

Still sitting on the couch in the same position, hearing someone at the door makes Gunner tense. Sitting quietly, he listens as the door opens. The hair on his arms stands up and he cranes his neck back to see the house entryway. Relief sweeps through him as he sees it's just Bree.

Relaxation only lasts a moment as he realizes that the living room is basically now his bedroom, and he feels a bit awkward all of a sudden. Turning to the coffee table, he straightens the duffel bag underneath and picks up his dirty socks so they're out of sight. He didn't know Bree's routine... if she was here to spend the night or just sack out for a while, or pick something up then leave.

Glancing at the television, he knew he probably wouldn't startle her, but he didn't know if he should greet her or... what.

Just ready to get out of the way if need be, she suddenly joins him. Looking at her quickly, he tries to give a little smile. "Hey... didn't think I'd... see you tonight."

Something seemed a little odd. She appeared quieter than normal, and she wasn't smiling. Was it because he was there? Clearing his throat he reaches for his bag again, this time for a t-shirt. He didn't want to embarrass her like the last time.

Dylan remains quiet, not arguing with Katie, and trying to appear as though he were ignoring her. But to the expert eye, he was having a hard time not digesting what she was saying.

Jason leans back, letting his hand slide down to take Katie's. He gives her fingers a little squeeze.
We've done all we can. It'll be up to someone else now.

Finally, finally, the McClain ranch comes into view. The sun was setting, and there were only a few vehicles around. They were expected though, and Adam is first on the scene to meet them, along with another man there to help.

Getting Dylan out of the van proves to be a bit of a task, but once he's out in the fresh air, Adam has him uncuffed. Jason's ready for him to bolt, but surprisingly, Dylan stays put, not looking anyone in the eye.

Adam lets the three know that Mick is there, but in the background for now. Though not saying so in front of Dylan, it's obvious that he didn't think it wise for Mick to be right in the forefront as soon as Dylan arrived. Nothing is said about any other reasons Mick might be there, and it's assumed that he's just there to make sure Dylan gets settled before going home.

Dylan is prompted towards the house, still uttering not a word, his head down, his feet dragging. As the van heads out once more, Jason lets out a weary sigh. "There's nothing between here and the airport, but I'm starving. Any ideas?"

Wyatt shakes his head as he keeps his hands on the wheel. "We can pick something up there... otherwise, we'll be back home in a few hours."

He's so much help.
Jason gives Katie a grin.
This day was an easy case, but I'm exhausted. You holding up alright?

Sparky's heart hurts as he listens to Rosetta. He had wondered about Mick's drinking, but had had no proof to ever question him about it. Finding out the truth was painful. And apparently Dylan wasn't in too good of shape himself. One family issue like that was bad enough, let alone two at the same time.

"Shh... it's okay." Sparky hugs Rosetta close, rubbing her back as she cries. Part of him knew he needed to be a little cautious here - this was his brother's wife after all. But right now she needed a shoulder, and Mick wasn't around. Sparky wasn't willing to just let her fend for herself.

"He'll come back," he assures. "You know he will... he always comes back." He gives her an extra squeeze. "He's got a problem. At least he's going to do something about it right? That's a good thing."

Pushing her hair away from her tear-soaked face, he lets her lean into him and just cry. It was obviously something she needed to do.

"You're not alone, Rosetta. The rest of your family is here... things will be okay. You got us taking care of the horses, and... and you'll get help with everything else. It'll be okay."

He felt redundant, but he didn't know what else to say. He finally falls quiet.

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