
That'll do

Now face-down on the floor, Ryder breathes heavily, turning his head just enough that he can see Katie as she puts her foot on him.

Rolling his eyes, he moves around, accepting her hand. Shifting to sit up though, instead of standing, he pulls. Not letting go, he uses just enough strength to pull her down into his lap again. But this time, his arms are around her, preventing her head from banging back against the cupboards or onto the floor.

Holding her tightly, he gains the upper hand, but after a moment, his grip softens. Looking down into her eyes, a small smile quirks the corner of his mouth as he recalls the day before. "What would happen if the bad guys came around the corner again ay?"


"Barf brain!"

"Camel cowboy!"

"Spaghetti burner!"

Carson skids to a halt. "Oooh, low blow, mate."

Jason stands at the ready behind the couch, and whirls out of the way as Carson comes vaulting over it. Barely missed, he springs back towards the kitchen, just out of reach. Carson chases after him, unwilling to lose.

As the two men come trampling back into the kitchen, never has Ryder moved so quickly. On his feet in an instant, he almost dumps Katie onto the floor, but manages to pull her up too, giving her a quick shove in Jason's direction.

Jason skids to a halt just in time to get run into by Katie. His arms wrap around her and he swings her into a dip, oblivious to Ryder's red face. "My hero!" Leaning in, he plants as kiss on her lips.

"And it's my hero!" Carson stares into the freezer at the forgotten steaks.

Ryder faces the sink, suddenly very interested in cleaning out that morning's coffee mugs, pulling himself from the antics once more. "Help yourself. You said you wanted to cook."

"Only 'cause I know how to cook 'em to perfection."

"Only when he doesn't burn them."

"Hey!" Carson whirls around, shaking the frozen piece of meat at Jason. "Watch it, or I'll burn yours on purpose." He turns back to Ryder. "Got anything exciting to add to this.... onions? Mushrooms?"

"Uh..." Ryder hesitates. "I think I got an onion in there and... there might be a can of cream of mushroom soup in one of the cupboards."

"That'll do."

The room was dead quiet. All eyes were on Rocky. Max, Logan, Kyle, Joel and Taylor. They all sat is stunned silence. Joel swallows hard. "So... what... I mean... what does this mean?"

"Well it clears up a few questions, for starters," Rocky states flatly. After having told everyone about the discovery he'd made about Axel, it was time to sort through what would happen next. "His mask of avoiding women, his lack of desire for public attention... his silence about his past. Now we know why."

Max shakes his head. "So you really socked him, eh?"

Rocky sighs he leans forward in the couch, resting his elbows on his knees. "I shouldn't have. But... he was with Jess, and after figuring things out about Taylor, I was just afraid he was going to hurt somebody important to me."

Taylor lifts her eyebrows. "What do you..."

She was cut off by Joel. "So what are you proposing?"

"Well I can't see that we can keep him on Cryptic," Rocky states flatly. "Someone with a record like that? Now I know some might argue about forgiveness and the ability to change. But if someone brought to like Axel's past, the band would be in trouble."

"Do you think he's still a threat?" Joel couldn't believe it. "I just... wow... I never would have thought he was capable of that."

"Me neither. But quite frankly, I'm not willing to take the risk. Mine is not to judge or forgive something that has never been done against me. But I don't want him around the women anymore."

Kyle stands in the corner, leaning against the wall. This was all very hard to take in. Axel? Convicted of rape? No wonder he never spoke of his past. But that secrecy alone only caused more distrust. He had to admit that he might be leery about Axel hanging around Jen anymore too.

"What about tonight?" Max questions.

Rocky shrugs. "Figured we'd have to cancel."

"We can't do that," Logan interrupts. "We got Kyle lined up, and I can run sound."

"Yeah, but do we really want to go out there like this?" Rocky looks around at the group. He didn't need to remind them that they had just found out one of their very close friends wasn't at all who they thought he was - they were all feeling it.

"I'm still in, if the rest of you are," Kyle states boldly. He didn't want to think about this. He wasn't sure yet what he felt like doing, or how he should react, or where being a Christian came into play here. A concert, with or without Axel, would get everyone's minds off of everything else.

Rocky sighs deeply. He was still so on edge... still so upset. But they really would be putting the event in a lurch if they canceled tonight. It wasn't like the planners could just go out and get another band to come with only a few hours' notice. "Okay... if that's what you all want."

A few minutes later, Max and Logan have already left. Taylor singles out Rocky, taking him to the side. "Rocky... what did you mean about Jess and me?"

"I was at your apartment earlier," Rocky admits. "After I found out about Axel, I realized that something must have happened since you've been avoiding him lately. Then I heard the message he left on your machine."

"But I..."

"It's okay, you don't need to explain. If he was coming on to you, then from now on, you can..."

"No." Taylor tries to interrupt again, though her face has grown red. "It... it's not what you think."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... Axel didn't do anything. It was me. I came on to him, not the other way around."

Rocky lifts an eyebrow. "Oh. I didn't know that." He thinks for a moment, contemplating his reactions. "Well... whether I'd thought he did something or not, I still am going to be much more cautious." He thinks of Jess. Yes, he would be more cautious. The last thing she needed was someone like Axel, taking her dignity again.

A hand

Trying to watch Ryder's movments before he attacks Katie trys to move out of the way but dosnt act fast enough as she lands on her stomach she lets out a grunt.

Feeling Ryders breath on the side of her face she knows he is bent down close to her and probley most his weagh is uneaven at the moment. Turning her head to the side just a little she was panting pretty hard herself as she gives a chuckle.

"Your doing pretty good. One problem though..."

Getting her free arm under her Katie gives a shove throwing Ryder off balance and making him roll off of her along with pulling her arm back causing him to let go as she stands up.

"...Last time I checked crocs dont stand up on two legs."

Placing her own foot on Ryder's back she dosnt put much presure on him but holds the stance for a moment claming her prize. But giving a shake of her head Katie removes her foot and steps back a few steps before bending over and holding her hand out to Ryder to help him up as she trys to catch her breath.


Ryder gives a grunt as Katie's foot pushes him back. He sprawls back and blinks again, now not knowing how to react. Propping himself up on his elbows, he looks at Katie, his eyes narrowing. "Games, huh?"

He quirks a challenging eyebrow. "I don't know about wrestling a redhead. But let's see if it's anywhere near a croc."

Moving quickly, he brings his legs under himself to roll up and forward, piling into Katie and rolling her over onto her stomach. He lays his weight on top of her, holding her down. He lowers his face down next to hers. "How am I doing so far?"


Being thrown backwards in Ryder's lap Katie's laughing continues. She cant help but actully enjoy this right now. It was keeping her mind off the mission and problem at hand on not being able to do anthing.

As she looks up at Ryder the smile still is on Katie's face as she cocks her head and just looks at him for a moment. Searching his face. It was funny how the could of just been fighting what seemed like hours ago and now they were laughing again joking with each other.

"Never give up never surrender. Thats the TJY motto."

Bringing her foot up again Katie brings her foot up to Ryder's chest and gives a strong push. Than rolling over Katie gets at least to her knees as her eyes continue to sparkle as she looks back at Ryder her one hand on the ground and the other on her knee.

"Didnt you know headheads dont know how to give up? Games are fun when you have nothing better to do."

Bold enough?

Domino waits expectantly, keeping her eyes on the stick. Watching it fly, she springs from her spot and bounds after the stick, her unending energy apparent.

Scott grins. "There's only one person she plays with like that, other than me." He watches his dog attack the stick, growling and playing before she comes back with it again, now panting from the effort.

Ignoring his food, Scott shakes his head. "Domino, do you know how silly you are?"

Domino gives a little groan and puts a paw over her face.

"It's okay, I think Hope likes it."

Domino straightens and wags her stumpy tail, giving an enthusiastic yip.

Scott smirks. "You're such a ham. Aren't you worn out?"

She pauses in thought, then topples over on her side, stretching out in the grass as if she were utterly exhausted.

"It's not bedtime yet!"

Domino hops back up and spins in a little circle before stopping, still panting and wiggling all over.

"Why don't you show Hope how tall you are?"

She lifts herself up to stand on her hind legs, balancing for several seconds before coming back down on all fours.

Scott is still grinning. "Alright, you've shown off enough."

Domino wiggles and trots up to Hope, offering a slobbery stick again.

Scott turns back to the table, letting his dog play around. He had no worries that she would run off. Leaning his elbows on the table, he pushes his food to the side, even though it only had a total of four bites from it.

Ryder sees Katie coming, but it's too late. "What the..." His words don't get any further as he's knocked over and brought to the floor.

Jason is on Carson a few feet away, picking their own fight up right where they'd left off.

"Jason, you moron!"



"Hot head!"

Carson shoves Jason off and gets to his own feet, making a mad dash to the living room. Jason is quick to follow, disappearing into the other room where the brawl continues.

Ryder blinks and tries to catch his breath after the wind has been knocked out of him. On his back, he stares up at Katie, wide-eyed. "What did I ever do to deserve this?" he complains, but the humor twinkles behind his eyes.

Looking at Katie for a moment he isn't sure quite what to do. Her laughter was contagious, and her eyes were bright - a contrast to the serious situation they were all in. The playfulness was different.

A mischievous glint slowly comes into Ryder's own eyes and he makes up his mind. Moving his hands, he grabs Katie's ankles, uprooting her feet from the floor and unbalancing her just enough to make her fall backward onto his legs.

Sitting up, it’s his turn to stare down at her as she lies in his lap, and he folds his arms across his chest. “Well, now that the tables are turned, what happens next? Or are you bold enough to continue this little game while your boyfriend is in the next room over?”

Plan Attack

Hope gives a smile and a small wave as she see Domino looking around Scott before jumping int the car. Finally as the small dog jumps in and sits in Scott's lap Hope starts for the park again. Everyonce and a while glancing at Scott a smile slipping on her face. Now that Scott had his dog with him it was almost like he was someone new. He truly showed as though he was more comfortable now.

Once getting to the park and finding a place a nice picnic table Hope helps get the food out and sits down with Scott. Just enjoying her meal and watching Scott and Domino the talk is small but she was enjoying herself anyways.

Watching Domino go for her stick and as she topples over herself Hope cant help but laugh turning to Scott again.

"She sure is a ball of energy huh?"

Seeing Domino and hearing what Scott said Hope bends down to pick up the stick holding it up and watching Domino watch her.

"Better not disapoint her than huh?"

Lifting the stick Hope holds it above her head a smile across her face. Throwing it out into the grass for Domino watchin her dash after it a laugh escaping Hopes lips for the first time around Scott.

Katie cant help the laughting and squeels that make there way from her lips. She was having fun wrestaling with the other two.

Getting the stolen kiss from Jason Katie smiles again and laughs as Carson makes his statment. Looking between Carson and Ryder Katie's mouth quirks in a upsturned grin as her eyes shine with mischief.

You take Carson, I got Ryder. Those two aussies will see we are more than they bargened for.

Standing with Jason Katie just stands there for a momet.


Taking another dashing start Katie runs head on tackling Ryder to the ground as she laughs.