

*Katie smile continues.*

"Ok J, thx. Talk to ya soon."

*Katie hangs up her phone and flips her tv on. Laying back Katie finds a western to watch till finally her eyes grow tired and she drifts to sleep.*

*Misty smile up at her Uncel. His embrace startled her a bit. She though for sure she was going to be reamed out. She wasent exspecting the hug.*

"Ya I'm ok."

*Nate takes the phone and nods.*

"Thanks Carson you did good."

*Nate goes to place a hand on Carson's shoulder but stops short rememeber they were probley still a bit sore. Nate just shakes his head and smiles following Carson and Rick to the infermary.

Misty watches like a hawk as Rick and Nate move along side Carson. Misty wasent sure what to think still. Slowly turn her head to Jason a grin creeping across her face though she was confused. Everyone wasent yelling at her that in itself was a new feeling.

"I'll see what I can do next time. I just I guess care to much sometimes thats my curse."

*Misty thinks for a moment.*

"How about you guys not kidnapp and beat the tar out of anyone alse for along time ok? I am sure there is anther way of seeing someones trust. Like I lie detector or something."

*Misty cant help the little sassy gran that cross her face. Reaching into her pocket she pull out the CD disk she had and hold it out for Reese.*

"Here Richard Bilford this had alot of information on it you might wanna get rid of. You can access it with out a password but I wouldent want to take a chanse anyways."

*Misty gives a small smile and heads for the breakroom. Her mouth was dry and she needed something to drink.*

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