
A hand

Trying to watch Ryder's movments before he attacks Katie trys to move out of the way but dosnt act fast enough as she lands on her stomach she lets out a grunt.

Feeling Ryders breath on the side of her face she knows he is bent down close to her and probley most his weagh is uneaven at the moment. Turning her head to the side just a little she was panting pretty hard herself as she gives a chuckle.

"Your doing pretty good. One problem though..."

Getting her free arm under her Katie gives a shove throwing Ryder off balance and making him roll off of her along with pulling her arm back causing him to let go as she stands up.

"...Last time I checked crocs dont stand up on two legs."

Placing her own foot on Ryder's back she dosnt put much presure on him but holds the stance for a moment claming her prize. But giving a shake of her head Katie removes her foot and steps back a few steps before bending over and holding her hand out to Ryder to help him up as she trys to catch her breath.

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