
Is he ok?

*Katie brings her head around to look at Scott. She had been stairing out the window lost in alittle bit of thought. Katie gives a small smile to Scott.*

"Mmmm....I'm ok. Just thinking about the concert and hoping everything is going ok."

*Katie stops and stairs a head for a moment. Geting lost in her thoughts.*

"I know its really not my responsibility to be there for them, but I feel like it is. I told them I would be at the shows to watch over everything and now that I am not. I just hope all is well."

*Katie looks back at Scott and gives a smile.*

"Though I wouldent have traded the extra time with you for anything."

*Charlotte sits next to Bret her on leg folded indian style and her other leg was drawn up to her chest. Her arms wraped around it and her chin on her knee stairing off in the harizon watching the sun. The weeked had been on of the best since friday. I grin on her face she turns to look at Bret.*

"We hope that fate will let us meet again."

*Charlotte reaches out her hand and takes Brets. Locking her fingers around his for a moment and giving alittle squeeze. For some reason the thought of not seeing Bret again put a sad ping in her heart. She had hardly known Bret for very long but over the last 3 days Charlotte had gotten to know him pretty well. Spending the days with him, laughing, tossing comments back and forth Charlotte felt like she had known Bret for ages. *

*As Katie sits talking to Scott, a suddon felling enters her stomach. As if she was geting sick. Than a wave of fear rushes over her. This feeling she new it, no this couldent happen.

Standing for a moment Katie trys to compose herself.*

"I'll be right back I dont feel to good of a suddon."

*Making her way to the bathroom Katie sits down on the little ledge that was next to the seat. Puting her head in her hands she trys to shake the feeling, but it wont go away. Than finally all is still, all is silent. The quiver in Katie's stumoch is still there but its not nearly as bad as before. Siting for a moment making sure all was still Katie finally pulls out her phone. Her finger hovering over Jason's name on her contact list for a moment, but than pushes the down button to Jen name and sends. Waiting listing to the ring Katie continues to calm herself till finally Jen answers.*

"Jen, It's Katie. Listen dont let J know I called but I had a horrable feeling that something was wrong and than it went away. Is everything ok?"

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