
Into the night

*Charlotte's own grin forms on her lips at Bret pulls away. Her other arm falling from Bret's head to his back to wrap around him like her other. For a moment Charlotte is silent trying to compose herself. Though she had out of the blue kissed Bret yesterday, today it was differnt, more feeling was put behind it. Charlotte dident hate the feeling she rather liked it. Being close to someone again was nice, and having them return the affection was even better.

Clearing her throt alittle Charlotte's looks deep into Bret's eyes. Scaning, looking, searching...what was she looking for in them she dident know but what she saw she new she liked.*

"So, whats your conclution? Was yesterday just a fluke or was it just as good?"

The hours pass, the fun continues. Though most were gathered in the barn the laughter rang through out the ranch. From courner to courner, on end to the next. This joyus occation would not go unnoticed.

*Rosetta look up at her husband a smile everlasting on her face. Giving alittle nod she scans the barn watching everyone again before looking back to Mick.*

"I think now would be a good time. Everyone looks settled."

*Rosetta watches BJ with Con and Jamie a smile on her face.*

"And BJ looks content. I'm ready."

*Rosetta clasps Mick's head leaning into him as they start to head out. Giving a few goodbyes, hugs and kiss to people leting them know when they would be back. And they would send pics when they came in.

Finally exiting the barn Mick and Rosetta are off for the week. Both knowing they would have a grand time, alone together, husband and wife.*

*Jamie sits at a small round table with Con and BJ. Once BJ is finished Jamie leans over to him smiling.*

"Want to dance alittle little man?"

*BJ looks at Jamie a hesatence in his eyes still his ears pick up on the beat. A smile spreads across his face.*

"Yeah, Lets do it."

*Jamie stands as BJ slips out of his chair. Taking his hand she leads him to the dance floor. Than taking his other Jamie stand out on the dance floor with BJ swinging back and forth moving his arms and spinning him in circles. Than leting him lead Jamie as they both whair smiles and fill the floor with laughter.*

*Wes places a glass of water and ice in front of Cindy leaning down and giving her a kiss.*

"Here's your water sweeyheart."

*Wes had striped down to just his tank, dress pants and shoes again broving the barn was on the warm side. Siting down in the chair next to her Wes leaning back and puts his arm around Cindy and laying his hand on her arm drawing her closer to him. Giving a smile to Con who had a places for Jamie, BJ and himself across from them.*

"Are you guys planing on staying the whole week? It will kind of be like a mini vacation for you both too."

*Wendy gets a quirky smile on her face as she looks to Clint right after filling in Camryn about the chair episode and a few other thing. Poor Clint she had been embarssing him all night. Figureing she should probley stop for now. Turning to Camryn she smiles alittle. It had been nice to have another person around to help pick on the guys with. Wendy was alittle sad knowing Jason and herself were going to to be leaving tonight.*

"Hey Camryn I was wondering if maybe before Jason and yourself left for the night we could take alittle walk and I could show you around since you dident really get to before. That way you can say you really did see all of the ranch."

*Wendy throws a smile to her friend.*

*Katie stands in the doorway scaning the barn a smile on her face. Everyone seemed happy and content. Even Scott was lost in his own world of taking pictures. It made Katie happy to see him having a nice time and enjoying something other than working with computers. Katie's eyes continue to rome the people still the fall to the far wall where Jason was standing. Pushed off to the side standing alone. Katie new thats where Jason liked it best, but it made her alittle sad so see him alone.

Slowling Katie makes her way over to Jason. Offering a friendly smile she stands next to him.*

"I really like that song J. You have a nice talent among other of put words together."

*Katie stops for a moment thinking. Turning her head to Jason. Her eyes showing true sensarity.*

"I'm glad Camryn came with you. I got to talk to her alittle more and she seems really nice. It makes me happy seeing someone able to make you smile again."


Charlotte's whispered words are like the sound of the beating wings of a vibrant butterfly, lighting on Brent's inner being. His eyes closed, he feels her embrace, feels her returned kiss, and feels the startling passion he shares.

His free hand crawls up her arm and neck to find her face, cradling her jawline as his thumb caresses her cheek. Being here in the cool surroundings of the pool, with the waterfall echoing through the hidden chamber, a light mist enveloping them, Bret could stay here forever. He had missed having someone in his arms. He had missed sharing these kinds of moments. He had missed this feeling. Releasing the trapped passion felt good.

Eventually, slowly, he draws his face away, his hand still to Charlotte's cheek. Staring into her eyes once more, he tries to slow his racing heart. He hadn't planned on this...he hadn't intended things to get this far...but he didn't regret it.

A small grin curls the corner of his mouth and he speaks quietly. "I was just curious to see if you always kissed that way or if yesterday was a fluke."

Mick's eyes dance, his smile never fading. "I love you too," he whispers. Slapping his hat back on his head, they head down the aisle once more, receiving the smiling faces.

Con leans down to return Jamie's kiss, giving her a smile and a wink. Continuing to hold her hand, they head into the mingling crowd that shifts toward the barn.

Luke wraps an arm around Angel, pulling her close, feeling her happiness. It wouldn't be long until it was they who would be saying their vows... When, was the only question.
He plants a soft kiss on Angel's head, and gives her a squeeze. "If you can get this old man up on his feet, he'll escort you to the festivities."

Clint gives Wendy a crooked grin as they stand, offering her his arm. "Melady.....may I have the honor of being your date for the reception?"

Cindy wipes the tears from her eyes and turns to give Wes a small kiss. "I love you," she says softly. "If Rosetta is half as happy with Mick as I am with you, those two will never part again."

Jason slowly stands, watching everyone with interest, seeing their reactions, seeing their happiness for their friends. It had always intrigued him...weddings...how different people responded. In this setting, it was obvious that most were so very close, that when one felt joy, it was shared by all. He wondered for a moment exactly what that joy would feel like.

"Earth to Jason..."

He looks down quickly to Camryn. "I'm here..."

"You look awfully far away."

Jason gives a little shrug. "Just thinking."

"Please tell me you're not going to be a party pooper and skip the reception."

"No..." Jason knew he couldn't get away with that one.

"Good." Camryn gestures to the barn. "Remember, I'm the stranger here, you lead me."

Jason gives her a wry grin. "Like you couldn't handle going alone. But alright, come on."

Scott changes out a roll of film and catches Mick and Rosetta before they reach the barn. "Alright, you two...I was told to get some good shots, so don't think you're going to get away just yet." He stands back and gestures to a nice grassy spot with lush green trees as the backdrop. "I want you two over there," he directs.

Once they're in place, he starts snapping photos, telling them when to move, smile, and several times, he insists they kiss, receiving no objections.

Glancing around, he spots BJ. Knowing that he would soon be adopted, Scott couldn't resists including him, and waves him over, making him stand with Mick and Rosetta, once just in the middle, once with Mick holding him beside Rosetta, and then a shot with just Mick and him, with Mick crouching down next to him, his hat enveloping thee boy's head so his eyes were barely visible.

Next, spying Katie, he calls to her, forcing her into the scene too, some pictures with all four, but then taking several shots of just Katie and Rosetta.

Satisfied, Scott nods. "Okay, I'll quit the torture. You're free to go."

"Not yet," Mick intervenes. He holds out his hand for the camera. "You two," he gestures to Scott and Katie, "Stand back here."

Scott quirks an eyebrow. "I don't..."

"No argument," Mick cuts him off.

Scott's face reddens slightly, but looking to Katie, he relents, and moves in beside her.

Mick positions the camera and grins. "Move in close, you dufus," he chides, getting Scott to put his arm around Katie. "There we are, now smile like you two mean it, because I know you do."

After several clicks, Mick glances to Rosetta with mischief, then back to the young couple. "Now I want to see a kiss."

Scott can feel the heat in his face. "Mick!"

"You made me do it."

"Well that's different!"


"Well you two just got married!"

"And...?" Mick can barely hold back his smile. "You telling me you don't love this girl?"

"I..." Scott tries to swallow his embarrassment. Looking to Rosetta, then Mick, then back to Katie, he locks eyes with her. "No," he answers Mick, "I'm not telling you that at all, because that would make me a liar." Moving in closer to Katie, he wraps his arms around her, pressing his lips to hers.

"Yeah!" Mick's finger hits the button, capturing the moment in time. He waits until Scott and Katie withdraw from each other before handing the camera back to Scott. "Take care of that film now, you hear?"

"I'll guard it with my life."

Noise begins to erupt from he barn and around back as music is played through a sound system, the wedding cake cut and refreshments served. Sandwiches and chips will come out later as suppertime draws closer, but for now it's kept light, the mingling continuing. Some people leave, bidding farewell and wishing the couple well.

After a short while, Mick looks to Rosetta who is still on his arm. "What do you say we sneak away while the going is good? I wouldn't want to miss our flight."

Jason stands back to one corner, his hands in his pockets as he leans against the wall. He'd talked with Clint, chatted with Jade, bantered with Camryn, talked more with his mom...he was getting just a bit tired. His eyes roam the gathering, finding Camryn fitting right in and talking with other people. She seemed to be having a ball, and he was glad he'd invited her. Maybe he still was capable of making somebody happy once in a while.

Rosetta Henson...AHHHHH

*As Bret draws Charlotte close to him her eyes never leave his eyes. For this moment everything seemed to perfect. As Bret's lips touch her softly once her pulse starts to race as all in time and space stops. As Bret pulls away the first time Charlotte eyes stay locked on his again. She softly whispers.*

"What matters in life is not the amount of breaths you make, it's the moments that take your breath away."

*As Bret pulls her in for another kiss Charlotte's arm makes its way about Bret's back at the other on finds its way to the back of his head. Holding him close soaking in his kiss like a sponge and returning it with a passion of her own.*

*Rosetta smile is big, and her feeling are deep. The long awaited moment, the words she waiting to hear for so long said. Like a story her life was unfolding, and the end of this chapter had come. Only to quickly start a new chapter of beginning of a new life again. Not alone but together with her bestfriend, the love of her life her husband.

Rosetta kiss Mick back bringing her arms around him proving how happy she was.

As Rosetta hears the crowd and than see Mick hit go over them she cant help but have her smile grow even more. Being Mick's wife now was the greatest feeling, this kiss, the one that showed there love, and put a stamp on the marrige was an amazing thought, And knowing her friends, and family had been there to witness it was even better. Finally Rosetta knows they cant stay up there forever and ending there kiss she searches his eyes, her own full of joy and love.* Giving a soft whisper Rosetta states.*

"I love you."

*As Jamie watches on Her hand finding Con's. A few tears of joy run down her own cheek. As she watches Mick and Rosetta head back down the isle.

Jamie had been told the story of Mick and Rosetta's life the last time she was here. She had shaired with her new friend the moments of happyness and the moments of sadness. They had been though so much and Jamie was sure she only new the half of it, but she could tell by the look in Rosetta's eyes the love that burned for one person always and now, finally after all these year God had finally let them become one. Jamie hadent know Rosetta and Mick for long but she was happy and filled with such a great amount of happyness for her it was hard to contain.

Looking up at Con Jamie smiles and streches up to give him a kiss. The emotion and feeling from the wedding pouring over into her.*

*Angel leans into Luke as she watches her two best friends walk back down the isle together now man and wife. It made her heart jump and dance with joy to see them so happy. Looking up at Luke she smiles so many emotions ran through everyone being able to shair this wonderful moment.*

*Lockheart stands with Reese a smile on her face as she claps for the new couple. Even a few unseen tears roll down her face. Sometimes joy and happyness was just to hard to contain. Lockheart was happy she came, she was happy to be there with Reese as she started feeling new emotions that had layed doorment for so long. It was a nice feeling, and though still feeling alittle akward. Lockheart only hoped it was grow easyer as time passed.*

*Finally the people start to file from where the wedding was held. Some hanging back to talk with other while other started helping get food out to the barn and put some of the finishing touchs on. Each finding who the came with or who there date was. Talking mingaling with other outside enjoying the air before heading into the barn for the reception.*


Bret's heart begins to race as he feels Charlotte's hand on his shoulder. A moment ago he'd been playing, full of humor, but suddenly everything had turned around.

Swallowing hard, the water drips down from his hair and runs down the side of his face. He blinks and continues to stare into Charlotte's eyes.

The moment was too perfect. Leaning closer, Bret's hand makes its way around Charlotte's back to pull her to him, feeling her against his chest. Cocking his head, his lips brush hers for a moment before he pauses, then returns for a passionate kiss.

As Rosetta's words are spoken, Mick's gaze only intensifies with the moment, never letting go of one word, never blinking to miss anything.

His hands gently grasp hers as the minister concludes the ceremony. And finally, those long awaited words.

"I now pronounce you man and wife.... You may kiss the bride."

Mick's smile widens as he moves in closer to Rosetta. Removing his hat, he tilts his head, pressing his lips to hers in the kiss that sealed their love. Their journey had just begun.

Suddenly a cheer breaks out in the back, starting an onslaught of claps, whistles and more cheers. Mick starts to laugh even though he's kissing Rosetta, and he puts his hat up in front of them to hide their exchange.

Words from the heart

*Charlotte sits and waits listening in the quiet for Bret, hearing nothing but than see the dark form in the clear water Charlotte grins watching him.*

"I guess that depends."

*Charlottes eyes dance as she stairs back into Brets own eyes. Seeing his own lift Her heart starting to to beat faster at the unknown of what would happen next.*

"If your my capter, than maybe I'd rather stay captive."

*As Bret movies close to Charlotte her face becomes inches from his. Bringing her one hand up she puts it on his shoulder. Being so closer to him she can feel her own breath bounce off his skin and is able to feel his breath on her's. Charlotte's eyes lock with Bret's searching, waiting for his next move.*

*As the Sparky sings the song couples cling to eachother. Some having silent tears, ones of joy. Friends hold hands, happy to see this day that some never though would come.

Rosetta stands stairing back at Mick. Her eyes no longer being able to contain her joy as some tears slip out. She smile lighting up her face. Reflecting her love, and joy back to Mick. Nothing alse matter.

As Mick ends his vowe and slips the ring on Rosetta's finger her smile just grows and grows. Next it was her turn to say her vows. Holding the ring up to Mick hand Rosetta's own is shaking slightly from the excitment, and love of the moment.

Through her tears her voice is strong, filled with love. The undieing love she had for him for years. Thouh everything. They were the living proof love would find a way. Rosetta's eyes meet Mick never moving her words strong.*

"I Rosetta, choose you Mick as my best friend, to now also become my husband. My love for life. I promise you my deepest love, my fullest devotion, my tenderest care, through the pressures of the present and the uncertainties of the future, I promise to be faithful to you. I promise to love you, to commit to you, and support you. I promise to love you in good times and in bad, when life seems easy and when it seems hard, when our love is simple, and when it is an effort.

I pledge to respect your unique talents and abilities, to lend you strength for all of your dreams. You have shown me what love feels like and for that I thank you. You never gave up and me, and always told me I could shoot and reach for my dreams.

You are everything I need and at this moment I know all of my prayers have been answered and that all of my dreams have come true. I praise God for you Mick: for all of your love and constant friendship. I know that our love is heaven sent and I promise to be here for ever and always. I love you. You are my best friend. Today I give myself to you in marriage and from this day forward, you shall not walk alone. My heart will be your shelter and my arms will be your home. As I have given you my hand to hold, I give you my life to keep till death do us part."


Bret can’t help his laughter at Charlotte’s antics. Unsure why, but not really caring, he feels like a kid again – something he’s not felt for a long while. It’s ridiculous that they’re both swimming in their clothes, but for some reason, neither really think anything of it.

Getting close to Charlotte, then dodging her combative jabs or splashes, he plays along, simply enjoying the cool water in the heat of the day and just letting himself loose. Wanting more freedom of movement in the water, he sheds his t-shirt and slings it up on a rock to start drying.

At Charlotte’s fiend wails, Bret grins and goes underwater again. It’s several moments that the pool is quiet, as he seems to have disappeared. But suddenly a dark form comes up from below, rising slowly until his head comes up directly under the showering waterfall.

His wry grin showing, he moves closer to the back just inside the waterfall and inches from Charlotte. “Mmm, you better shout a little louder…I don’t see your knight anywhere.” His feet barely touch the bottom, just allowing his head above water, and he moves even closer to her, his eyes narrowing. “Or have you changed your mind about being rescued?”

Con smiles down at Jamie as she joins him. “You look better,” he responds with a wink. Finding two seats together, they sit down and wait.

Scott is fooling with one of the cameras when Katie comes around, and he stops, a grin spreading on his face. Returning the kiss, he chuckles. “I’ll fend them all off,” he teases. “And the rest of the time I’ll be fending the guys off of you.”

He pauses, quirking an eyebrow. “Has anyone told you lately that you’re drop dead gorgeous?”

Finally setting into some seats, Scott sits with Katie part of the time, and part of the time eases to the sidelines or closer to the front to take pictures.

Reese can feel just a little bit of heat creeping up the back of his neck, but covers with a smile. “You look very nice yourself, Angelica.” He offers her his arm, and gestures to the row of seats. “Shall we?”

Cindy glows with the attention from Wes, and settles in next to him, her hand in his. She was so very excited for Rosetta, and was thoroughly enjoying this day. Seeing her son nearby was icing on the cake.

As the music starts and people start to make their way slowly down the aisle, a hush comes over the yard. Con winks at BJ as he passes, giving him a thumbs up, grinning at the young boy.

Jeff waits in the back with Rosetta, and gives her hand a squeeze, winking at her with a brotherly affection he didn’t always show. “You’re beautiful, Rosetta,” he compliments quietly. “I’m proud of you.”

Mick waits at the front, his eyes glued to the back, his concentration only on his bride. A figure of calmness, he stands as she approaches, a slight smile on his lips, the love and reassurance shining in his eyes. He doesn’t care about the watching eyes, the music playing, or whether he’s standing in the right place or not. Nothing else matters, but what he and Rosetta are here for, and nothing can break his joy in this moment.

As they stand together, Mick gently reaches out to take Rosetta’s hands in his, his eyes never leaving hers. This was there time…their moment.

The minister speaks, the brief message of love and devotion falling onto all ears, and bringing the reality of marriage to life. And as the ceremony continues, a hush falls, allowing Mick and Rosetta time to simply stand together as a song is sung.

Sparky quietly strums on his guitar from the side, growing just a little louder with the chords. And as he begins to sing, everyone listens to the words. Smiles and tears both decorate the faces. To just a few, the style of music and rhythm would be familiar, recognized as written by one they knew. To others, it was simply a song of love.

Oh it seems like just yesterday,
We met for the first time.
Oh it seems like just yesterday,
We were dancing in our youth.

Time slips by…
And time don’t try…
But time can’t win…
Babe, we made it out alive.

You came into my world,
You stole my heart away.
You took my broken world,
And picked it up again.
Anything, that I could do,
I want to do with you.
Anywhere that I could go,
I want to go with you.

‘Cause you are mine…forever.

Oh it seems like just yesterday,
We had our first fight.
Oh it seems like just yesterday,
We both ran away.

But time slips by…
And time don’t lie…
But time can’t win…
Babe, we made it out alive.

You came into my world,
You stole my heart away.
You took my broken world,
And picked it up again.

Anything that I could do,
I want to do with you.
Anywhere that I could go,
I want to go with you.

‘Cause you are mine…forever.

Yesterday is gone now.
Yesterday is through.
Our life is full of yesterdays,
Oh, but today, I got you.

Anything that I could do,
I want to do with you.
Anywhere that I could go,
I want to go with you.

‘Cause now you’re mine…
And I am yours…

Mick’s fingers tighten around Rosetta’s the love in his eyes growing. He was standing on the brink of forever and ready to fly.

As the minister proceeds with the ceremony, all eyes fall to Mick, awaiting the vows prepared only for the one with him now…words from his heart…words from his soul.

His eyes lock with Rosetta’s, his voice never wavering. “Rosetta…I love you with all my heart. We’ve been torn apart by circumstance, torn apart by time and torn apart by distance. But in the end, my heart belongs to you, and today I give all of myself to you.

I promise to never let that love die. I promise to stay with you through all circumstances, easy or hard, by your side as your husband from this day forward. I promise to be faithful to you. I promise to take care of you to the best of my abilities. I promise to uphold our marriage as our unbreakable bond in the sight of God who has given us each other.

A smile crease his lips. “And I reckon all these promises remain ‘till death do us part.”


*Charlotte cant help but laugh as Bret himself hits the water. Having someone to shair her sence of adventure and seeing Bret let loose was great. It was never fun being and ideot alone. Feeling the water on the back of her head and hearing Bret's comment Charlotte wherls around laughing.*

"I'll Bogey you come here ya stud muffin you."

*Charlotte cups her hands alittle bit throwing splashes at Bret. Giving little kicks or pokes at him when he tryed to come close. Dodging him when she could. Laughter rang out through the quiet air."

"You have to be faster than that to catch me you know."

*Charlotte moves through th water with easy. Finally going under again swimming twords the water fall. As she pass thorugh under the water she can feel the pounding and the bubbling leting her know she was on the other side. Coming up for Air she stands inside the water fall as the running water echoed and make it alittle hard to hear. Bringing her face close to the water fall she playing legs alittle sob out though a small laugh can be hurd in her voice. As she brings a hand to her forhead.*

"Oh whoa is me, I am traped in my prison of water. Whatever will I do. If there a handsome galent knight out there who will save me. If there is how will he...whoa whoa is me."

*Charlotte laughs as she continues to swim in the water leting only her head above it. Her laughs and soft movment echoing more in the hollow walls it made. She new she was acting still, something she dident do offten, but for some reason, something compeled her to for this moment.*

*Jamie exits the mess hall where she had finished geting ready. Believe it or not it was alittle less crowded to get ready there. Seeing Con making his way across the lawn she calls his name and waves making her way over to him. Jamie teal dress that faded into a brown as it got to the bottom was just above the knee, with thin straped shoulders proved to be nice and cool like she had hoped for the heat here. On her wrist she wore proudly the bracelet Con had given to her. Grinning and eyeing Con she smiles interlocking her arm with him as they make there way to find some seats.*

"You look good as always."

*Katie stood to the side scanning the room. Her hair done up with white and red flowers to match her red spagedistrap dress. The dress came in at the waist acsnting Katie's curves nicley and than flowed back out again as it went down the dress came to about the bottom of her calf. Around her neck she wore a delicite red gemed necklace.

As Katie continues to scan she finds who she was looking for. Coming up slowly behind Scott Katie puts one arm around his waist and leans her head over his shoulder whispering.*

"I hope no ones trys to steal you away from me today because you are looking good."

*Katie smiles and spins around in front of Scott giving him a soft kiss on the lips.*

*Rosetta waits nervousely in the back tucked away with Angel who was dressed in a long flowing lite silver silk dress that gave alittle dip in the front and than another in the back. Angel's hair was done geled alittle to give it a wet look with a dimane clip in the shape of a butterfly in her hair. Jeff also waiting in the back with Both Ladys.*

*Lockheart steps out of the bunkhouse and makes her way to the backyard. With a bit of help from the others she had faired pretty well this afternoon. Walking across the grass Lockhearts Soft blue shere floor lagnth dress shone in the sun. Lockheart Wore a danty silver chain around her neck and her hair was tied back with a blue ribbon to match her dress. Spoting Reese she gives alittle wave and goes over to him smiling.*

"You look very handsome."

*Lockheart cant help but shy away alittle. She wasent use to dressing up fancy and hope she looked ok too.*

*Wes enters the backyard now fully dressed with his whitedress shirt on and tucked in along with a tie. Spoting Cindy he slids in the chair next to him and places a hand on her tummy giving her a kiss.*

"You look at pretty as an angel like always my love."

*When everyone is a ready a soft music starts to play signaling for those not in the wedding to take there seats.

The bridemades makes a line finding who they are to walk with, and BJ alot with Lilly are next in row than Rosetta and Jeff.

A differnt melady starts to play and the bridsmades start to head down the isle breaking off at the end where Mick stood each taking there side.

Next BJ and Lilly head down. Lilly throwing flowers and BJ holding the pillow with the rings. Half way down BJ see Con and beams at him taking Lillys free hand. and finishing the way down the isle.

There is a lul for a moment...Rosetta looks to Jeff and smiles.*

"Thank you Jeff."

Finally the wedding walts starts. Once the song gets to the second time though Roetta and Jeff start to decend the Isle. Rosetta's eyes lock onto Mick's as they walk. The smiling faces of people fading, the ohhhs and ahh dwindling. All Rosetta could see was the man she loved standing there, waiting for her. Finally her dream coming true. As they get to the end of the isle Rosetta turns to Jeff and gives him a kiss on the cheek and a hug. Walking up the tiny steps to stand infront of the minister and slightly turns to Mick. And everlasting smile one her face. and the glow of emotiong in her eyes. Tears threatent to overflow from Rosetta's eyes but she tryed to hold them back the best she could for now. This was the happest moment of her life.

After the music stops the minister gives a smile and a short greeting before finally starting.*

All Dressed

Bret’s own shoes and socks are off as he tests the water, but he raises his eyebrows, taken just a little by surprise as Charlotte actually takes a swim. Cocking his head, he just watches her though, a smile creasing his lips. The carefree nature…the sense of wonder in the little things…it was contagious.

He shakes his head and stands up on the large rock, puts his hands on his hips. “The water may feel different here, but you realize that you’re sopping wet and going to be sitting in my car?”

Sighing, he shrugs. “Oh well. Might as well even things out.”

Bret has no idea why even decides to do what he does. Perhaps it’s simply that there was no decision…there was only impulsiveness that drove him to act on pure instinct toward the adventure of the moment.

Spinning around, he lets himself fall backward into the clear cool water, creating a great splash that ripples the water out to the edges. Disappearing in the deep blueness, he doesn’t come up right away, almost a full minute passing. But suddenly he emerges behind Charlotte, spitting out a stream of water through his teeth that hits her in the back of the head.

“Don’t look now, but you got a bogey at six o’clock.”

Scott leans against the outside of the barn, trying to recover from his allergy attack, finally rid of the kitten.

“Hey, you alright?”

Scott squints to see Clint coming toward him. “Yeah, I will be.” He rolls his eyes. “Soon as I get the scent of cat out of my nose.”

Clint laughs. “Ah, so that’s it.” He’s finally dressed in his good shoes, khakis and blue dress shirt, though his tie is still undone, hanging loosely around his neck. “I bet Angel’s got some allergy meds if you need ‘em.”

“Nah, I should be okay.” Scott shakes his head. “I need to start getting myself ready anyway.”

“The far bunk has been claimed by all the guys…go for it.”

Mick keeps his eyes covered, though a smile breaks through. “Sorry, sorry. And I tripped, what can I say.”

“Oh, you did not.” Mel gives his arm a slap. “Just get yourself out of here, and for pete’s sake, clean up.”

“Sure, I see how you are. Poor guy comes in here looking like he’s been stampeded over, and all you can do is kick him out. Don’t even offer him a bandage.”

“Out!” Mel raises her voice, pointing to the door. “Out, out, out!”

Mick obeys, calling over his shoulder. “I’d blow you a kiss, darling, but with my eyes closed, I’m afraid it would land on the wrong person.”

“Out!!!” Mel gives him a shove, finally shutting the door. Once he’s out though, she can’t help but start to laugh, covering her mouth with a hand. “Oh, Rosetta, that was priceless…” She can’t stop her giggling. “I can’t believe he did that. Did you see the look on his face?!”

Jay breaks into a smile as he sees Katie, and catches her embrace, hugging her back tightly. “Mmm, it’s good to see you, Katie.” Drawing back, he looks her all over, pride showing in his eyes. “You look so good.”

Giving a contented sigh, he glances at his watch. “I better find a place to change, and I’m sure you’re quite the busy beaver helping out Rosetta.”

Everyone wraps up all the tasks that they’ve been assigned to and begins to scatter, all getting cleaned up and dressed, the clocks ever watched.

Con exits the bunk, scanning the surroundings for Jamie. He’d parted with her about an hour earlier to get ready, and he knew everyone would be gathering out back, so he wanders in that direction. In his dress pants and gray button down shirt that he usually only wore on Sunday mornings, he walks slowly, his arm still in a sling.

Scott emerges soon after, his hair lightly gelled, his cologne fresh, and wearing his black dress pants, and white collard shirt tucked in. Still a bit of out place, he looks around, not really expecting to see Katie yet, but still on the lookout.

As he nears the back yard where everything is set up, he sees people already getting settled into the chairs to wait, and the minister is around as well, mingling with the others.


His eyes widen and he turns, surprised to see Becky. She was in a pretty pink dress with her hair all done up nicely, her fresh makeup giving her face a soft glow. “When you were here last time, I saw you walking around with a camera. Are you any good?”

Scott holds his surprised look. “Um…well…some people would say so.”

“Do you like taking pictures?”


“Good.” Becky waves to Jim who is nearby. “Over here!”

Jim comes up, dressed in his good suit and tie. “Ohh, Scott.” He has two good cameras in his hands. “You wouldn’t want a job, would you?”

Scott quirks an eyebrow. “I get the feeling you need a photographer.”

Jim elbows Becky. “We must have dropped good enough hints.”

Scott laughs. “Well as long as you don’t mind an amateur, I’m game.”

“Ohhhh, thank you, thank you.” Becky smiles gratefully. “We lost our photographer and have been looking all day. One of the other guys would have ended up with the camera, but I was hoping to find someone who actually had an eye.”

“I’m not sure I’ve got an eye, but…”

“Not what I heard,” Jim interrupts. “Con says you’re good.”

Scott’s face reddens slightly, and he reaches for the cameras, changing the subject. “Nice cameras.”

“They’re not bad.”

“Alright.” Scott slings one over his neck, and keeps the other in his hand. “I guess I’m your man then.” Following Jim and Becky around back, he scans the area, zeroing in on good vantage points for pictures.

By the time half the group has gathered, Scott’s sleeves are already rolled up and he’s stealing shots of faces and emotions before the wedding begins.

Mick sets his foot up on the chair, bending over to polish it until it shines to match the other one.

“You going to your funeral, or wedding?” Sparky teases.

Mick looks down at his good black jeans and black dress shirt, tucked in to leave his western belt buckle showing. “What?”

“Kidding.” Sparky rolls his eyes as he dons his suit. “Though usually the groom looks better than the groomsmen.”

Mick gives his brother a wry grin. “I think Rosetta would still pick me, don’t you?”

Sparky shakes his head, but laughs. “Alright. Fine.”

Mick straightens up and takes his good black hat out of the closet, removing it from its plastic and brushing off just as little dust. The silver band shone in the light, topping off his clothing for the ceremony. Looking in the mirror, he puts his hat on straight and aims for the door. “See you out back,” he calls over his shoulder.

Making his way outside, he glances around at all the people, and waves to several he hasn’t seen yet. He ambles to the back yard and around the area with the chairs, greeting the minister with a handshake.

Reese wanders into the back, his hands in his pockets, striding slowly towards Austin and a few other people he knows. His gray suit is clean and sharp, a contrast to his normal casual attire at work. His eyes roam the yard, despite his conversation, looking for Lockheart, and hoping she made out alright with the other women today.

Luke sits near the front row, having been one of the first changed so he could be helped out here. He leans his hands on his cane, having given in to that, though wasn't thrilled with having to use it. He hadn't really felt like getting dressed up either, but had forced himself, choosing his dress pants and light green button down shirt. Tossing comments back and forth with Jeff kept his mind occupied while he waited for everyone else to show up.

“My, don’t we look handsome?!”

Jason’s face reddens just slightly at Camryn’s compliment. He was simply dressed in black jeans and a bright blue collard shirt with the top buttons left undone. He’d chosen his black cowboy boots over his other shoes for today, proving his ability to blend in out of the city.

He cock his head at Camryn’s purple dress with spaghetti straps and knee-length skirt. High heels were her choice of footwear, and a dainty silver necklace accented her neck. “You don’t look half bad yourself.”

Camryn rolls her eyes a little. “Well, I guess that’s as good a compliment I’m going to get.” Instead of waiting forever for an invitation, she takes Jason’s arm herself, linking his with her own. “They’re all gathering out back,” she informs. “Let’s go find some seats.”