

"Yeah... I think it does." Bree was so close, it made Gunner's heart skip a beat. He looks into her left eye then her right, searching... searching for what was going through their mind.

Out of nowhere, he lets go of her face and reaches to press her hand to his chest, keeping it still. The corners of his mouth twitch with a grin that wanted to emerge. His eyes are brimming as he tries to speak quietly without laughing. "That tickles."

He could feel his pulse speeding up again and tries to tell himself it's only because he was trying not to laugh. But he knows that isn't the whole truth.

Biting his lip he just can't take his eyes off hers. It was as if there was a magnetic force that held his stare right there. Moving a little closer, it was the third time he'd gotten himself in this position, and all over again, he didn't know what to do.

He cocks his head slightly as his lips move towards her, his heart trying to beat out of his chest as he anticipated what it would feel like. But suddenly there was a fear of making a mistake, and a soft kiss lands on her forehead instead.

Sparky drops off BJ's things with Becky, noting that Jeff and BJ were just outside, apparently looking for something particular in nature as they scoured the yard. He briefly explains what's been going on and Becky assures that whenever Rosetta needed a break, she and Jim were more than happy to look after BJ.

Afterward, Sparky finds himself wandering to the office to finish up that paperwork that he'd told Rosetta he would take care of. Getting inside, he goes about his task, surprised with Rosetta comes in as well. He hadn't expected her to come into the office at all, with the way she'd been feeling.

Getting up from the desk, Sparky gives her a gentle smile. "I'm about done so you can have the desk back. I, uh... got the order in for the grain and it should come tomorrow. And BJ's still out with Jeff. Becky says everything's good, whatever you need."

He stops, thinking if he'd covered everything. "I think.... that's it. Anything else you need done?"

Wyatt stares ahead, trying to come up with an answer. "Uh... Jason, you're the leader here."

"Aw, thanks." Jason goes for his hand gun, passing one up to Wyatt and making sure Katie had one too. "I'm not taking any chances. We take them out."

Wyatt's eyes widen a little. "Just like that?"

"Well, unless they're willing to come without a fight. But... by the looks of things, I'd say no, they want us for something, and I'm not opting we wait and find out what it is."

"Agreed." Wyatt nods and cocks his gun. "Alright, Captain, what's the plan?"

Jason doesn't hesitate. "Katie and I don't have time to make an impression before things to haywire, so we're gonna have to shoot first. Wyatt, you get out and hit the deck and try to take out Lefty. I'm gonna take the side door and try to take out the middle two. Katie, as soon as I'm out, you get out behind me and aim for Righty. They've got high-powered rifles. My plan is try not to kill, but at least immobilize them. Soon as shots are fired, if they have any fear or surprise at all, Katie, increase that as much as you can."

Agency. It's got to be Agency. How they knew we were here, I'd like to know.

The men were getting closer. Jason takes a deep breath and Wyatt looks back to them both. "We don't have a choice. Let's go."

Jason nods. "On my mark. One... two... three."

Wyatt flies out the driver's door, hitting the ground and firing as soon as he had the left man in his sites. Jason shoves the side door open and rolls out, aiming for the second man with his pistol. Shouting and shots ring out in utter confusion. Without even thinking, Jason zeros in on the third man's rifle and a ball of negative emotions are hurled in its direction. The rifle explodes, sending the man flying. The fourth man is taken so by surprise that he hesitates when he should have fired, lost in the confusion for but a moment.

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