

Jumping over the back of the couch and slidding down next to Ryder Katie shakes her head and gives a giggle as she looks at Ryder.

"Are you sure its not the lousy Aussie that cant handle the American Liquer?"

Katie looks to Henry and leans over giving him a little pat on the head as if telling him thanks for telling her.

"You dont remember talking to me last night when I got home eh? I came in here looking for something and you sat up and had a full conversation with me. I have to admit it was a bit funny as you slewed your words and told me what you had been up to all day."

Following Ryder to the kitchen now Katie grabs a chair and sits down in it to bend over and tie her shoes. Than standing again she grabs her leather jacket from the back of the chair and throws it on pulling her now long hair from the back.

"I left a little money on the able by the front door so if you need anything or want anything to eat. I dont think I will be at work late tonight so if you need to go anyway just let me know. And try to stay out of trouble today eh?"

Turning there head in unison as Carson enters the room. Giving a smile Carson and than to her dad Jamie stands giving him a kiss on the head.

"I am going to head into work. Con said something about stoping by to see you in a little bit so if mom wants to go home and get some sleep he can keep you company ok?"

Jamie looks to her dad with worry in her eyes. She couldnt help but worry but she had to have faith that he would be alright.

Giving his daughter a pat on the head Herb smiles.

"I'll be fine dear go to work."

Once Jamie is gone Herb turns to Carson and gives a smile and a shake of his head.

"I only look good because I am not covered in sweat and smell like grease!"

Laughing a little Herb is thrown into a coughing fit that last for a few moment before it finally subsides. Paying not attachen to it though Herb continues his conversation.

"Yeah I guess I did huh? I think I scaired myself a little bit too."

Intarupting Herb for just a moment Mable stands giving him a small nod knowing he wanted to talk to Carson.

"I am going to run home and take a shower fast. I'll be in a little while."

Smiling and noding to Mable Herb waits till her is out of the room and nods at Carson to sit down his face becoming a little more searous. What was to come next was going to be hard but Herb new it was for the best.

"Carson, I have something I wanted to talk to you about. The Dr has told me I need to take it alot easyer than I have been. I'm putting to much stress on myself and I'm not as young as I use to be."

Herb takes a deep breath as he continues to look at Carson so much emotions was whittled in his own eyes.

"The restront is my life but I just for my own health I cant run it alone anymore. Over the last year you have grown so much Carson and I have been giving you more and more responcablity. You have been doing well. Aerith also called and told me about how you handled the restront so well. And I am so proud of you Carson."

A small smile forms on Herb's lips as his eyes sparkle proving he was happy with Carson and how much he had grown.

"So, I had a propasition for you and if you wanted to take it anyways. I would like to give Mom and Pop's to you so you will be the new owner. Now that dosnt mean that Mable and I wont still be there I'll still have a small sliver of the ownership and I'll come in to help a few hours a day but not nearly as much as I do now. That was if anything even happen to me I know the restront will be taken care of. Because I know it will be in good hands with someone I know will make the right desitions. I already talked to the family and they all agreed you deserved this. If you wanted to take this opertunity up. With how much is invested in that place and the business we have been getting in there I know you will be set for life to have yourself a good one."

Looking to Luke Angel gives a small laugh as she zips up her own bag and makes sure she has everything.

"I am sure I will be forced to take it easy by many people. Not that I mind all the people looking out for me."

Walking over to Misty's desk Angel lays a few papers on it so when came in she had them. Before she had gotten to sick Angel was able to look up a few things on her research with the nerve damage repair.

Turning to Luke as he makes the comment about finding Jeff Angel is about to say something when Reese comes in the door.

Just looking at him for a long moment Angel gives a blink taking in his words. What was he talking about?

"What do you mean Jeff wont be leaving with us? I mean I understand you cant tell us but...why? Dont we have a right to know whats going on?"

Angel gives a sigh as she looks between Luke, Rick and than back to Reese.

"We cant even say good bye? What are we to tell everyone back home when they ask about him? Cant you give us just a little information on this?"

All I have to do

Ryder pulls himself up into a sitting position, and reaches around to accept the glass from Katie. He grimaces, but downs the liquid anyway. "Lousy American liquor," he mutters.

Setting the glass down, he shakes his head. "No... guess I don't need to go anywhere, unless you know where I can pick me up a new head."

He tries to wake up, blinking. How had Katie known he'd been drinking? He looks at Henry, shaking a finger at him. "Never tattle on a mate." Stretching, he stands up, stifling a yawn, and looking at Katie. "And by the way, I'm not stupid... I'm just resourceful when looking for something to cure my boredom."

Trudging to the kitchen, Ryder opens the refrigerator door, scanning the contents, looking for something for breakfast. But as he does, his stomach gives a lurch, reacting to the alkaceltzer. He puts a hand to his stomach and tries to wait out the nausea, letting the refrigerator door fall shut again. "On second though..." He doubles over slightly. "Maybe I am stupid."

Carson grins and nods. "Alright, I'll tell him. When you're out of work, stop by Mom and Pop's." He slips on his tennis shoes and grabs his jacket, heading for the door. Slapping his baseball cap on, he turns around one more time, opening his mouth to say something, but then seems to change his mind. "See you later, Sassy."

He could have asked for a ride, but he needed a good run to clear his head anyway. After walking for one block, then stopping to stretch, it was a sprint the rest of the way back to his and Dani's place. Once there it was a quick shower, change of clothes and a ride from his sister to get him to the hospital...

Carson slowly approaches the room, hoping he was at the right one, and peeks in cautiously. Seeing Mabel nearby and Herb in the bed, a small smile spreads. He enters and wanders over to the bed, sinking down in one of the chairs, but first giving Mabel a wave. "Well now... you don't look so bad after all." He grins at Herb, trying to cover up the real worry he felt. "I must say, you know how to scare a bunch of people."

Luke throws the last couple items of the few belongings he had with him in his backpack and zips it shut. "Well... I'm ready whenever we need to go." Moving a bit slowly, he tries not to let Angel notice how difficult it was for him this morning, being on his feet. He sinks into a chair instead of standing any longer.

Rick smiles as he gives Angel one last check over. "And I'll give you the okay to go whenever you need, too. I'll let you travel, but when you get home, I want you to make sure you take it easy for a couple days yet." He looks to Luke. "Make sure of that, will you?"

Luke forces a smile through his tiredness. "All I have to do is tell that to Rosetta, and no one will let Angel work until she's able."

He sighs and glances at the clock. "Jeff hasn't said a word to me yet this morning. I have no idea where he is, but I need to find him to let him know we'll be leaving today."

"You won't have to."

Luke looks up quickly, seeing Reese in the doorway. "What?"

"I said you won't have to." Reese is fairly solemn. "Jeff won't be going back with you."

Luke's eyes widen and he looks to Angel, then back to Reese. "Well why not? What's going on?"

"As far as everyone is concerned, he's simply not on any agendas anymore. And that's as much as can be said."

Stunned, Luke is speechless. He blinks. "But... what... I don't understand."

"You don't have to." Reese gives a nod of reassurance.

"You mean we can't even say goodbye?"

"He's not even here anymore."

Luke's pulse quickens. "But..."

Reese shakes his head. "That's all I can say."


Slowly coming up to the back of the couch Katie looks over at Ryder and Henry and just shakes her head. Lowering down to him some water with alcaselcer in it.

"Here is a cure for a hang over for those who are stupid."

Katie cant help the smile the forms on her face as she rolls her eyes and stratens up again to finish getting ready for work.

"Do you need me to take you anywhere before i leave again?"

Feeling Carson's wormth underneath her Misty snuggles in a little more enjoying the moment. She had slept so well, and it was something she hadnt had in so long it felt good.

But the moment dosnt last to long as Carson moves and launches Misty off the couch and landing in his arms and placed on the couch again. Giving a chuckle she shakes her head.

"Morning, Afternoon and see you tonight!!!"

Misty leans up to give Carson a kiss on the lips.

"Let Herb know I said to get better soon and I will see u tonight. I am only taking a half day of work."

Jamie on Herb's left and Mable on his right quietly they talk. The conversation was a tense one as many desitions hung in the arm.

"..If you trust him than thats what matters...."

"..I do.."

"..He has proven himself.."

Sugary went good for Herb though the Dr. had now put restrictons on him. Things were going to change and though he was strong and new God would lead he was still unsure of how it would be for him. This was his life, and to let it go would be hard.

"..I think he will be ready.."

"..And its not like we are going to be gone.."

"..We just wont be doing as much.."

"..Your really sure about this.."

"..Yes I am not as young as I use to be.."

And so the conversation continues, and desitions would be made. For this family life would change.


Jason hugs Katie a little tighter, finally straightening to see her face once more. Reaching up, he wipes away her tear with his thumb, just looking her in the eye for a moment. Then bringing her in close, he presses his lips to hers in a passionate kiss, his arms wrapped around her as if never wanting to let her go.

I love you too... just the way you are.

"Jason?" The intercom on his phone carries Reese's voice.

Jason withdraws from Katie, but only to shift his head and return to the kiss, not to listen to his boss.


He continues to ignore it, his hand giving Katie's back a gentle rub.


Jason finally pulls back, giving Katie a couple more light kisses before reaching for his phone. He keeps Katie on his lap though, still holding her with one arm. "Yeah" He quirks an annoyed eyebrow. "Alright. Be right there."

He hangs up and sighs, taking Katie's hands in his. "The boss summons. We'll pick this back up later." He grins a little, a slight mischievous glint returning to his eye.

Standing up, he lets Katie slide from his lap, and walks her to the door to part until later.

Luke nods at Angel. "I think he's had time to visit with her. Though Katie was one of the team to Australia, so she hasn't been around here this whole time."

Taking a deep breath, he lets it out slowly. His eyes were so tired. His head hurt, and his body ached from head to toe. But he couldn't rest yet... no, not yet.

Carson grins at Misty's response. "I think I can handle that."

Finishing up their meal, he's more than happy to escort Misty out of the diner and go back to her place. Settling down in the living room with her, in front of the television, it was one of Carson's favorite times. No distractions. No noise. No business. No work. Just him and Misty, wrapped up in his arms...

Ryder stretches and yawns, but winces a little as his head throbs. Henry jumps up on him, and he groans, not appreciating the cat's attention this morning.

Rolling over, he looks at the clock. It was later than normal. He thought maybe he remembered hearing Laura leave a little earlier. Had Katie gone yet too? He had no idea. He really didn't remember a whole lot about getting inside last night either. He thought he'd dozed off out on the porch and it must have been Laura who had let him in the house. And after that.... it was pretty much a blank.

Sighing, he lets his hand flop down on the cat to scratch Henry's head. What was he going to do today? The same as yesterday? While he'd had fun at the time, he really didn't feel like doing it all over again just yet. Not to mention, as far as he knew, no one else knew what he'd been up to, so the less frequently he did it, the less likely he was to get into trouble. Not that he really could... Reese was barely working on getting him something to do here, so Ryder wasn't even convinced that he'd be able to stick around TJY all that much longer.

One of Carson's eyes cracks open. His mind was in a total fog, and it took him several minutes to even get his bearings. His body expected him to be in his bed, but after thinking, he realized he was not. Then where was he, and who was....

His other eye pops open and he glances down. He was still laying on Misty's couch from the night before, and she was still curled up with him, his arms still around her. He hadn't slept so soundly in ages.

Yawning, he stretches out a little bit, intending on waking Misty gently. But all of a sudden he realizes that he was supposed to be somewhere else right now. He was supposed to be visiting Herb this morning before needing to go open up Mom and Pop's.

"Ohhhh crud." Sitting up quickly, he catches Misty from falling off the couch. Taking her in his arms, he stands up, then deposits her back onto the cushions. Leaning over her, he plants a kiss on her lips. "Morning, babe. I gotta run. I'm late. Sorry."

A smile spreads on his face. "See you tonight?"

Scott eases down behind the desk, letting Domino jump up in his lap. She was used to coming to work with him now, and so was he. She always behaved, and seemed to work extra hard at not getting in Dalton's way.

Scott turns on the computer slowly, his mind seeming to work just as slow this morning. He was gradually feeling better, and gradually gaining confidence. He had walked himself to work this morning instead of being picked up. It hadn't been the greatest experience, but he'd done it, and knew Hope would be proud of him. Hope... he was supposed to see her again this afternoon. He couldn't forget.