

Ty finally exits the cell, snatching the bag from Katie with a look of warning. “Fine. But I better get some straight answers once we’re out of here.”

Wyatt rolls his eyes a little, giving Katie a grin. “We better split before our friend here blows a gasket.” He looks back to Ty. “Got anything other than that? A car?”

Ty scoffs. “No.”

“Where do you live?”

Ty grits his teeth. “Nowhere.”

Wyatt lifts an eyebrow, starting to lose his patience. “Look, in about forty-five seconds, that deputy will be in his office, and we’re to walk out of here unseen. We just want to get you back home so you can put this behind you, so you better start being straight with us.”

“And I’m telling you that I don’t have a home.” Ty hisses, staring right back at him. “For someone who supposedly knew what was happening, you certainly don’t know a whole lot, do you?”

Wyatt can’t help some surprise as he senses the truth. “Alright, keep your shirt on. You’re coming with us then.” He sees Katie has a handle on making sure Ty doesn’t skip out on them, and heads to the door. Going into the front room, sure enough, the deputy isn’t in sight. Wyatt tosses the key on the desk and opens the front door for Ty and Katie. He directs Ty into the backseat of the jeep, ensuring Katie resumes riding shotgun, and within seconds, they’re heading out of town. “Katie, call Reese and ask him what he wants us to do.”

Ty leans forward between the seats in protest. “Now hang on. Quit treating me like piece of meat being tossed around. Who’s Reese, and who are you guys? I deserve to know if I’m getting into something worse than I just left.”

“We’re from an underground group of vigilantes whose purpose is to stop these kinds of crimes against innocent people from happening.”

Ty is speechless for only a moment. “Nice try. You’re from Troy’s gang, aren’t you?”

Wyatt sighs and looks at Katie. “I tried. You wanna see if you can do any better?”

Ty puts a hand to his lip that’s started to bleed again, and throws a glance in Katie’s direction. “You two are really something. Fine. Call what’s-his-name. I don’t care.” He flops back in his seat, crossing his arms.

Mick runs a hand along Beauty’s back, ensuring that she’s clean, and he tosses his brushes onto a shelf. He continues to mull over Rosetta’s words, still confused, but satisfied for now. He unties Beauty from the aisle and takes her to her stall, making sure the door is shut securely. He goes back to Rosetta and wraps his arms around her in a hug, sighing deeply. “Well, for now, since you’re in the habit of praying, pray these nightmares stop.”

Clint returns Wendy’s hug. “Yeah…I’m kinda glad that stupid dog ran out in front of me…otherwise I prolly would have dumped my cycle on some deserted road in Timbuktu.” He backs away, sensing her melancholy. “I’m sure it will end too…it has to… and no…I’m a little too attached to this place to take off even if the case no longer exists.” He throws her a quirky grin. “Speaking of attachments, if I don’t put in a couple more hours in the shop, Wes is gonna know it and never let me live it down.”

Jade stops walking and looks at Angel, her emotions starting to tumble out. Her lower lip trembles and she shakes her head. “No…everything’s not okay…. I just… I mean… Jason and I…” A tear escapes down her cheek and she takes a deep breath, trying to regain control. “It’s…it’s fine…I just…” She stops, tossing her gaze back to the ground. “I didn’t think it would bother me this much…can you…I mean…do you have a minute?”

Next Step

*Katie nods at Wyatt as he comes back into the room. Going over to the far end of the room Katie picks up a bag that have Ty's name on it. Coming back over Katie grins.* "Well I would say you should cuz right now it looks like we are the only friends you got let alone people trying to get you out of here.." *After geting Ty out of the cell Katie stands behind him making sure not to leave him much room to run. Katie throws a look to Wyatt asking what to do next.*

~*~Back at the Ranch~*~

*Well you see Mick, You should only be baptized when you feel ready to be. However God wont love you less if you dont. But being baptized is a sigh of loilty. We are offering outselfs completely to God. Leting his holy sperit fill us, change us. Making us examples for other so that God can live through us to reach them." *For a long moment Rosetta is silent. Talking to Mick about God felt good. She liked being able to shair what she new with the man she loved so when life in this world was over they could both see eachother someday.* " And ya know Mick. None of us are perfect, we will always make mistakes and make God sad. But as long as we learn from our mistakes, ask god for forgivness, and try not to do it again. God will forgive us and help us along. Goodness know I have made my shair of mistakes along the way. But its comforting to know I am forgiven and loved still."

*Wendy nods at Clint.* "Ya I know what you mean. But I am happy to be here non the less. I have enjoyed geting to know you, and spend time with you. Your a great person Clint. I've been happy to get to know you. I hope Wes does say you can work fulltime for him, I like having you around." *Wendy smiles and throws her arms around Clint giving him a hug.* " I have faith that someday this will b over, I also have faith when this is over we wont lose our friendships." *Wendy lets out a long sigh.* " I just feel bad for Mom, and everyone alse. They have been going through this for years. It will be nice when its over they can rest."

*As Angel looks out the windows she can see Jade hurry past. SHe looked up. Angel grows concerned. Stepping outside Angel walks over to her and places a hand on her shoulder.* "Jade hun, is everything ok?" * A look of compastion in her eyes*

How do I know?

Wyatt looks at Katie with intrigue at the mention of the past, but he doesn’t question. “I know what you’re saying, and I agree. But if they’ve already gone this far, threatening legal action against them won’t do any good. Besides that, if we threatened and had to follow through, we’d jeopardize TJY’s position in this whole thing. We’ve got to get Ty out of here without giving away our own identities or getting caught by higher authority. I wanted to see the sheriff, but maybe it’s better that he’s not here.”
He nods, knowing they won’t get into trouble for changing the plans. “Dad trusts me, and he trusts you too. We’re alone out here and if his goal was to get Ty out of this, then we have to act now. I don’t see any other options.” He throws Katie a wink and turns to go back through the door.

The deputy’s eyes narrow as Wyatt approaches him. “Visiting hour is almost over. You better get your woman out of there.”

“Let her be,” Wyatt growls. “At least let those two have some privacy.” He moves closer and turns to rest half of his body on the desk, cocking his head at the deputy. “I know a good lawyer…”

“That kid don’t need a lawyer.”

“I wasn’t talking about Ty.” A sly grin comes to Wyatt’s face.

The deputy’s eyes widen slightly. “Remove yourself from this office or I’ll have the sheriff on you so quick that your head will spin.”

Wyatt laughs, and reaches into his pocket. “You don’t wanna get caught, and I don’t wanna get caught. Looks like we have something in common.” He pulls out a wad of bills. “What’s bail?”

“There is none,” the deputy scoffs.

“I said…” Wyatt glares at him. “What’s bail?” When the deputy doesn’t answer, he grins. “Being a deputy can sometimes have a benefit on one’s income. Oh, a prisoner might escape by unknown means every once in a while, but in the end, a deputy’s pocket is sure to be full. Now…what’s bail?”

In minutes, Wyatt is back with Katie and Ty with a key. “Come on, let’s get you out of here.”

Ty hesitates for a moment. “How do I know I can trust you guys?”

Mick doesn’t like admitting to himself that what Rosetta is saying makes sense. It all fit…and if Jesus was what made her so happy and peaceful during the tough times, then wasn’t what she saying true?
“Well what about all the other stuff like…like baptism?” Mick resumes grooming Beauty to keep his hands and eyes busy. “Sparky says that if someone believes in God and accepts Jesus, that they should be baptized if they’re physically able and circumstances allow.” He shrugs. “Something about all the examples in the Bible, and how often it was taught or something. I dunno…he said that it was faith that brought somebody to God in the first place, but that baptism is like the physical sign of taking an oath…and that it goes hand-in-hand with accepting Jesus…not that salvation is based on a physical act, but that it’s showing obedience and kinda like, I dunno…like proving you’re serious about it or something…” Mick suddenly stops and looks up, realizing that he’s revealed how much he’s really paid attention to things people have told him, and simply hasn’t wanted to sort through them before. “So…Sparky quoted some verses…is that really what the Bible teaches?”

Clint shrugs. “I guess I haven’t thought much about it because I don’t have an awful lot of faith that this thing is gonna be over any time soon. I see people like Jeff…he ended up going home a couple weeks ago to put his stuff in storage and giving up his apartment. Luke’s friend brought his car and he’s still got his apartment, but he’s thinking about going the same route. Sparky…he misses home, I can tell, and he’s stuck between staying here or going back to his friends and life he loved.” Clint sighs a little. “Then my folks…they still got the house, but it’s just sitting there being paid for while it’s vacant. Eric - he moved all his stuff out of his place, sold half of it, and kept the rest in his rig…” He pauses, thinking about it all. “It’s like we’ve all settled on the fact that this could go on for a very long time, yet we all hope it won’t. I just don’t know what to think about it…I don’t know where I fit in.”

Jason eases down on the edge of his bed and stares at the floor. Despite knowing the decision made was right, the pain was lingering. Maybe he’d been foolish to think that Jade would want to stay with someone like him. He was glad they were still friends, but it would be different…awkward…
He shakes his head and flops backward, closing his eyes. Could someone like him really find happiness and peace? Or would his chosen path continue to lead him down a miserable road? Did he really have to give up what his life was made up of, in order to gain someone like Jade?
Jason grits his teeth as his emotions start to rise behind his eyes. It wasn’t fair that he and Jade had to do this…but who said life was fair?

Jade wanders from the kitchen and back outside. A tear rolls down her cheek and she brushes it away with the back of her hand. She wished her mom was here…she wished Katie was here…. She ignores someone she meets as she trudges past Angel’s office, her eyes glued to the ground.