

Wes' smile braden as he slings his arm around Clint's shoulders pulling into a small hug. He was happy Clint said yes.

"Oh, I cant see her saying no to anything you ask. She loves you to much. I got the paper for you to sigh whenever your ready and than we can go over some stuff you need to know."

Giving Clint's hair a ruffle Wes cant help but laugh. Clint was an adult and he treated him as so, but he would always be his little nephew.

Turning to Clint again Wes face draws a new look of seriousness to it.

"This means a lot to me Clint. Your like a son to me and I am very proud of you."

Looking back to Carson's Thirteen's eyes fill with a little bit of worry. It was hard as it was being around a lot of people she didnt know but maybe slowly it would be ok. She had to be strong and standing by the worry was her courage as she tryed to muster it up.

"I...can try talking to people sometimes. Will you let me hide when I need to until I get use to everything?"

With something things Thirteen new panic attacks would come when talking to people and the only way to calm them without making to much of a scene would be to hide and just be alone. As long as Carson understood thing should would out ok.

Finishing with his work Dan was happy to be done for now with other stuff on his mind. Putting his tools away and double checking everything it dosnt take long before Dan it outside. Spotting Jade on the all to familiar bail.

"I'm going to spray paint your name on that bail. Than no one can take it away, its yours forever more."

Giving a smile and a nod to his truck Jade and himself were off. The car ride didnt seem as long as normal with having someone to talk to along the way.

Finally reaching town Dan's own stomach talked about how hungry he truly was. Looking over at Jade he gives a soft smile.

"Well, I would say lets pick out the movie first but if I dont get something to eat I think my stomach will eat itself. Would you like to eat anywhere special? My treat today."


Clint shakes his head slowly. "If I didn't say yes to this, I think I would be a fool."

Catching his uncle's eye, he purses his lips grimly. "I'll do my best, Wes." He'd screwed up a lot of things the last few years, but this was one thing he wanted to do well at. He liked the work here, and he wanted to do a good job.

"Unless for some reason Wendy's against it.... yes, I'll take on half the shop, and run it while you're gone."

Ryder grins and winks at Thirteen. "Yeah, I think it's okay. At least this way I'll know you're safe during the day. You'll do a good job - I know you will."

Carson nods. "You might have to talk with some customers sometimes... can you do that?"

Time couldn't move more slowly for Jade. Though receiving an apology from Mick about the other night, her heart was still heavy with all that was going on. She still hadn't had the nerve to ask her father if she could stay... but she knew the longer she was here, the more curious he would become as to when she was planning on leaving.

Another unanswered call from her mother was all she could take, and later, Jade found herself sitting on that familiar bale of hay, just waiting until she could go to town with Dan. Her stomach growled, proving it was ready to go to town too.

Scott's eyebrows rise and he laughs as he takes his can of pop. He had no idea why BJ was calling him Blinky, unless he'd been blinking more lately as his bad eye had been bothering him. "Thanks, Bub." He takes a long swig, and sighs with satisfaction before setting the can aside.

"Alright, Beej, hand me that blue wire over there."

Working alongside the child hadn't been planned, and it made work go a bit slower, but Scott had all day to make sure everything was running. BJ's presence didn't bother him a bit and he kept the boy busy, asking him to hand him this or that while he fiddled with the equipment.

Gunner slams his desk drawer shut and stands up. He was through for the day. His mind wasn't working right, nothing was going right, and he just wanted out of here. Maybe it really had been too early to come back to work.

Grabbing his jacket and keys, he heads out of TJY without telling anyone he was leaving early.

Arriving home, he's slow to go inside. Stepping on a squeaky mouse, a lump rises in his throat. He needs to clean up... he needs to put all the cat stuff away... he needs to see what kind of food he had and go shopping. But instead, he doesn't even take his jacket off before sinking down on the couch and curling up.


Giving a smile as Clint takes the keys Wes can see the worry in his eyes. It was a look that was normal and if he hadn't seen it than he himself would of been worried.

Laying a hang on Clint's shoulder Wes gives his a soft but ferm squeeze.

"Running into problems is part of having a business. I'm not going to be around to ask, its going to be in your hands and I know you will do whats best. If you get into a pinch and dont know what to do you can always ask for what someone else thinks."

Straightening just a little Wes tryed not to let his own worry show. He really was worried about leaving but not because Clint might do something wrong but because he would be leaving his family. He liked working with Clint and he would miss it but knowing the shop would be in good hands eased that.

"Your good at this job Clint. I trust you running the shop and thats why I asked you. If you want to think about the offer just let me know."

Looking up at Carson Thirteen studys him for a long moment before glancing at Ryder. She was getting use to Carson slowly after being here with Ryder many times.


For a long moment Thirteen thinks looking down at the table. Maybe she would help with the cooking, Thirteen liked doing that alot. She couldnt help but be a little excited but feel nervous at the same time. It would be nice not to have to be alone while Ryder was gone and Aerith was nice, she liked Dani too.

"I can try. Will it be ok Ryder?"

Thirteen looks to Ryder with question in her eye. Not asking him if she could, but asking if it was safe here, and maybe even looking for the reassurance she could do this because she was strong enough. She'd never had a job before, or even have a reason to make money.

Giving a smile maybe a little bigger than normal since Jade couldnt see him Dan leans on the pitch fork for a moment before getting back to his work. The rest of the chores were going to drag now that he had something else to look forward to. But in the end it would be worth it.

Thinking hard BJ lets the information once more process about the wires and cell phones. Finally his mouth goes in the oh shape as he nods like he understood, mimicking something he had seen Rosetta do.

"Dat, is kind of cool."

Hearing that he could help if he got something for Scott. Jumping up BJ had a look of excitement on his face. This was deffintly something that broke up his day.

"I will be wright back."

Going to the fridge BJ opens it up and and looks in searching the pop till he found what he was looking for. Finally grabbing the green can and just looking at it for a moment he finally grabs his own cup of juice, shuts the fridge and than heads back to where Scott was coming next to him and sitting down his cut between his legs and holding the can of pop out.

"Here you go, Blinky your Moutain Drool."

Giving a smile BJ didnt even relize he was pronouncing the name of the can wrong.

What if...

Scott chuckles and shakes his head. "No strings. It's kind of like your dad's cell phone... no strings or wires, but he can talk to your mom even when he's far away."

Splicing two wires, he gives the boy a sidelong glance of amusement. "Tell you what... if you go get me a can of mountain dew out of the refrigerator, I'll let you help straighten out these wires."

Jade pauses her work, a small smile forming as her tear trickled down her cheek, then disappeared. She bit her lip, her back to the stall next to her until she finally answers. "Yeah... yeah, I'd like that, Dan... thank you." She couldn't wait until chores were over so she could be distracted for a little while.

Carson laughs at Misty. "Yeah... your whole family is alike. Can't win against you lot."

Reese stands up from the table. "Well... I'll wait to hear from one of you then but don't wait too long."

Ryder nods. "I'll talk to the guy at the zoo and see what he says. I think this is something I'm interested in doing."

The little group breaks up, and Carson tells Misty to go have Aerith get the food he already had ready for their lunch, and he slips away for a moment. Sliding into a seat next to Thirteen, he gives her a smile. "Hey you." He glances over to Ryder, who had sat across from Thirteen as well. "Got a question for you." Carson spoke to Thirteen, smiling but serious. "Looks like your buddy here is gonna be getting pretty busy. Things around here are picking up a bit too ya know."

Ryder sits back and quirks an eyebrow, wondering what Carson was getting at, but letting him continue with Thirteen.

"We could use some help around here," Carson explains. "Give you a place to be while Ryder works and earn you a few bucks too." He cocks his head, not sure if Thirteen would be willing or ready for something like this. "Safe place to be," he prompts.

Clint stares at his uncle with wide eyes. He blinks, looking at he keys then back to Wes. "I..." He knew that Wes liked his work, and knew he'd been doing a good job but this... "Wow. I don't know what to say."

He slowly, hesitantly takes the keys, just looking at them in his palm. He looks back up at Wes, worry in his eyes. "I... don't know if I'm ready for this, I mean... what if something goes wrong? What if I don't do a good job?"


Going back once again to get the red handled pliers BJ was happy to help, and it was something new to do as well that peeked his interest.

Coming closer to Scott BJ lays next to him looking up at the wires and everything that was connected together and even those that wernt. The wheels in his head started turning as he tryed to understand everything.

"But how does that go to the shatlight? An invisible string?"

Reaching up to touch some of the wires BJ is very careful not to break anything thing. He just was interested. He'd never seen something like this before.

" I like puzzles, tan I help you please?"

Looking up as Jade's phone rings and than as she puts in back in her pocket Dan tilts his head for a second. He could probably guess who that was and he felt bad for Jade. His parents were still together thought he hadn't talked to him in a long time, he didnt have to grow up choosing sides. He could only imagen how hard that must of been.

Talking loud enough so Jade could hear him in the other stall Dan mentions.

"Hey, I wanted to know if you'd like to go into town with me after chorse were over. I was thinking about renting a movie to watch tonight and I could use a hand on finding something good. Maybe we can grab a bit to eat as well."

Dan new it wasnt much but it was all he could offer to try and help her at least forget for a moment about the phone call she had and keep her from getting upset.

Smiling and returning Carson's kiss Misty gives a little nod before looking back to Ryder. Quite for a long second before saying anything.

"Well, I dont think Ryder would burn the place down. And I have tasted his and Thirteen's cooking here before and its not to shabby. I think that would be a great idea."

Leaning into Carson a little bit Misty just relaxs still a little tired but nearly as much as she had been.

"Psht, I'm related to him, it run in our blood not to give up I guess. I think having Ryder fill in here everyone in a while so you ich can be scratch is not a bad idea. I happen to like the past about spending more time with you tll."

Rolling her eyes Ryan just lets Leo lay there not minding one bit.

"Your not in the way really, if you wernt here i would probley be here on the couch alone watching tv."

Flipping through the channels Ryan find something that seemed ok on TV. Leaning her head back on the couch she just watchs it as she zone out, wondering if she would be the next to be captured by the overcoming feeling of sleepyness.

Holding the keys out to Clint Wes just lets them dangle in front of his nephew. He'd thought about it all night, talkinged it over with Cindy and she agreed. While he was gone Wes needed someone to be able to run the shop.

"I want you to have the shop and run it for me while I am gone. We would be partners. You would have half and so would I. But I want to making it offical that your co owner. You deserve this."

Wes only hopped that Clint would agree to doing this. He was a great macanic thats was learning something new from Wes every day. But now it was time to test his wings and what a better way than this to do so.

Too comfortable

Scott grins as he keeps working, and accepts the wrench, setting it aside. "See that other tool over there? The one with the two red handles?" He's amused that "pliers" hadn't been understood. "How about you get those for me now?"

Waiting for what he needed, once he has it, he sees again the curiosity in BJ's eyes. Giving in, he stops working for a moment and gestures for the boy to join him. Lying on his back, he had full view of all the wires, and he starts to point them out. "See, these go to the computer, and then waaaaaay up in the sky, there's a satellite and that's going to help your dad talk to people all the way in another state. It's like a big puzzle I need to put together, but all the pieces need to be in the right place, or else it won't work."

"Awww..." Jade grins and follows a ways behind Dan as he starts to work. "You've got all these lovely horses to talk to... and the dog. I mean... how much better does it get?" Her eyes danced to accompany her teasing tone.

Moving to the next stall down, she dons her gloves, ready to clean as well. Just as she starts, her phone rings in her pocket. Taking it out, she sees the number is her mother's. Looking over to Dan, it's as if she suddenly doesn't know what to do. And for the first time, she shuts the ringing off, and places the phone back in her pocket.

Silently, she moves to start work again, but all the frivolity had been sucked out of the atmosphere. A tear surfaces. She didn't want to get yelled at again, or have to justify why she was still with her father. But at the same time, she hated herself for not speaking to her own mother.

"Oh yeah, everything's great," Carson comments, slinging an arm around Misty's shoulders. "Reese is still hunting for a way to keep me on the Elite so he can use me every once in a while." He gives a little smirk. "As if I thought he'd give up."

He gives Misty a kiss on the forehead. "What do you think? You think Ryder can fill in for me if I'm on a case for a day?" He grins. "At least you might get to see me a little more often."

"Mmm..." Leo groans a little, having not realized he'd fallen asleep. Shifting a little so his head is back in Ryan's lap, he stretches slightly, though careful not to stretch too much as his ribs warned him not to. He shakes his head to answer no, he didn't want anything to eat. "Not very hungry," he admits.

Sighing, he closes his eyes again as her fingers run through his hair. "I need to go home," he mumbles. "...and get out of your way. But I'm too comfortable to move."