
Foot Hold

Giving a smile and a nod. Leaning into Kyle while he leaned into her they both supported eachothers weaght. She felt good, Kyle made her feel good and she likes it.

"I know I try. Your not so bad youself."

Starting to walk forward arms around eachother the smile continues to shine on Alice's face as her own energy was making her hyper as she pulled Kyle alone.

"Lets get back before they think we ran away together. Than again I dont think they would be saprised if we did."

Hope continues to listen as she just sits in quiet with Scott. She new what he was saying and that he was addmiting to being a trator but she could also tell there was something more.

"Oh Scott, there has to be something more your not remembering. I know you cant be a traitor, I just know you. Your heart is to kind."

Just watching Scott Hope process all that was said. Trying to think things through in her own mind and play them back.

"Do you think you would feel up to seeing if Carson could help you remember anything else? I wouldnt leave your side and I would stay with you, but maybe it would help clear your own mind to know?"

Watching from the side lines Phinox thinks differnt plans over in his head. He has several differnt things he can do, and ways to do each thing but this all took carfel planing, and the perfect exicution.

As Reese turns his attachen to him again Phinox dosnt talk for a moment as he continues to think before straghting up again. His face held no emotions, but his eyes proved his confadince and determination.

"This operation was small. There was Rod, Gage, another woman who I do believe is gone now, and Myself in on this. If I can get in and map out the layout I will know the exits, rooms, and where everything is. I have a memorie that can take a picture tuck it away and than bring it back when I need it. Most people in the agency are trained that way."

Phinox take in a breath for a moment as his eyes scan all the faces that are looking back at him. He didnt know if these people trusted him, he didnt know if he trusted himself but if this would get that girl back, maybe this would make up for his other sins.

"We bring Derek and Jay in. One of them will not have there hand completely tied. Once I put them into the room and I leave they will be able to untie the other. I can take out Gage not kill him, than take out Rod while leading Jay and Derek to Kaite. The woman that was in on this is gone but now since we havent seen her and I will conferm that once I go in tonight. Than we lead Katie, and the others out to a car that will be waiting."

Phinox new it would be trickyer than it sounded but it was all they had and maybe even some of the other could tweek it or add to it but at least it was a foot hold for something.

Truth and lies

"Yeah..." Kyle nods. "That was the only bottle."

Though it would be easy to remain embarrassed, Alice made it even easier not to. Kyle knew he could count on her no matter what. He remembered wondering if it would really work, with her following him... now he couldn't imagine the trip without her.

Giving a sheepish grin, he leans into her, then puts his arm around her too. "You da best, Alice."

Scott sniffs and closes his eyes again, his head sinking further into his damp pillow. Hope's hand on his arm only added to her soothing presence. "He just wanted answers," he mumbles quietly. "But I... I couldn't remember. I... I didn't want to fight back." He cringes as the recollection. "I knew he just wanted to help TJY... protect all of us."

Silent for a moment, one might think Scott had drifted to sleep, but he speaks again, his eyes still closed. "Each time... each time he hit me... it felt like I was there again... at the Agency. And then... then I remembered."

His lower lip quivers again and he finally opens his eye to look at Hope, his sight glazed over with the tear that wouldn't spill over. "I was sitting in the room." He swallows hard. "And... and I gave up... I told them I'd work for them... I took their side, Hope... I told them I would do it."

His eyes plead with her as if trying to find anything that would convince him he wasn't a bad person for having broken under pressure. He felt so small and so weak. "I have to remember everything... I have to tell Reese everything... if... if I go to prison at least I want to help TJY, but I can't remember. But... but Carson knows how to do it... he knows."

The tear finally spills over. "I have to Hope... I have to."

The ideas don't make Derek or Jay flinch. At this point, both were willing to do just about anything to help with this case. Jay, because it was his daughter. And Derek, because he felt it his duty. But both had a lot to sacrifice if they didn't make it back out again. Both had families.

Reese leans back in the chair at the head of the meeting table and mulls over Nate's idea. "That might work. But it's so hard getting anyone back out again, no matter how well-planned it is. If the Agency is prepared with armed guards, we might get Katie back, but there's no guarantee for Derek and Jay, even if Phinox is there. Besides all that, we still don't even know why they want those two."


Heads look up quickly at the new voice. Jason had appeared in the doorway.

Reese looks at him sternly. "Are you able to be here?"

Jason nods, though he is tense. He doesn't make eye contact with Derek.

"What do you mean, science?"

Jason leans on the doorframe and eyes Phinox, then looks back to Reese. "Think about it... they want the fathers of Katie and me. What's so special about us?"

Reese quirks an eyebrow. "You're talented. But there's no sign that it's genetic."

"It was drug-induced. We learned that in Australia. The Agency circulated a drug years ago, but didn't realize the effects until much later. They thought it hadn't done a thing. Until they found a few cases like Katie and myself, and realized that it was the offspring of the original users."

Derek and Jay exchange quick looks. "Drugs?" Jay questions. "I never did drugs."

"It didn't have to be bad drugs," Derek counters. "What about like.... pain killers or... or sleeping pills?" His eyes widen slightly. "Were you ever on sleeping pills?"

"Yeah... for about a year. I had bad insomnia and the prescription was the only thing that would cut it."

"I was on something for six months. I can't remember what it was called though."

"It doesn't matter," Jason interrupts. "Obviously it was a form of legalized sleeping pill that the Agency either produced, or contaminated. It just so happened that you two took them. It was by chance that Katie and I met. Had we not, then neither of us ever would have shown signs of what we do now."

"And..." Derek lifts an eyebrow. "What exactly is it that you two have? Are you sick?"

"In a manner of speaking." Jason had just been given another shot to reduce symptoms. "It's too long to explain now. The point is, that the Agency now wants you two so they can study you. They want to be able to replicate what Katie and I have, but in order to do that, they have to analyze the source. I don't know why they haven't picked anyone else, or why they don't just reuse the drugs - you'll have to ask them that. But I think that's what they want from this. The torture to Katie and myself is just icing on the cake for them.... right about now, they might even think I'm dead."

"I think you're right." Carson's voice comes over the phone. He was still at his post, but listening to the meeting. "If they ever lost data or the drugs, or if something happened to their records, they would be desperate to relocat the source and replicate it. Their easist targets at this point would be Derek and Jay."

The room grows quiet again. This did explain a lot. But they still needed to get Katie out.

"Nate, I like your plan," Reese states flatly. "We need to come up with foolproof plan."

Jason scoffs. "Don't bank on Derek. He likes to walk away from his duty."

Derek's shoulders drop and he shakes his head. "Chill, Jason. Now's not the time."

"No? Then when is? After you've left again?"

Derek swivels in his chair to look at his son. "Did you want to grow up believing your mother was a liar?"

"What?" Jason was totally confused.

Though this really wasn't the time and place, Derek knew they had to get past this quickly in order to concentrate on Katie. He throws Nate an apologetic glance. This wasn't at all how he wanted to talk to Jason, but he didn't have much choice. "Well if I would have shown up alive, it would have made your mother a liar for telling you I had died right after you were born."

"She never told me that."


Jason throws his arms up in the air. "She never told me that! Austin said you knew about me, but had turned your back on your old life. I knew where you were, but you had a family. I had the decency not to interfere."

Derek's mouth hangs open. "He... he told me that Cindy raised you with the belief that I was dead... so you wouldn't feel abandoned. We agreed it would be best for me not to show up."

Now Jason wasn't sure how to respond. "When... when was this?"

"Years ago... you couldn't have been more than ten." Derek swallows hard. "I did find out that your mother was pregnant with you when all of that happened, and I ran. I admit it. When I finally decided I needed to pick up the pieces, I was told by her parents that she and the baby had died during the birth. So I moved on." Though the past was painful, it was clear that Derek had dealt with it, and was now stronger for it. "After I'd already started my own family, Austin contacted me to see if I wanted back into the deal with fighting the Agency. I said no. Somewhere in there, he mentioned finding you. It was then that I realized Cindy's parents had lied to me because they hated me. But there was nothing I could do about it then... I already had my own family, and Austin said you believed I was dead. So I kept my distance. I turned him down and stayed where I was at."

Jason's eyes narrow. He was so confused. He was so angry. But there was a new, sickening feeling that perhaps he'd been wrong about a few things. "He told me you just didn't want to have anything to do with me."

"Then he lied to you." The fact slides off Derek's tongue like it was nothing. "I found out a long time ago that Austin could play any side he wanted to. That's why I didn't help him with TJY when he asked. Think about it... are you surprised he lied?"

No... Jason wasn't. Unfortunately, he wasn't. What else had been a lie? "But... why?"

"He wanted you here, Jase." It was Reese who spoke this time, quietly. "I didn't know any of this, but I know he would have done anything to keep you here. If he thought you might take sides with your father or get involved somewhere else, it would have been a risk that he would lose you."

Jason's eyes go to the floor. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to believe.

Carson clears his throat. "Katie, guys... come on, focus."

Reese brings the meeting back to the point again, though he knew that father and son had an awful lot to work out. It just couldn't happen now. "Phinox? If you have Jay and Derek, how can you be sure that you can get them back out again?"