

*Katie stands listing to Reese her own emotions slowly bubbled though she tried to keep the lid semi closed on them to not drive anyone through the roof.

It was true that this might be the agency, they could be using this to lure them out for something bigger but yet, there was still something there, something that said Scott very well might be alive. That in itself could not be pushed under the carpet and it killed Katie to think Reese would just brush it off.

Once Reese leaves the office Katie looks back at Jason. Much emotions was pooling behind her eyes that much could be seen. *

"I agree. I can't let this go knowing that Scott...just...might be alive. I just can't."

*Katie gives a small nod.

Disappointed or not we owe this to Scott. I'm with you on this.

Closely Katie follows Jason from his office scanning the floor quickly. Once at Dalton's office Katie slides in with Jason and stands close to him not sure what to say but listing for now.*

*As Katie and Jason enter his office Dalton looks up. Quirking an annoyed eyebrow by the intaruption and the failure of the knock her sets his hands on the desk. Listing fast Dalton finally clears his throut. He new who Scott was, he was the tech guy that everyone kept compairing him too and obvesly they didnt like him as much.*

"Well first I don't know if going behind Reese is a good thing He's my boss and if I get caught I could lose my job, but..I am good and if I need to do this to prove that to you and everyone alse than I will. Next I know Scott means alot to you all and if he is alive that would be good."

*Dalton can't help the question the stirs in my. If Scott was found did that mean He would be out of a job? Where did that put him? Trying to push the questions of his mind Dalton trys to focus.*

"Ok, I'll see what I can do."

*Kaite shifts just a little as she studys Dalton. He was defintly full of himself but there was something that stuck out, just something about him Katie felt comfortable with. She wasnt sure what it was but she felt she could in fact trust him.

I'm pretty sure if I am reading him right we can.*

"Hulk, this would mean alot. We KNOW your good and that is why we are asking you."

*Dalton looks to Katie, and gives a small smile. She was so young, so much life lived in her. Her was a genuin person in what she said.*

"Ok Kit Kat, I'll see what I can do but I am not making any promises that I can get anything that will help."

And so the time goes by and it seems like hours takes days. The information that was being look for took some work and those trying to get it became frustrated but no more than an hour had gone by and finally was was being looked for was found.

*Dalton pushs the button on his intercome for Jason's office where he new Katie and he both would be. Taping the pen on his paper for a moment Dalton is silent looking over the information he had gathered. Finally letting out a sigh she starts talking.*

" Hotshot, Kit Kat I got that information you wanted. Is it ok to talk now?"

"Yeah Hulk its just J and I."

"Ok well it looked like they were using a wifi connection. It's harder to track because its through sattalight internet but with a little work I got it. I have a map here of a raidus area of where the signal could of come from if you want to come and take a look. It's not much but its something."

*Katie looks to Jason and gives a small nod.

Its not much but its something.

She wanted to hope Scott was ok, but she didn't want to hope to much in case it was not real at all.*

*Jess can't help the smile that spreads across her face as she opens the door and finds Carson standing there with the pizza. It was always good seeing him and it always made her smile to be remembered.*

"Well well well look who it is. I was starting to think you really had forgotten about little old me."

*Giving another smile Jess steps out of the way to let Carson step in. Leaning in she gives him a kiss on the lips.*

"It's always good to see you."

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