

Just feelings Sparky's comfort was nice, it was just nice having someone there. For the last few weeks Rosetta had felt so alone even when people were near. Leaning into Sparky more Rosetta's tears continue. She wanted to say something, she wanted to say anything but when he words tryed to come she just got choked up. So crying was her only sound.

Moments passed and they felt like hours that she sat there and cryed but finally her tears started to slow, and her gentil shaking calmed down. Sitting up Rosetta whips her eyes knowing she must look like a mess and slightly embarrassed. Trying to give Sparky the best smile she can.

"Thank you Sparky. For everything it means a great deal to me. Sorry I got your shirt a little wet there."

Something close to a chuckle escapes Rosetta's lips trying to find humor in her own joke. Standing and brushing herself off Rosetta gives a small nod to Sparky.

"I guess I should clean some stuff up around here."

Her eyes fall to the almost empty bottle of whisky and she can feel the ping in her heart.

Not being able to laugh with Jason and Wyatt going back and forth Katie could feel the tears in her eyes form. It was good to laugh like that after a mission to remember what the finer things in life were, and picking on Wyatt was so easy.

"We are off the clock anyways Wy."

Reaching out Katie ruffles his hair as she lets her laughter through to Jason.

"Who said we were talking behind your back mmmm? We could be talking about what we want to eat."

Poor Wyatt, he always gets our beatings huh? I think he'd miss it if we didnt though.

Feeling Gunner's arms slip around her Bree almost instantly could feel part of her fear being removed. Gunner's strong amrs being her shelter, she felt like the world could not touch her here with him. His warmth, his skin was rough but soft, it just seemed to bring comfort.

Feeling Gunner's hand on top of hers Bree opens her eyes and just looks at it, while the beats of his heart seemed to give her a calm feeling.Moving her fingers under his his, Bree's fingers felt his soft chest, she was shaken up still but just something about Gunner, made her insides flipflop and the fear didnt feel important anymore.

Shifting just a little to sit more comfortable leaning on Gunner still Bree takes in a long sigh. Not answering Gunner right away it was almost like Bree hadnt heard him. But finally in a soft voice that was straned with emotion she speaks.

"I...never was normal you know. In my younger years I was the strange one, dressing funny, saying the wrong things, not talking to much. My parents tryed to get me to be normal, took me to classes on how to eat, and speak. How to brush your hair, and put on make up but that...was never me."

Bree takes in more as are blinks her eyes slowly. It was almost like a movie taking her back to her childhood she had done so well to forget.

"That was when my dad started his run for senator, and my mother just lived off his money. There were party at our house almost every night and every night I would be locked in my room so I didnt say the wrong thing. My parents were embarrassed by me."

Memories, lost in one mind, bad ones that hold so much power, you think they are gone but they only lay dormant if conquering them has not happened.

"I lived like that for 18 years. Never really talking to my mom or dad, never having any friends, and spending all my time in my room. The day came when I was so tired of it. I just didnt want to live like that anymore."

Falling quiet Bree removes her hand from Gunner's chesk and brings it to her wrist where she wore a watch with a thick leather band. Unhooking it Bree turns her hand over and lifts it just a little so he could see the scar than ran from her palm to part way down her wrist.

"I have scars to, but mine dont have heroic battle tales.Only cowerd nightmares of a girl who just wanted to be loved."

Drawing silent again Bree sniffs trying her best not to get Gunner's bear chest all wet. The tears had stopped but her nose just wanted to run now. Though she didnt want to move to get a tissue and lost the feeling of Gunner, almost like if she did he would vanish before her eyes.

"Three years I spent in a mental hospetial that made North side look like a dream come true. I...I dont remember much about when I was there but it was a horrible place. On my parents orders they did shock treatment, kept me dopped up on meds. In the end it did more harm to me than good. Messed my brain up and well I am who I am today. I spent the next worst three years there."

Another breath escaps Bree's lips as she gives a little shiver just thinking about it.

"When I turned 21 they couldnt keep me anymore, it was aganst the law than because they couldnt prove I was permanently insane. So they let me out, and as soon as I could I came here to see my Uncle. He'd always been the one I could count on, and I new I could trust. I didnt tell my parents where I was going thought they new I was out. I didnt want them to try and make me go back there."

Bree's hands picked at her jeans as she thought for a long moment. It was hard reliving her past, but in a way it kind of felt good to tell Gunner. Like maybe they would be even closer because of it.

"After 7 years of hiding they found me. I got a call from my mom the other day, and than today I saw there bounty hunter Roger while I was at the cafe. He didnt try to talk to me, but I know he saw me, and I know he was there for me. That was only a few hours ago."

Turning her face into Gunner's chest one could tell what she spoke next really did scare her.

"I dont want to go back to that hospital Gunner, I couldn't take it."

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