

*Katie looks up at Scott and smiles.*

"Dinner sounds good, and I havent seen Domino in what feels like AGES! It will be nice to spend some time with both of you. Maybe we can even find a movie to watch."

*Jamie smiles at Bret and sits down in one of the chairs. Looking back down the hallway twords where Con was, than back to Bret.*

"He is resting now peacfuly. He's gonne be ok other than his broken collar bone, and some cuts and bruses. Any word on Dean and Brandon?"

*Misty looks up from her desk removing her glasses. Giving a small smile.*

"No dinner tonight with me?"

In the darkness of the house rustling around can be hurd. But the movment is slow, weaving in and out of fernature not bumping into anything. Darkness hiding everything from the eyes of others. Wait, watching for those who belonged here to return home.

"So Estimado tell me about this guy you met?"

*Lockheart shoots a look to her sister from across the table as she mother speaks.*

"Charlotte you told her?"

"No not everything."

" Estimado I'm your mother I know this stuff weather you tell me or not."

*Lockheart rolls her eyes and lets out a sigh. She really dident want to get into this with her family.*

"He's just a friend that I worked for. Nothing more."

*Lockhearts grandmother eyes her from acorss the table. a smile curling on her lips.*

"And is that why that look is in your eyes Estimado?"

*Lockheart looks up at her grandmother.*

"There is no look in my eye Abuela!"

*Lockheart trys to hide she own smile that wanted to form on her lips.

After taking a bite of her rice Lockhearts Grandmother states in a very matter of fact tone.*

"You mights not want to addmit it Esimado but the look is there. You deserve to be happy and should stop running away. If he is a good man than you should be with him."

*Lockheart rolls her eyes.*

"Abuela I hardly even know anything about him."

*Lockhearts mother perks up wanting to put her own two cents in.*

"Well maybe you should?"

*Lockheart shakes her head and lets out a sigh.*

"I have a company here I have to run. I dont have time for that."

"Angelica, life is to short to always put stuff off. You should be happy. Its what he would of wanted."

*Lockheart shoots her mom a look, one that refected coldness.*

"Angeal wanted alot, and his life was cut short. This conversation can end now please."

*Lockheart goes back to eating, pushing her emotions away. This was not something she wanted to think about.*

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