

*Jamie gives a nod to Scott and offers a small smile. A genuin one Con was ok and she felt tons better already.*

"Thank you Scott."

*Jamie than turns her attachen to Katie.an apoligetic look in her eyes.*

"Katie I'm real sorry about yesterday. Everything I said, I just blew up and I am sorry."

*Katie smiles at Jamie and shakes her head.*

"Jamie you were upset, dont worry about it."

*Jamie smiles at her friend sliping her hand from Con's stanging.*

"While Con is sleeping I am going to go to Bret alittle bit if you guys can stay here with Con. If he wakes up just let him know I am down the hall and will be ok."

*Quietly Jamie walks to the door and exits. Looking down the hall her eyes find Bret. Walking over to him Jamie lays a hand on her shoulder and gives alittle smile.*

"So I hurd theres alittle bit of pressure on you huh? What happend? I just wanted to let you know if you need someone to talk to I'm here. And lets hope you dont but if you need a lawyer let me know I have the number of a real good one. "

*Katie sits in the room with Scott. *

"Ya I'm gonna be ok."

*Katie watches Con for a long while as he sleeps not saying anything. Finally look to Scott she lets out a sigh. It hadent been long ago, but seemed like yesterday that Katie had been in that bed close to death herself and though Con wasent dieing, she understood how it felt now.*

"It seemed like just yesterday that I had been the one laying in that bed and everyone was waiting for me. I relize now how it felt for everyone. Its hard seeing someone so stong like Con seem lost and small."

*Katie takes Scotts and rests her face on it.*

"Something like this just proved how fragel and presuse life is."

*Herb and Mable embrace eachother for a moment. How releaved they were Con was ok. They couldent even start to imagen what it would do to Jamie if he hadent. They new how much she cared and love him. They were happy God hurd there prayers.

Aerith comes along side Wyatt and gives alittle smile. She dident know Jamie well but she could tell by her parents and the few times she saw Jamie and Con together they were in love and it would not have been good if anything had happend to him.*

"I'm glad Con is going to be ok Wyatt. The Lord sure does a good job of reminding us he is in controll. and I am certinly glad he is."

As the day draws on. People coming to see there friend they though was lost, some staying, and some leaving again but live moves on till finally its night fall again and all is quiet.

*Lockheart drives up to a small little one story house. A few cars line the parking lot. She was tired but had promised her mom she would come and visit. This was her first time home since she got back to Cali. Geting out of the car and heading up to the door Lockheart knocks and than enters.*


*Lockheart calls as she enters. A short, churcky woman apreas in the hall her face lit up with a smiles as she comes twords Lockheart. Her thick hispanic accent showing through.*

"Ange Ange estimado."


*Lockheart embraces her mother as a smell from the kitchen hits her nose making her mouth water.*

"Ma...Did you go all out?"

*Lockhearts mother mouth curls up in a smile, as another figure apears in the hall way. A woman who looks younger than Lockheart but almost idenicle smiles.*

"Well Sis its about time you showed up."

*Lockheart smiles back and hugs her sister.*

"Charlotte! Its good to see you."

*Lockheart and her famile continue to reunight as another woman appears.*

"Is that my little estimado I hear?"

*A short older woman is the next to embrace Lockheart.*


*The hugs continue as the Women greet Lockheart with open arms. The chatter and happyness righing through the house. Sometimes The chatter is in english and than is goes into spanish, than once again back. Lockheart follows everyone into the living room and than into the kitchen helping with dinner as the smell of the food grows even more. Finally it is finished and everyone sits down to eat.*

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