
Stay with

*Jamie stays close to Con all the way to the hospetil. Her hand never leaving him. She saw him, she new he was there but feeling him reasured her that this wasent a dream.

Having to leave Con for a bref amount of time as he is in the ER. The minutes feeling like hours as Jamie paces ourside with Bret. Everytime someone came out the door Jamie lifted her head hoping it was someone leting her know she could see Con again. Finally Jamie is informed she can and hurrys down the hall to be with Con once more. Pulling a chair to the side of Con's bed Jamie sits down interlocking her fingers with his.*

"I love you Con so so much. I thought I'd lost you. I'm just so happy your ok."

*Jamie takes her other hand and slowly runs it through Con's hair as she talks. Giving his hand alittle kiss. Seeing his eyes slowly drift in and out Jamie smiles staying close. Leting him know she would be there still when he woke. She'd be waiting when he opend his eyes again.*

*Katie smiles back at Jason giving a nod*

"I guess I do. Alright lets get over to the hospetil before I explode from happyness shall we."

*Katie hopes into her car and starts to make her way down the road. It was hard to contain her excitment. Con was ok, this was a good day and he Lord had answered the prayers of many. Finally geting to the hospetal Katie asks where the could find Con and are directed. Quietly knocking on the door Katie peeks her head in. Making sure everything is ok and enters. Going over to Con's bedside Katie can tell he is in from the pain killers. Bending down she gives him a small kiss on the head.*

"You had be worryed Big Brother, I'm glad you ok."

*Katie steps back alittle giving them some room and wanting to know herself what went on. But knowing Con was in no shape to answer that right now she wasent sure who to find out from.*

*Nate smiles at Laura returning her hug. His own happyness over flowing. Con was ok. Her was really going to be ok. Nate gives a nod and starts to walk to the door with Laura.*

"I sure can take you. I wanna see him myself and find out what happend."

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