

*Rosetta looks up from the pot of stew on the stove he was cooking hearing Mick. Though her face drains of the blood when she see him. The cut on his head still oozing blood, and the gun in hand Rosetta new all was not right.

Coming around the counter she heads twords Mick worry in her eyes.*

"Mick, whats wrong what happend?"

*Looking out the front door just a little she can't see much but last she new Mick was training Cyclone again. Rosetta hated to think that the horse was going to be lost. He has such a promising furure and it was the last horse before winter Rosetta was going to be able to buy.*

"He's hurt that bad? Theres no hope for him at all?"

*Rosetta's eyes held promise, hope though she new this happend often she hated when it did. Weather she spent much time with them or not she was the one who hand picked them and they her a certin meaning to her. For one reason or other weather is was bloodline or history in the horses famile she picked them out with a pourpis and a reason. To lose one was like losing a dream.*

*As Carson's arm wraps around her waist Jess brings her arms around his neck. Stairing deep into his eyes her own lips upturn in a smile as her heart pound in her own chest.*

"Mmmm...pizza is always good, and as long as you come with it you tast sweeter than a milkshake and will satisfy my craving for something."

*Pressing her lips to Carson's Jess engages for a moment in a kiss of passion.One she could never tire of. Bring her hand to his back and running the other through his hair Jess lets the kiss linger for a long moment.

Finally though she breaks away a smile still on her face and Carson's arms still around her she turns so she has her back to him and walks with him close behind holding her into the kitchen to grab some plates.*

*Still a bit leery Dalton gives a nod and goes back to work. If doing this ment maybe making some friends that it was worth it in the long run. Anyways Jason said he could blame him if all else failed.*

*Turning Katie goes back to her own work though the day is long and drags.

I can't stop thinking about this whole thing J.

Talking and keeping a secret with Jason was easy because they didnt have to use words to comunicat anymore. No onw know when they were talked to eachother or about what. In a was it was kind of nice to keep things privet that way.

What if Scott really is alive, do you think The Agency would keep him that way?

Trying to go back to her work Katie keeps Domino close to her, sometimes it almost felt like Scott himself was there. His smell still lingered on the dog and it made Katie only hope she was alive even more. The office wasnt the same with out him.*

Sickening job

Jason is relieved that Dalton agrees to help. The tech guy seemed less than sociable, a little too cocky, and distrusting to boot. But at least he was willing to help them out with this one. "Thanks, Dalton."

Jason and Katie head back to his office, working some, though too anxious about Dalton's work. Finally hearing from him, Jason gives a start, all ears. 'That's awesome, Dalton."

Yeah... it is something... At the very least, we might get a track on the Agency if they're the ones that hacked us. If not then...we've still done TJY a favor, Scott or no Scott, and Reese can't be too displeased with us for that.

"We'll be right in to take a look."

Jason nods to Katie. "Alright, let's go see what he's got."

Making sure she comes with him, Jason heads to Dalton's office once again. This time he knocks before entering, showing a little more respect. Once inside, he shuts the door again, ensuring that no one else is listening. "Okay..." He moves around the desk to see what Dalton has found. His eyebrows raise. "Washington state? That's interesting."

He sighs and straightens, folding his arms across his chest. "So they might be located there...and they hacked our system...whoever it is." He starts to pace, his mind reeling. "It has to be Agency related, whether it's Scott or not. Because if it is him, then it's obviously got something to do with the Agency. And if it's not him, they're just toying with our heads. But..."

Jason pauses, turning to look at Katie and Dalton again. "If it was the Agency trying to toy with us, I can almost guarantee that we got the location wrong...though I'd be surprised they'd let us find a location at all. That's not like them."

He bites his lip, his emotions starting to rage again.

It's got to be Scott...anything else just doesn't make sense.

"I say we start doing a little more digging. Dalton, keep on doing your thing... Keep it quiet, so do your other work first, but keep digging on the side. Katie, I want you to go file hunting and find the last time this system was hacked into. I know it's been done by the Agency at least once before... I want to know what happened that time, and if it was similar to this... We might be able to narrow down motives that way. And me... I've got someone to call who may know that area of Washington and might have some information they don't even know they have."

Jason stops again, looking between Katie and Dalton. "Keep low for now... If we find anything substantial, we go to Reese. For now I say keep quiet just because he didn't initiate this. No one's going to lose their jobs." He eyes Dalton on purpose. "And if Reese questions you, dump it back on me. He'll give me heck but he won't do anything drastic." He quirks a crooked grin. "Every once in a while someone does something around here that's not quite...on record. Reese isn't a bad guy."

Jason paces a moment more, then halts at the door. "Alright. I say we get back to work then."

Carson grins as Jess lets him in, returning her kiss. "Mm...getting greeted like that, it's always good to see you too." A chuckle escapes and he taps her chin with a knuckle. "How could I forget about you?"

Coming farther into her house, he sets the box down on the kitchen counter and turns around in time to catch Jess by the waist, spinning her around to face him. "I made your favorite just for you. I woulda brought a milkshake but...it would've melted next to the pizza."

Cyclone refuses to stop, clinching the bit in his teeth and arching his neck, barging against the pressure. A curse slips out under Mick's breath as he tries to bring the half-running, half-bucking horse under control.

The gelding refuses to heed, worse than the days before, paying no attention to his rider's commands. Totally out of control, Cyclone charges, straight for the fence.

With no time to bail, Mick hears the sickening crack of fence rails being ripped apart. He tries to pull Cyclone's head up, but it's too late. Horse and rider go down.

The next few seconds are a blur. Mick can feel the weight of the horse coming down on his leg, and a shooting pain goes down his arm.


Mick tries to catch his breath, squinting through the dust. He coughs, wincing as his ribs move. Trying to right himself, his mind clears enough for him to realize that his leg is pinned underneath Cyclone, and they're both in a heap on the other side of the fence, broken rails and all.

Straining though it hurts, Mick manages to somehow wriggle out from under the horse and rubs his knee gingerly, though nothing appears to be broken. Blood oozes from a gash in his forearm, received from a splintered rail. But his concentration is quickly diverted to the horse.

Moving around to the other side, Mick kneels by the sweaty, heavily-breathing animal. A lump rises in his throat as he sees the mangled leg. Pulling off his gloves, he wipes the sweat from his brow, then lays a hand on Cyclone's neck. The horse wasn't going anywhere.

Mick stands, putting his gloves in his back pocket and turns to walk back across the corral. He favors his right leg, and ignores his throbbing ribs and bleeding shoulder.

"Mick! You alright?" Jeff comes running up to him, worry in his eyes. "What happened."

Mick shakes his head and keeps walking. "I'll be fine. Just...don't let anyone back here."

Jeff stops though Mick keeps walking, and looks ahead to where the horse was. A sickening feeling rises in his stomach.

Mick gets to the house and climbs the porch with a hardness in his stare. He was about to do what he hated the most, and all emotion had to be ignored to be able to do it. Dirty and bloody himself, he enters the house, going straight for the closet. He sees Rosetta, but says nothing, reaching above the coats to retrieve his rifle. Grabbing his ammunition, he loads it with skill.

Taking the gun in one hand, he finally looks to Rosetta. "Keep BJ in the house until I come back."


*Katie stands listing to Reese her own emotions slowly bubbled though she tried to keep the lid semi closed on them to not drive anyone through the roof.

It was true that this might be the agency, they could be using this to lure them out for something bigger but yet, there was still something there, something that said Scott very well might be alive. That in itself could not be pushed under the carpet and it killed Katie to think Reese would just brush it off.

Once Reese leaves the office Katie looks back at Jason. Much emotions was pooling behind her eyes that much could be seen. *

"I agree. I can't let this go knowing that Scott...just...might be alive. I just can't."

*Katie gives a small nod.

Disappointed or not we owe this to Scott. I'm with you on this.

Closely Katie follows Jason from his office scanning the floor quickly. Once at Dalton's office Katie slides in with Jason and stands close to him not sure what to say but listing for now.*

*As Katie and Jason enter his office Dalton looks up. Quirking an annoyed eyebrow by the intaruption and the failure of the knock her sets his hands on the desk. Listing fast Dalton finally clears his throut. He new who Scott was, he was the tech guy that everyone kept compairing him too and obvesly they didnt like him as much.*

"Well first I don't know if going behind Reese is a good thing He's my boss and if I get caught I could lose my job, but..I am good and if I need to do this to prove that to you and everyone alse than I will. Next I know Scott means alot to you all and if he is alive that would be good."

*Dalton can't help the question the stirs in my. If Scott was found did that mean He would be out of a job? Where did that put him? Trying to push the questions of his mind Dalton trys to focus.*

"Ok, I'll see what I can do."

*Kaite shifts just a little as she studys Dalton. He was defintly full of himself but there was something that stuck out, just something about him Katie felt comfortable with. She wasnt sure what it was but she felt she could in fact trust him.

I'm pretty sure if I am reading him right we can.*

"Hulk, this would mean alot. We KNOW your good and that is why we are asking you."

*Dalton looks to Katie, and gives a small smile. She was so young, so much life lived in her. Her was a genuin person in what she said.*

"Ok Kit Kat, I'll see what I can do but I am not making any promises that I can get anything that will help."

And so the time goes by and it seems like hours takes days. The information that was being look for took some work and those trying to get it became frustrated but no more than an hour had gone by and finally was was being looked for was found.

*Dalton pushs the button on his intercome for Jason's office where he new Katie and he both would be. Taping the pen on his paper for a moment Dalton is silent looking over the information he had gathered. Finally letting out a sigh she starts talking.*

" Hotshot, Kit Kat I got that information you wanted. Is it ok to talk now?"

"Yeah Hulk its just J and I."

"Ok well it looked like they were using a wifi connection. It's harder to track because its through sattalight internet but with a little work I got it. I have a map here of a raidus area of where the signal could of come from if you want to come and take a look. It's not much but its something."

*Katie looks to Jason and gives a small nod.

Its not much but its something.

She wanted to hope Scott was ok, but she didn't want to hope to much in case it was not real at all.*

*Jess can't help the smile that spreads across her face as she opens the door and finds Carson standing there with the pizza. It was always good seeing him and it always made her smile to be remembered.*

"Well well well look who it is. I was starting to think you really had forgotten about little old me."

*Giving another smile Jess steps out of the way to let Carson step in. Leaning in she gives him a kiss on the lips.*

"It's always good to see you."