

Jason tries to smile at Katie, simply moving on from the little incident. This all felt just... strange. He shakes it off and moves on. He and Katie would have to work their problems out elsewhere.

He nods and moves to help her with the tables, finishing up just as the others arrive.

Carson watches from the kitchen, his eyes narrowing slightly. Something seemed off. He wasn't sure what it was, but Katie and Jason didn't seem very happy tonight... not only just for a normal night, but a concert night too. They were usually so hyped up after a concert. He shrugs it off and continues with the pizza. It wasn't any of his business.

After the others get there, a bit of teasing ensues, and the atmosphere lightens. Once Rocky joins them, things get a bit louder and he eventually convinces Carson and Dani to join in too.

By the time the evening is coming to a close, everyone is tired, but happy and ready to part. Carson and Dani are left to close up Mom and Pops, Phil heads home, Rocky goes to catch the end of a friend's late party, Mike takes Jen home and Jason heads across town with Katie.

Again the ride is quiet. Getting to the house, Jason performs the norm, and gets out to walk Katie inside. Once just inside the door, he can see into the living room where it looked like Thirteen and Ryder were sacked out on the couch, so he tries not to speak too loudly. But he can't wait.

Looking down at Katie, he wanted to put his arms around her, but after tonight, he just wasn't sure that was the right move to make. "Listen, Katie, I..." He stops, then knows he just has to say it. "Tomorrow we need to go see Rick. He, um, talked to me today and... he's got the antidote made up." He looks into Katie's eyes as if begging her not to make him feel like a traitor.

Clint doesn't say much. He wasn't sure what more he could say. All he can do is nod.

It doesn't take much effort to switch the two tiny bundles. The babies were small, having shared everything until now. Clint is standing, and he gazes down into his daughter's eyes. Her finger's don't have much strength, but they curl around his one finger that dwarfs her hand. Tears wanted to pool in his eyes, but he wills them back. They'd come so far... made so many mistakes... He knew God didn't punish people like this, but he couldn't help that a part of him felt maybe a little like that. Yes, Chase was healthy but... no life was of more value than another. If asked a month ago, Clint might have said he really didn't want to be a father. But from the moment he'd seen his children... telling his heart not to love them instantly would have been like telling his heart to stop beating altogether.

They could put Cecilia in the hospital, but Clint trusted Angel's diagnosis. She knew what she was talking about, and he trusted that. This was better than seeing their baby hooked up with tubes and wires... at least here they could hold her and spend time with her in peace.

He rocks Cecilia softly, watching her sleepy eyes drift closed. She would have been so very loved here... but even so, heaven was a much more beautiful place where God's love would envelop her.

His gaze moves to Wendy. "I'll stay in here tonight with you... if you don't mind."

Carson stares at his computer screen, typing and growing more frustrated. His new information had to work. It just had to. He was exhausted from the late night at the restaurant, and he'd had to tell Misty he'd see her tomorrow instead, because he needed to be at TJY for a couple hours. Sitting in the dim cubicle, he didn't know who else was there working late, but at this point it really didn't matter. Time was of the essence. He'd heard over the grapevine that a date was being set up for Scott's hearing. If Carson didn't find something, Scott was looking at a job termination if not worse.

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