

*The phone in Nate's bedroom rings once again this time jolting him from his sleep. Sitting up in bed for a moment he trys to get his bearings. Relising he is in his room and the phone was ringing Nate groggly grabs it.*


*Hearing Carson's voice Nate sits up a little straghter and glances at the clock. He's be getting up in an hour and a half anyways. Hearing the Carson needed help Nate becomes even more alart. He hadent hurd form Carson in sometime and the last time he did see him was at Mom and Pop's and his new friends were....an odd bunch. But even so, Nate would never let a friend down even if he hadent hurd from him in 3 years.*

"Yeah, stay where you are and I will be there shortly. Hang tight."

*Getting out of bed Nate throws a pear of jeans on and an over sized grey hoody on as well. Heading down stairs Nate knows Janit will be in soon to help Maggie get ready for the day and decieds to leave her a note on what is going on rather than call and wake her.

Heading out the door Nate starts the long trip twords Vegas.*

*Misty taps her stearing wheel to the beat of the Jetstream song on the raido. It was differnt for her to be listing to something differnt than her heavy music but today she just wanted something soft but upbeat as she drove to the pizza box. Why she wasent sure but when she woke up this morning she had a craving for a slice.

Pulling into the parking lot Misty gets out of her car and enters the tiny building. Going over to the counter she smiles at the woman she had come to know as Sue.*

"Can I get a slice of cheese please?"

*A thought pass through Misty's mind. She wondered if Kyle was there yet? If she stoped and dident say Hi he would pitch a fit. Smiling again and asks Sue.*

"It Kyle around today?"

*Finally signs come into view for Vegas and Nate starts to keep a closer look out for Carson. The now rising sun helped shead light on everything making it a bit easyer to see. From the directions that Carson had given him Nate new he would be coming to him soon.

Finally Nate stops a figure on the side of the road. Drawing closer he can tell its Carson and pulls up in front of him.*

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