
Into the night

*Charlotte's own grin forms on her lips at Bret pulls away. Her other arm falling from Bret's head to his back to wrap around him like her other. For a moment Charlotte is silent trying to compose herself. Though she had out of the blue kissed Bret yesterday, today it was differnt, more feeling was put behind it. Charlotte dident hate the feeling she rather liked it. Being close to someone again was nice, and having them return the affection was even better.

Clearing her throt alittle Charlotte's looks deep into Bret's eyes. Scaning, looking, searching...what was she looking for in them she dident know but what she saw she new she liked.*

"So, whats your conclution? Was yesterday just a fluke or was it just as good?"

The hours pass, the fun continues. Though most were gathered in the barn the laughter rang through out the ranch. From courner to courner, on end to the next. This joyus occation would not go unnoticed.

*Rosetta look up at her husband a smile everlasting on her face. Giving alittle nod she scans the barn watching everyone again before looking back to Mick.*

"I think now would be a good time. Everyone looks settled."

*Rosetta watches BJ with Con and Jamie a smile on her face.*

"And BJ looks content. I'm ready."

*Rosetta clasps Mick's head leaning into him as they start to head out. Giving a few goodbyes, hugs and kiss to people leting them know when they would be back. And they would send pics when they came in.

Finally exiting the barn Mick and Rosetta are off for the week. Both knowing they would have a grand time, alone together, husband and wife.*

*Jamie sits at a small round table with Con and BJ. Once BJ is finished Jamie leans over to him smiling.*

"Want to dance alittle little man?"

*BJ looks at Jamie a hesatence in his eyes still his ears pick up on the beat. A smile spreads across his face.*

"Yeah, Lets do it."

*Jamie stands as BJ slips out of his chair. Taking his hand she leads him to the dance floor. Than taking his other Jamie stand out on the dance floor with BJ swinging back and forth moving his arms and spinning him in circles. Than leting him lead Jamie as they both whair smiles and fill the floor with laughter.*

*Wes places a glass of water and ice in front of Cindy leaning down and giving her a kiss.*

"Here's your water sweeyheart."

*Wes had striped down to just his tank, dress pants and shoes again broving the barn was on the warm side. Siting down in the chair next to her Wes leaning back and puts his arm around Cindy and laying his hand on her arm drawing her closer to him. Giving a smile to Con who had a places for Jamie, BJ and himself across from them.*

"Are you guys planing on staying the whole week? It will kind of be like a mini vacation for you both too."

*Wendy gets a quirky smile on her face as she looks to Clint right after filling in Camryn about the chair episode and a few other thing. Poor Clint she had been embarssing him all night. Figureing she should probley stop for now. Turning to Camryn she smiles alittle. It had been nice to have another person around to help pick on the guys with. Wendy was alittle sad knowing Jason and herself were going to to be leaving tonight.*

"Hey Camryn I was wondering if maybe before Jason and yourself left for the night we could take alittle walk and I could show you around since you dident really get to before. That way you can say you really did see all of the ranch."

*Wendy throws a smile to her friend.*

*Katie stands in the doorway scaning the barn a smile on her face. Everyone seemed happy and content. Even Scott was lost in his own world of taking pictures. It made Katie happy to see him having a nice time and enjoying something other than working with computers. Katie's eyes continue to rome the people still the fall to the far wall where Jason was standing. Pushed off to the side standing alone. Katie new thats where Jason liked it best, but it made her alittle sad so see him alone.

Slowling Katie makes her way over to Jason. Offering a friendly smile she stands next to him.*

"I really like that song J. You have a nice talent among other of put words together."

*Katie stops for a moment thinking. Turning her head to Jason. Her eyes showing true sensarity.*

"I'm glad Camryn came with you. I got to talk to her alittle more and she seems really nice. It makes me happy seeing someone able to make you smile again."

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