
Jamie Gibbs

*Katie sits with Scott on the swing enjoying the nice breeze while wrapped in his arms. The morning had been nice and the afternoon was looking good too. The little extra time spent at the ranch with Scott was nice.*

"Thats fine with me. It gives us alittle extra time together alone. Thats something I couldent complain about."

*Katie thinks for a moment going over some things in her head, her mind drifting in an out not really landing on one place for to long. Turning her head she beams up at Scott.*

"How about we take alittle horse ride? We wont be able to go to the view not enough time. But Maybe we could ride over to Wes and Cindys I havent seen the house yet and the trail there in nice."

*Charlotte finishs off the last of her bacon and takes a sip of her Milk. Once finishing a grin forms on her face.*

"Hardly, I'll have fun even when she is home till monday when she starts cracking down on me. So what do we have planed for today? I'm up for anything once again. I enjoy your company to much to really care what we do."

*The conversation had been light this morning but she was ok with that. Everyone needs alittle breather here and there.*

*Jamie sits under the living room table with BJ a blanket over top creating a tent. Jamie looks up from the door she was reading noticing BJ had falled asleep. Smiling she puts the door down and kiss him on the head, before climbing out from underneath the table. Standing she streachs and heads outside the small house siting down on the pourch step taking in the cool breeze after being under the stuffy blanket.

Jamie liked it at the ranch. It was always a nice get away. So calm, so peacful. As Jamie sits the question pops into her mind from last night when Pete had asked about them geting married. A smile spreading across her face as she glances down at her hand. Jamie Gibbs, she liked the way that sounded.*

*Wendy sits quietly on a bench across the way from the messhall. Her painting easle in front of her along with her pants. The way she sat if anyone saw they the would think she was painting the barn. Only someone who looked at her closely would see her eyes and head shift every once and a while to look at Katie and Scott on the swing. Her hand moving swiftly along the canvis, she had a time limit she wanted to get this done by, yet she wanted it to be good so she dident rush herslef to much.*

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