
Better than the cell

As the discussion around the table goes on, ideas are tossed about, shot down, picked up, twisted around and laid flat. Each time they come back to the same idea they’d started out with – if Cryptic would help them this weekend, they’d proceed with the show and up the security all the way around. If Cryptic couldn’t help, they would postpone shows until Kyle could play well enough again, and at that time, the security would also be tight.

By the time the decisions have been made, it's already getting late into the evening. Phil had already called in to work to be able to stay and sort things out, and minds were growing weary. Kyle was getting exhausted, the last couple days catching up to him fast.

The evening is a chilly one, but the air feels nice after being in the stuffy house. Everyone has filed out onto the back deck, prepping to leave for the night.

Scott slings his arm around Katie, leaning in close to her ear. "Stop for ice cream on the way back to town? Then you can go to Jen's."

Phil waves his goodnight to everyone and heads for his truck to take Jen home and go home himself, while Kyle said he'd ride back with Misty. Once Phil got back to town, he'd also inform their parents about what was happening, so when Katie arrived, they would know what was going on.

Heading for Misty's car, Kyle finally slows down a bit, not having let his weariness show too much before this point. His head was spinning, hurting, his stomach was upset, and his hand wouldn't stop throbbing. But he pastes a smile on his face anyway, not wanting the ride back to be a dismal one.

Sliding into the passenger seat, he points a finger towards home, aiming it with a squint and a click of his tongue.

Jason ambles off the porch, the last to leave. Leaning on one crutch, he watches the other taillights disappear out of sight. It was nights like these that he felt alone. Goodnight, Katie.

"Wanna jam for a while?"

Jason turns back around to Mike, a small smile forming. "Sure...why not."

Carson cocks his head and looks at Jess, knowing that she was just searching for some way to stop the pain. He knew how she felt to a certain degree and it wasn't fun.

Giving in, he slowly approaches and eases down on the bed next to her, leaning back against the wall. "At least you're not in the holding cell," he muses. "It's not as cozy as this." He stops himself, realizing that he'd just opened the floodgates to too many of his own memories. Like a photo album being flipped through at fast pace, he remembers when he first came here, and the time spent with Misty. For a while, she'd been the only one who cared...and she never had been afraid of him, even when he'd tried to scare her away.

Carson shakes his head a little, clearing his mind. Seeing Jess hunched over with her arms around herself, he can't help the sympathy that insists on sticking around. He'd screwed up in so many ways...so many times he hadn't helped those who were hurting, or had caused that hurt himself.

Slowly he sits back up and slides a little closer, careful not to startle or scare Jess away. He didn't want his actions to be threatening or suggestive in any way, but rather he wanted to be a shelter. In a way, he missed being able to hold someone close and know that they felt safe in his arms. Reaching over gently, he puts an arm around Jess' shoulder, giving her a little squeeze. "It's going to be okay," he whispers. "You're going to be okay..." He knows his actions and words are an invitation for her to cry on his shoulder if she needs to, and he doesn't mind. "I'm here for as long as you need me."


*Misty leans into Kyle's arm as he slings it around her. Even though the look on his face told her this wasent her fault she couldent help the feeling that lingered anyways. Misty just stays silent and listens to the rest of the conversation as her own mind trys to process everything.*

*Kaite listens and takes everything in playing in her own mind the stuff they could do for more sacurity.*

"Well first off, If Jen dosent mind, I wont mind staying with her over nights at her place for a little bit. That way I can keep my eye on things at that time."

*Katie stops again as she scans the others collecting her thoughts.*

"Well, we can scan who comes into the park, its not normal but its probley nessary. I think Con, Myself, Nate and Wyatt might be the best canadtes as for the added sacurity. We should be ok, as long as we do our jobs and stay alirt this time and not as layed back. I'm up for the challange. I promised I would protect you guy and by golly I will."

*Jess steps in the small room and looks around. The room was bear, with while walls it wasent much but it certinly was nicer looking than Jess place. Sitting down on the bed Jess wraps her arms around herself and just stairs off into the distince for a moment before looking up at Carson. Her voice stays flat showing little emotions. She dident have the emergy, and she still let sore and like crap.*

"The company is always nice. Better than stairing at blank walls. But I dont....dont want to take up anymore of your time. I'll probley fall asleep on you anyways. Or I could sujest we play some cards but we know where that got us last time."

*As Jess sits leaning up again the wall how she wished she had a beer right now. To take away the pain, to take away the memories. To erase the smell, and sound of Peter's voice that echoed in her ears. Jess just wanted to forget, she just wanted to make him mind blank though still if she forgot now, there was a long hard road ahead one that would bring up the memories many times no matter how many times she drank them away.*


Jason receives Katie's response, at first unable to decipher it, but then understanding, and suddenly realizing how smoothly they'd just communicated. Any other time or place, he would have stopped to comment, but now wasn't the time.

Kyle glances down to Misty and sees the look in her eye that he knew would be there. She felt guilty...she was apologizing. And it made him feel all the more bad.

His eyes narrowing a little, he throws her a warning glance that demanded she not take on responsibility for this. Turning back to Katie, he nods and shrugs a little, indicating that more security might be an option. His expression still implied he didn't want to miss this weekend, though he was giving in a little, his temper having cooled down.

Mike grimaces a little. "I don't know guys...how much are we willing to risk?"

Jason taps his finger on the table absentmindedly. "Kyle, if you got this right...the next time they hit, it's going to be hard. What will they try for next?"

Kyle thinks, then shakes his head. How could he even guess?

Jason, however, knows, and prompts him to figure it out himself. "What's important to you, Kyle? What could they take that would be most devastating?"

Suddenly Kyle's eyes widen and he immediately looks to his sister.

Jen swallows hard. She knew. If the Agency wanted to completely crush Kyle, they would come after her.

Mike reaches under the table to take her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "So we up the security on Jen."

Kyle's face has paled slightly, an he finally sits back down, leaning his forehead on his hand, trying to sort all this out. How much was he really willing to risk? If it were just himself, he didn't care. But Jen? She was the most obvious target. Was he willing to risk that? Yet at the same time, if they didn't stand up and fight, it would just continue.

Jason shrugs. "Well...we can do that...keep a closer eye on things...make sure she's not alone. It's either that, Kyle, or you can quit flirting with the Agency's enemy."

Kyle lifts his head to throw Jason a glare. His relationship with Misty might not be at the deepest level, but it was certainly beyond flippant flirting. To prove his point, he leans back in his chair and puts an arm around Misty in utter defiance of the suggestion.

Jason backs off, realizing the bounds he had just overstepped. "Alright, so scratch that." He gives Katie a sidelong glance and sighs, admitting through his emotions, only to her, his embarrassment for his own remark. "So what are we going to do, guys? Katie? You're the only security we've got right now. Who else would you suggest? And how can we keep Jen safe?"

Phil interrupts them. "We got more than one thing going on here though guys...The Agency is by far the most intense, but we have to think about Kyle's condition right now too." He looks at his brother with concern, knowing how touchy Kyle was about it, but it had to be said. "I'm just not sure you should be up there trying to play right now. And we still haven't decided what to do about backup vocals."

Kyle drops his gaze, the frustration returning. He was supposed to see Rick tomorrow for a checkup...after today's little shouting match, who knew what Rick would say. As for his hand, it would be several months before he could really play the keyboard fully again.

"You could help Jen with sound," Mike suggests.

Phil shakes his head. "We sound better with a keyboard in the mix though. Do we want to downsize to a three-piece until he can play?"

"How about having someone come substitute?"

Kyle can feel heat rising to his face and he refuses to look up. He knew they all meant well, but no matter what, each suggestion just dug the knife in a little further.

"Hey, I know..." Mike nods with enthusiasm. "Cryptic is coming home - I heard something about that the other day. They've been traveling all over the place, but are now going to take a break or there's a rumor that they're even going to disband, I don't know. But anyway, Rocky's always offered to help us out if we needed anything, and you know Taylor could get him to do anything."

Kyle quirks an eyebrow. He glances at Misty. That was the band that had backed him up and recorded his singing.

Mike continues. "We could at least give him a call and see if he'd be willing to sub on short notice for this weekend. He still owes us for the time we bailed him out at that one concert." A slight grin appears at the memory. "Then we can decide more after that..."

Kyle wasn't so sure...he didn't like being replaced...it just felt like salt to the wound. But at least they wouldn't cancel...at least he trusted Rocky...and though running sound wasn't the most fun in the world, at least he could help with that and relieve Jen some too.

Phil looks around at everyone. "Well...we can give him a call. Kyle, you got his number?"

Kyle nods.

Phil shrugs. "What do you all say? Katie...if we get a sub and do this weekend, think you could recruit some more help from TJY? Maybe Nate? Wyatt?"

Jason grins a little. "Con's out of work right now. I bet he'd be glad to play bodyguard for a night too."

Jen sits up a little straighter. "I'm game." She looks to Katie as her friend for support. "And I think Kyle and Katie are right...the Agency needs to know that we're not that easy to knock down."

Carson gives a little sigh and shakes his head at Jess. "What's done in the past is done...I didn't exactly make the right choices either, so...don't apologize."

Hearing the short discussion, Rick's mind wanders a little, wondering what the relationship was between these two, and wondering at Carson's meek demeanor. Rick had heard rumors about all that had happened...he knew Carson didn't have a car or any place to live right now...had he finally broken?

"Alright, Jess... Let's get this overwith so you can get comfortable again." Rick gives her an encouraging nod that everything was going to be okay. "Jamie's right here and Carson will wait right outside."

Carson takes the hint and gives Jess a wink before backing off and leaving the three alone.

It's a while later that Rick is showing Jess the little guest room, letting her know where everything was, and telling her that she could help herself to anything in the break room. Wyatt would go get her vehicle from Mom and Pop's and park it at TJY for the night, and the case would be handed over to Angelica immediately so that legal action could be taken against Peter.

Carson is still there, and left alone with Jess in the room, he looks around, remembering is own time spent here before he'd gotten his own place. "You don't have to worry about a thing as long as you're here, Jess...there will be more than one person here all night."

He glances at the clock. He didn't know what to do... He didn't want to leave her alone if she was going to panic, but he didn't want to stay and have her feel smothered either. "You be alright here now? Or do you need the company?"


*Katie looks to Scott and than looks to Jason across the table receveing his feelings and knowing what he was thinking. Pushing her own feeling back at him and making there presence known. I know you didn't mean for this to happen. It's just delikit right now the band means everything to Kyle. Katie lets out a sigh and runs a hand over her face as she thinks for a moment.*

"Yeah know, if we raise the sacurity level around the concerts maybe but more than just me on for a little bit we might be ok. I don't know though. Kyle has a point though. If you cancle all the concerts we are just showing the Agency won. Thats how it was for my aunt and her friends. The Agency dident stop till they split up and got what they wanted everyone away from eachother. I think we need to stand tall, and show them they can't drag us down. If anything just cancle the concert this weekend. Than keep the rest for now."

*As Misty re-enters the house she goes back over to the chair and sits down as Kyle stands. Keeping her eyes on him Misty listens to what he has to say. As Kyle continues to talk and explain what was going on the relization hites her and she know the pain on her face shows it. The though hadent even crossed her mind that the Angecy might be attaching Kyle because of her.

Misty's shoulders just drop a little as she keeps her eyes on Kyle. She felt so horrable right now. If she hadent of continued to persued Kyle this wouldent have happend. It was her fault he was hurt now. That in itself hurt to think she indeed was the reason Kyle might never sing again. On top of that the saprise of the other was a bit awkward as well. Was it really that much of a shock to them? Misty hadent even though it wasent obvus. Latly where ever Kyle was outside of work she was there too.

Misty dosent take her eyes off Kyle as she trys to convay to him without words she was sorry. Finally as the conversation reverts again Misty looks down at the napkin in front of her and than she scans the room. Her mind raced over everything so fast.*

*As the three coming back into the infermary Jess looks up her eyes offering thanks to Jamie. She new she told them but it felt better having someone alse do it than herself.

As Rick talks about tests Jess gives a understanding nod.*

"I unerstand, and sleeping here would...would be fine I guess. I just...I don't know how I feel right now, about anything."

*Jess eyes move back to the ground the pain great. Her mind moving miles a minute.

As Carson tucks her hair behind her ear she looks over at him. She felt so small but having a friend helped.*

"I'm the best I can be at the moment I guess."

*Jess swallows hard before talking again.*

"Carson, thanks for staying.I'm sorry I never did the same."


Kyle can hear someone exiting the house, and as Misty draws near, he knows it's her. Feeling her arms as she embraces him, he can't help but give in to it, accepting the comfort rather than resisting. He wasn't too big to admit that right now, a hug felt good.

He puts his good arm around her too, just resting his head against hers.

Her words hit home. He knows she's right. Not only did it just plain make sense, but it was Biblical, and he certainly hadn't acted very Christian-like a few minutes ago.

Kyle closes his eyes as Misty runs her fingers through her hair. Every moment he spent with her, he enjoyed her presence more.

Finally he opens his eyes to look at her, and gives a little nod. "I'm sorry," he whispers.

Scott glances to Katie, to the guys and back again, not knowing what was going to happen now. He knew that it was not like Kyle to have an outburst like that, even if the situation was tough. It was evident that this whole thing had hit him a little harder than maybe they'd thought.

Jason swallows hard , upset by Kyle's reaction. He looks across the table to Katie, searching her eyes. He felt distressed...upset...frustrated and confused. Everything compacted together, each level of emotions creating a readable pattern. I didn't want this to happen...I just don't understand. I want to fix it and I don't know how.

A tear rolls down Jen's cheek, sensitive to her brother's feelings. Phil starts to rise from his chair, but Jen stops him. "No...see if Misty can bring him back around."

Phil sighs and eases back down, rubbing a hand over his face. "I thought our decision made sense."

"It does," Mike agrees. "At least until we get this thing figured out."

Kyle takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, eventually letting his arm drop from Misty. The look in his eye is one of sadness, the flame of spark still there, but dim and so small. He knew he'd have to show the others what was really going on. He knew he'd have to explain to Jason. The worst part of it would be seeing Misty realize it.

Nodding to the door, Kyle lets Misty go first, and slowly follows back inside.

Everyone looks up expectantly and relieved to see Kyle back. While the others stay seated, Kyle remains standing, just leaning an arm on the back of his chair. "Sorry guys," he hoarsely manages.

Phil gives his arm a nudge. "It's alright."

Kyle shakes his head. His throat hurt and he knew he shouldn't be talking any more, but there was no way he could write all this down or gesture everything. "No...it's not."

Jason sighs, leaning back in his chair. "It's just temporary, Kyle. I'm sorry that you've gotten dragged into this. I don't know what the Agency's goal is...the only thing I can come up with is that they're trying to get to me by hurting you, and for that, I feel terrible."

Kyle looks to Jason, his eyes filled with emotions. Glancing to Misty, his eyes apologize to her. Turning back to Jason, he shakes his head again. "It's not you, Jase...it's me."

Jason's confusion intensifies. "What do you mean?"

"Don't you see?" Kyle tries to ignore the pain of speaking. "My voice...my hand...it's a direct hit to me."

"But why? You have nothing to do with them."

"They're punishing me...for being around someone they hate."

Jason still doesn't understand. He looks to Katie then back to Kyle. "But they've never punished you before for being around Katie or me. Why now?"

Kyle looks down for a moment, closing his eyes. Gritting his teeth, he finally looks up again. "But I never dated you, now did I?"

Jason furrows his brow, his mind trying to get what Kyle was saying. Suddenly his eyes widen and stray to Misty. "Misty...?"

Phil's eyebrows shoot up and Jen's mouth drops slightly. They look to Kyle for an explanation, though it's obvious now.

Kyle glances to Misty with further apology before answering Jason. "Yeah. And that has to be the answer..."

Phil continues to look between Kyle and Misty. "You two...why didn't..."

Kyle's eyes narrow slightly. "No one's business?" He tries to bring the conversation back on track. "Look...the Agency isn't going to give up. They're going to pick me apart until I break. I can't let them win...if we cancel our concerts, they're getting exactly what they want."

Rick nods slowly to all that Jamie was saying, the sadness showing in his eyes. Dealing with these cases never got any easier. "Thank you, Jamie. I appreciate all your help. I wish Misty was here...Jess might feel better about more examinations, but we need to get this done and over with before we lose evidence."

He sighs deeply. "If Peter did all that to her, then we definitely have a case. He took advantage of her and assaulted her. But we need proof of DNA. Jess isn't going to like it, so I want you there again to help her through it. On top of that, it might be good just to have her stay here the night."

Carson purses his lips at Jamie's suggestion of him staying. "I can stay...Herb will let me for something like this. Just I..." He thinks about his surroundings and how awkward it felt to be here. But he couldn't think about himself right now. "Yeah...I'll see if Jess wants me."

The group goes back into the infirmary, though Wyatt breaks off from them to go report to Reese.

Carson approaches Jess slowly, offering her a comforting smile. "Hey you...you doing okay?" He tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

Rick is alongside him, being as gentle as possible. "Jess...I need to do a little bit more so we have some evidence about what happened...then we'd like it if you stayed here the night. I'll be here all night, and there's a nice little room right down the hall where you can get some good rest. Would you do that?"


*Misty gives a little jump to Kyle's shout and his pound on the table. She hadent exspected it but she could understand his frustrations just a little. The band was a big part of his life if people saw it or not. Kyle had his voice taken away, his hand taken away, and now playing and the band all togther was being taken away. Misty couldent imagen how it must of felt.

Watching Kyle get up from the table and go out the door Misty's heart wants to scream. She could see both sides of the spectrum. She new Kyle's point, and she new the others point as well.

Glancing around the table Misty excuses herself and heads the way Kyle went exiting out onto the pourch. Coming up along side Kyle Misty just stands for a moment not saying any thing only watching the sunset. Finally Misty reaches out to Kyle and puts an arm around him and slowly turns him twords her wrapping her other around him as well and just draws him close to her as she offers a hug of comfort. Just holding him Misty dosn't say anything. Letting the silence rain for a moment. Finally Misty speaks in a soft tone as she leans her head aganst Kyle, and her arms still wrapped around him.*

"A long time ago my mom use to tell me when I was upset, that I should look to the sunset. She would tell me those ray of light simbalized how easly something could be wonderful one moment and gone the next. She would remind me that I should take in what was good and wonderful and not hate that something like a sunset had to come to an end. Because even if its gone today it will be back tomarrow, and the day after. Even if the colors arnt the same, and the pattern in the sky is differnt. It will still be there and the new pattern and color with have its own reason for being wonderful."

*A small smile forms on Misty's lips as she remembers her mothers words when she was young. Her mom was so smart and she had never tired of hearing her talk and her ideas on things, and life.*

"Don't let the sun go down on your anger Kyle, because you never know when there just might not be a tomarrow. Even if you don't agree with what they said. They love you in there, and they only want to protect you. You can't be upset with them for that right?"

*Pulling away from Kyle a little Misty smiles up at him and runs a hand through his hair.*

*As Rick checks over Jess she holds herself stiff. Her eyes only moved every once and a while from the wall to Carson as if making sure he was still close by.

Rick seemed from what Jess could tell kind and gentil. Taking great care in how he handled her. Finally Jess lets herself relax just alittle bit as the atmisphere becomes a little more friendly.

Just snaps her head to Wyatt fast as he starts to talk about pressing charges. Did she really want to do that now?*

"I...I'm not so sure I should press charges anymore. I mean....Peter might get more upset with me and just some of his other goons after me or something...and...maybe its just better off if...if I just let things go."

*Jamie gives a little shake of her head as she pushes herself off the counter and sits down in one of the chairs. Folding her hands in front of her she looks at Jess. Her face kind and soft.*

"Jess, you dont have to press charges but I think its in your best intrest if you do. This wont stop on its own. This guy knows he can out power you now, and if he comes back its just going to happen over and over again. Who knows if one of these times he kills you. I know you don't want that and we certinly dont want that eather."

*Jamie lets out a sigh and she looks up at Wyatt and than back to Jess. She felt so bad for her, and she felt so despret to not let this happen again to her.*

"If you do press charges we have some of the finest body guards here who will look out for you for a while, and we also have a wonderful Lawyer who will help put this guy behind bars and if any of his guys come after you she will put them there too. You don't have anything to fear. We are here to help and will make sure you looked after."

*Jess searches Jamie's eyes for a moment and finds the sensarity she is looking for. Knowing Jamie was telling the truth. Though she was a bit puzzled why would someone go to all this trouble. Law informent or not, Jess never met anyone who would even life a finger to help her before. Seeing Carson's nod she feels a bit reasured.*

"O....ok. I want to than."

*Jamie gives a small nod and than nods to Wyatt letting him know that he should get the paperwork and what not together.*

*At Ricks last statment Jess becomes a little uncomfortable. She dident like the feeling, and thinking about it made her sick. She felt embarssed and just plane low. Looking to Jamie Jess eyes portray what she is feeling about the situation.*

*Jamie gives an understanding nod to Jess and a soft smile once again.*

"If you feel more comfortable just talking to me you can and than I can relay it to them. Or we have a female Dr. you can talk to as well. Its whatever make you more comfortable."

*Jess looks down at her hands for a moment not saying much of anything before looking up again.*

"I'd like to just talk to you."

*Jamie stands.*

"Ok thats not a problem."

*Once the three guys leave the room Jamie brings her chair a little but closer to Jess to listen to what she has to say.*

~*~About 15-20 minutes later~*~

*Moment pass and finally Jamie exits the infermary for where the three men were waiting outside. She has a look of her own pain on her face. She felt bad for Jess and wish she could help more. But the only thing she could do was help but this guy away that would do this to her. Walking over to them Jamie lets out a sigh.*

"Well..It seems not only did this guy hurt her pysicaly he did emotionaly as well, and to add icing to the cake he took advantage of her too. From why Jess said thats why the whole thing started. She dident want anything to do with him anymore, and well....he dident like that. "

*Jamie runs a weary hand over her face letting out a tired sigh. What a case this was. Many emotions were involved on this on for more than one reason.*

"You going to want to probley check her over, and get what you can to Angelica. I'm not sure all she needs your going to want to have to talk to her about this, but I gave that woman my word in there that this guy would be put behind bars for a long time. We can all go back in now, she's given her ok. Just move slowly, I'm not a Dr. but it seems like she is still in shock and pretty skidish. Which is understand able."

*Jamie turns her attachen to Carson for a moment.*

"I don't know how long you can stay today away from work, but if you can stay for a while longer I think it would be good. Jess needs someone she knows and can trust right about now more than anything. She needs to feel sacure, and protected. Along with the physical pain she is going through alot of mentil pain as well, and thats not something easly cured like a cut or a scrap. That takes much longer. Specialy when its not all that grand to start with. I'd say that girl in there had it pretty hard to begin with, and than this added to it...shesh."


Rick can see the fear in Jess' eyes and knows to take things slowly. It had been a while since they'd brought in anyone like this, but he knew well enough that it wasn't her fault, and she needed understanding more than anything else. "Nice to meet you, Jess." His voice is warm and calming. "If you want to just come on in here and sit down on that table over there, we can just take a quick glance at ya."

He offers her a smile. "Looks like someone did a good job of giving you some attention already though."

He waits for her to sit down inside the infirmary, and forces himself to ignore the conflicting feelings that rose inside of him, about having Carson there. He knew nothing whatsoever about this case.

Taking a few supplies, Rick slowly makes sure Jess' cuts are clean, careful not to scare her with sudden moves, and aware enough not to do anything that might make her feel uncomfortable.

Wyatt stands nearby, taking mental notes. "I know this is hard for you, Jess...but we all know it's best if you press charges against the guy who did this. And if you do, which we'll help you with, we need Rick here to have written statements about your condition."

Rick smiles again, taping a small bandage over a wound on Jess' arm. "I just need you to tell me now if you're hurt anywhere else that I can't see."

Carson gives her a little nod, telling her it's okay.

Kyle stuffs a bite of burger into his mouth and grins, shrugging slightly, a twinkle of amusement in his eye.

Chatter and laughter filters through Mike’s house as everyone eats. The group had spent so much time together, it was always more like family than friends.

As the meal draws to a close and all that’s left are drinks and a few potato chips, the real reason for the get together finally has to come.

The table is quiet for several moments until Phil speaks up. “Kyle…Mike, Jason and I have talked a bit and…we feel that with everything that’s happened…we should cancel this weekend’s concert.”

Kyle’s eyebrows shoot up as his heart sinks. Never had JetStream backed out of a commitment in the past. He furrows his brow and shakes his head. He holds up his good hand and waves his fingers, showing that he could still play the keyboard, even if it wasn’t as much.

Phil purses his lips. “Look, we know you can still play a bit, but come on…you need to give yourself a break. You can’t sing…you can’t give it your all…and you’re an important part of the band. We just don’t feel it’s right.”

Kyle can feel his defenses rising, and tries to control himself. He tenses, gritting his teeth.

Jason intervenes. “It’s not just that either… with the Agency after you for some reason, we can’t just let that go. We’re going to have to figure this out before we can move on. It’s been suggested that…we clear the calendar completely until we know everyone is safe.”

Kyle can’t believe he’s hearing those words. Clear the calendar? That meant canceling anything they had on schedule and turning down any new gigs. How could they be suggesting this? And they’d been talking without him? That much was apparent.

He looks from Jason to Mike, to his brother, then to his sister, grasping for help here. But the look on Jen’s face says that she’s been in on those discussions too.

Sitting back in his chair, Kyle is just quiet for several moments. Finally he shakes his head again. Silent words mixed with signs, gestures and whatever else to get his point across, he manages, “I don’t like it. I can still play enough to get by, and we made commitments here. As far as the Agency goes, we have people like Katie watching us.”

Phil sighs deeply. “We know all that, Kyle. But maybe we need to start using our heads on this one. We’re not blaming you for anything it’s just…we think this is best.”

“We need to figure out the whys to all of this,” Jason adds. “Without understanding what’s happening, we’re not going to be able to make it stop.”

Kyle’s stomach lurches. He knew why this was happening, and it was stupid no one else had figured it out yet. He opens his mouth to signal he wants to say something, but the discussion continues around him.

Mike nods. “I hate canceling anything, but I agree that it’s the best choice.”

Again Kyle tries to interrupt but isn’t noticed.

“Besides, without the backup vocals, our sound isn’t as strong anyway,” Phil agrees. “We don’t want to disappoint the audience.”

Kyle raises his hand but once more no one notices since he can’t just interrupt with speech.

Jason nods. “Not to mention our script. We’d have to change everything around and to do that before this weekend would be hard.”

Kyle leans forward trying to catch someone’s eye, growing frustrated that no one was noticing his attempts to interrupt.

Phil shakes his head. “I know some people will be disappointed, but we have to think about us and what’s happening.”

“Agreed.” Mike nods.

“Agreed.” Jason puts in his vote.

Jen nods as well. “I think…”

Kyle’s palm suddenly slams down onto the table hard enough to make plates and glasses rattle. “Do I not count all of a sudden or what?!” His forced raise voice feels as though it’s tearing out the inside of his throat, but he ignores it, his hoarse shouting coming out as a painful sounding rasp. “We can’t do this!”

“Kyle!” Jen looks with disappointment and reprimand at her brother. “Take it easy, and for goodness sake, save your voice.”

Why should I?” A rare anger blazes in Kyle’s eyes. “You’re not going to let me sing anyway!”

“Just calm down, Kyle,” Phil chides. He was a little embarrassed by his brother’s outburst and tries to settle things down. “Quit acting as though we’re doing this to you on purpose.”

Aren’t you?” Kyle winces as his own force against his vocal cords brings severe pain, but he keeps going anyway. “You all met behind my back,” he whispers. “You all made up your minds without even talking to me about it.

“Come on, Kyle,” Jason urges. “You know we weren’t leaving you out on purpose. You have to admit that holding off on things for a while makes sense. At least until we can figure out this Agency stuff.”

Kyle shakes his head. “What is there to figure out? They’re after me. Big whoop. They haven’t taken me down yet.”

“No, but they will,” Jason shoots back. “And until we find out why it is they’re after you all of a sudden, we can’t stop them. So far no one’s gotten killed. Let’s keep it that way.”

Kyle’s jaw sets stubbornly. “We’re playing this weekend.”

Jen’s shoulders drop. Why was her brother taking this so personally? “Please…just let this one go. For your own sake.”

My own sake?!” Kyle stands up from the table, almost knocking over his chair. He was confused, hurt and frustrated. He knew the answer to the Agency questions, and he had planned on performing despite his injuries. “Well thanks for nothing.” Though hoarse, his sarcasm is evident. “Let’s just all let the Agency win this one so they’re happy too.” Spinning on his heel, he stalks to the door where he goes out onto the porch, letting the screen door fall shut behind him with a bang.

The table is silent. The eyes of the band are down, no one knowing what to say. No one had thought Kyle would buck this, and none of them had seen him this upset in a long time. It just wasn’t like him to get so riled.

Kyle leans his hand on the porch railing, watching the sun set. The evening air was chilly, cooling him down. He knew he shouldn’t have lost his temper….he hated it when he did. It was just…so…frustrating. Swallowing, he realizes just what he might have done to himself with his shouting, but what was done was done, now. He should have just let this whole thing go…he should have just relented and left his pride behind.