
Next Step

*Katie nods at Wyatt as he comes back into the room. Going over to the far end of the room Katie picks up a bag that have Ty's name on it. Coming back over Katie grins.* "Well I would say you should cuz right now it looks like we are the only friends you got let alone people trying to get you out of here.." *After geting Ty out of the cell Katie stands behind him making sure not to leave him much room to run. Katie throws a look to Wyatt asking what to do next.*

~*~Back at the Ranch~*~

*Well you see Mick, You should only be baptized when you feel ready to be. However God wont love you less if you dont. But being baptized is a sigh of loilty. We are offering outselfs completely to God. Leting his holy sperit fill us, change us. Making us examples for other so that God can live through us to reach them." *For a long moment Rosetta is silent. Talking to Mick about God felt good. She liked being able to shair what she new with the man she loved so when life in this world was over they could both see eachother someday.* " And ya know Mick. None of us are perfect, we will always make mistakes and make God sad. But as long as we learn from our mistakes, ask god for forgivness, and try not to do it again. God will forgive us and help us along. Goodness know I have made my shair of mistakes along the way. But its comforting to know I am forgiven and loved still."

*Wendy nods at Clint.* "Ya I know what you mean. But I am happy to be here non the less. I have enjoyed geting to know you, and spend time with you. Your a great person Clint. I've been happy to get to know you. I hope Wes does say you can work fulltime for him, I like having you around." *Wendy smiles and throws her arms around Clint giving him a hug.* " I have faith that someday this will b over, I also have faith when this is over we wont lose our friendships." *Wendy lets out a long sigh.* " I just feel bad for Mom, and everyone alse. They have been going through this for years. It will be nice when its over they can rest."

*As Angel looks out the windows she can see Jade hurry past. SHe looked up. Angel grows concerned. Stepping outside Angel walks over to her and places a hand on her shoulder.* "Jade hun, is everything ok?" * A look of compastion in her eyes*

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