
Early Start

Jason receives Misty's comment about beating someone up, a retort on his tongue, but he holds it in front of Reese. It wasn't his fault that the two other guys had gotten out of hand, so he wasn't going to feel guilty about it. Misty was entitled to her opinion, and if she didn't like what had happened, then she could take it up with her uncle.

Reese takes the disc from Misty, his eyebrows raised. "Alright...thank you." He stops her before she is out of sight. "Misty, I'm going home for a few hours. If you need anything, call me."

Jason is left alone, and ambles to his office, dialing his phone as he walks. "Hey, Katie, it's me." He glances at his watch, noting that it's four in the morning. "Everybody is back safe and sound...I'll have to tell you all about it tomorrow. I just wanted to let you know. I'm probably going to head over to Con's to try to catch a little bit of sleep, otherwise I'll be dead on stage tonight. Do you have a ride to work in a few hours? If not, I'll be coming back in a little later for a while before heading over to Mike's to load up our band equipment."

Carson sits down on the edge of the bed in the infirmary, allowing Rick to check him over again. He sees that Nate has followed, and cocks his head in question, his eyes weary. "Well, now that that's over, what do you plan to do with me? Lock me up again? Send me on my way, or turn me into the cops?" His eyebrow raises in a slight challenge, his tiredness amplifying any negative feelings.

Drew hangs up his phone and gets up from the table. “Alright, boys, lets hit the road.” He stands and glances around. “Anybody seen Ashlyn?”

Travis shakes his head. “Haven’t heard a peep out of her since Carson was here.”

Mark snickers, but doesn’t say what’s on his mind.

Drew heads to the bedroom and knocks on the door. “Ashlyn – we’re moving. Boss wants all of us.” He waits, but doesn’t receive a reply. “Ashlyn?” He opens the door and steps inside. It takes him a moment to take in the scene.

Ashlyn is lying on the bed fully clothed, sprawled out as if she’d been tossed there. The bed is still made, and an empty syringe is lying on the bedside.

Drew goes quickly to Ashlyn finding her very alive, but lethargic as though she’d been drugged. He looks to the syringe and begins to piece together what had happened. His face begins to redden as anger develops, his shout echoing through the cabin. “CARSON YOU TRAITOR!!!”

Laura opens her eyes for the umpteenth time, staring at the clock. She groans inwardly. This was ridiculous. It was four-thirty, but she might as well get up if she wasn't going to be able to sleep. Rising, she quietly goes to the bathroom to shower and dress, careful not to wake Jamie or Con. By the time she is ready for the day, the sky has become a reddish grey, signaling that the sun will be rising soon.

After a quick phone call, she grabs a bite to eat and writes a note to Con to let him know that she's gone to work. If her mind was this busy, she should at least put it too good use, and besides that, she wanted to know what had happened last night after Nate and Jason had left so suddenly.

Laura meets her ride by the curb and is dropped off about a block from TJY where she walks the rest of the way. It's quiet when she arrives. Hardly anyone is there yet, though all the lights are on. She goes to her desk and sits down, yawning and starting up her computer. A glance to the sticky note she had kept, reminds her of one of the many things that had kept her up all night. She reaches out to take it off the wall and looks at the cute flower Nate had drawn. Smiling a little, she places it in her desk drawer and tries to focus on getting some work done. Maybe she would leave early and go to the hospital's fund raiser tonight... Con and Jamie were going...and it might be a nice distraction.

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