

*Misty snaps her head up as Carson enters giving alittle jumps proving she was lost in thought. Trying to place the sassy smile on her face she takes another bite of her sandwitch.*

"Psycaly, ya I'm fine. Mentally, I'll be fine after a bit. Just got lots of things running though my mind."

*Misty goes silent for a moment looking down at the table. Though the color and sassy fire returned to her eyes, there we still a dull hint of emotional wreckage. Misty felt like crap from what went down tonight. Misty slowly lifts her head again to look at Carson again.*

"Feeling any better? I bet Rick fixed ya up good. He's real good at making people better."

*Misty pushes the other half of her egg sandwitch twords Carson.*

"You wanna finish that for me? I dont want anymore and I hate wasting food."

*Looking up from his desk Nate seeing Laura clearly. She looked exsausted. Finally having time to stop and think Nate's mind goes to when her and Laura met Con at Mom and Pop's. The look her gave Nate chilled him to the bone yet he dident understand it. Did Con not trust him that much? Why? Nate shakes his head and stands walking over to Laura's cubicle and leans on the wall smiling.*

"I dident exspect to see you here this early. You look like you could use some coffee. I'm heading out to starbucks would you like me to pick you up anything?"


Jason hangs up with Katie and heads out, letting Reese know he’ll be back later. He goes to Con’s where he flops down on the couch, trying to sleep for just a couple hours before he has to go pick Katie up.

Carson doesn’t allow much of anything to show on his face, though he looks Nate in the eye at the mention of Misty. “No, not usually.”

“You’re not going to be meeting much of anybody for at least a day,” Rick interrupts with a warning.” I want you to spend the next twenty-four hours at least in this bed so you quit breaking open your wrists, and so you give that shoulder and those ribs a break. Tonight’s excursion didn’t help you any, and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll take my advice.”

Carson throws Rick an annoyed look, “Yeah, whatever.”

“No, not whatever!” Rick retorts, unafraid of Carson. “I’ll stay in here to watch you if I have to.” He sighs and starts to put his things away. “I’ve got some other work to do now, and I expect you to be in that bed when I return.”

It’s only a few minutes before Carson is left alone. He glances around the room, his mind not a hundred percent as exhaustion begins to set in. But he doesn’t want to sleep, and he doesn’t care about Rick’s orders. Standing, he walks slowly to the door, looking down the hall to make sure Nate and Rick are out of eyesight, then walks down a few doors to the breakroom. He leans on the door frame and looks in on Misty, his words a bit gruff. “I neglected to ask if you were okay earlier.”

Laura yawns again and rolls her eyes at herself. She couldn’t sleep at Jamie’s, and now that she was here, she was getting tired. The air felt warm and stuffy in here this morning, and it wasn’t helping clear her mind much. She sifts through some more paperwork, then starts in on answering emails, though her eyes keep wanting to close. Some fresh air would probably help things, but she didn’t want to get up while she was in the middle of this work. If she could at least get through this one thing…


*Misty turns and smiles sweetly at her uncle give alittle nod.*

"I'll be ok, but if I need ya I'll call."

*Misty continues to the kitchen pouring herself some OJ and warming up a breakfest sandwitch. Siting and eating Misty gets lost in thought her mind going from one thing to the next.*

*Katie sits up with a start looking around the room. Hearing the phone ring again she reaches out and answers it.*

"Hey J. Well I am glad everyone is ok."

*Katie cant help but let out a yawn.*

"Ya I could use a ride to work. I think Laura is geting a ride from Nate so ya I guess I do . I'll be ready by 6:30-7:00. Ok...I'll see ya than."

*Katie hangs up the phone and swings her legs around the side of the bed. Rubbing her eyes she streaches. Her alarm was going to be going off in a half hour there was no point in going back to sleep. Grabing her head phone she starts to listen to some music singing along with it geting her vocil cords ready for tonight. Grabing her cane she heads into the kitching still singing softly.*

*Nate crosses his arms across his chest leaning on the doorframe.*

" Well we have a spare room done up down the hall you can bunk there. I am sure everyone agrees you proved yourself to us. Your free to do what you want Carson."

*Nate throws a look to the breakroom a small smile creeping across his face.*

"I'd stick around though if I were you. Its not even day you meet someone like that girl in the other room."

Early Start

Jason receives Misty's comment about beating someone up, a retort on his tongue, but he holds it in front of Reese. It wasn't his fault that the two other guys had gotten out of hand, so he wasn't going to feel guilty about it. Misty was entitled to her opinion, and if she didn't like what had happened, then she could take it up with her uncle.

Reese takes the disc from Misty, his eyebrows raised. "Alright...thank you." He stops her before she is out of sight. "Misty, I'm going home for a few hours. If you need anything, call me."

Jason is left alone, and ambles to his office, dialing his phone as he walks. "Hey, Katie, it's me." He glances at his watch, noting that it's four in the morning. "Everybody is back safe and sound...I'll have to tell you all about it tomorrow. I just wanted to let you know. I'm probably going to head over to Con's to try to catch a little bit of sleep, otherwise I'll be dead on stage tonight. Do you have a ride to work in a few hours? If not, I'll be coming back in a little later for a while before heading over to Mike's to load up our band equipment."

Carson sits down on the edge of the bed in the infirmary, allowing Rick to check him over again. He sees that Nate has followed, and cocks his head in question, his eyes weary. "Well, now that that's over, what do you plan to do with me? Lock me up again? Send me on my way, or turn me into the cops?" His eyebrow raises in a slight challenge, his tiredness amplifying any negative feelings.

Drew hangs up his phone and gets up from the table. “Alright, boys, lets hit the road.” He stands and glances around. “Anybody seen Ashlyn?”

Travis shakes his head. “Haven’t heard a peep out of her since Carson was here.”

Mark snickers, but doesn’t say what’s on his mind.

Drew heads to the bedroom and knocks on the door. “Ashlyn – we’re moving. Boss wants all of us.” He waits, but doesn’t receive a reply. “Ashlyn?” He opens the door and steps inside. It takes him a moment to take in the scene.

Ashlyn is lying on the bed fully clothed, sprawled out as if she’d been tossed there. The bed is still made, and an empty syringe is lying on the bedside.

Drew goes quickly to Ashlyn finding her very alive, but lethargic as though she’d been drugged. He looks to the syringe and begins to piece together what had happened. His face begins to redden as anger develops, his shout echoing through the cabin. “CARSON YOU TRAITOR!!!”

Laura opens her eyes for the umpteenth time, staring at the clock. She groans inwardly. This was ridiculous. It was four-thirty, but she might as well get up if she wasn't going to be able to sleep. Rising, she quietly goes to the bathroom to shower and dress, careful not to wake Jamie or Con. By the time she is ready for the day, the sky has become a reddish grey, signaling that the sun will be rising soon.

After a quick phone call, she grabs a bite to eat and writes a note to Con to let him know that she's gone to work. If her mind was this busy, she should at least put it too good use, and besides that, she wanted to know what had happened last night after Nate and Jason had left so suddenly.

Laura meets her ride by the curb and is dropped off about a block from TJY where she walks the rest of the way. It's quiet when she arrives. Hardly anyone is there yet, though all the lights are on. She goes to her desk and sits down, yawning and starting up her computer. A glance to the sticky note she had kept, reminds her of one of the many things that had kept her up all night. She reaches out to take it off the wall and looks at the cute flower Nate had drawn. Smiling a little, she places it in her desk drawer and tries to focus on getting some work done. Maybe she would leave early and go to the hospital's fund raiser tonight... Con and Jamie were going...and it might be a nice distraction.


*Katie smile continues.*

"Ok J, thx. Talk to ya soon."

*Katie hangs up her phone and flips her tv on. Laying back Katie finds a western to watch till finally her eyes grow tired and she drifts to sleep.*

*Misty smile up at her Uncel. His embrace startled her a bit. She though for sure she was going to be reamed out. She wasent exspecting the hug.*

"Ya I'm ok."

*Nate takes the phone and nods.*

"Thanks Carson you did good."

*Nate goes to place a hand on Carson's shoulder but stops short rememeber they were probley still a bit sore. Nate just shakes his head and smiles following Carson and Rick to the infermary.

Misty watches like a hawk as Rick and Nate move along side Carson. Misty wasent sure what to think still. Slowly turn her head to Jason a grin creeping across her face though she was confused. Everyone wasent yelling at her that in itself was a new feeling.

"I'll see what I can do next time. I just I guess care to much sometimes thats my curse."

*Misty thinks for a moment.*

"How about you guys not kidnapp and beat the tar out of anyone alse for along time ok? I am sure there is anther way of seeing someones trust. Like I lie detector or something."

*Misty cant help the little sassy gran that cross her face. Reaching into her pocket she pull out the CD disk she had and hold it out for Reese.*

"Here Richard Bilford this had alot of information on it you might wanna get rid of. You can access it with out a password but I wouldent want to take a chanse anyways."

*Misty gives a small smile and heads for the breakroom. Her mouth was dry and she needed something to drink.*

Back in one piece

Jason is grateful for Katie's words, and as always, he's calmed by them. "Thanks, Hero. I'll give you a call later, though it's getting to be the wee hours of the morning. Whether we hear anything or not, I'll keep you updated."

Carson can tell that Misty is keeping an eye on him, and though pride gets in the way, he doesn't complain. Maybe sometimes it was okay to have somebody looking out for him.

As they enter TJY, Carson separates himself just a little from Misty, not wanting to deal with any flack.

Jason, Nate, Rick and Reese are on the main floor and give a start as they see Misty and Carson. Reese wastes no time in going to his niece, embracing her in a relieved hug. "My word, Misty, you had me worried sick." He withdraws to hold her at arm's length. "Are you alright? I never would have forgiven myself had you ended up in the hands of the Agency. This whole thing was my fault."

Carson stands back a little, slightly surprised by Reese's reaction. He would have expected Misty to get the bad rap for going after him...but apparently Reese's love for his niece overruled that... It had been a long time since Carson had seen something like that. He leans a little unsteadily against a cubical wall, unsure what he's to do now.

Jason looks at him expectantly. "Thanks for bringing her back, Carson. How come you didn't call?"

Carson tosses the cell phone to Nate. "Wanted to make sure it was really over, and by that time, we were already 'bout back here." He stares at Nate for a moment. "Everyone is in one piece as requested."

"Did you run into any trouble?"

Carson holds a steady gaze lacking emotion. "Nothing Misty couldn't handle. No one got hurt."

Rick moves forward. "You're not looking so great."

"I feel like crap."

"Well, at least you're honest." Rick shakes his head. "Come on back to the infirmary while these guys talk and I'll give you something for that pain...I know your shoulder must be killing you, and by the way you're standing, my guess would be that some of your ribs went overlooked earlier."

Carson follows numbly down the now-familiar hall, starting to feel as if he's in a daze. So many things had changed...his circumstances...these events...and something inside of him was changing as well. It had started the day he hadn't killed Jamie, and it was growing larger...he wasn't sure what it was...it was a little scary...but unidentifiable.

After Carson has left the room, Jason glance at Misty with a perturbed look. "You do realize that you have too much spunk for your own good, don't you?" He shakes his head. "My fault. I shoulda known you'd go off like that. But next time, would you please stay on the line longer so I have a chance to reroute you?"

Back to Work

*As Carson winces and goes for his shoulder Misty cant help put wince herself, and put her hand on it saw well wishing she could make it feel better for him. Misty gives a small laugh.*

"Dont worry I believe you. Come on lets get you back so we can stop that pain."

*Misty goes to the driver side and waits for Carson to get in. As they drive back and the rain comes Misty keep a watch on Carson out of the courner of her eye. As the more makeup comes off Carson's face she see that it was more than alittle beating Carson receaved. Misty shakes her head still floored that they could do something like this to anyone. A small bit of anger enters Misty the more she thinks about it. Misy mind bounces from one thing to another unable to focus on just one thought. Though when her mind goes back to the kiss with Carson a smile creeps arcross her face.*

Finally they pull into TJY's parking lot Misty lets out a long sigh. Geting out of the car Misty makes her way over to Carson's side opening his door and helping him out. Misty coulde tell he was in a great deal of pain. Taking it slow Misty and Carson make there way inside. Stoping only one hesatationg on entering the door. Misty feel like turning and runing away but she knows she cant. Finally starting again they enter TJY*

*Katie lets out a sigh as she stands and makes her way to the kitchen for a drink. Henry following close behind.*

"Well your right sometimes things dont, and sometimes planes backfire but we all make mistakes.but as long as you did it with the best intentions thats what matters."

*Katie takes a drink of water and pops some left over chicken in her mouth than heads back to her room. Siting down in bed and leaning aganst the wall.*

"Everything will turn out ok. I know it will. Just keep that head high and dont lose hope. After Carson returns with Misty if ya need a shoulder I'm here. I probley wont be sleeping so just give me a call."

*Though Jason cant see her Katie is smiling trying to comfort him.*

Late night

Carson prolongs the embrace, enjoying it too much to let go, but suddenly draws back with a start, wincing as he goes for his left shoulder. A curse makes its way to the surface, and he looks at Misty with apology before letting a dry laugh come. "Well, if you doubted my story, take it from me now - I ain't in no shape to have any kind of 'adventures' tonight." He rubs his shoulder gingerly. "I think you're gonna have to drive the rest of the way back - I've about had it."

The drive continues, another storm system moving in to dump more rain. On the way, Carson's body finally starts to tire, hurting all over from the beating he'd received. He rubs most of the makeup off his face, revealing the cuts and bruises, and he leans back in the seat, remaining fairly quiet...thinking...pondering.

Jason sighs deeply at Katie's question. "No...nothing yet. Carson is...well he's out looking for her...long story." He cringes a little. "It's a mess, Katie, and it's partly my fault. Reese and I had a plan and it turned out a complete disaster, so I don't know what's going to happen now." He paces the break room, leaving his half-empty pop can on the table. "Sometimes nothing can go right, ya know?"

Laura turns over in bed, looking into the darkness. She had a hard time sleeping away from home, but tonight seemed even worse. Her mind continued to insist on revisiting the day...her brief conversation with Nate...the awkwardness at supper. She'd seen the look in her brother's eye... She loved Con dearly, and respected his opinions and character judgment...but had he been right to act the way he had? Or was is Laura who was not being cautious enough? Con's body language had implied he thought Nate was doing something more than just giving her a lift...was that true? Was Nate just being nice, or was there something more? And if there was something more, what was Laura supposed to do with that?

She glances at the clock and yawns. This whole thing was just silly. She just needed to ignore it and move on as if nothing had happened. Otherwise it would just drive her crazy, and tonight she really did need her sleep.


*The fire in Misty's eyes return to full color as she stairs back at Carson. Her sassy smile returning to her face.*

"Fine by me, I am in no hurry to go back."

*A grin plays and dances at the courner of Misty's mouth her eyes never leaving Carson's.*

"Are you sure its a battle you want to win? Or many just this once losing is ok."

*As Carson draws her closer to him once again like so many times before her paulse quickened. It was a feeling she could never get tired of though. The tast of Carson sweet lips, being wraped in his warm arms, feeling Carson so close to her Misty can feel herself melt as she kiss him back. Misty's one arm finding its way to Carson's back as the other slowly finds the side of his face. Misty cant help but feel happy never wanting this moment to end under the starlit sky and the soft sound of thunder to set the mood just right.*

*Katie toss and turns in bed finally siting up and looking at the clock. It was late and she hasent hurd anything from Jason since dinner. She dident feel anything wrong but that dident mean something happend to Misty anyways. Picking up her phone she dials Jason's number.*

"Jason it's Katie. Any word on Misty yet?"


Carson allows Misty to push his hat up, and stares into her eyes…those never-ending reflections of her soul. “Let them think I kidnapped you then. I don’t care.”

His hand moves up to tuck her blowing hair behind her ear and he takes a step closer to her, his voice a hushed whisper. “The eyes of the conqueror, so pure and true. They slice the heart in half, dividing the soul into the paths it must choose. For it is but a path the soul must take…a journey…wrought with battles and wars. But the eyes…they are ever watching, ever guiding, ever revealing the true nature of this conquering queen.”

Carson holds his gaze, unmoving for several silent moments until he speaks again. “I don’t know what you do to me, Misty, but it isn’t fair. I can’t win no matter how hard I try.”

Finally giving in, he leans in to press a kiss to her lips, his arm finding its way around her waist to pull her to himself.

Blue Eyes

*Misty shakes head head and takes Carson's hand.*

"I have good eyes in the dark."

*Misty checks Carson's one wrist placng pressure on it. Geting the bleeding to stop her pulls some gause from her pocket and puts it around Carson's wrist. Than Misty does the same to the other. Loking up at Carson his eyes were hidden from his hat but Misty could feel the trocher, the battle raging inside of him. The warriors soul still at battle. Standing Misty once again puts a finger on the brim of Carson's hat and pushes it up so she can see his blue eyes.*

"You shouldent hide your eyes Carson. There to nice to not let people look at them."

*Misty smiles up at Carson. The fire slowly burning brighter now.*

"I guess we should get back now before they think you kidnaped me."

*The courners of Mistys mouth turn up in a grin.*


Carson shakes his head slowly, never to understand Misty’s way of thinking. Loyal was putting it mildly… he just didn’t get it how someone like her could like someone like him. It struck him hard enough that he realizes he’s beginning to fee remorse for past actions…once again, the care shown to him was bringing out guilt which bewildered him.

Pushing those thoughts aside, he turns as Misty summons him. His cap is still pulled low and his head is tilted down just enough that his eyes remain hidden, though he holds out his arm to her. “It’s too dark for you to see anything,” he reasons. “It’s fine.”

I dont care

*Misty lets out a long sigh. She cared about Carson she did and though she wanted to be upset she wasent.*

"The past is the past Carson, I dont care about it. I sure as heck am not sorry I care about you and if dispointment comes, I'll deal with it than. For now I still stand to what I said before. Your not pushing me away, end of story."

*Misty looks down at the ground again diging her toe into the dirt as she sits on the hood of the car. The cold hard look starts to fade, and the fire yet very dim still shines through proving itself there.*

"Come here Carson. Let me finish looking at your wrist."

Somebody like me

Carson doesn’t drop his stare from the sky. “Maybe.” He thinks for a minute, not even sure why he’s still talking. He really should just shut up. But something pushes him further.

“I’m sorry if what I did tonight misled you…but you should know that your assumption was a true judgment call of who I am…there was a reason the other guys weren’t surprised. I may not have done anything with Ashlyn tonight, but…”

He lets his phrase slide, wondering why he’s choosing his words so carefully. “Look it’s not like she was the first, nor would my actions have been the first, had I not given her that shot. And…I’m sorry you care because you’re something special…and there’s only disappointment in it for someone who runs after somebody like me.”


*Misty can hear Carson coming up along side her standing silent still.*

"I might be a fool Carson but I wouldent change it for anything. In my eyes your alot more than you think."

*As Carson continues to tell Misty about how he was acting and the shot he gave Ashlyn. Misty can feel her cheeks turn red. She felt like a dang fool. Giving Carson a soft playful elbow to the arm Misty leans aganst the hood of the care lising to the thunder and taking in the fresh smell of rain.*

" I guess we both act to good for our own health huh?"

You're not

Carson sits and listens to Misty, receiving her words and absorbing them like a sponge, deciphering each one individually to understand…to comprehend. Her thoughts…her actions…her feelings…they were so foreign to him.

As Misty gets out of the car, he looks to her quickly, watching her walk in front of the car and stand. He cocks his head and heaves a deep sigh, turning off the car’s engine. Why must he continue to test…why must he continue to distrust and test others as a result?

After a few moments, he reaches for the door handle and slowly gets out of the car, fighting against the physical pain he is in. The pills have worn off.

He ambles in front of the car as well until he is standing beside Misty, and he looks up with her at the stars, tilting his head to see them out from under his baseball cap. “You’re a dang fool for caring about me, Misty.” He purses his lips in thought, letting the night’s silence surround them. Thunder rolls in the distance and crickets chirp their night song, but even so, it is a silence of souls.

“But you’ll probably be happy to know that Ashlyn will be sleeping soundly for another several hours after the shot I gave her less than a minute after we’d entered that room.” He pauses. “You’re not the only one who can act, you know.”