
Will you

Entering the infirmary and take the bottle that Rick had handed her Katie's stomach did flip flops as she broke out in a sweat. She could feel her hands get clamy as her hands shook slightly from the intense amount of emotions.

No smile formed on Katie's face as she looked up at Jason. Her eye's formed tears and maybe the last call for Jason not to do this or maybe even for help. She didnt want to do this, she didnt want the memories to come. Hearing Jason's I love you Katie, cocks her head a little.

Now will you marry me?

Looking away from Jason Katie choaks on her own tears as she can hear Jason open the bottle and put it into his hand. Ass Jason drinks the water Katie just stands there. It was really happening, she really was going to be alone again with her own mind. Her own, scared torched mind.

slowly opening her own bottle Katie put the pill into her hand and for a long few moments just looks at it not taking it right away. Looking up at Rick her eyes were glazed and looked darker now. Finally putting the pill in her mouth Katie takes the water and swallows the pill. Closing her eyes she just stands there not saying anything but trying to maintain herself.

Turning to Jeff Katie returns the squeeze on his hand.

"Thanks for being there for me."

Than turning to Jason Katie gives a nod. It was done, and that was it. Throwing the bottle into her pocket Katie heads for the door. She didnt know what else to say if there really was anything at all.

Thirteen cant help the giggle as she sits up on the couch.

"Something to eat sounds good. I think my stomach is talking again."

Feeling Ryder's kiss makes Thirteen smile even more. Sitting up she leans into Ryder a little more giving him a kiss on the lips before pulling away again. Standing to give a streach.

"Yeah I'll tag along again. Though I think Reese should give you the day off."

Thirteen throws Ryder a wink.

Making sure

Jeff accepts Katie's arm and walks slowly next to her. It seemed an odd combination... he had wanted to help her, but she was helping him. But perhaps it wasn't so strange after all.

Arriving at the infirmary, he gives her hand a little squeeze. He had absolutely no idea how she felt, but he knew she was hurting, and that was enough for him to offer what comfort he could.

Jason looks up as Katie enters, catching her eye. He tries to give her a smile... he wasn't upset, he wasn't mad... least of all with her.

"Alright, you two." Rick takes the bottles from the counter. He eyes Katie, knowing good and well that she wasn't happy about this. He didn't mean to make this happen... he felt a little stuck at the moment and almost wished he hadn't figured out a formula. He'd figured it out for other reasons, not knowing Jason would really want this. But he wouldn't stand in the way. It was between the two of them now.

"Yours..." He hands a bottle to Jason. "And yours." He hands the other to Katie. "You should take one a day. The effects will last about twenty-six hours, so you have a couple hours difference in there to play with. But any time you suddenly feel symptoms that it has worn off, take one immediately or it'll get a lot worse. Jason, you know this."

Jason nods. He knew all too well.

Rick continues. "You can adjust your own schedules accordingly, but don't let much time lapse in between or else you'll be making the other one of you miserable. You should have enough there for a month, which means when you're close to getting out, I'll have more for you." He shrugs lamely. "I guess that's it. Initially, you shouldn't feel much shock. Your connection should dissolve gradually since you'll both be coming down from it at the same time. But if you do feel too much discomfort, come see me."

Jason looks at the bottle in his hand, then to Katie.

I love you, Hero. This doesn't change that.

Popping the lid on the bottle, he deposits one of the small gray pills in his palm. Something so small... and it would take away so many problems. Without delaying it any longer, he pops it in his mouth, taking the cup of water Rick offers him.

Rick looks to Katie, making sure she is going to do the same.

Ryder laughs and ruffles Thirteen's hair. "You goof. Feels nice, doesn't it? Maybe now you'll actually sleep on something softer than the floor. Of course... Laura's coming for the rest of her stuff today, then you'll have a real bed."

Yawning again, he shakes his head. "I suppose I better head in to work." He leans down and plants a kiss on her forehead. Staying bent over her face, he smiles. "After a quick breakfast, you coming with me?"


Giving a smile again to Jeff Katie gives a small nod. She was happy she had someone so close to her.

"Thanks Uncle Jeff. I'd like that."

Getting Jason's emotions Katie lets out a sigh. Now that he needed something he wanted to use the emotions.

I'll be there shortly.

Letting out another sigh Katie looks to Jeff and gives a nod. They might as well get this over with. It was going to happen no matter how much stalling happend.

"Well I am being summoned for the last time. I guess we should head that way."

Holding out her arm Katie offered it to Jeff to help him walk. Keeping her walk slow for him Katie didnt mind she wasn't in any hurry.

Rubbing her eyes and streching Thirteen rolls onto her back feeling the warmth of Ryder's legs under her. Finally opening her eyes she squints a little before looking up at Ryder her eyes open all the way. A smile forms on her face her eyes locking with Ryders.

"Morning, I...dont think I minded sleeping in. You relize this is the first time I slept on the couch?"


Jeff lets Katie back away and one would think he would take the cue and leave, but he didn't. "Hey... this is me you're talking to."

He reaches out and turns her back around to face him. "Does it look like I have anything else to worry about right now?" He gestures to himself. "This is nothing. Let me be here for you, kiddo. Please?"

The emotions were cautious... hesitant... mild.
Rick and I are waiting...

Ryder gives a little groan as he stretches and yawns on the couch. For a moment, he didn't remember where he was and why he wasn't in his bed. Then feeling the weight of Thirteen's head, he remembers, and avoids tossing her about.

"Hey you," he speaks quietly. He runs a hand sleepily through her hair. "I think we overslept."

I have to

Looking up from her cubicle Katie cant help the small smile that formed on her face. It was good to see him, and it was nice to know he was up and walking.

"Uncle Jeff, its good to see you up and around."

Standing Katie reaches out and gives Jeff a loving hug. She missed her uncle and not being at the ranch. It wasnt often she was hit with the waves but they came now and than.

Backing up a few steps again Katie has to break her gaze from Jeff as he mentions Jason being in with Rick. She new it would come no matter how much she didn't want it to. Her eyes darken again as she thinks about what was to take place today. She could feel her emotions starting to bounce again.

"Uncle Jeff, I don't want to do this but I have to because if I don't Jason will just keep hounding me like he did when he first told me, and than yesterday at the concert. I dont have a choose in this and its not fair. I love him, and I dont want him to be angry with me I just...its not fair."

Letting out a sigh again Katie moves a little and trys to give a half smile to Jeff.

"You have enough to worry about Uncle Jeff you don't need to worry about me too. Thank you though."


Jason just nods, the awkward tension very present between them again. He didn't want it to be this way. He just thought that his decision was best. He didn't like the stress that their connection brought. He didn't like that it dictated their actions all the time. He didn't think it was fair that they had little privacy unless consciously shutting part of themselves off. And he didn't think it was far to Katie, always feeling his pain. He knew she needed the raw emotions and that she said she didn't mind because of that but... he hated seeing her hurt. Yet this was hurting her too.

He can feel a tension in the emotions and knows that she's upset. But he'd been expecting a fight, and none came. Maybe he should be grateful.

"Okay..." He stands for a moment, used to giving her a goodnight kiss. But tonight he feared he'd be met with a cold embrace, so he refrains. "Goodnight. I'll... see you in the morning then."

Turning, he heads back to his truck and soon is driving away...

"How's she feel about it?"

"She hates it."

"Mmm." Rick looks at his task at the infirmary counter as he prepares two bottles of pills and speaks to Jason. It was mid-morning and their discussion wasn't surprising. "But she's willing?"

"I guess." Jason shrugs. "I didn't want to force her, I mean... if she refused, I wouldn't take anything because that would be stupid. But she's not happy... she's just... doing it because of me, I guess."

"You still sure you want to do it?"


Another voice interrupts the conversation. "I wouldn't like to feel alone either."

Jason spins around to look at Jeff, who he thought had been asleep. "But she's not alone. It's not like we're leaving each other or something."

Jeff winces a little as his head throbs, and he pulls himself up in bed so he can sit up. "I won't bother trying to explain what you can't understand yet." He motions to Rick. "Help me up and dressed, will you?"

Rick joins him. "You've been asleep since yesterday morning. How do you feel?"

"Better... like I'm gonna throw up or fall off this merry-go-round I'm on, but better...I think."

Rick grins a little. "How about you just stay right here?"

"No I want to get up and walk around."

Rick gives in. Jeff was safe around here, and he'd allow him to walk since his fever had broken. "Alright. Come on."

Jason waits nearby as Jeff is able to get up and get dressed with few words. Once alone with Rick again, he looks at the bottles on the counter. "Those it?"

"Yeah. It should take one pill a day. I'll explain more though when Katie's with you."

Jeff ambles slowly down the hallway, not familiar with these surroundings, but finding his way okay. He finds the main floor and stops at the corner of a cubicle until a wave of dizziness stops and his stomach settles enough for him to walk again. He looked pale and thin but unfortunately, it was a familiar feeling.

Finally he finds Katie's cubicle. Slipping in, his hand finds her shoulder. "Hey, kiddo," he greets quietly. His fingers give her a little loving squeeze. He would have come just to say good morning, but there was too much else going on to ignore the facts.

"Jason's in the infirmary with Rick..." He knew that Katie would understand what this meant. "I'll be with you... if you want."

"What? When?"


"How soon?" Carson throws up his arms, his voice raising in the back of the kitchen at Mom and Pop's.

Gunner shakes his head. "Don't know. All I know is the hearing will be soon. I'd say no later than next week. Have you found anything yet?"

"No." Carson growls in frustration. His mind was on too many things. He needed more time to dig things up about Scott, but he was stuck here during the day, all day.

"Not even with the password?"

"No. It got me in deeper but... so far there's nothing."

Gunner leans back against the wall and gives a friendly wave to Aerith as she passes by. "You think it's really there?"

"Facts to prove his innocence? There has to be."

"But what if there's not?"

"There has to be," Carson repeats. He furrows his brow. "Where is Scott anyway? Aren't you supposed to be with him at all times?"

"Shhh..." Gunner puts a finger to his lips. "He promised not to go anywhere so he's still at his house."

Carson rolls his eyes. "Reese would have your head."

Gunner grins. "All the more reason to do it. Spices things up a little, ya know?"


Getting home and inside Katie can feel Jason was going to say something. If it wasn't for the emotions Katie could tell by Jason's body language.

Hearing Jason words Katie's heart sinks to the bottom pits of her stomach. Jason was bring it up again they was not way around it. He didnt understand and everything she had said early in the day was not heart.

Feeling a flame inside her almost snuffed out, it was like she went cold. There was no point in fighting anymore, and words spoken about it would not be heard. Looking at Jason in the eye Katie new he would be able to tell but her hands where tied and there was nothing she could do.

Ok, tomorrow than. I'll probably be to work a little later.

Holding Chase tight in her arms Wendy looks down on him with a smile. She had so much term oil going on inside of her but yet holding her Son she was happy yet her heart held heavy.

To know about losing a child was a great burden. Not to care for them but because you couldnt do anything to save them. It was hard, it was hard but she could only hope that God would give them peace.

"Yeah, I'd like that I dont think I want to be alone tonight anyways."

Stiring slightly as she slept on the couch Thirteen though she heard voices. Lifting her head just a little and seeing the two figures at the door Thirteen could make out Jason and Katie.

Feeling as ease again Thirteen looks to Ryder and gives a small smile as she watch him sleep for a long moment. Than returning her head to his lap Thirteen snuggled in to sleep some more.


Jason tries to smile at Katie, simply moving on from the little incident. This all felt just... strange. He shakes it off and moves on. He and Katie would have to work their problems out elsewhere.

He nods and moves to help her with the tables, finishing up just as the others arrive.

Carson watches from the kitchen, his eyes narrowing slightly. Something seemed off. He wasn't sure what it was, but Katie and Jason didn't seem very happy tonight... not only just for a normal night, but a concert night too. They were usually so hyped up after a concert. He shrugs it off and continues with the pizza. It wasn't any of his business.

After the others get there, a bit of teasing ensues, and the atmosphere lightens. Once Rocky joins them, things get a bit louder and he eventually convinces Carson and Dani to join in too.

By the time the evening is coming to a close, everyone is tired, but happy and ready to part. Carson and Dani are left to close up Mom and Pops, Phil heads home, Rocky goes to catch the end of a friend's late party, Mike takes Jen home and Jason heads across town with Katie.

Again the ride is quiet. Getting to the house, Jason performs the norm, and gets out to walk Katie inside. Once just inside the door, he can see into the living room where it looked like Thirteen and Ryder were sacked out on the couch, so he tries not to speak too loudly. But he can't wait.

Looking down at Katie, he wanted to put his arms around her, but after tonight, he just wasn't sure that was the right move to make. "Listen, Katie, I..." He stops, then knows he just has to say it. "Tomorrow we need to go see Rick. He, um, talked to me today and... he's got the antidote made up." He looks into Katie's eyes as if begging her not to make him feel like a traitor.

Clint doesn't say much. He wasn't sure what more he could say. All he can do is nod.

It doesn't take much effort to switch the two tiny bundles. The babies were small, having shared everything until now. Clint is standing, and he gazes down into his daughter's eyes. Her finger's don't have much strength, but they curl around his one finger that dwarfs her hand. Tears wanted to pool in his eyes, but he wills them back. They'd come so far... made so many mistakes... He knew God didn't punish people like this, but he couldn't help that a part of him felt maybe a little like that. Yes, Chase was healthy but... no life was of more value than another. If asked a month ago, Clint might have said he really didn't want to be a father. But from the moment he'd seen his children... telling his heart not to love them instantly would have been like telling his heart to stop beating altogether.

They could put Cecilia in the hospital, but Clint trusted Angel's diagnosis. She knew what she was talking about, and he trusted that. This was better than seeing their baby hooked up with tubes and wires... at least here they could hold her and spend time with her in peace.

He rocks Cecilia softly, watching her sleepy eyes drift closed. She would have been so very loved here... but even so, heaven was a much more beautiful place where God's love would envelop her.

His gaze moves to Wendy. "I'll stay in here tonight with you... if you don't mind."

Carson stares at his computer screen, typing and growing more frustrated. His new information had to work. It just had to. He was exhausted from the late night at the restaurant, and he'd had to tell Misty he'd see her tomorrow instead, because he needed to be at TJY for a couple hours. Sitting in the dim cubicle, he didn't know who else was there working late, but at this point it really didn't matter. Time was of the essence. He'd heard over the grapevine that a date was being set up for Scott's hearing. If Carson didn't find something, Scott was looking at a job termination if not worse.


Feeling Jason come close his words to her made her forget the pain just a little. As Jason touches her head and feeds her the good emotions Katie couldnt help the sigh of releaf she let out. It felt good, it calmed her down and it made all the hurt go away.

Looking up at Jason Katie's eyes lock with his. She hated fight with him and being made she hated the feeling of being divided. Trying to admit her own emotions of good Katie does what she can.

"Thank you J."

Just letting him rub her hand for a few moments longer Katie finally calms down her own emotions. Giving Jason a smile Katie stands and nods they should probley finish putting the tables together.

"Alright I think I am ok now. Lets finish with these tables. So we dont get harassed on not being prepared."

Giving a quick nod Angel new there was nothing else
she could do. Clint and Wendy needed there time alone with there babys right now, and though things were ment to be all ohhh and ahhhs they would have to wait. They deserved this time for as long as they could.

Exiting the infermary Angel takes in a deep breath as a small tear ran down her cheek as her silent prayers go up to heaven for her family. Stepping off the pourch Angel makes her way over to the dinning hall where she new everyone would be.

Looking down at the baby Wendy gentily ran her hand over the baby's soft face as she gurgled. Tears fill her eyes and run down her face. Her tiny eyes already held such a shine and wonder for what was around her. Wendy had started to already get attached to both her babys and now soon she would have to say good bye to one.Happyness was there, but the pain remained of knowing she would lose something so dear.

Feeling Clint's on her shoulder she was happy to have him near for comfort though she new he would need some too.

Looking up at him Wendy tryed to give the best smile she could even though she hurt so much on the inside.

"Would you like to hold her? She has your smile..."

Wendy's voice quivered a little as she talked trying to fight controll of her emotions. She wanted to scream, she wanted to cry but nothing would come. Her baby so small and so fragile and she was powerless to help her.