

Entering the office Rosetta new Sparky would be there but it didn't bother her. Sparky offten was in the office with her helped with paper work and any other odds and ends.

"Your don't have to leave on the account of me. I just figured I would do some work to keep my mind off things."

Pulling a chair to the one side of the rest Rosetta gives a small smile. Looking down at her paper work for a moment Rosetta thinks for a long second. She wished some how she could thank him.

"Sparky, maybe before you bed down for the night you can just take a walk around the ranch and make sure everything it locked up and ok for me?"

Rosetta didnt want to say it but not having Mick here made her a little worried about the silly things all over again. It almost felt like the ranch wasnt safe because the shelter was gone. Buy if Sparky checked everything out, maybe that would calm her fears.

Moving around the barn Dan does his chores before starting the ones Mick usually did. He figured Rosetta hadn't asked him, but he new what Mick usually did so he might as well. Not to mention he still had time till he was to meet Jade.

A small smile forms on Bree's face at the comment that she was tickling. Just resting her hand on his chest Bree dosnt move her fingers this time not wanting to tickle him again even if she liked it when he smiled.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to."

Searching Gunner's eyes and seeing him lean twords her again Bree can feel her heart thump in her chest so loud. Maybe this time, even though she never had before maybe Gunner would give her the kiss she had been waiting on.

Feeling Gunner come closer, and closer Bree closes her eyes as she can feel the color coming to her face, and room go up in temperature. But as the kiss comes to her forhead Bree opens her eyes. It wasnt what she was expecting, but Gunner still had just kissed her.

Giving a smile to Gunner, her eyes show that she had been exspecting something else but she would settle for this. and Bree could feel the slight color on her cheeks.

"Thank you Gunner."

Bree was starting to feel a little better already, and be here with Gunner, she felt safe.

Taking her gun from her side Katie checks it quickly making sure it was loaded and the safty was off. Listing to Jason's plan she gives a nod, it was simple but easy to mess up. They had one shot, and one shot only to take these guys down.

"Just make sure you get down Wy. I just wanted something to eat not a hospetal trip ok."

Worry showed in Katie's face for her friends and Jason too, they did this all the time and every time she would worry.

Are you sure they are Agency? The only thing I can think of is they followed up. But than so many more questions stem from that like how did they know we would turn down this road.

Not having much more time to think about it now Katie gets close to Jason waiting for the count, following him out of the van and staying low.

Taking the fear that Katie could feel from these men she holds on to it tight using her own emotions to make it worse for them. The confutation continued as Katie didnt dear lose grasp on them for a moment. Having an open shot, she takes fire at the last man standing aiming for the knees cap so not to kill, but keep from chasing them.


"Yeah... I think it does." Bree was so close, it made Gunner's heart skip a beat. He looks into her left eye then her right, searching... searching for what was going through their mind.

Out of nowhere, he lets go of her face and reaches to press her hand to his chest, keeping it still. The corners of his mouth twitch with a grin that wanted to emerge. His eyes are brimming as he tries to speak quietly without laughing. "That tickles."

He could feel his pulse speeding up again and tries to tell himself it's only because he was trying not to laugh. But he knows that isn't the whole truth.

Biting his lip he just can't take his eyes off hers. It was as if there was a magnetic force that held his stare right there. Moving a little closer, it was the third time he'd gotten himself in this position, and all over again, he didn't know what to do.

He cocks his head slightly as his lips move towards her, his heart trying to beat out of his chest as he anticipated what it would feel like. But suddenly there was a fear of making a mistake, and a soft kiss lands on her forehead instead.

Sparky drops off BJ's things with Becky, noting that Jeff and BJ were just outside, apparently looking for something particular in nature as they scoured the yard. He briefly explains what's been going on and Becky assures that whenever Rosetta needed a break, she and Jim were more than happy to look after BJ.

Afterward, Sparky finds himself wandering to the office to finish up that paperwork that he'd told Rosetta he would take care of. Getting inside, he goes about his task, surprised with Rosetta comes in as well. He hadn't expected her to come into the office at all, with the way she'd been feeling.

Getting up from the desk, Sparky gives her a gentle smile. "I'm about done so you can have the desk back. I, uh... got the order in for the grain and it should come tomorrow. And BJ's still out with Jeff. Becky says everything's good, whatever you need."

He stops, thinking if he'd covered everything. "I think.... that's it. Anything else you need done?"

Wyatt stares ahead, trying to come up with an answer. "Uh... Jason, you're the leader here."

"Aw, thanks." Jason goes for his hand gun, passing one up to Wyatt and making sure Katie had one too. "I'm not taking any chances. We take them out."

Wyatt's eyes widen a little. "Just like that?"

"Well, unless they're willing to come without a fight. But... by the looks of things, I'd say no, they want us for something, and I'm not opting we wait and find out what it is."

"Agreed." Wyatt nods and cocks his gun. "Alright, Captain, what's the plan?"

Jason doesn't hesitate. "Katie and I don't have time to make an impression before things to haywire, so we're gonna have to shoot first. Wyatt, you get out and hit the deck and try to take out Lefty. I'm gonna take the side door and try to take out the middle two. Katie, as soon as I'm out, you get out behind me and aim for Righty. They've got high-powered rifles. My plan is try not to kill, but at least immobilize them. Soon as shots are fired, if they have any fear or surprise at all, Katie, increase that as much as you can."

Agency. It's got to be Agency. How they knew we were here, I'd like to know.

The men were getting closer. Jason takes a deep breath and Wyatt looks back to them both. "We don't have a choice. Let's go."

Jason nods. "On my mark. One... two... three."

Wyatt flies out the driver's door, hitting the ground and firing as soon as he had the left man in his sites. Jason shoves the side door open and rolls out, aiming for the second man with his pistol. Shouting and shots ring out in utter confusion. Without even thinking, Jason zeros in on the third man's rifle and a ball of negative emotions are hurled in its direction. The rifle explodes, sending the man flying. The fourth man is taken so by surprise that he hesitates when he should have fired, lost in the confusion for but a moment.

Chest Hair!

Hitting the bump and getting jolted around Katie ends up next to Jason almost on top of him. Once the van comes to a stop Katie sits up examining her elbow she hit a little to hard.

"And I thought you were a good driving Wy."

Finding her elbow fine Katie pulls out her phone and takes a look at it. Seeing she had little to no signal she lets out a sigh.

"I do believe we are...."

Katie words die out as Wyatt talks over her and she looks out the front window where he had pointed. A gasp seemed to form in her throat.

"I do believe we just fell into a trap. Eather of you have some bright ideas?"

Rosetta was thankful for what little Sparky was doing. She had a good brother in law and she new it. Maybe as a thank you she would ask him to join BJ and herself for dinner.

Once Sparky is gone Rosetta moves around the house cleaning. Some stuff she even cleaned two times just because she could. It felt so empty here without Mick, Rosetta just wanted to keep her mind of everything.

Finishing up in the house she heads to the office. There was some paperwork she had to finish up, and a few phone calls she had to make she might as well do it now while she had the chance. Grabbing her jacket and closing the door behind her Rosetta makes her way to the office.

Hearing Gunner's soft words were like a blanket being wrapped around her. It made her feel warm and good on the inside. Thought the wormth was differnt from her Uncle's it felt good, and even if she didnt fully understand it, she wasn't scared of it.

Once Gunner replaces her hand on his chest Bree moves her fingers lightly thought the hair on his chest. It was soft and it felt nice under her fingers. Tilting her head up just a little to look into Gunner's eyes a tiny smile forms behind her eyes. Just gazing at his eyes for a long moment Bree can feel her heart start beating, as her hand just shaking a little bit. A chill ran down her spin as she leaned her head into Gunner's hand just a little enjoying the way her ran his finger over her skin.

"Does that mean you will protect me?"

Bree's voice was soft as she was memorized by eyes stair. Leaning twords Gunner just a little bit to straghten out her back Bree gaze never broke from his, as her heart pounded in her ears.


Gunner sits quietly as Bree begins to speak, not having any idea why she was starting to explain her past. How it was connected with tonight, he didn't know. But as she continues, it didn't matter to him anymore how it was connected.

As she reveals her past, and her attempt on her life, Gunner couldn't believe it. Memories flash in his mind of seeing Bree in the little diner for the first time. Seeing her at JT's and how she laughed at all the silly jokes and stories. Finding information about her work at the children's hospital and how good she was with the kids. He recalled her visits to him at Northside and her comfort, strength and undying acceptance, no matter what he did or said. The nights gazing at the stars would be embedded in his mind forever. She was the kindest, most compassionate, caring person he had ever known. To think that someone had pushed her far enough for her to want to leave this world, it was... it was an unbearable thought.

Finding out what her parents had done to her, he began to understand the hints that had been dropped in casual comments along the way. And it angered him. He wasn't sure what this new feeling was... he didn't recognize it. But it was definitely anger. It wasn't a mad anger though... not the kind that would make him scream or lash out. It was the righteous kind. The kind that sought justice. The kind that hated wrongdoings and that could only be eased by seeing someone pay for what they had done. How could any parent do that to their child? Especially one so innocent as Bree? Thinking of her being hurt caused a strange sensation of pain in his own heart.

Listening further, he bristles the same as he had when he hadn't known it was her at the door. These people... the people that had caused so much harm.... they were here... and they had someone following her.

Gunner feels Bree nestle in closer again and his beating heart almost hurts as he hears her fearful words. Instead of answering her right away, he reaches for her wrist, unbuckling her watch and letting it slide off. Wonder filled his eyes as he takes her hand in his. He looks at the scar and runs his thumb over it, studying the mark that she would wear forever.

"This isn't the mark of a coward." His words are soft... softer than they've ever been. "It's the mark of a survivor."

Placing her hand back on his chest, he then tilts her face upward, seeing the traces of tears. He'd never felt this way before... feeling sorrow for someone else's hurts. He didn't like it when other people were hurting, but he'd never actually felt it before.

"They can't take you anywhere," he assures. "Not as long as I'm around."

Looking into her eyes, he soaks up their gaze. His hand shifts to cradle her face with his palm and he can feel his heart rate pick up again. "If anyone deserves freedom, it's you."

Once Rosetta is able to get up, Sparky stands as well. He gives her a wry grin and looks at the wet spot on his shirt. "It'll dry," he assures.

Following her gaze to the bottle, his heart sinks a little lower. Making up his mind, he walks to the dresser and picks it up. "I'll get rid of this for you," he offers. "I'm also gonna grab some of BJ's things to take over to Jim and Becky's so you won't have to worry about that."

Starting for the door, Sparky stops and looks back at Rosetta again. Taking his bandanna out of his pocket, he reaches it out to wipe away some leftover tears. "If you need anything, don't hesitate, okay? I'm gonna stop by the office when I'm done here and finish up some of that paperwork that needs to be taken care of and call Ben like Mick was gonna do, so we get that grain delivered. And... I'll give the others the brief version of the story so no one will have too many questions."

He nods, confident he'd remembered everything. Looking at Rosetta's red eyes, he bites his lip, seeming to want to say more, but then goes into the hall to go to BJ's room. Finding the boy's backpack, he manages to find a couple sets of clothes, one of BJ's favorite stuffed animals, and at the last minute, he grabs the game of checkers.

"Yeah, right." Wyatt smirks, but a smile spreads, proving that he wasn't really as grouchy as he sounded.

Jason grins.
He'd be miserable without someone to pick on him. Somebody's got to keep him on his toes.

Wyatt slows the van down and takes a right turn. "Alright, food here we come. But it's gonna be fast food, got it?"

"Yes sir." Jason salutes to the rearview mirror. "Drive on."

A few miles down the road, there's suddenly a big jolt to the van as if they'd run over a large object.

Wyatt's grip on the steering wheel tightens. "What the..." The van swerves from side to side, until he can slow it down and take it onto the shoulder. From the thump, thump, thump, it's obvious that they've blown a tire. "Aw, great."

Jason's eyes are wide as he hadn't been buckled in, and had rolled over to the side. "What was that?"

"I have no idea. I even had the brights on and I didn't see a thing."

"It wasn't just the tire blowing was it?"

Wyatt shakes his head. "No, we hit something alright. Beats me what it was though." He glances in the side mirror, but sees nothing. They were on a pretty deserted road, and nothing was in sight. "Alright... we gonna draw straws to see who gets to go out in the cold?"

"Well we could but..." Jason thumbs to the back end of the van. "Unless you've got a tire hidden up your sleeve, we're gonna have to walk."

"You're kidding me." Wyatt turns around just to see that Jason was right. "Aw great."

Jason heaves a sigh and looks to Katie. "Well... it's about five more miles to the next town. I guess we walk."

"How about we use our heads and call someone instead?" Wyatt reaches for his phone, only to discover that it doesn't work. "What on earth..."

Jason grabs his, and finds the same dilemma. Frowning, he goes for the Elite equipment, to see that no battery or electrical devices are working. "That's weird. Are we in some major dead zone or something?"

"Uh, guys... I don't know.... but they might." Wyatt's voice had become strained as he stares straight ahead to see four men walking towards the van with semi-automatic rifles.


Just feelings Sparky's comfort was nice, it was just nice having someone there. For the last few weeks Rosetta had felt so alone even when people were near. Leaning into Sparky more Rosetta's tears continue. She wanted to say something, she wanted to say anything but when he words tryed to come she just got choked up. So crying was her only sound.

Moments passed and they felt like hours that she sat there and cryed but finally her tears started to slow, and her gentil shaking calmed down. Sitting up Rosetta whips her eyes knowing she must look like a mess and slightly embarrassed. Trying to give Sparky the best smile she can.

"Thank you Sparky. For everything it means a great deal to me. Sorry I got your shirt a little wet there."

Something close to a chuckle escapes Rosetta's lips trying to find humor in her own joke. Standing and brushing herself off Rosetta gives a small nod to Sparky.

"I guess I should clean some stuff up around here."

Her eyes fall to the almost empty bottle of whisky and she can feel the ping in her heart.

Not being able to laugh with Jason and Wyatt going back and forth Katie could feel the tears in her eyes form. It was good to laugh like that after a mission to remember what the finer things in life were, and picking on Wyatt was so easy.

"We are off the clock anyways Wy."

Reaching out Katie ruffles his hair as she lets her laughter through to Jason.

"Who said we were talking behind your back mmmm? We could be talking about what we want to eat."

Poor Wyatt, he always gets our beatings huh? I think he'd miss it if we didnt though.

Feeling Gunner's arms slip around her Bree almost instantly could feel part of her fear being removed. Gunner's strong amrs being her shelter, she felt like the world could not touch her here with him. His warmth, his skin was rough but soft, it just seemed to bring comfort.

Feeling Gunner's hand on top of hers Bree opens her eyes and just looks at it, while the beats of his heart seemed to give her a calm feeling.Moving her fingers under his his, Bree's fingers felt his soft chest, she was shaken up still but just something about Gunner, made her insides flipflop and the fear didnt feel important anymore.

Shifting just a little to sit more comfortable leaning on Gunner still Bree takes in a long sigh. Not answering Gunner right away it was almost like Bree hadnt heard him. But finally in a soft voice that was straned with emotion she speaks.

"I...never was normal you know. In my younger years I was the strange one, dressing funny, saying the wrong things, not talking to much. My parents tryed to get me to be normal, took me to classes on how to eat, and speak. How to brush your hair, and put on make up but that...was never me."

Bree takes in more as are blinks her eyes slowly. It was almost like a movie taking her back to her childhood she had done so well to forget.

"That was when my dad started his run for senator, and my mother just lived off his money. There were party at our house almost every night and every night I would be locked in my room so I didnt say the wrong thing. My parents were embarrassed by me."

Memories, lost in one mind, bad ones that hold so much power, you think they are gone but they only lay dormant if conquering them has not happened.

"I lived like that for 18 years. Never really talking to my mom or dad, never having any friends, and spending all my time in my room. The day came when I was so tired of it. I just didnt want to live like that anymore."

Falling quiet Bree removes her hand from Gunner's chesk and brings it to her wrist where she wore a watch with a thick leather band. Unhooking it Bree turns her hand over and lifts it just a little so he could see the scar than ran from her palm to part way down her wrist.

"I have scars to, but mine dont have heroic battle tales.Only cowerd nightmares of a girl who just wanted to be loved."

Drawing silent again Bree sniffs trying her best not to get Gunner's bear chest all wet. The tears had stopped but her nose just wanted to run now. Though she didnt want to move to get a tissue and lost the feeling of Gunner, almost like if she did he would vanish before her eyes.

"Three years I spent in a mental hospetial that made North side look like a dream come true. I...I dont remember much about when I was there but it was a horrible place. On my parents orders they did shock treatment, kept me dopped up on meds. In the end it did more harm to me than good. Messed my brain up and well I am who I am today. I spent the next worst three years there."

Another breath escaps Bree's lips as she gives a little shiver just thinking about it.

"When I turned 21 they couldnt keep me anymore, it was aganst the law than because they couldnt prove I was permanently insane. So they let me out, and as soon as I could I came here to see my Uncle. He'd always been the one I could count on, and I new I could trust. I didnt tell my parents where I was going thought they new I was out. I didnt want them to try and make me go back there."

Bree's hands picked at her jeans as she thought for a long moment. It was hard reliving her past, but in a way it kind of felt good to tell Gunner. Like maybe they would be even closer because of it.

"After 7 years of hiding they found me. I got a call from my mom the other day, and than today I saw there bounty hunter Roger while I was at the cafe. He didnt try to talk to me, but I know he saw me, and I know he was there for me. That was only a few hours ago."

Turning her face into Gunner's chest one could tell what she spoke next really did scare her.

"I dont want to go back to that hospital Gunner, I couldn't take it."


As Bree stops his hand, Gunner's pulse automatically quickens. What was she doing? He straightens again and looks at her, catching those deep eyes that stared back at him. No words were being spoken, but it seemed somehow it didn't matter right now. Gunner was confused, but his voice had suddenly left him.

Feeling Bree's hand on his face, then moving to his arm and chest like she had the other night, warmth creeps into his neck and face. She... wanted to touch him. But the emotions in her eyes weren't quite what he'd expect. It wasn't just a want for physical attention, but something more... she was afraid, but not of him.

Starting to open his mouth to question her, Bree surprises him again by leaning into him and resting her face on his chest, next to her hand. By now his heart was beating rapidly again, surly pounding in her ears as loudly as his own. She was so warm... so soft. A chill runs up and down his spine, not knowing what any of this meant. Then he felt a hot drop hit his skin from Bree's face.

Drawing back a little, he sees now that she is crying. And he has no idea why. It must not be him...otherwise she wouldn't have come to him like this.

Feeling totally inept, Gunner didn't know what to do. It seemed like an eternity, but really it was only a few seconds before his arm moves, slowly slipping around Bree's shoulders. Drawing her in a little closer, he holds her, letting her take whatever time she needed. He was clueless as to why she was upset, and it felt odd to be on the other end this time. He'd been the one needing a shoulder since the beginning... and though it didn't feel good to know Bree was upset, it did give him a little warm tingle inside, knowing maybe he was helping her this time.

Gunner tries to decide how to help, but he still felt pretty awkward. Eventually though, he takes his other hand and puts it over her hand that was still resting on his chest. He moves a finger to wipe away a tear, then just remains still, his heart still pounding with the bubbling emotions brought on by holding Bree.

"What is it?" he asks quietly. "What's wrong?"

Wyatt quirks an eyebrow and looks in the rearview mirror to smirk at Katie.

Jason grins.
I don't mind a bit. I think I feel an attack coming on now...
"Hey Wyatt..."

"Here," Wyatt interrupts, having fished a candy bar from down beside the seat. "This will give your sugar a nice kick."

Jason's eyes narrow.
Thinks he can win at this game, does he? Ah, but he forgets...
"Wyatt," he repeats.


"I outrank you."

"Aw, you wouldn't. You said there wasn't anything between here and the airport."

"I would." Jason grins evilly. "And all you gotta do is take a detour off this road for about ten minutes to get to another town."



Wyatt groans and shakes his head. "Alright, alright! But we're off the clock."

"Of course." Jason throws Katie a wink.
All it takes is just a little bit of know-how.

"And quit talking behind my back!"


Bree sees Gunner start to pick up his shirt, but suddenly she feels her hand reach out to stop him. A flutter goes through her stomach and she raises her eyes to his. She just wanted someone to be near, and she needed comfort, not formality.

Looking deep into his eyes Bree just searches them, finding that strange feeling she had, had the other night. Though it had been strange at the same time it was almost comforting. His skin had felt so warm under her finger tips, and it had held a feeling that Bree had liked and wanted to feel again.

Bringing her hand up to the side of Gunner's face she jwas not even sure what had driven her actions. A longing, a want, a need to have someone close. Gently running her finger over his cheek bone and down his jaw line, than tracing the vain down his neck, Bree pauses.

Continuing to stare into Gunner’s eyes – those eyes that shone with the sun and moon – she brings her hand down to his arm, then up over his shoulder and to his chest once again. Bree cheeks grew warm, but this time she didn’t look away. Feeling the warmth under her hands seemed to calm her fear but form a small other one. These feelings she had for this man were strong, she liked them, she felt safe.

Leaning into Gunner to rest her check against his warm chest, tears rolls down Bree's face. It had been a long time since she had cried. Maybe too long but now her fears were coming true and that was exactly what her parents were betting on.

Leaning up to the front seat again Katie was happy to go home, but there was that part of her that wanted to stay too.

"You know Wy, if Jason has an attack from low sugar Rick will be all over you for not stoping for food. Not to mention Misty will have Carson tell Aerith an ohhh boy you would be in hot water. Sure you dont wanna stop for food?"

Giving a sidelong grin Katie sticks out her toung.

You some know times I like using your sugar aganst people. I hope you dont mind to much.

Katie cant help the small laugh that escapes.


Still sitting on the couch in the same position, hearing someone at the door makes Gunner tense. Sitting quietly, he listens as the door opens. The hair on his arms stands up and he cranes his neck back to see the house entryway. Relief sweeps through him as he sees it's just Bree.

Relaxation only lasts a moment as he realizes that the living room is basically now his bedroom, and he feels a bit awkward all of a sudden. Turning to the coffee table, he straightens the duffel bag underneath and picks up his dirty socks so they're out of sight. He didn't know Bree's routine... if she was here to spend the night or just sack out for a while, or pick something up then leave.

Glancing at the television, he knew he probably wouldn't startle her, but he didn't know if he should greet her or... what.

Just ready to get out of the way if need be, she suddenly joins him. Looking at her quickly, he tries to give a little smile. "Hey... didn't think I'd... see you tonight."

Something seemed a little odd. She appeared quieter than normal, and she wasn't smiling. Was it because he was there? Clearing his throat he reaches for his bag again, this time for a t-shirt. He didn't want to embarrass her like the last time.

Dylan remains quiet, not arguing with Katie, and trying to appear as though he were ignoring her. But to the expert eye, he was having a hard time not digesting what she was saying.

Jason leans back, letting his hand slide down to take Katie's. He gives her fingers a little squeeze.
We've done all we can. It'll be up to someone else now.

Finally, finally, the McClain ranch comes into view. The sun was setting, and there were only a few vehicles around. They were expected though, and Adam is first on the scene to meet them, along with another man there to help.

Getting Dylan out of the van proves to be a bit of a task, but once he's out in the fresh air, Adam has him uncuffed. Jason's ready for him to bolt, but surprisingly, Dylan stays put, not looking anyone in the eye.

Adam lets the three know that Mick is there, but in the background for now. Though not saying so in front of Dylan, it's obvious that he didn't think it wise for Mick to be right in the forefront as soon as Dylan arrived. Nothing is said about any other reasons Mick might be there, and it's assumed that he's just there to make sure Dylan gets settled before going home.

Dylan is prompted towards the house, still uttering not a word, his head down, his feet dragging. As the van heads out once more, Jason lets out a weary sigh. "There's nothing between here and the airport, but I'm starving. Any ideas?"

Wyatt shakes his head as he keeps his hands on the wheel. "We can pick something up there... otherwise, we'll be back home in a few hours."

He's so much help.
Jason gives Katie a grin.
This day was an easy case, but I'm exhausted. You holding up alright?

Sparky's heart hurts as he listens to Rosetta. He had wondered about Mick's drinking, but had had no proof to ever question him about it. Finding out the truth was painful. And apparently Dylan wasn't in too good of shape himself. One family issue like that was bad enough, let alone two at the same time.

"Shh... it's okay." Sparky hugs Rosetta close, rubbing her back as she cries. Part of him knew he needed to be a little cautious here - this was his brother's wife after all. But right now she needed a shoulder, and Mick wasn't around. Sparky wasn't willing to just let her fend for herself.

"He'll come back," he assures. "You know he will... he always comes back." He gives her an extra squeeze. "He's got a problem. At least he's going to do something about it right? That's a good thing."

Pushing her hair away from her tear-soaked face, he lets her lean into him and just cry. It was obviously something she needed to do.

"You're not alone, Rosetta. The rest of your family is here... things will be okay. You got us taking care of the horses, and... and you'll get help with everything else. It'll be okay."

He felt redundant, but he didn't know what else to say. He finally falls quiet.