

*Katie sits quietly on the beach not having moved much in the last few hours. Starting to feel Jason emotions again but not so strong Katie shuts her eyes. She suddinly felt so alone, yet she had the emotions of another running thought her mind.

A short while later hearing voice Katie knows one is Jason and can only guess the other was probley Scott just by the tone yet everything alse was a blurr.

As Jason draws near Katie dosent turn her head thought she wants to. Her daze is so strong and she is not even sure why. Its like her whole brain just shut down trying to look things out. As Jason touches Katie she feels a susson jolt, almost like an elecrtil currint run through her, slowly things start to focus though she is still tired. Her body seems to relax and the pain she felt was gone.

Slowly Katie turns her head twords Jason her eyes glassy and bloodshot from crying. Her voice horse comes out as a whisper. Katie's strong voice seemed so quiet and tired.*

"I...dident mean to feel all the things I did J. I dident want to invade your privesy. I...I just wanted to help you, but now its grown into something so much more, and I dont want you to always fear that I am going to know what your feeling."

*Streams of tears start to show in Katie's eyes again as she thinks about everything. Before she even knows it, as if she calapsed she leans her head on Jason's shoulder. The energy he let off was comforting on its own. Being close to her best friend, made her feel alittle better.*

"I....dont know whats happening to me J and I dont know why to stop it. I tryed and I cant. I just...I dont know what to do."

*After asking for a box for her own left over steak Misty turns back to Carson and gives a smile. Trying out the new steakhouse have been a good choise by Carson the food was amazing not to mention filling. The night had been a good one and Misty hated that Carson wanted to go back to work to finish some stuff up, but what could you do when work calls work calls she new that. She would just have to make the most of the time she did have.*

"Hey thats pretty cool that Sheriff Brown is filtering cases to us. Keeping us on our toes. Though things have changed it dosent seem like anything has gotten to be to much. I think its rather nice not having to double checking everything and knowing if there is an injory to great its ok to send someone to the hospetal again."

*Misty takes a sip of her iced tea giving a grin at Carson.*

"And if you guys do get alittle bit of action that would probley be fun for you eh? Its been a while since you guys had anything that called for guns blazing and fists flying. Not that you should be right now. Your healing nicely and I dont need you going damaging yourself anymore. As for me the most action I get myself into is in the office when I docter you guys up. I think I rather like it that way too."

*Wendy looks up from her desk as she see Clint her face breaks out in a smile like it always did when Clint was around.*

"Hey you! Wes and I were starting to get worryed."

* As Clint talks Wendy takes note to the look in his eye. They had a new spark, a new love for life she new oh so well. Hearing about Clint's desition Wendy stands and goes over to Clint wrapping her arms around him in a strong embrass.*

"Congradulations and yes of course I want to go. Let me grab my stuff and lock the office."

*Grabing her purse and keys Clint and herself make there way out of the office locking the door behind her and heading out hand in hand with Clint. She was over joyed that he asked her to come along. This was something she really dident want to miss.*


Bret shrugs at Angelica. “I can’t blame you…I doubt I woulda been a happy camper in your shoes either.”

He eases himself back down, and gestures for Charlotte to come back and sit down. “Yes, I still want you as my lawyer. I’ll admit I’m riding on Jamie Franklin’s recommendation alone, but that’s enough for me.” He cocks his head towards Charlotte. “Whether she’s involved or not is between you two I guess.”

As the conversation continues, it’s a little more tense than planned, but facts about the case are laid down, Bret explaining how he was unfairly being blamed for the accident and how absurd the system was being. He informs Angelica that a preliminary hearing was set later this week, and they agree to meet prior once more.

Nearing lunchtime, Bret says he’s going to visit Brandon at the hospital, and quietly tells Charlotte that he’ll pick her up at the hotel for dinner.

Jason listens intently to Aerith, not commenting until she is finished. Some of her words made sense. Some of her words he wasn’t sure he appreciated. And some of her words hit him below the belt, stopping and making him think.

Taking a deep breath, Jason finishes off his juice and raises his eyes to meet Aerith’s. “Not so sure I’d agree about the whole God thing, but…I guess maybe there are a few things I’ve had the wrong perspective about. You’re right…this isn’t easy on the other party either and I’m being downright selfish.”

He shakes his head slowly. “I guess…ever since I got out of prison I’ve just felt like I’ve been in a fog. And I want to get out so badly that when other problems come up I want to just plow through them, but….I guess I haven’t paid attention to who I’ve trampled in the process.”

Pausing again, he forces a small smile. “Thanks, Aerith. I guess I needed the slap upside the head.”

Looking at his watch, he hates to leave, but knows he must. “Work is waiting,” he comments ruefully. “Hate to drink and run…”

Sighing, he stands up slowly and looks down at Aerith again. “I wasn’t much company, but, for what it’s worth, I really am grateful. So…thanks again.”

Turning, he heads for the door, waving to Herb and Mabel again before he steps back outside to face the day...

Scott wanders back through the cubicles, concern starting to rise. Katie still wasn’t around. She’d left no messages…he’d asked several people if they’d known where she’d gone, but no one had. Her car was gone, so she’d obviously driven somewhere. He’d tried her cell phone but had gotten no reply.

Getting back to his desk, he sits down and tries to get back to work, but just can’t. There was one person he hadn’t asked about Katie….he really didn’t want to…but… the hatched had been buried and he had to move on.

Rising again, Scott aims for Jason’s office where he’d been hibernating most of the day. “Jase?”

Jason looks up from his desk. “Yeah?”

“Do you know where Katie is?”

Jason furrows his brow. He hadn’t been out on the main floor since he’d gotten back that morning. “She’s not here?”

“No, she’s been gone since this morning.”

Jason suddenly grows worried. After that morning’s little episode, anything was possible. But he hadn’t expected her to be gone all day. “Did you call her?”

Scott’s irritation, born from his worry, gets the best of him. “Oh, I wouldn’t have thought of that,” he replies sarcastically. “She’s not here, Laura says she’s not at home, and she’s not answering her phone. So…do you know where she is?”

“How would I know?”

“Well you two still communicate as far as I can tell.”

“Communicate, yes, share our comings and goings twenty-four/seven, no.”

Scott looks Jason in the eye. Something seemed just a little odd. Jason wasn’t normally this casual when it came to Katie’s safety. “You sure there’s nothing you’re not telling me?”

Jason sighs. “Look, we had a little…discussion this morning. I left for a while and I guess she did too.”

“What…kind of discussion?”

Jason rolls his eyes. “Scott, it was nothing, alright?”

“Well if you connected that to her disappearing, it certainly seems more than nothing.”

“It’s not what you think.”

“How do you know what I’m thinking?”

Jason grits his teeth. “If you think I’m trying to push my way back in, you’re sorely mistaken.”

It’s Scott’s turn to rolls his eyes. “I don’t…that’s not a concern of mine, Jason. I trust you…I shouldn’t, but I do. I just want to find Katie.”

“Well if you can’t find her, how can I?”

“Can’t you…I mean… with you and her and that sort of…connection you got? She can find you…can’t you find her?”

“It doesn’t work that way,” Jason retorts. “Besides, she may not want to be found.”

Scott crosses his arms and leans on the doorframe. “How about you just explaining to me what exactly it was that you two discussed?”

“It’s nothing, alright? I just…” Jason sighs. “I might have…I mean…it’s hard to explain, Scott.”


Jason gives him a smirk. “Look, it’s that whole Katie being able to find me thing…she can sense when I’m upset and sometimes it upsets her too.”

“So…you got upset and you think she did too.”

“I guess you could put it that way.”

Scott’s eyes narrow as she tries to understand. “She and I haven’t talked about that much, but I get the feeling it’s a little more serious than that. She’s got quite a sixth sense…how upset would she get?”

Jason looks up at him, the worry showing through his eyes. “I don’t know.”

“Well then how about you and me going to look for her?”

Jason thinks hard for a moment. There was one place he would try…

“There.” Jason points to where Katie’s car is in the parking lot by the beach.

Scott quirks an eyebrow. “Doesn’t work that way, huh?”

“I just knew where she’d be,” Jason retorts. “It has nothing to do with any sixth sense. Come on.”

Both men get out of Scott’s car and head onto the beach. It was getting towards evening, and the sun was getting lower in the sky. Scott and Jason get on to the beach and scan the surroundings, walking slowly, looking. Finally Scott points to a figure sitting down by a large log. “There she is.”

Jason forces himself to stop. “Alright. I’ll stay here.”

Scott starts forward, then halts. He wants to continue. His heart is screaming at him with worry to make sure that Katie’s huddled form is really her and okay. But instead, he turns to Jason. “Jase…”

“What? Go check on her, Scott!”

“No…you go.” Scott backs off. “If this started as something between the two of you, then…it should be you. She and I have never talked about that sixth sense of hers, but if this is connected, then…I might as well bet that it’s you she’d want to see.”

Jason frowns a little. “It’s not…”

“Jason.” Scott grins a little. “I told you…I trust you. I’m not worried about losing Katie to you. We love each other. But you’re her friend, and an important one to her. And if this is something you two need to work out, then I don’t want to interfere. I’ll wait here…if you need help or she’s hurt, holler.”

Jason can hardly believe Scott’s sincerity. Scott really wasn’t worried, and for that, Jason was grateful. “Alright.” He nods and starts forward, almost hesitantly.

Reaching Katie, he kneels down in the sand, the shadows from the nearby trees enveloping them. “Katie?” he prompts softly. Her still form scared him…she looked so pale… He reaches out to put a hand on her shoulder, his tone gentle. “Katie…are you okay?”

Carson leaves half his steak on his plate, pushing it aside to signal that he was done, but he forces himself not to be in a hurry. He’d enjoyed the evening with Misty, and though keeping an eye on the time, wanted to be sure she picked up on nothing.

“…anyway, so Reese mentioned some cases that Brown has handed over to him at the moment and he’ll be sharing them with us. Might get us back into some action, who knows.”

“...Yeah, but…why?”

Jim sits across the mess hall table from his son, a Bible spread out between them. “God needed a pure sacrifice…what man was pure? What man was sinless? Only His Son.”

Clint furrows his brow and sighs a little. Yesterday morning’s sermon had finally struck a cord hard enough to force him into asking his father questions he’d had for quite a while. “Yeah, okay….I’ve heard that since I was a kid. God sent His Son, Jesus to die on a cross and take our sins.”

Jim quirks a small smile. “And…?”

“I don’t know…it’s just…why?”

“Because God loves us, Clint. He loved us so much that he didn’t want to see us all die without having a relationship with Him…without Him knowing us so well to have relationships with us. So He gave us Jesus…the way to Him.”

“So they keep saying, you know…accept Jesus as your Savior and all that…”

Jim sees the question in his son’s eyes. “Which means believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God…admitting you’re a sinner and need Him in order to gain salvation, and committing to following Him.”

Clint’s eyes lower and he runs his finger along the table thoughtfully. This strange stirring in his heart was new…he wanted to take a step forward…but…was it…could he…

“What’s stopping you?” Jim cocks his head. “Don’t believe it’s true?”

“No…no…I think it’s true. It’s just… following Jesus and all that… Where does your freedom go then?”

Jim actually laughs. “I’d much rather be a slave to Jesus than a slave to a dying world. A master has to be served. Whether you’re serving the world that leads down a dead end street and ultimately hell. Or, whether you’re serving God and walking in His way towards eternal life.”

Clint lifts an eyebrow. “When you put it that way, why on earth would I choose the latter?”

“I don’t know…why would you?”

Clint fingers the Bible and shifts it around again to reread one of the verses. “What’s with baptism anyway?”

“You know…a lot of people argue about that one, Clint.” Jim sighs a little. “But when it really comes down to it, it’s an outward sign to show the decision that was made – to prove that one is really committed to what they just promised. It’s also obedience as being baptized is what the Bible tells us to do if we are to become a follower of Christ.”

Silence reigns for several minutes, Clint’s mind and heart working overtime. Finally he looks up at his father. “Then I guess that’s what I should do, huh?”

Jim looks at him with slight surprise. “If you think you’re ready.”

“I don’t know an awful lot,” Clint admits. “But from what I’m gathering, that’s not really the point…how much I know. So…if I believe that Jesus is God’s Son and that He’s the route I need to get to heaven…and I want to go ‘cause everyone I love is going, then…it really seems like a no-brainer right about now.”

Jim chuckles and shakes his head. “I think you’re right.”

“So do I…I mean… I’ve prayed a little bit lately, kinda…trying to anyway I guess.”

Jim smiles. “Just talk to God…He’s a friend.”

…Clint heads across the yard, aiming for the shop. He’d been gone quite a while, but for once, he didn’t feel guilty. If there was anyone who would understand, it would be Wes. But he wasn’t looking for Wes at the moment, he was looking for Wendy.

Getting into the shop, he crosses to the office and taps on the door, seeing Wendy at the desk. A smile spreads across his face. “Hey, um… my family and some of the folks around here, are um…coming with me to town to church…” His eyes are shining with a newfound peace and hope. “I, um…made the decision to follow God and…Dad’s gonna baptize me. You…want to come too?”

God's Gifts

*Charlotte stops turning back to Bret. He was sticking up for her taking some of the blame that was strange. This whole thing was strange with Bret. From the day she ment him things lined up perfecly so they could spend more time together. Sparking a renewing hope in her heart that there really were nice guys in the world still. It felt good and Charlotte couldent deny it.*

"Bret, you cant take all the blame eather. As much as I apreshate it, I cant let you take all of the blame eather. So I guess your just going to have to shair it with me."

*Charlotte cant help but Grin at Bret.

Angelica lets out a sigh as she watches the two some more. She saw something in her sisters eye. She wasent quite sure what it was but she could tell something. She was still upset, but was starting to calm down.*

"Whats done is done I'll still be your lawyer, if thats ok with you. I'm sorry as well for exploiding like I did."

*Katie stays on the ground in the sand her knees pulled to her chest. The tears still falling from her eyes as she gently rocks. She can feel Jason thoughts and emotions calming but her body felt as though it just went through a great shock. She could felt herself shaking, and the tears still falling but she dident feel like she had controll over it anymore. Her mind wanted her to stop, to stand and go back to work but she dident know why her body wasent responding to her mind. Maybe....maybe she just needed to rest.*

*Aerith slips into the booth across from Jason leaning on the table.*

"Its ok I was going to be taking my break soon anyways and its slow today."

*Aerith leanes back in the booth listing to Jason trying to understand what Jason was saying. It was a bit confusing but the more she listened she more she could peace together alittle bit of what was going on. Looking at Jason thoughtfuly searching his eyes she can tell this was something that really was bothing him alot.*

"We are on this earth to make the best of life and shair Gods love with everyone so they can join us was we pass on. We are here so we know what it is we have to look forward to when we go to heaven, because it is so much better than this. This world is imperfect so we know what we are missing here that we can find when we enter our eternal home. It gives up hope and something to look forward too. The point is to spend all the time we can with friends and loved once till the day we die, making sure we will see them again. Some of our best memories are not of us alone but of those we hold close to us."

*Aerith smiles as she closed her eyes for a moment. Remembering her fishing trip with Wyatt and his dad, than to the times with her own father. Being filled with peace, chasing away anything that had been dishearting today.

Opening her eyes again she tilts her head looking at Jason again she smile so soft, and strong at the same time.*

"Its sounds to me, not knowing 100% of what is going on, you need to talk to this person. Running away or trying to just brush it under the carpet is only going to make it get worse, and cause the tention to grow. And if as you said neather of you can help what is going on my guess is the other person probley feels pretty strange and confused about this as well. Your NOT alone in this, and because of that your cant think of only yourself. Alot of what I am hearing from you is me, me, me...but what about the other person? Do you think they like knowing what your doing all the time? Feeling what you feel? I'm sure the other person feels like there life isent theres anymore eather. Seems like they might be living your life and not like it too."

*Aerith reaches her hand out and gives Jason's hand a pat. Still smiling friendly at Jason.*

"I can tell by looking in your eyes your going through alot Jason. You been though alot a normal perons your age shouldent have to. You feel into a rut and are trying to climb out, keep climbing Jason but remember you dont have to do it alone. Weather you shair your life with someone or not, you have to keep moving forward and the best way I think to do that would be to sit down and talk. Its a step in the right direction anyway."

*Aerith smiles at Jason again.*

"I love ya like a friend Jason. You have been more than kind to me when you hardly even new me and I that shows you have a kind heart. Your a strong person and your gonne be ok. Dont let yourself get unhappy or depressed. If you dont like something do something to change it. Talk with someone, figure a salution to a problem, and remember God gives us gifts for many reasons. Dont hide them or try to snuff them out, but learn to controll them and see how he wants you to use them. There is a good reason for everything. Every breath we breath has a purpis. Weather its to simply make someone smile, or give them joy to saving there life, nothing should be over looked."

What's the point

Bret stares wide-eyed at the two sisters as they argue. He tries to intervene several times, but is cut off as they continue.

Still stunned by this turn of events, he numbly accepts Charlotte’s hug and kiss, wanting to return it, but keeping himself in check. This was certainly not the time to go around displaying strong affections.

As he watches Charlotte leave, he gets to his feet on impulse. He couldn’t let her take all the heat for this. “Charlotte, wait.” He looks at her for a moment, then back down at Angelica. “Look, I’m sorry, Ms. Lockheart, but you can’t blame this on your sister. We just met the other night and I had no idea she was your sister, let alone assisting with this case. I guess we just…never got around to too much details to put the pieces together.”

Bret pauses, knowing he’s probably just going to make things worse, but he just can’t let it go yet. “It was my fault that we saw each other over the weekend. I started it by asking her out, so please…don’t blame her.”

He really isn’t sure now what to do…he didn’t regret the weekend, but if he’d known who Charlotte was, he probably would have done things differently…. His mind remembers the time spent in the pool. His face gets red just thinking about the fact that that was his lawyer’s assistant. “Look…if you’d rather me find an attorney elsewhere because of this, I will…I didn’t mean to cause any trouble, and I’m sorry.” He looks to Angelica with genuine apology.

Scott ambles from his desk to Katie’s with some work from Susanne, but finds her cubicle empty. Odd…her purse was gone. He hadn’t known she was leaving…it was only late morning.

Shrugging it off, Scott simply leaves her a note to come see him when she gets back.

Jason lifts his head at the sound of the glass being put on the table. He looks up at Aerith a bit wearily, though forces half a smile. “You and Mabel take care of me too well.”

He sits up straight to lean back in the booth and gestures to the free seat opposite him. “Take a load off. If Herb complains, send him to me.” He reaches down to take a sip of the orange juice and takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself. “Yeah, I haven’t stopped by in a while. Guess there’s been a lot going on.”

His mind wanders for a moment, his eyes roaming the room. A strange lurch to his emotional system stops him for a second. What was that? Brought to a halt for just long enough, he realizes just how quickly and rampantly his emotions are running right now, and he consciously makes an effort to calm them down.

Finally he looks back to Aerith, forcing himself to relax. He had to focus…he couldn’t keep jumping around like this, or he’d drive himself mad.

“That obvious something’s bothering me, huh?” A dry laugh surfaces. “Yeah, I’m not so great at hiding it when I don’t care.” He takes another swig of juice. “What do you do, when everything you do affects someone else directly, and you don’t even have a choice in the matter?”

He shakes his head, knowing the question would make absolutely no sense to Aerith. “I feel like my life isn’t my own anymore… People keep saying they miss me because I’m in a rut, but how can I be me when me isn’t just me anymore, but me and someone else?”

Knowing he must sound like an idiot, he leans his head back to stare at he ceiling. “What’s the point in life, Aerith? Why are we even here?”

Secrets to the world

*Angelica looks between Bret and Charlotte the wheels turning in he own head as she is silent for a long while. Finally looking at her sister she nods to pull up a chair and than look dead at her.*

"What did you do this weekend Charlotte and who did you spend it with?"

*Charlotte grabs the nearest chair and pulls it twords the table siting down. Though the look in her eye said she new they wasent going to be good she still kept he head up.*

"I spent my weekend having a fun time and I spend it with Bret. I got to know him, and I dident know it that he was in this trouble but I genuinly know he's a great guy."

*Angelica's face turns beat red as the blood rushes to it. A million throughs going through her mind at once. This was not good at all, how could this happen. Still looking at Charlotte the irrotation rises. Was she mad at her sister? Yes and no. How was Charlotte to know Bret was going to be there clint, and on the other hand she was upset. If she had spent all this time with him how did they not come across the subject? How could they not have put 2 and 2 together? The was rediculace and everything was now on the line. Trying to keep her voice calm and low it still shows she is upset. Looking between the two she finally speaks.*

"Charlotte you cant help me in this anymore. I will be the only one that is Bret's lawyer."

*Charlotte eye brows raise alittle bit as she looks at her sister.*

"What? Why not...I cant still help I wont let my time with Bret interfear with this. I...."

*Angelica look her her sister her eyes narrowing slightly. This was her job, her work, her life, she had built her busness on how she worked with peopl it couldent be brused by somehting like this.*

"You dont understand do you? This could very well rune this case that I am trying to vuild for Bret if I keep you on. Let alone rune my career. A lawyer having relations with there clint does not fly, and we could be thrown out of court so fast it will make your head spin."

*Shaking her head she lets out a sigh trying to relax herself.*

"I'm Charlotte you can be on this case anymore its as simple at that. I'm not willing to risk everything."

"Thats not fair!"

"No its not but its life. Please go back to the hotel and wait for me. I'll buy your ticket for you to go back to Cali."

*Lockheart turns her head back to the papers in front of her ready to start.

Charlotte sits at the table not moving. Giving a shake of her head.*

" No, I'm not going back to Cali."

"Yes you are you have no need to stay here."

"Well, I'm not ready to leave. You cant order me around like I am a child. I'm not going back."

*Angelica snaps her head back to her sister a now harsher tone in her voice. She was starting to get embarssed and that sent out an even big anger inside. Her sister was making a scene.*

"Go back to the hotel now please Charlotte. I have work to do and I dont need to have this squabble with you in front of everyone."

*Charlotte looks to Bret as she stands. How could this happen. They had, had such a good weekend, she had gotten closer to Bret, and now the thought of going home made her feel sick. She still wanted more time. Leaning over she gives Bert a hug. Was she doing it to make her sister even more angry maybe but she also really did want a hug after how missrable she felt now. Charlotte whispers as she hugs Bret.*

"I still want to see you tonight."

*Giving Bret a quick kiss on the cheek Charlotte turns throwing her sister another look and than makes her way to the door. She now wanted to help Bret more thanever with this case but if her sister wouldent let her, she would try on he own.*

Evolution is an imperfect and often violent process. A battle between what exists and what is yet to be born. In the midst of these birth pains, morality loses its meaning. The question of good and evil reduced to one simple choice: survive or perish.

*As Katie's car finally pulls into the quiet parking lot her mind still races in so many places. Her emotions Jason's emotions. Geting out of the car and making her way down on the beach Katie just walks. Everything inside her screaming. What was going on and why was this happing.

As Katie walks her knees buckle under her as the empty feeling hits. Her emotions feelings the only ones in her head, but it wasent the normal quiet empty. Jason had shut down, hide the emotion. One would think the feeling would be good, Katie wasent feeling the extra emotions but to her it felt like daggers jabbing into her stomach over and over again. Wrapping her arms around herself Katie stays kneeling in the sand as a few tears form in her eyes.

Suddonaly the burst of emotions come back like the snap of someones fingers....filtering into her head all at once not slowly but crapping through the door like an angry mob sending a small scream from her mouth.

Trying to stand again though very shaky Katie slowly walks to a log on the shore to sit on. Her mind, it felt a mess and she dident know where to start. Consintrating Katie trys to sort through the emotions that were coming at her, trying to intake them one by one to get rid of them, but they shifted so fast and came back in the door it was hard to do. Katie felt like a bathtub as the water rised threating to spill over soon.

Katie takes a deep breath trying to calm herself, trying to let herself breat before she went blue in the face. Only to be hit hard with the same emotion she had woken up to lastnight. Jason's moments with Camryn. Though she was trying to deal and over come that Jason was moving on this was not something Katie wanted to feel or know the first time around and now, now she had to live it over again another time. Not being able to handle it anymore, like water in the tub spilled over, so dident Katie emotions as she lets out a sharp scream sinking off the log and to the ground hugging her knees to herself and sobing as she gently rocked as the emotions and thought run in and out of her mind not being able to stop them.*

The Earth is large. Large enough that you think you can hide from anything. From Fate. From God. If only you found a place far enough away. So you run. To the edge of the Earth. Where all is safe again. Quiet, and warm. The solace of salt air. The peace of danger left behind. The luxury of grief. And maybe, for a moment, you believe you have escaped.

*Aerith looks up to seeing Jason enter giving him a small smile. Grabing a glass of OJ she heads over to Jason table setting it down. Though his head is in his arms and thats proof enough he was having a rough day and might want to be left alone Aerith is compeled to talk to her friend to see what is wrong. Giving a smile and speaking softly so Jason is startled by her presince.*

"It looks like you just had your secrets spilled to the world! Care to chat with your friend for alittle bit? Even if its not about whats bothing you? I havent seen you in what feeling like ages."

When we embrace what lies within, our potential knows no limit. The future is filled with promise. The present, rife with expectation. But when we deny our instinct, and struggle against our deepest urges... Uncertainty begins. Where does this path lead? When will the changes end? Is this transformation a gift... or a curse? And for those that fear what lies ahead... The most important question of all... Can we ever change what we really are?

Rollercoaster ride

Jason makes his way out of the building, ignoring a few strange glances that are thrown in his direction. He’d brought his motorcycle this morning, and it takes only moments for him to throw his helmet on and rev the engine.

Pulling out of the parking lot, a million and one thoughts race through his mind. Maybe he’d known all this before…maybe he had just ignored it. Maybe he’d just ignored the signs, when he knew how severe this was.

Slowing at a stop sign, he sees no one else is at the intersection, and turns to accelerate down the next street.

He’d never dwelled on Katie’s connection with him for too long… It had been unexplainable, so there was no point in really trying to figure it out. She’d saved his life, so it had been nothing to fear. She’d simply been able to protect him by, for some reason, being able to sense his pain or danger. That alone hadn’t been all THAT bizarre.

But then he’d started being able to control his emotions…she’d started feeling them more…wanting them. His mind drifts back to prison and the first time Katie had come to visit. It had been a deliberate act on his part to let his emotions out to her, so she could understand him…so she could relate and know he was okay. At the same time, it had been like a relief to him, finally able to send out all his pent up emotions into an absorbing sponge.

Jason gears down for a red light and waits at the intersection impatiently.

At the time, it had felt so natural…so…good maybe, that he hadn’t tried to explain it away. It was just…something…that happened. But thinking about it now…really trying to figure out what had gone on, it was a fearful subject. This was more than a sixth sense. And it wasn’t just Katie. It was both of them.

Turning left, Jason hits the open road and guns it, racing to beat the horizon.

He recalls the time that he had purposely forced out all his anger in Katie’s direction after he’d returned from prison, and he remembers the guilt afterward for how much it had hurt her, almost physically. He’d done that almost without thinking…why had he thought nothing of it at the time? That was certainly not something anybody should be able to do. Yet he’d just taken it for granted as something he’d learned how manipulate. Was this whole thing such a part of their beings that they simply hadn’t even thought about actually looking at it and realizing how….how bizarre and unreal it was?

This…thing…it had been evolving slowly over time, and now had gotten to the point where it was interfering with their lives. Were they at fault for letting it get out of control? Or was it something they could not tame?

Jason had blocked Katie out once before…completely. It had upset her, but at least she hadn’t been feeling all his pain. Did he have to do that again, in order to keep them both from going crazy?

As easily as Jason shifts gears on his bike, he shuts himself down. It had become a whole lot easier than he thought - now it was just like opening or closing a door without effort. He simply didn’t do it anymore because Katie had said it hurt.

He thinks about it…no feelings…no pain…and he knew at this very instant, Katie was feeling that void. He was depriving her his emotions…was that so bad? Couldn’t she get used to not feeling him? Was it simply a matter of learning how to be separated, like weaning a pup from its mother?

Jason remembers the torment in Katie’s eyes…whether she could get over it or not, he didn’t want to hurt her…he didn’t wan to put her through that if she didn’t have to.

Rounding a curve in the road, he opens up again. Keeping himself from her entirely was not the solution. It had upset her too much before, and if he did that, then he’d be miserable too. …The emotions released to freedom again, he focuses on the road ahead, his mind still reeling.

What emotions did she feel? Was it truly all of them? Was it a thought, or the raw feeling?

He runs through his own emotions like flipping through a photo album, not realizing their individual strength they would hit their target with as he pulls them out. Happiness, sadness, anger, hurt, frustration, bliss, irritation, joy… The good and the bad…whenever something out of the ordinary happened – whether it was seeing an old friend, or hitting a finger with a hammer – they all evoked emotions of some sort.

If it was just the bad, that was one thing… Jason had been able to live with that… but realizing this morning that it was everything…

He takes another turn, circling back around towards town.

His thoughts go back to Camryn. He’d had some pretty strong feelings there, and they weren’t something he would go around talking about. To think that someone else had known what was going through his mind based on his emotional response was…well, it was embarrassing. Thinking about the previous evening in the truck, Jason relives it for a moment, feeling again what had boiled inside of him as he’d stared Camryn in the eye. He’d wanted more…

Jason cringes, wanting to kick himself for reliving that. Did Katie automatically feel everything, or did she have to be paying attention? Unfortunately, he knew it was automatic. He’d just given her a nice dose of last night all over again.

Frustrated, he shifts into another gear, speeding to town.

He was running her thought the gauntlet of emotions right now and he just now realized it. But how else was he supposed to think about all these things? How could he enable himself to work through this, and keep Katie out of it?

Reaching town, he makes several turns and winds up in front of the little Italian restaurant. It was mid morning…there would be hardly anybody here. He couldn’t go back to work yet…not yet…not untili he’d calmed himself down.

Getting off his bike and entering Mom and Pop’s, the bell on the door signals his entrance. He forces a smile to his lips and gives a wave to Mabel before heading to the back and sliding into his favorite booth. Resting his elbows on the table, he buries his face in his hands.

Get out

*Katie eyes falls to the floor her body becoming tense once again feeling Jason confustion,embaresment.This wasent easy on her eather. As Jason starts to leave Katie takes a step twords him.*


*But stops, she couldent chase after him. What would that do when neather of them new anything at the moment.*

"....I...dont know what to do eather...this...this isent easy on me eather."

*Katie suddnly feels cramped within the TJY walls, with Jason own emotions in her mind along with her own. She had to get out...she had to get away. Shuting off the moniter on her computer Katie grabs her purse and jacket, making her way slowly for the exit. Her mind it felt exsausted, to tired to tell her body to walk fast. All Katie new is she had to get out.*


Jason draws in his breath, trying not to overreact. But it was hard. What Katie was telling him was no joke. Anything extreme…anything out of the ordinary…any time his emotions or physical senses were heightened at all…she felt it. The bad…and the good.

Heat rises to his face. He’d had an awful lot of good feelings lately, being with Camryn…that thought alone evoked embarrassment. And again, Jason realized that Katie was feeling it right now. Unless he was in a relaxed state without any strong emotions one way or the others…she knew what he was feeling.

“I can’t…there’s got to be…” Jason fumbles for something to say, but can think of nothing. They couldn’t go on like this. They couldn’t live like this. What were they? Why was this happening? This was more than a sixth sense. There had to be a way to stop it.

“I’m sorry Katie,” he says quietly. “I don’t know what to do.”

Dropping his gaze, he wipes his thumb on his jeans and turns around to leave. He had to be a lone. He had to think. He had to find some way to fix this.

As Angelica gets back to the table and acts as though everything is normal, Bret’s eyes start to widen slightly. He glances back and forth between Charlotte and Angelica, the wheels in his head turning.

Catching Charlotte’s eyes for a moment, he can see she is just as surprised. He looks back at Angelica as she asks if she’s missed something, and immediately the heat begins to rise in his face. How on earth…what were the odds…

“Oh, crap.” Bret bites his tongue, not having intended for that comment to slip. “I…” He looks to Angelica. “Um…I…we…that is…” He gropes for something intelligent to say. He was making a fool out of himself and he knew it. This was not good. “I didn’t realize…that you were…Charlotte’s sister.”

Meet my sister Charlotte

*Katie cant relax after what just happen. She new Jason was ok, he was standing in front of her, but not another feeling was present in herself was with the hint of embarssment. As Jason nears her, Katie trys to take another step back but runs into the cubicle wall. Feeling Jason's hand on her chin she looks up into his eyes. Searching them. Swallowing hard her replys in a horse whisper.*

"I....can feel everything J. I dont always good looking for it just sometimes it just happend. It can wake me up in the....middle of the night, or like before I could be looking for you."

*Katie can feel her cheeks turn a bit warm. She dident want to say this. She dident want Jason to know. But she had too.*

"I can feel your pain, your fear....your happyness, and bliss."

*Katie gaze darts from on to the next of Jason's eyes. Emotions filling her own. She dident know what to think, or what to say.*

*Grining Charlotte scans the room again before replying.*

"My sister is learking around here somewhere we have a cli......."

*Before Charlotte can finish her sentince Angelica reapears a smile on her face.*

"Good your finally here."

*Charlotte gives her sister a smile than tilts her head alittle.*

"I told you I'd be here."

*Angelica shakes her head at her sister leting out a sigh.*

"Your almost 30 minutes late, but no matter. Bret this is my sister Charlotte. Charlotte this is Bret."

*It takes a moment for Charlotte to understand what was going on. But seeing her sister slide into the booth where her brefcase was Charlotte understand. A suddon wave flashing through her. Looking quickly at Bret her eyes search his wondering what he was thinking. Never in a million years would she have guess the man she made out with under a water fall and spet the whole weekend with would be her cliant.

Angelica looks between Charlotte and Bret for a moment. Studing her sister she can see that look on her face. Something wasent righ. Her blood runs close yet boils at the same time.*

"Did I miss something?"


Bret sips on his soda as Lockheart leaves, tapping his fingers as little nervously on the table. He’d been able to forget his problems for most of the weekend with enough distractions, but reality was coming back. He was in trouble…big trouble, and needed this help.

Brandon was still alive…that was a good thing, not only for his friends, but for Bret right now too. He was still in a coma…but if he died, the charges would be much more severe.

Looking up and spotting Charlotte, his eyebrows rise in pleasant surprise, and he returns her hug. “Hey, you….” He chuckles. “Yeah, fate’s been having a good time, hasn’t he?”

He cocks his head. “And what are you doing at this end of town looking so sharp?”

Jason isn’t totally surprised by Katie’s reaction, though he gives a slight start as he witnesses the severity of it. Blinking, he looks at her as she catches herself from saying more.

For several moments, he just stands. A slow fear seeps into his veins. He knew she’d felt him before…that was the only way she’d known to find him or come to his rescue so many times before. But…Jason had always thought it was just her sixth sense for danger. He knew she liked to draw out his emotions to help him too, and that she could sense his good feelings if he purposely gave them up to her . But…right now, he’d been in no danger at all...had shared nothing on purpose. Sure, he’d cut his thumb, but if whatever it was that had made Katie sense danger before was what he thought, then she shouldn’t have reacted right now like she had.

Jason swallows hard and steps inside Katie’s cubicle, nearing her. Drawing his hand from his pocket proves what he’d just done, his thumb producing a small stream of blood. He looks at his hand, then back to Katie. Reaching out with his other hand, he tilts her chin so she’s looking at him. His pulse quickens as his fear intensifies.

“Katie…” His voice is almost a whisper. “How much…” He pauses, realizing the implications of what he was asking. It was impossible…but he had to know. “How much do you feel?”

He knows!

*Lockheart studys Bret as she sits across from him. Studying his movments, the way he talked, the way he acted trying to get a feel for him like she did on most all cases. It helped her better when she could understand why they were like.*

"I did have a pretty good weekend. I went to a wedding and thats always nice."

*Lockheart glances down at her watch. 15 minutes had gone by and Charlotte wasent there yet. She was starting to grow impashent.*

"If you can excuse me for a moment Bret I need to find the lady's room. If my sister isent here by than we can start without her."

*Geting up Lockheart makes her way to the back and slips into the bathroom.

As Charlotte enters the small downtown restront she scans the face. Not seeing Angelica, Charlotte's eyes find another face she knows. Giving a grin she walks over to the boot. Today she is dressed much differntly than over the weekend she looks more perfeshinal, but still had the same free look on her face.*

"Hey Stranger. I guess fate was on your side after all huh?"

*Charlotte leans down and gives a hug hello. She was happy to see him again. She had been most of the night and not to actully have him in front of her was a treat.*

*Misty thinks for a moment and than smiles at Carson. She really did want to go to Mom and Pop's but the new steakhouse sounded good too.*

"Ok, I guess I can deal with steak. Anytime with you is better than no time."

*Giving a small nod Misty starts to talk again*

"I better get back to work, before Rick had kittens. I'll see you when we leave work for dinner, and I am sure inbetween too."

*Giving Carson another kiss Misty turns and walks away heading for her office.*

*As Katie looks back at Jason she can tell he was confused. The emotion running around, could he tell she was hiding something? Did her eyes show it? As Katie is about to say something when a sharp pain shoots through her finger causing her to stop her pen almost sending it across the cubicle. The feeling was suddon and startling. Without even thinking Katie stands and goes for Jason's hand.*

"J what are you doing?"

*Katie touches Jason's arm she stops withdrawing quickly and backing away relizing what she did. Slowly Katie's eyes find Jason's again a suddon pain showing in them one she dident entend on. Lowering her eyes Katie dosent say anything, wanting Jason to be the first to say something. She dident know what he was thinking or what he was trying to prove but Katie had a feeling it was something big.*

How much do you feel?

“Mmm.” Carson grins, grateful for the coffee, and returns Misty’s kiss. “You do know how to take care of a bloke, you know that?”

At her suggestion for that evening, Carson has to stop and think. If it had just been dinner, it might have worked, but anything else meant a late evening, and he couldn’t afford that…not tonight.

He hesitates. “I…was thinking maybe that new steakhouse…I…wanted to come back in to work late and catch up on a few things later in the evening.”

Jason forces a short laugh. “Yeah, I guess you could say we were rockin’. Though I’m not sure anybody could beat you at being the bodyguard. Kyle certainly doesn’t think so.”

He pauses for a moment, finding himself searching Katie’s eyes for some reason. Almost as if he were really looking for something…an answer…something to help him understand…discover… Something was…odd. Katie was hiding something…she was doing a good job of it, but there was something she was holding back…something she didn’t want to say or express. What was it?

Jason furrows his brow and looks away, knowing that Katie must sense his confusion, but… His eyes suddenly snap back to her as a sickening thought occurs to him. “Katie…do you…”

Pausing, Jason lowers one of his arms to put his hand into his pocket where his keys were. Gritting his teeth, he purposely digs his thumb into one of the keys, enough to slice his skin. His eyes stayed glued to Katie, watching for any reaction.

Bret stands up and shakes hands with Lockheart. “Yes. Nice to meet you. Thanks for coming.”

Easing back down into the booth, he cocks his head a little bit. Interesting. Strange, to say the least – somehow, this lawyer reminded him of Charlotte.

Shaking his head a little, he dives into the small talk, anxious to get on with the discussion when her sister would show up.

“Yeah…” A smile quirks his mouth. “I had a…very good weekend. And yourself?”