
Lingering questions

Bret’s gaze drifts back and for the between Charlotte’s eyes, his grin not fading. “Mm…I’m not sure. Takes three times to really tell.”

Leaning in, he gives her another kiss, then withdraws with a decisive nod. “It wasn’t a fluke.”

Reaching up, he tucks a wet strand of hair behind her ear, just quiet for several moments. He had no idea what had ever possessed him to not only take this woman out the night before, then to actually take a road trip to nowhere with her, and to top it off, be in this position now. But he couldn’t think of what he’d rather trade this time for.

He finally gives a little sigh. “If we stay in here much longer, fate and chance won’t have the opportunity to have their way with us any more today.”

Letting Charlotte go, he swims backward through the waterfall again, drinking in the coolness before swimming back to the large rock and pulling himself up out of the water.

Cindy smiles gratefully as Wes brings her some ice water. “Thank you.” It was warm in the barn, and she was especially hot. The water was just what she’d wanted. As Wes sits back down next to her, she leans into him, her hand on his leg, tired, but not wanting to leave yet.

Con watches Jamie and BJ dance, a smile pasted on his face. Though his shoulder was aching pretty badly right about now, nothing was going to spoil this evening.

He turns his head quickly, realizing that Wes was talking to him, and pieces together just enough to get what had been said that he hadn’t heard. “Yeah, I guess it is. We decided to stay until Mick and Rosetta get back – kind of our gift to them to watch BJ while they’re gone.” He chuckles. “I suppose I could use the break.” He gestures to his injury. “And I know Jamie likes it here, not to mention BJ is just plain fun to look after.”

An elbow prods him from the side as Pete had slid in next to him quietly, listening to the conversation. “Not to mention you two look awfully cute together.” Pete grins slyly. “Perfect little family picture.”

Con looks to his left. “What?”

“I said you and Jamie look cute together.”

Con quirks an eyebrow and gives him a sidelong glance. “And your point is…?”

Pete shrugs and takes a swig of his iced tea. “Just wondering when you were going to ask the poor girl to marry you, that’s all.”

Con’s eyes widen. “Well you certainly have nerve. I…”

“Hey, careful,” Pete warns. “You don’t want to hurt you arm.”

Con smirks at him. “I’ll ask her when I want to ask her.”

“You mean when you get the guts.”

“And since when is this your business?”

“I’m just observing.”

Con rolls his eyes and looks to Wes. “What’s been going on around here? Pete used to be scared of me.”

“Never!” Pete grins. “I just know that at the moment you can’t pummel me as easily.”

Camryn giggles at the stories that Wendy tells, thoroughly enjoying herself as she immerses herself in the ranch atmosphere. Her bubbling personality was infectious, her laugh contagious.

“Ohh,” she nods with enthusiasm. “I would love to take a walk. The whole ranch is just fascinating and Jason’s been off in his own little world so I didn’t want to ask him to show me around.”

Clint smirks at Wendy. “Yeah, you two go off and have your fun and keep talking about me.” He rolls his eyes. “I’ll just stay back here…alone…all by myself…the only one to guard the chairs to make sure they don’t attack the guests.”

Camryn laughs again, slapping his arm. “As if you really want to stroll alongside two babbling girls like us.”

“I say there could be worse fates.”

Camryn rolls her eyes and looks to Wendy. “Is he always this ornery?”

Scott wipes the sweat from his brow, his sleeves still rolled up, the first couple buttons of his shirt now undone. It was hot and humid this evening, but he couldn’t deny that he was having fun. Having a task, he didn’t really have to mingle that much, but when he did, he had a purpose, so wasn’t forced to think up small talk. Catching photos all evening had given him prime opportunities to weave in and out of the small crowd without feeling so out of place.

Lifting the camera again, he catches Jamie and BJ, their eyes filled with laughter as they dance. Zooming in across the room, he spies Wes and Cindy in an irresistible pose, and the shutter clicks again. If it had been somewhere else, Scott would have questioned how many pictures he was taking, but he knew these people well enough to know that all of them cherished each other and their memories. These photos would be given to Mick and Rosetta – and who else deserved better to have these memories tucked away. Scott knew all shots would be appreciated, whether they were good angles, bad angles, close friends or visitors.

Reese takes a sip of his lemonade and glances to his side at Lockheart. He hoped she was having a good time. The smile on her face seemed to say so. He himself had enjoyed the evening. Most of his chatting had been with Austin – it had been a long time since the two of them had been able to just sit down and talk. Some of their conversation was work-related, but Reese made an effort to avoid the subject as much as he could, practicing getting away from it for a while.

Picking up on a new song that was being played, he nudges Lockheart’s arm lightly. “You don’t happen to dance, do you?”

Jason tilts his head a little as Katie approaches, offering a faint grin. At her compliment of the song, he just gives a little shrug, a dry short laugh surfacing. “I can get fancy words on paper, but make me say them and they never seem to turn out right.”

As she mentions Camryn, Jason looks down at her, searching for the sincerity and finding it. He didn’t need Katie’s approval of Camryn…but it was nice to know it was there anyway.

He thinks for a moment at Katie’s comment, pondering the look in her eye. He glances around the room, noting that no one was paying a bit of attention to them. Taking advantage of that, he straightens and nods to the door. “Come on.”

Leading the way, he takes her outside where the air was fresher. It was dark now and stars dotted the sky. The chatter and laughing echoed out of the barn, but it was quieter here. Jason just walks for several moments, finally finding a picnic table around back, and sitting down across from Katie.

Giving a little sigh, he looks at her again, trying not to shut her out, trying not to let his depression rule him right now…trying to be himself, despite the struggle of finding his own heart. “I’m glad you got a chance to get to know Camryn a little bit… she’s a really nice young woman, but doesn’t have a lot of close friends. I think some people get put off too quickly by her personality.”

Pausing, he shakes his head a little. “Katie…does it bother you to see me with her?”

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