

Bret grins at Charlotte and shakes his head. “How should I know what’s planned for today?” Reaching into his pocket, he tosses her a quarter. “Heads east, tails south. You tell me.”

The day is an adventure. To some, like any other day. To some, like a brand new experience. But no matter how slowly or quickly time seems to pass, it marches on as steadily as always.

The day at the ranch is filled with enjoyment. Scott relents to horseback riding again, though is hesitant, and winds up not falling off this time, able to ride with Katie out to Wes and Cindy’s, where Cindy insists they stay for a drink and afternoon snack. Weary from the previous late night and the day’s exercise, both Scott and Katie wind up back in the porch swing once more, drifting back and forth to sleep through the lazy hours.

Reese spends most of his day involved in work, though takes time out in the afternoon to take a leisurely stroll with Lockheart around the ranch, taking in the sights.

Con is forced to take a rest after too much activity reeks havoc on his shoulder, but lying on the couch hearing Jamie and BJ play is enough to keep his afternoon a good one.

The sun, as it must, travels across the sky towards the west, seeming to pick up speed with each passing moment. The shifting of shadows prove the motion. The lengthening rays of light proving the hour. And as the earth slips into early evening, it’s travelers must bid Texas farewell for another day.

Scott buckles himself in next to Katie, waiting for the plane to take off. He elbows her gently. “Hey, you – penny for your thoughts.”

Bret stretches out on the sandy beach, listening to the waves creep gently to the shore. It had been a long day full of coin tosses and happenstance all over again, and it had felt just as good as the day before.

His hands up behind his head, and his eyes closed, Bret can sense Charlotte close by and can’t help a slight grin. “The day is almost over. What happens when that sun finally sinks below the horizon?”

"Cam, toss me that extension cord, will ya?”

Camryn rummages through a box and tosses the cord to Jason. “Anything else?”

“Duct tape!” Phil yells.

“Behind you!” Jen points out to him.

“Oops. Thanks!”

“Anybody seen my bag?!”

“Hey, where did that other stand go?”

“Do we want this speaker here or on the other side?”

“Kyle, move so I can see!”

Camryn stands back and watches, shaking her head and grinning. Watching the concerts were great. Being there to help set up was even better.

Jason plugs in the electric guitar and starts to tune it, watching the tuner dial. Giving a little sigh, he tries to concentrate. It had been a busy day…after sleeping later than planned, it had been up to get ready, head over to Mike’s, practice, do some running around, go pick up Camryn, meet the guys again, load everything up, head on over here with a forty-five minute drive, and set up again. Practice hadn’t been great – none of the guys felt really together today for some reason, but keeping positive attitudes was a must, and they proceeded as normal.

“Let’s do a sound check, guys!” Jen calls.

One by one the guys play their instruments or sing into the microphones so Jen can adjust the sound. “Alright, great. Give us a bit with everyone together now. Just to Flying High or something.”

Jason starts them off and they come together, giving Jen the check she needs until she waves at them. “Sounds great. Looks like we’re all set, and….we have half and hour to spare.”

“Good.” Mike stands up from the drums. “That gives me time to change clothes and get ride of this five o’clock shadow.”

“Change clothes, yes,” Jen directs, “but don’t shave. I like the rugged look.”

Mike stops at the edge of the stage and looks at her with a quirked eyebrow. That was something new.

Jen’s cheeks grow a little warm as she realizes what she’s said. “What? Go on and change your clothes!”

Mike grins a little and throws her a wink before heading off the stage.

Jen scans the others on stage. “Jason, you look tired.”

“Oh, maybe a bit.”

“Hey, did you get supper with the rest of us a while ago?”

“I had enough.” Jason had only had something to drink, but his stomach didn’t feel up to eating anything right now.


“…Wouldn’t ever change a thing, No wouldn’t ever change a thing, No… ‘Cause I’m flying high.”

The crowd breaks into applause again, their cheers proving that JetStream’s sound had not suffered even after a rough practice. They sounded great and the audience loved them. They were outside tonight, but even though there was a slight breeze, it was very warm and humid, making everyone hot and sweaty.

Camryn claps and smiles at all of them, having a blast, sitting close to Jen.

Laura sits near the front and cheers, laughing at some of Kyle’s antics on stage. Watching, she keeps an eye on where Nate is, walking here and there to watch for any signs of trouble.

Jason changes his music on his stand and suddenly squints, seeing double for a moment. Trying to shake it off, he goes to switch guitars, but gets too dizzy and teeters for a moment.

Camryn looks up on stage and frowns. She elbows Jen and whispers something in her ear. Jen follows her gaze and sees Jason paused at his guitar stand, leaning on it, not moving. She quickly waves to Kyle and points.

Kyle glances to his right and acts quickly. “Well, folks, we certainly are glad to be here tonight…even if we’re already soaked.” He acts as though he’s wringing out his shirt. “I don’t know about you, but this heat is nasty!”

Several people holler their agreements.

Kyle chuckles. “Tell you what, we’re going to take just a short break here and let ya’ll mingle for a few minutes and get something to drink. Don’t wander too far though, ‘cause we’re coming right back.”

Once the audience’s attention is diverted, Kyle quickly goes to Jason, Camryn in toe, stepping up on the stage. “Jase, you alright?”

Jason is still leaning on the stand and shakes his head. He feels as though he’s going to be sick, the sweat pouring down the sides of his face, and the world spinning. “Just give me…a minute to…” Before he can even react, his knees buckle, sending him to the floor.

“Jason!” Camryn kneels next to him. “Jason, what’s wrong.”

Jason blinks, trying hard to bring things into focus, but it’s just not working. He knows he should be doing something….but…what was it?

Jen sees what’s happening and yells to her brother. “Get him off the dang stage, Kyle!” She looks to the side. “Laura!”

Laura is confused and isn’t sure how to react, but looks to Jen. “Yes?”

Jen holds up a dollar bill. “Get out to the vending machine and get some orange juice, and fast.”

Laura doesn’t hesitate. By the time she returns, the guys have Jason lying in the grass out behind the stage front, out of sight from the crowd. “Dang it Jason,” she mumbles. “What did you do?”

“The idiot didn’t eat,” Phil states flatly. “I warned him and he said he was fine. Didn’t want to eat. And he would have been fine, but this heat is getting to all of us and it just made things worse for him.”

Camryn takes the orange juice from Laura and kneels next to Jason, tilting his head up. “Come on. Drink this, Jason.”

Jason resists, not even thinking straight anymore. “No…”

“Yes!” Camryn orders him. Fear flickers in her eyes. “Come on.”

Jason pushes her hand away.

Kyle rolls his eyes, more afraid than anything, but it comes out as irritation. “How stupid can you get, Jase?!”

Phil lays a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “None of us were thinking. We all should have been more prepared for this heat tonight.”

Jason still refuses help, and Camryn finally shifts her weight to look Jason squarely in the eye. “Alright, tough guy. You want to play it this way, fine. You ain’t got the brains of a hamster right about now, and even those brains you aren’t using. I know you’re not thinking clearly, because if you were, you’d have this juice down already. Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way. You either drink this, or we’re taking you to the hospital. It’s up to you.”

Her tone seems to be just enough to jar Jason’s thoughts a little bit and he finally relaxes slightly. He reaches for the bottle, but his hands are shaking enough, that Camryn holds it for him, finally getting him to drink it.

Laura lets out a sigh of relief. It had been a long time since Jason had gotten this bad. She knew it wasn’t entirely his fault…Phil was right. He probably would have been fine had it not been for the heat and added stress.

“What are we doing to do?” Mike asks. “He can’t finish out the show.”

“I’m fine,” Jason mumbles.

“Right.” Kyle rolls his eyes again. “I don’t know…we’ll have to finish without him.”

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