks up at them for a moment, analyzing his own feelings for just a second or two. He was glad Katie had someone to comfort her…he knew this time had to be tearing at her own heart.

All eyes watch…all eyes listen.

Con opens his eyes, a faint sound catching his attention. He’d been asleep…he didn’t know for how long, but he could hear his wheezing breath along with Dean’s as they struggled for air.

There was the sound again. He couldn’t tell if it was really that faint or if he just wasn’t hearing it well.

All of a sudden a tiny spec of light appears to one side of the small enclosure about three feet off the earthen floor. Con’s heart leaps. No…could it really be?

The buried men were suffocating, starving and dying of thirst, but adrenaline somehow manages to surge through Con’s veins, enough for him to call out. “Down here!”

The rescue worker stops, stunned, and wondering if he were just hearing things. He swings his pickaxe again.


The worker stops again and knees down, examining where his axe had struck. “I’ll be,” he breathes. There was a hole. “Anyone down there?” he calls loudly.

Con’s eyes widen. “Yes!”

The rescuer is on his feet again in an instant, yelling to the others. “Get over here on the double! I found them! One of them is alive!”

What had been a fairly calm atmosphere becomes chaotic as several workers join together to dig and move rocks.

Jason watches from a distance as movement suddenly picks up along with loud voices. He straights and stares ahead, trying to figure out what’s going on. “Something’s happening…”

Con blinks as more light comes through the cracks. “Dean,” he urges. “Dean, are you awake?”

Dean gives a little groan, groggily stirring from his deathlike sleep. “W…what?”

“They found us,” Con breathes. “Praise the Lord, they found us.”

Dirt and small rocks begin to shift and fall from the low ceiling. Con looks up with a bit of worry. “Hey, take it easy, guys!” he yells. “It’s unstable in here, you’re gonna cave in!”

Voices muddle together and Con strains to hear what he can. He turns to his other side. “Brandon?”

No answer. There had been no answer for hours now. Con reaches out to check his pulse. It took him several seconds to even find one, and he almost wondered if it were his imagination that he felt it.

“Come on guys, move it up!” A rescuer orders. “Work fast and tread lightly!”

A face appears in the widening hole. “We’re coming,” he encourages. “Just hang on.”

…And we have breaking news from our ongoing top story, involving the site of Titan Inc. Only moments ago one rescue worker broke through to a small pocket under the rubble and has discovered at least one man alive. It’s a miracle to say the least, and the worker is joined by his partners in an effort to clear that area away. No one has said yet what condition the man is in, or whether he is with the two other missing men.”

Eyes in the TJY break room snap to attention at the new news. Laura’s hand goes to Nate’s in a vice grip as she’s the first to reach for her phone and dial Jason.

The hole grows larger and larger. Though the workers clear as fast as they can, it still takes a long while just to make a hole big enough for a man to get out.

Con shifts around and crawls nearer to Dean. Ignoring the fact that his right arm felt like dead weight, he reaches under Dean’s head and legs. “Come on, partner, it’s time to get you out of here.”

The one worker looks through the hole and waves to his partners. “He’s coming out! He’s got someone else with him!”

Con can hear them, and struggles to crawl through the hole with Dean. “Get an ambulance over here!” he barks. As he works his way up and out, the earth begins to shake. He pauses for a moment, the tremor continuing.

People outside begin to shout and run. Someone reaches in and grabs Con and Dean to help pull them out.

“It’s going to collapse!” someone shouts.

Jason takes several steps forward, feeling the tremor from where he is, and seeing the sudden chaos. What was happening? What was going on? Another cave-in? Had they found anyone? There were too many people. He couldn’t see. He moves closer. He ignores his vibrating cell phone on his belt. Now was not the time to chat.

Scott moves with him, his eyes shifting all around. From the shouting, it appeared they had found someone, but where, and who? And would they be lost in another collapse?

The bright light hits Con and blinds him. His eyes water as he tries to focus. Dean still in his arms, he drags him clear of the rubble and finally gets to his feet, though is shaky after not standing for almost three days. His body is weak to the point of breakdown. “His legs are broken,” he informs quickly, his mind struggling to stay alert as a wave of dizziness hits him.

The earth continues to shake and Con turns back toward the opening.

Someone grabs him. “Don’t go in there! It’s going to close up!”

Dean holds up his hand. “Listen to them. Don’t do it!”

“But Brandon!” Con states in panic.

“He’s dead!” Dean shouts at him.

“I have to get him out!”

“Tank, No!!!”

Con shoves aside the rescue worker and dives for the hole again, cringing as pain shoots down his arm and his head throbs. He wiggles through the small opening into the darkness again.

“Move back, move back!” A rescuer shouts. “It’s going down again!” No one had any idea if there would be another major sinking again, or if it was just within the small passage, but the whole area was unstable.

Dean is quickly put on a stretcher and moved a safe distance away. Workers form a line to push people back, shouting orders as tension rises.

Suddenly, the earth begins to collapse around the hole. Rescuers fall back immediate to get out of danger as rocks break through the surface to plummet into an adjoining sinkhole. One could hear the rubble and rocks falling under the surface, proving there was empty spaces there.

Shouting. Running. Madness.


Jason skids to a halt at the edge of the roped-off area, someone’s arms reaching out to stop him from entering the danger zone. His eyes are glued to where the rescuers had been and he stares, his heart beating loudly in his chest. Held back by a construction worker, he doesn’t fight, but says put, trying not to assume anything from what he was witnessing.

A cloud of dust covers the site. People cough. Someone runs. Voices slowly pick up. Questions hang in the dense air.

And slowly, a breeze begins to wisp the dust away. Onlookers squint at a dark form. What was…was it…could it…

Con is on his knees, bent over a lifeless form, covering Brandon’s body with his own, protecting from flying dirt and rocks. His eyes are shut tight, but finally he blinks, beginning to cough from the dust. Still squinting in the light, he slowly lifts his head, realizing that he had made it out right before the collapse. He didn’t even know how.

As people are rushing toward him again, he ignores their presence and feels for Brandon’s pulse.


He tries again.

Still nothing.

“No!” Con can feel his already strained emotions being pushed to their limit. Nothing around him seemed to matter. “Brandon!”

Leaning down, he starts to perform CPR. “Come on, Brandon, you made it this far! Come on!”

After several attempts, Brandon suddenly sucks in air and begins to cough.

“Get that stretcher over here!” a rescuer orders. “Now!”

Temporary relief washes over Con as Brandon is brought back to the living. He sinks back to sit on the ground, his mind in a total blur. People are talking to him, they’re asking him questions. Someone looks at his shoulder. Someone examines his head. He can barely hear anything. His eyes sting from the light and dust. Blood has stained his clothes, and he’s not even sure whose it is where. He feels almost numb all over, severely dehydrated and malnourished as the other two men.

Trying to think clearly, he still focuses on one thing – those who he knows good and well have been waiting, praying and worrying for him. He doesn’t know how much time has passed, but regardless, he knows they’ve been watching. Their prayers could be the only reason he was alive.

Con somehow manages to pull himself to his feet against the protests of the medics surrounding him. Head and shoulders above the others, he scans the area, still squinting in the light. He can’t focus very well, but he looks for faces he knows…he has to tell them he’s alright….he has to….and Laura…and Jamie…he has to see Jamie.

Jason’s eyes widen. No one could mistake that tall frame. No one could mistake that hulk of a man. It was Con. Shocked, Jason remains glued to his spot.

By now, Scott has come up beside him at the edge of the zone as well, and follows his gaze. “My word,” he whispers. Looking to Katie and Jamie, he utters words he honestly thought he wouldn’t. “It’s Con.”

“Sir, just stand still and let us look…”

Con shrugs off a medic’s hand and tries to walk forward, staggering just a bit.

“Sir, please! Let me look at your head. You’ve been bleeding, and…”

Con whirls around, anger in his eyes. His nerves are shot, he’s not thinking clearly, and he’s just trying to stay focused on one thing without being pulled in three million directions at once, amplifying his headache. “I just survived two tons worth of earth on top of me, no food, no water, no light, and was able to get out alive with my two partners. I think I can live another five minutes, and if you want to too, I suggest you lay off for that amount of time!”

Turning back around, Con takes a couple more unsteady steps, looking about, groping for relief of worry.

Laura’s eyes stayed glued to the television set. Jason hadn’t answered his phone. “Oh, Nate,” she breathes quietly. “I don’t want to hope…but do you think…maybe…?” She swallows hard. “Will they show who was found? We have to find out…”