

*Rosetta looks up from the pot of stew on the stove he was cooking hearing Mick. Though her face drains of the blood when she see him. The cut on his head still oozing blood, and the gun in hand Rosetta new all was not right.

Coming around the counter she heads twords Mick worry in her eyes.*

"Mick, whats wrong what happend?"

*Looking out the front door just a little she can't see much but last she new Mick was training Cyclone again. Rosetta hated to think that the horse was going to be lost. He has such a promising furure and it was the last horse before winter Rosetta was going to be able to buy.*

"He's hurt that bad? Theres no hope for him at all?"

*Rosetta's eyes held promise, hope though she new this happend often she hated when it did. Weather she spent much time with them or not she was the one who hand picked them and they her a certin meaning to her. For one reason or other weather is was bloodline or history in the horses famile she picked them out with a pourpis and a reason. To lose one was like losing a dream.*

*As Carson's arm wraps around her waist Jess brings her arms around his neck. Stairing deep into his eyes her own lips upturn in a smile as her heart pound in her own chest.*

"Mmmm...pizza is always good, and as long as you come with it you tast sweeter than a milkshake and will satisfy my craving for something."

*Pressing her lips to Carson's Jess engages for a moment in a kiss of passion.One she could never tire of. Bring her hand to his back and running the other through his hair Jess lets the kiss linger for a long moment.

Finally though she breaks away a smile still on her face and Carson's arms still around her she turns so she has her back to him and walks with him close behind holding her into the kitchen to grab some plates.*

*Still a bit leery Dalton gives a nod and goes back to work. If doing this ment maybe making some friends that it was worth it in the long run. Anyways Jason said he could blame him if all else failed.*

*Turning Katie goes back to her own work though the day is long and drags.

I can't stop thinking about this whole thing J.

Talking and keeping a secret with Jason was easy because they didnt have to use words to comunicat anymore. No onw know when they were talked to eachother or about what. In a was it was kind of nice to keep things privet that way.

What if Scott really is alive, do you think The Agency would keep him that way?

Trying to go back to her work Katie keeps Domino close to her, sometimes it almost felt like Scott himself was there. His smell still lingered on the dog and it made Katie only hope she was alive even more. The office wasnt the same with out him.*

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