

Kyle’s eyes remained closed, but he vaguely makes out the sound of someone’s voice. His mind tries to slowly figure it out. It wasn’t Phil…Phil had left for work… It wasn’t Jen…she couldn’t come on her own…. Finally Kyle’s brain registers that it’s Misty.

He tries to focus as he feels her touch and her looking in his eyes, but he can’t seem to draw himself out of the fog far enough.

As Misty begins to question him, he finally opens one eye to squint up at her. He swallows hard, finding it nearly impossible. He didn’t know what was going on. It was extremely out of place to have Misty here. He felt in a strange state between awake and sleep, with no measure of how sick he really felt.

At first he tries to talk and nothing comes until eventually his voice is a hoarse whisper. “Nothing,” he responds lamely. “It was just…” He pauses, feeling as though he’s going to pass out, but fights it. “…about four…o’clock…then….” Finding the burning too much, he gives up. Gesturing to his nightstand, he accidentally hits the glass half full of water, knocking it onto the floor. The look on his face conveys annoyance, but without enough energy, he lets it go, his original gesture supposed to have pointed to the Tylenol to show Misty that’s what he’d had.

Exhausted, he lets his hand fall back down. Managing to open the other eye he starts to say something more. But with the effort, his eyes begin to roll back in his head, signaling him passing out. Suddenly his fingers have Misty’s hand in a vice grip as his body starts to shake.

Carson is immediately on guard as Jess approaches him. He hadn't realized she was even there. Her swaying and slurred speech proved she'd been there for a while.

Though not really wanting to listen to anything she has to say, as she talks, he suddenly realizes that perhaps she hadn't been in on leaving him behind in Vegas. As inebriated as she was, surely she wouldn't lie.

He looks down at the envelope, then back up at Jess. "I don't want it," he states flatly. "But since I'm flat broke and you're determined, I won't argue."

Taking the money, he listens to what Jess has to say next. Though it hits a little too close to home, he lets out a dry laugh. "Home? Yeah, that would be nice." He shakes his head. "A bloke like me just can't settle down."

Carson takes another swig of beer and waves Jess off as she starts to leave. Though the exchange had been short, it had gotten to him just a little more than he would have liked. And for the first time in a long time, he felt badly watching someone else walk away.

Turning his head, he just sees the door close behind Jess. A feeling emerges within him...one he would have thought he'd forgotten...one he would have thought didn't even exist anymore with as much apathy as he'd been feeling. But it was there...

He didn't have work today. He had nothing to do. Nowhere to go. No one to talk to. No plans. No destination. At least this would give him something to do if he got cooperation.

Downing the last of his beer, Carson slides off the stool, pays the bartender and strides across the floor to the exit. Once outside, he spots Jess. "Hey, Jess!" He comes up behind her and puts a hand on her shoulder. "I may not appreciate what went down, and I may feel like knocking someone's block off, but I can't let you drive like this. Let me take you home."

Jason props up his leg on another chair and works sideways at his desk, bored with the paperwork. Sending a paper airplane across the room to antagonize Trooper was as exciting as his morning had gotten.

Sighing, he opens a drawer and rifles through a bunch of old records. He hadn’t cleaned this desk in ages and it was starting to show. Pulling out a whole pile of stuff, his eyes catch sight of something further down.

Reaching in slowly, he withdraws the photograph that he hadn’t laid eyes on in so long. It had almost been thrown away…but instead had been stuffed in here earlier that year, then buried under work.

Jason leans back in his chair and holds the picture up for a closer look. He remembered that night as if it were yesterday. The feelings…the emotions…just being with someone he’d cared about so much. Katie had meant the world to him.

He runs a finger over the picture as if trying to touch the past. What had happened? His mind wanders freely back to that time, traveling forward, taking him on a journey towards the events that were set into motion so soon after that night.

Ultimately, the greatest pain was recalling how he’d hurt Katie during and after prison. He might have had good intentions, but he’d ruined something he’d never been able to gain back. Katie’s love. Maybe it was for the best… if that hadn’t happened, she wouldn’t be with Scott now. And though there had been rivalry there, Jason could see that Katie was truly happy with Scott…and he couldn’t deny her that joy.

But if there was ever a regret that taunted Jason’s heart…it was ever having let her go.

When you look into her eyes, do you see the world?

Jason looks at the picture again, a grin curling the corner of his mouth. He’d seen the whole universe.

Setting the picture back down again, he shuts the drawer on the memories and turns back to the paperwork. Being alone wasn’t so bad…at least his time was his own.

Don't belong

*As Misty hears the dead silence on the other end of the phone her consern grows. It was unlike Kyle not to answer in his normal bouncy tone, not to mention call into work on top of it.*

"Kyle, Kyle are you there? Can you hear me? Kyle?"

*Receving nothing and than heading a thump like the phone was dropped something inside of Misty throws up red flags. Something was not right. Not right at all.

Hanging her phone up Misty sits in her driveway for a moment before starting the car up and moving across town. For the sake of her feeling Misty had to check on Kyle. After yesterday and the fun they had she had to make sure Kyle was ok.

Finally geting to his apartment Misty makes her way up to the door and finds it unlocked. Entering Misty keeps her guard up as she cross the quiet rooms. Going down the long hall Misty peeks into some of the rooms and finds them empty till finally pushing the last door open see Kyle. Seeing in laying on the bed the way he was it makes Misty's hair stand on end. Just something gave her a bad feeling.

Entering the room Misty hurrys over to Kyle's bedside without even thinking twice about it.*

"Kyle, it's Misty..whats wrong? Where are you hurting?"

*Feeling Kyle's forhead he is hot and cold at the same time. His skin was so clamy, yet his head was burning up. Opening his eyes and looking into them Misty see the look she had seen on the faces of other before him. Bringing a hand to her mouth Misty gives a gasp. Kyle...no not Kyle. She had to make sure before doing anything for fear of making it worse. Misty speaks in a soft tone keeping her hand on Kyle's shoulder to let him know she was there with him.*

"Kyle, I know it hurts, and it probley hurts to talk but you need to tell me if you remember anything? Or if you got yourself into anything. Please Kyle, let me help you...I cant let anything happen to you. Not now, not after everything. Pleas Kyle what do you remember?"

*Jess sits in the small booth of the bullseye a few empty shot glass beside a beer bottle. Replaying the advents of the night in her head and what happend when they had returned home.*

"You're such a witch Jess you know that. Why did you have to go off on Velvet like that? She was just looking out for our hides."

*Takes a sip of her beer and looks down at her hand she couldent help but think Peter was off still feeling the sting on his face from where they both met.*

"Where do you get off talking to me like that Peter. I'm not just another name in your book you can treat like trash."

"You're so sure about that Jess? You must be blind. For the last year we have been on and off, on and off, and when we were off what do you think I was doing? Still thinking about you? Still keeping myself for you? Ha..I wasent even doing that when I was with you."

*A few tear surfice in Jess eyes but she does not allow them to spill over as she replays Peter's words in her head. No, somewhere in her head she new Peter was unfaithful. It was Peter after all. But she had been blinded, she'd wanted to be loved and when Peter was with her she had felt it.*

"Your a fool babe, a dang fool. You think your gonna be more than this some day, you always talk about getting out of this place..well guess what your just like the rest of us, your nothing. Your a low life gambler who wouldent know what a real life was if it hit her in the face. You think you can do better than me? Ha thats a new one, you dont deserve better any more than I do. You'll be back like you always are."

*Jess pours more vodka into her shot glass and downs it. She had been called names before, and she had been put down. But for some reason it hurt even more this time. Maybe Pater was right, she was no better than them, she dident deserve better in life. She had marked her path and was traviling it. But now reality had given her a check and she just wanted to drown away her sarrow.

As the door to the bar opens with a squeeking sound Jess looks up spoting Carson. She had to addmit she was a bit saprised to see him. It was good to know he was ok though and made it back. Yet the look on his face proved he was non to happy and she dident blame him.

Standing Jess steddys herself holding onto the table as everything spins infront of her. Finally as it stops she slowly walks to where Carson was leaning slightly on the bar her words slered.*

"I...dish want to leaves you ya know. Nots that it mattersh much but, I wash out numbered by everyone. It'sh good to know you made it bash ok though."

*Jess reaches into her back pocket and pulls out and envilops with Carson's name on it. Slidding it across the bar Jess sobers up for a moment as she takes a searouse tone though her eyes are still glazed.*

"This is you cut of the winnings. You earned this fair and squear no matter what you say. Do what you want with it."

*Jess pushes herself off the bar and waves to the bartender to pour her another shot. Than she downs it before looking at Carson again.*

"It was good to meet you Carson while it lasted. Go home now, you dont belong in this place. You belong with that girl from the restront again. Your better than this even if you dont think it. Dont become like us, and be so far gone we cant turn back. Go home Carson, go home."

*Jess gives him a friendly drunk pat on the shoulder as she starts to hum and make her way out of the bar. Where she would end up now she dident know, what would happen she dident know, Would she end back with Peter again? She could only hope not. Those she called friends were gone now. Those she though ment love were gone now. She was left alone in the crule word once again. Alone!*


Kyle's head pounds as he lies in bed, drenched in sweat and fighting chills. Just moving to pull the blanket up closer hurt. He had no idea what time it was and didn't care. He'd made it up once to get a glass of water from the kitchen, and take some tylenol, but he'd barely had the strength to make it back to crawl into bed again. He couldn't remember a time he'd been taken down this hard this quickly.

His cell phone goes off on the nightstand, startling him enough to open his eyes. Groping for it, he manages to find it and flip it open. The number doesn't register in his mind right away...it rings a couple more times and he finally remembers that it's Misty's number.

Wincing as he swallows, he hits the button to answer it, but as he's trying to prop himself up on an elbow, the phone slips from his hand and drops to the floor.

Groaning, Kyle lies on his stomach trying to reach it, but finally gives up. He thought he might be able to hear Misty's voice, but trying to answer was too painful and no sound was coming out of his mouth anyway.

Shifting back down under the blanket, he figures the call would eventually end and if she needed something, she'd call back and leave a message on his voicemail instead. For now, all he wanted was sleep...lots of sleep...

Carson brings his hand to the side of his head where he'd been hit and can feel that it's mostly dried now. He'd just have to clean it up later. He gives a little shrug. "Yeah, I'm alright. My head can handle it."

As the silence drags on, Carson feels the urge to talk just to create noise, but he doesn't know what to say. He doesn't really want to go into details about everything that had happened...he doesn't really want to explain how he'd been played for a fool. At least Nate was respecting his silence. He just couldn't talk things through yet. So the quiet remains, Carson lost in thought about his future.

Getting closer to town, Carson takes a moment, contemplating before answering Nate. On the ride back, he'd decided what he was going to do. "Just take me to Vel..." He stops, realizing that Nate didn't know the names of these people. Word had gotten around that he was living with someone, but that was it. "...two-ten Barclay Street...it's an apartment building."

He lets Nate's second question about him being okay linger for several moments. Still not meeting Nate's eyes, he gives a short dry laugh. "I have to be."

It doesn't take long for them to finally reach their destination and park on the street. Carson sees both Velvet’s car and Sean’s car parked outside the apartment, and his stomach turns. But he was going through with this, and could very well ignore any personal feelings. He’d done it before. He would do it again. That’s what he was good at…ignoring his inner turmoil in order to get a job done.

“Thanks for the ride.” He finally gives Nate a sidelong glance before exiting the car. “You’re a good mate…” He pauses at the open window. He wasn’t used to showing thanks like this, but he owed it to Nate for what he’d done for him. “If ever I can repay you…” He simply ends in a nod before backing away, then turning around, hearing the car drive away.

Every step he takes towards the apartment building, his strides become stronger as he allows his anger to rule his actions. This was no time to play games or be the losing man.

Going inside and up the steps, he comes to Velvet’s apartment door and finds it locked. Fishing the key out of his pocket, he lets himself in, knowing good and well that his unannounced entry could prove to give him more than he wanted to see. But at this point, apathy ruled. He simply didn’t care anymore.

Barging in, he slams the door behind himself and looks with utter distaste at seeing Velvet and Sean on the couch. “Well, well, well, home sweet home.”

“Carson!” Velvet gets up, the surprise showing in her eyes.

“Get some clothes on, babe. Someone might think you haven’t been behaving yourself.” Carson heads to the bedroom, completely ignoring Sean.

“Carson!” Velvet chases after him, pulling on her silk robe. “What are you doing?”

“What? You think I was just gonna leave all my stuff here?” Carson lets out a dry laugh, kicking open the bedroom door and grabbing his duffel bag from the corner.

“You have no right to just barge in here,” Velvet complains.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Carson’s words are laced with sarcasm. “I forgot, that’s Sean’s privilege now, not mine.”

Velvet glares at him. “Get out.”

“What do you think I’m doing?”

“I mean now.”

Carson straightens from stuffing some of his shirts into his bag. “Or what? You’ll call the cops? You and I both know you wouldn’t.” He goes to retrieve several pairs of jeans from the dresser drawer.

“Velvet?” Sean comes around the corner. “What’s going on?”

“Well hi, Sean!” Carson gives him a smile. “Fancy meeting you here.”

Sean’s eyes narrow. “Try anything stupid and you’ll pay.”

“Ha!” Carson throws several more personal belongings into a backpack along with his extra pair of shoes. “Stupid came long before today, mate.”

“Leave now, Carson.”

Carson keeps his smile as he zips up both his bags. “My pleasure. But first…”

He reaches out to grab Velvet, pressing her against himself as he forces a rough kiss on her. Satisfied, he shoves her into Sean. “Well, she’s all yours.”

Velvet glares at him as she slinks into Sean’s arms. “You’re a slimeball.”

“I know.” Carson picks up his duffel bag and slings his backpack over one shoulder, shoving his way past the two and into the hall. He stops one more time though. “Oh, I almost forgot.” Setting down his bag, he reaches to his neck and yanks off the silver chain. Moving to Sean, he drapes it over his shoulder, giving it a pat. “I think this belongs to you. Enjoy it while it lasts. I’d keep your apartment though. You might want to move back in a few weeks.”

Saluting both, Carson picks his bag back up and heads to the door, tossing his key onto the floor as he goes, leaving the door wide open.

Halfway down the stairs, he hears the door slam. Without missing a beat, he goes out and to his car, throwing his stuff in the backseat. Within seconds, he’s burning rubber out of the driveway and heading to a destination unknown...

...Carson doesn’t know why he’s ended up here, but he knew with everything that had gone down, the gang wouldn’t be meeting here tonight. Parking at the front of the Bullseye, he just sits for several minutes in the silence. The adrenaline rush was gone. The anger was gone. The hate was subsiding. The humiliation was a lingering shadow. He felt…empty now. Emptier than he’d ever felt before. He’d been down on his luck in his life…he’d made mistakes before…he’d lost a lot of things in his life… But nothing seemed to compare to this.

After one decision…one stupid decision, here he was. Out of money, out of a home, barely keeping his job, and without anyone to lean on. Alone wasn’t the half of it.

Finally getting out of the car, Carson heads inside, taking up residence on a barstool, and ordering a beer. Tonight though, he’s not intent on drowning his sorrows. It’s almost as if he wants to feel it this time…he knows it’s what he deserves…it’s the punishment for his actions. The misery was the punishment to fit the crime, and he was experiencing it full force.

Sipping the beer slowly, he just sits…the noise around him going unheard. The people around him going unseen. He’d lost more than a home…he’d lost more than money…he’d lost more than a woman. He’d lost himself.


*Misty gives a nod.*

"Ah, ok."

*After grabbing her slice of pizza Misty heads back out and gets into her car taking a bit of her pizza. Poor Kyle was sick Misty hoped it was not from how late they were out lastnight in the cold. Now feeling bad that she might of been the one who got Kyle sick Misty pulls out her phone and dials he number waiting for an answer.*

*Once Carson is inside Nate pulls away. Glancing at him after he speaks he is silent for a long while till finally he speaks.*

"Thats a nasty gash on your head, are you ok?"

*Nate wants to ask more. A million questions run through his mind that he wants answers too. He wants to know why this happend, and what was going on but by looking at Carson Nate new he had been through alot already and if his friend wanted to talk about or at least for today Nate wouldent question him.

Time inches by as they come closer and closer to town. Not much is said between the two men silence raining over them. Finally they are ok the out skirts and Nate turns to Carson.*

"Where did you need me to drop you off at and will you be ok?"


Sue smiles her greeting to Misty and takes her order. Turning back around at the question, she shakes her head. “Sorry, hun. His brother called in for him this morning. I guess he’s sicker than a dog.”

Carson isn’t really surprised that Nate agrees to come pick him up, but there’s still an element there that he can’t put his finger on. Why Nate would continue going out of his way boggled Carson’s mind. He couldn’t complain though…at least he wouldn’t have to walk any more.

Settling down in the shade, he waits. Almost falling asleep once, he tries to keep watch, and finally Nate’s car comes into view.

Rising, he makes his way to the passenger side slowly, not sure what to expect. He didn’t know if Nate would ask questions or not…he knew he didn’t look in the best of shape.

Sighing, he finally opens the door and slides inside, quiet for several moments, unwilling to meet Nate’s eyes. “Thanks,” he finally manages.


*The phone in Nate's bedroom rings once again this time jolting him from his sleep. Sitting up in bed for a moment he trys to get his bearings. Relising he is in his room and the phone was ringing Nate groggly grabs it.*


*Hearing Carson's voice Nate sits up a little straghter and glances at the clock. He's be getting up in an hour and a half anyways. Hearing the Carson needed help Nate becomes even more alart. He hadent hurd form Carson in sometime and the last time he did see him was at Mom and Pop's and his new friends were....an odd bunch. But even so, Nate would never let a friend down even if he hadent hurd from him in 3 years.*

"Yeah, stay where you are and I will be there shortly. Hang tight."

*Getting out of bed Nate throws a pear of jeans on and an over sized grey hoody on as well. Heading down stairs Nate knows Janit will be in soon to help Maggie get ready for the day and decieds to leave her a note on what is going on rather than call and wake her.

Heading out the door Nate starts the long trip twords Vegas.*

*Misty taps her stearing wheel to the beat of the Jetstream song on the raido. It was differnt for her to be listing to something differnt than her heavy music but today she just wanted something soft but upbeat as she drove to the pizza box. Why she wasent sure but when she woke up this morning she had a craving for a slice.

Pulling into the parking lot Misty gets out of her car and enters the tiny building. Going over to the counter she smiles at the woman she had come to know as Sue.*

"Can I get a slice of cheese please?"

*A thought pass through Misty's mind. She wondered if Kyle was there yet? If she stoped and dident say Hi he would pitch a fit. Smiling again and asks Sue.*

"It Kyle around today?"

*Finally signs come into view for Vegas and Nate starts to keep a closer look out for Carson. The now rising sun helped shead light on everything making it a bit easyer to see. From the directions that Carson had given him Nate new he would be coming to him soon.

Finally Nate stops a figure on the side of the road. Drawing closer he can tell its Carson and pulls up in front of him.*


Carson kicks at the gravel as it crunches under his feet, spraying rocks onto the highway. Another car zooms by without slowing.

He’d been walking for several hours now. His legs hurt…he was getting a blister on his right foot…it was cool out, but the morning sun felt hot…he was hungry….and he was thirsty. But staring down the desolate road proved it would be a while before relief.

So on he trudged. He felt as though he deserved this. The longer he walked, the more opportunity he had to think about how stupid he’d been. It wasn’t a good feeling. He was Carson Banks…he was supposed to be able to take care of himself. He relied on no one. He needed no one. He got himself out of any scrapes he got into and that’s just the way it was.

An abandoned gas station comes into view. At least there might be some shade for a few minutes…

Singing down onto the concrete ground, Carson lets out a long slow breath. This was ridiculous. It had taken several hours to drive this distance…was he really going to walk the rest of the way? He’d already tried hitchhiking once, but had had no luck. Not even truckers wanted him.

Carson’s hand digs into his pocket. His cell phone was gone. He didn’t know what had happened to it. Probably he’d lost it during the scuffle earlier. All he had now were a few pieces of change…a couple dimes and quarters.

Glancing up, he suddenly spots a pay phone. Out of pure curiosity, he gets up and goes to it, putting the receiver to his ear. It still worked.

Shaking his head, he hangs up and starts to walk away. He didn’t have anyone to call anyway. Walking was it.

But he stops again. None of options seemed appealing. He truly hated being here right now.

Thinking for a moment, he realizes that there is only one person that he would ever even think of calling. But did he even want to do that now? What would be said? What would be done? And would they even come? And did Carson even really want them to drop what they were doing to come?

He feels the blister on his foot again, and reaches up to the dried gash on the side of his head. He was in no shape to keep walking.

Finally giving in to better sense rather than pride, Carson turns back around to the phone. Within seconds, he’s hearing a tone, then the answer that awaited his response.

“Nate…it’s Carson.” He pauses. It had been a while since he’d even talked to him or seen him. This was ridiculous. If Nate turned him down, he’d walk. “Listen…I’m in a bit of a bad spot and…” He pauses again. Oh how he hated this. “Look, I need some help. I’m on the outskirts of Vegas without a way back home.”

Buzzzzz. Phil groans and rolls over to slap off his alarm. Yawning, he drags himself from bed and heads to the bathroom. Splashing some cold water on his face, he starts to make sense of his surroundings as he prepares for work.

Once showered and changed, he heads back down the hall, but suddenly stops. He looks at his watch. Kyle should have already left for work half an hour ago, but he hadn't seen hide nor hair of him.

Going to the closed bedroom door, he knocks. "Kyle?" No answer. He tries again. "Hey, Kyle!"

A muffled groan is all he receives.

Phil rolls his eyes and opens the door. "You need to be at work in fifteen minutes, you dork. Didn't you set your alarm?"

Kyle's head is buried in his pillow his blanket pulled up over his shoulders, despite the warmth in the apartment. He barely shakes his head.

Phil frowns as his brother's lethargic movements. "Hey, you alright?"

Kyle squints one eye open, making out a blurry figure in the doorway. He starts to speak, but nothing wants to come and his throat feels as though it's on fire. Finally he gives up and just shakes his head.

Phil comes in closer and puts a hand to Kyle's forehead. "Dude, you're burning up. What'd you get into last night?"

Kyle shakes his head again, letting his eyes fall back shut.

Phil sighs. "Well...I have to go to work. I'll call into the Pizza Box for you though. You need anything?"

Kyle shakes his head once more.

"Okay...see you later then."