

*Katie lets out a sigh at Jason's comment of think she dident love him.*

"No, I still did."

*Katie gives alittle smile. Trying to look positive.*

"And what good memories they are!"

*Katie keeps her eyes down. The question Jason asked Katie dident have an answer to. She couldent see what the future was to hold and to Katie, the unknown was on of the scaryest things. Katie had always feared not know what was to come. She was so strong on the outside, but inside she felt scaired of many things. She new she would pull though but the fear was still there.*

"I'll be ok sooner or later Jason. I always am."

*Katie thinks again before answering Jason trying to put her words together to make sence.*

"My connection with you is part of my happyness. I've told you that before. I like knowing your ok. As for geting rid of it...that I cant answer because I really dont know. Will I ever try to shut it off and only pull it out when I need to? Maybe. I cant see that far ahead though. Maybe, when I know you are truly going to be ok, I will be able to let go. Just pulling it out when something happens. We just have to wait and see. Even if I let go though, I'm always going to be watching your back. Its habbit ya know in my line of work. I'm the hero and a gift like this just dosent go away."

*Giving alittle laugh trying to lighten the mood alittle Katie picks at some chiping peaces of the table. Everything was turn around inside. She did very much so want Jason to be happy.*

" I guess I just need to learn to forgive myself too. Thats of the hard parts. Now how about you? Are you going to be ok?"

*Jamie smiles laughing and shakes hear head.*

"I'd be jealouse too, I mean look at us...."

*Jamie puts her head close to Con and glances over to Wes and Cindy.*

"Arnt we cute?"

*Wes quirks an eye brow looking at Con and Jamie. Almost as if studying them.*

"Oh...you guys are alright I guess. For a doll and a teddy bear."

*Wes cant help but laugh as he gives his wife a squeeze and turns to her his eyes showing they are tired. He was having a blast and dident want to leave, but his eyes were geting heavy and the night late.*

"Well my love, are you about ready to go? All this excitment I am exsausted."

*Lockheart stays in rythm with Reese doing well at to keep up. A smile on her face. Though Reese was giving her space it still felt stange to be held by a man. Though this time, she dident try to deny it or back away. The music kept the mood, causing Lockheart to slip into a differnt roll herself being alittle more relaxed.

Lockheart eyes were filled with a new smile, a glint of joy that wasent there before. A relization about what she had almost missed. Looking Reese in the eye Lockheart gives a genuin smile.*

"I am. Thank you for inviting me Mike. I hope your enjoying yourself as well."

*Charlotte follow Bret back down the moutain keeping up small talk. The day was young, the sun was shining and Charlotte couldent ask for better company at the moment. Geting into the car he own stumach makes a growl. Looking to Bret she laughs.*

"I guess fate can wait this once. I'm alittle hungry myself. We will just have to make up for it after lunch."

*Charlotte gets a grin on her face as she nods her head matter of factly.*

*Misty leans her head aganst Carson's chest leting out a content sigh.*

"Its not out of my way to spend time with you babe. I love every moment I can get to have you near to me. I guess sometimes I just forget I cant be with you 24/7 and other times I just worry I am going to lose you. I know thats silly of me but I cant help it I guess."

*Misty sits thinking quietly. The day had gone good and Misty was enjoying her time with Carson. Being wraped in his arms was like a slice of heavn.*

"Thanks for puting up with me to eh. I know I'm not a peace of cake all the time eather."

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