
Secrets to the world

*Angelica looks between Bret and Charlotte the wheels turning in he own head as she is silent for a long while. Finally looking at her sister she nods to pull up a chair and than look dead at her.*

"What did you do this weekend Charlotte and who did you spend it with?"

*Charlotte grabs the nearest chair and pulls it twords the table siting down. Though the look in her eye said she new they wasent going to be good she still kept he head up.*

"I spent my weekend having a fun time and I spend it with Bret. I got to know him, and I dident know it that he was in this trouble but I genuinly know he's a great guy."

*Angelica's face turns beat red as the blood rushes to it. A million throughs going through her mind at once. This was not good at all, how could this happen. Still looking at Charlotte the irrotation rises. Was she mad at her sister? Yes and no. How was Charlotte to know Bret was going to be there clint, and on the other hand she was upset. If she had spent all this time with him how did they not come across the subject? How could they not have put 2 and 2 together? The was rediculace and everything was now on the line. Trying to keep her voice calm and low it still shows she is upset. Looking between the two she finally speaks.*

"Charlotte you cant help me in this anymore. I will be the only one that is Bret's lawyer."

*Charlotte eye brows raise alittle bit as she looks at her sister.*

"What? Why not...I cant still help I wont let my time with Bret interfear with this. I...."

*Angelica look her her sister her eyes narrowing slightly. This was her job, her work, her life, she had built her busness on how she worked with peopl it couldent be brused by somehting like this.*

"You dont understand do you? This could very well rune this case that I am trying to vuild for Bret if I keep you on. Let alone rune my career. A lawyer having relations with there clint does not fly, and we could be thrown out of court so fast it will make your head spin."

*Shaking her head she lets out a sigh trying to relax herself.*

"I'm Charlotte you can be on this case anymore its as simple at that. I'm not willing to risk everything."

"Thats not fair!"

"No its not but its life. Please go back to the hotel and wait for me. I'll buy your ticket for you to go back to Cali."

*Lockheart turns her head back to the papers in front of her ready to start.

Charlotte sits at the table not moving. Giving a shake of her head.*

" No, I'm not going back to Cali."

"Yes you are you have no need to stay here."

"Well, I'm not ready to leave. You cant order me around like I am a child. I'm not going back."

*Angelica snaps her head back to her sister a now harsher tone in her voice. She was starting to get embarssed and that sent out an even big anger inside. Her sister was making a scene.*

"Go back to the hotel now please Charlotte. I have work to do and I dont need to have this squabble with you in front of everyone."

*Charlotte looks to Bret as she stands. How could this happen. They had, had such a good weekend, she had gotten closer to Bret, and now the thought of going home made her feel sick. She still wanted more time. Leaning over she gives Bert a hug. Was she doing it to make her sister even more angry maybe but she also really did want a hug after how missrable she felt now. Charlotte whispers as she hugs Bret.*

"I still want to see you tonight."

*Giving Bret a quick kiss on the cheek Charlotte turns throwing her sister another look and than makes her way to the door. She now wanted to help Bret more thanever with this case but if her sister wouldent let her, she would try on he own.*

Evolution is an imperfect and often violent process. A battle between what exists and what is yet to be born. In the midst of these birth pains, morality loses its meaning. The question of good and evil reduced to one simple choice: survive or perish.

*As Katie's car finally pulls into the quiet parking lot her mind still races in so many places. Her emotions Jason's emotions. Geting out of the car and making her way down on the beach Katie just walks. Everything inside her screaming. What was going on and why was this happing.

As Katie walks her knees buckle under her as the empty feeling hits. Her emotions feelings the only ones in her head, but it wasent the normal quiet empty. Jason had shut down, hide the emotion. One would think the feeling would be good, Katie wasent feeling the extra emotions but to her it felt like daggers jabbing into her stomach over and over again. Wrapping her arms around herself Katie stays kneeling in the sand as a few tears form in her eyes.

Suddonaly the burst of emotions come back like the snap of someones fingers....filtering into her head all at once not slowly but crapping through the door like an angry mob sending a small scream from her mouth.

Trying to stand again though very shaky Katie slowly walks to a log on the shore to sit on. Her mind, it felt a mess and she dident know where to start. Consintrating Katie trys to sort through the emotions that were coming at her, trying to intake them one by one to get rid of them, but they shifted so fast and came back in the door it was hard to do. Katie felt like a bathtub as the water rised threating to spill over soon.

Katie takes a deep breath trying to calm herself, trying to let herself breat before she went blue in the face. Only to be hit hard with the same emotion she had woken up to lastnight. Jason's moments with Camryn. Though she was trying to deal and over come that Jason was moving on this was not something Katie wanted to feel or know the first time around and now, now she had to live it over again another time. Not being able to handle it anymore, like water in the tub spilled over, so dident Katie emotions as she lets out a sharp scream sinking off the log and to the ground hugging her knees to herself and sobing as she gently rocked as the emotions and thought run in and out of her mind not being able to stop them.*

The Earth is large. Large enough that you think you can hide from anything. From Fate. From God. If only you found a place far enough away. So you run. To the edge of the Earth. Where all is safe again. Quiet, and warm. The solace of salt air. The peace of danger left behind. The luxury of grief. And maybe, for a moment, you believe you have escaped.

*Aerith looks up to seeing Jason enter giving him a small smile. Grabing a glass of OJ she heads over to Jason table setting it down. Though his head is in his arms and thats proof enough he was having a rough day and might want to be left alone Aerith is compeled to talk to her friend to see what is wrong. Giving a smile and speaking softly so Jason is startled by her presince.*

"It looks like you just had your secrets spilled to the world! Care to chat with your friend for alittle bit? Even if its not about whats bothing you? I havent seen you in what feeling like ages."

When we embrace what lies within, our potential knows no limit. The future is filled with promise. The present, rife with expectation. But when we deny our instinct, and struggle against our deepest urges... Uncertainty begins. Where does this path lead? When will the changes end? Is this transformation a gift... or a curse? And for those that fear what lies ahead... The most important question of all... Can we ever change what we really are?

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