
Miss you

Watching Katie leave, Scott can feel himself tense for just a moment at being without the safety she offered. But it passes as logic reminds him he was in a safe environment, and not only that, but Katie was just feet away.

Turning back to Hope, another small smile surfaces at her ending statement. "Well... then you can sit up here with us. They guys are about ready, and I'm sure the rest of the audience will start filing in at any moment.

And they do. It isn't long before the room is full, the chatter and murmuring adding to the natural excitement of a concert. But as the lights dim to target to stage, it's quiet once more.

The music starts out loud and energetic, the three musicians carrying JetStream's style and sound, despite it being down to a trio. Jason's voice rings out crisp and strong, his eyes playing with the audience, but always ending up on Katie, his smile kept only for her.

The group of friends look on from the front row, not only as support, but enjoying the music as well. Even as musical as those from Cryptic were, they still enjoyed listening every once in a while, not having to be on stage themselves.

Scott stays tucked between Hope and Jen, his eyes roaming from the stage to the floor, to Katie who was on duty at the sidelines, back to the stage, then back to the floor again. The crowd was bothering him - that much he knew. But he couldn't leave. His bouncing knee was the only release of his nervousness that he had.

After a few songs though, Scott finally slips from his seat. It wasn't to escape though, but to gain a better positions to take pictures. Though a part of him trembled on the inside, he tried to block out the audience. Keeping busy, he could do a better job of ignoring what was going on around him - the busy lights, the loud sounds.

Crouching in front of the stage, he peers through his camera to bring the band into focus. Click. Jason's singing captured in time. Click. An artistic photo of Mike, his drumsticks blurred in motion. Click. Phil's playing to forever be remembered.

Scott's eye catches the angles and shadows without a second thought. He moves to the side of the stage, noticed only by a few. Some might wonder who this sickly looking photographer was and what right he had to be wandering around the stage. But he was getting used to the looks, and it didn't bother him as much. He had permission. He'd been asked to do this. And it was something he did enjoy, even if he had to block out everything else.

Moving back a little farther, he raises his camera to the audience. He finds a few smiling faces and presses the button to take the shot. Looking through the lens, he sweeps the room, but then doubles back. Bringing Hope's face into focus, he snaps the picture. Checking it on the digital screen, the corner of his mouth smiles.

Finding Katie's official stance nearby, her silhouette was caught amidst the colored lights. Another shot is taken as Scott was unable to keep from snapping photos of the eye-catching things around him, even if they weren't all of JetStream.

As another song dies away, Scott takes the opportunity to head back to his seat, ducking low to avoid getting in people's way. Slipping back into the chair, he hunches over just a little, once more stuck here until the show was over. But something was just a little different this time. He had a new friend to sit beside him, and she had the talent of soothing away his fear without even saying anything.

The night goes on. The audience loves JetStream as always. But something is different. The majority of people wouldn't notice. But those closest to the band, and those on stage did.

When the notes of the last song die away, the crowd starts to file out of the room. While the chatter and excitement linger, only a few would notice that the guys on stage weren't smiling. They had hid their mistakes well... but it had not been their best performance.

Those from Cryptic rise to help the band pack up, even though the setup wasn't too extensive. For some reason though, the three musicians slip out of sight backstage.

Scott straightens in his seat and looks around for a moment, not sure where he fit in right now. He'd ridden with Katie over here... he would need a ride home, which meant wherever the band went, he'd have to go. It wasn't so bad, though he was feeling a bit tired.

Turning his head, he glances to Hope. "The gang usually goes out for pizza after a concert. Friends are always invited..." He didn't know if an invitation to her was really appropriate, her being his councilor and all. But he'd at least let the implications lie and let her decided what to do with them.

Backstage, Jason leans up against the wall and slides to the floor, exhausted. Phil paces. Mike finds a seat on a folding chair. They look at each other dismally.

Phil finally breaks the silence. "Well... we certainly stank."

Jason rolls his eyes. "We sure did." He could feel Katie approaching, but didn't make a move to stand.

"Oh come on, guys." Jen had just found them, and tries to encourage them, but doesn't receive much of a response. She sighs. "Okay, so it wasn't your best night, but..."

"It was our worst," Mike interrupts. He shakes his head, totally disgusted.

"Well the audience still enjoyed you." Jen tries again. "They didn't notice anything was different."

Jason looks up with a sarcastic expression. "So? We noticed it."

"If the audience is happy, then that's what really counts, right?" Jen's shoulders drop at the looks on the guys' faces. Glancing up, she spies Katie, then returns her gaze to the other three. They didn't usually have band meetings directly after an event, but tonight was different. "So what happened?"

They all knew that there were multiple answers.

"Messed up."

"Kept missing cues."

"Having to switch guitars midstream didn't help."

"Offbeat half of Flying High."

"Flat on the last song."

The guys seem to sink even lower. No one was saying the last factor. But the silence is finally broken by Jason... of all people who would not want to admit it. "And... Kyle wasn't here."

Ya know... it was my fault for getting jealous of him when he started to sing. I thought I was the one who belonged in the spotlight. Maybe I was wrong... maybe it really was him who should have been up there and not me after all.

Kyle feels his phone vibrating, and lets one hand handle the steering wheel for a moment as he digs his cell phone out of his pocket. The evening had grown dark, and he was just a little sleepy. But it was worth it, knowing he was giving Alice a break in driving. And soon they would be stopped for the night. They'd gotten just a bit of a late start after their event today, and had to drive later than planned.

Keeping one eye on the road, Kyle flips open his phone to read the text message from his sister. He knew the concert had been tonight.

Miss you.

A small smile comes to Kyle's lips and he puts his phone back. He missed Jen too... and he missed the concert too.

Reverting his mind to other things, he gives a sidelong glance to Alice. He hadn't had much time to talk to her today. "Still glad you chose to tag along?"

"I don't know, Tony!" Heather slaps down a stack of papers on her desk. "Make sure there aren't any leads and get it done right!"

"You said it wouldn't matter."

"Well I was wrong. Carson Banks is just a little smarter than I thought he was. I didn't think he'd get a lawyer this quickly."

"They can't prove anything."

"They can if Mackenzie talks - which I will be trying to prevent."


Heather glares at her partner. "You leave that part to me. In the meantime, get the cleanup done. We don't have much time. That lawyer is coming tomorrow."

What better

Continuing to smile Hope cheeks turn a slight but of red. She'd never been to a concert before and for a moment she wondered if that meant she was strange or not.

"Well confession I've never been to a Jetstream concert though I have been told they are pretty good. So this will be my friend time and I don't think I will be disappointed."

Looking over at Katie as Scott introduces her Hope holds out her hands and smiles as Katie takes her hand in a strong shake.

"My, I think I would probably be able to pick you out of a crowd. You do look like your Aunt."

Giving a wave to Rocky Hope nods getting to know all of Scott's friends was nice. To put a face with the name was something Hope was happy to do.

Resting her hands on Scott's shoulder for a moment Katie leans into him.

"I'm going to go check everything out ok, you need anything just shout or give me a ring."

Katie smiles at Hope as she pass by.

"It was very nice meeting you."

Giving a nod to Katie Hope turns back to Scott. Color was coming back to his face and though he was still very thin it looked like a little bit of meat was coming back onto him and his eyes wernt as sunken in as much. He was deffintly looking a bit more healthy.

"Nope I didnt come with anyone, and what a better way to have your first consert than front row, and with a friend."

Front Row

Reese smiles up at Angelica, then watches her as she leaves, his eyes lingering on the doorway for several moments even after she's left. Then shaking his head, he tries to concentrate on his work. He was curious about whatever this case was with Carson, but he wasn't going to ask. Angelica was obviously in a hurry, and he was swamped the way it was. He trusted her.

Scott nods a little to Katie, knowing that he had her support. "Thanks, Hero. I..."

Interrupted, the other familiar voice catches him off guard. Glancing over his shoulder quickly, he sees Hope. And for a moment, he's thrown for a loop. He wasn't used to seeing her away from counseling sessions, nor was he used to seeing her dressed this casually.

Blinking and shaking his head a little, he recovers from the surprise. "Hi." His response is quiet, but not timid. "Didn't know you were a JetStream fan." A little smile quirks the corner of his mouth.

At her question, he thinks, looking back down at his camera for a moment, then back up again. "I'm okay." He nods, knowing that between her and him, it was more than just a casual statement. She had wanted to hear the truth, not just a surface automatic response. "At the moment... I'm okay." He knew that Hope realized this was the first time he'd been to an event like this again, since his bad experience.

Realizing that Katie and Hope had never met, Scott shifts in his seat a little, so he could see both. "Um... Katie, this is Hope Garrison... Hope, this is Katie Pent... I guess both of you have heard about each other."

"Well, Scott, who's the pretty visitor?" Rocky approaches from behind, just as little out of breath from doing who knows what with Ryder, when they should have been helping set up.

Scott lifts his eyebrows, looking to Rocky, then back to Hope for a moment, cocking his head. A light chuckle escapes and he glances back to Rocky. "Tonight? She's a friend of mine."

He wasn't embarrassed to admit that she was his counselor. On the contrary, it didn't bother him at all to share that information, even though it might have at one time. But tonight, their meeting had been coincidental, and Scott was just as glad to be able to recognize that she'd become a friend as well.

Rocky grins and extends his hand. "Name's Rocky. Any friend of this bunch is a friend of mine."

Jason is fiddling onstage with his guitar, trying to get the sound to work right. Glancing up every now and then, he sees Hope, and knows who she must be. After giving up on what he was doing, he finally hollers over to the little group. "Hey, we got one reserved front row seat left. Any takers?"

Scott grins and glances to Hope. "Unless you have someone else you came with."