
Get out

*Katie eyes falls to the floor her body becoming tense once again feeling Jason confustion,embaresment.This wasent easy on her eather. As Jason starts to leave Katie takes a step twords him.*


*But stops, she couldent chase after him. What would that do when neather of them new anything at the moment.*

"....I...dont know what to do eather...this...this isent easy on me eather."

*Katie suddnly feels cramped within the TJY walls, with Jason own emotions in her mind along with her own. She had to get out...she had to get away. Shuting off the moniter on her computer Katie grabs her purse and jacket, making her way slowly for the exit. Her mind it felt exsausted, to tired to tell her body to walk fast. All Katie new is she had to get out.*

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