
He knows!

*Lockheart studys Bret as she sits across from him. Studying his movments, the way he talked, the way he acted trying to get a feel for him like she did on most all cases. It helped her better when she could understand why they were like.*

"I did have a pretty good weekend. I went to a wedding and thats always nice."

*Lockheart glances down at her watch. 15 minutes had gone by and Charlotte wasent there yet. She was starting to grow impashent.*

"If you can excuse me for a moment Bret I need to find the lady's room. If my sister isent here by than we can start without her."

*Geting up Lockheart makes her way to the back and slips into the bathroom.

As Charlotte enters the small downtown restront she scans the face. Not seeing Angelica, Charlotte's eyes find another face she knows. Giving a grin she walks over to the boot. Today she is dressed much differntly than over the weekend she looks more perfeshinal, but still had the same free look on her face.*

"Hey Stranger. I guess fate was on your side after all huh?"

*Charlotte leans down and gives a hug hello. She was happy to see him again. She had been most of the night and not to actully have him in front of her was a treat.*

*Misty thinks for a moment and than smiles at Carson. She really did want to go to Mom and Pop's but the new steakhouse sounded good too.*

"Ok, I guess I can deal with steak. Anytime with you is better than no time."

*Giving a small nod Misty starts to talk again*

"I better get back to work, before Rick had kittens. I'll see you when we leave work for dinner, and I am sure inbetween too."

*Giving Carson another kiss Misty turns and walks away heading for her office.*

*As Katie looks back at Jason she can tell he was confused. The emotion running around, could he tell she was hiding something? Did her eyes show it? As Katie is about to say something when a sharp pain shoots through her finger causing her to stop her pen almost sending it across the cubicle. The feeling was suddon and startling. Without even thinking Katie stands and goes for Jason's hand.*

"J what are you doing?"

*Katie touches Jason's arm she stops withdrawing quickly and backing away relizing what she did. Slowly Katie's eyes find Jason's again a suddon pain showing in them one she dident entend on. Lowering her eyes Katie dosent say anything, wanting Jason to be the first to say something. She dident know what he was thinking or what he was trying to prove but Katie had a feeling it was something big.*

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