

Jason just nods, the awkward tension very present between them again. He didn't want it to be this way. He just thought that his decision was best. He didn't like the stress that their connection brought. He didn't like that it dictated their actions all the time. He didn't think it was fair that they had little privacy unless consciously shutting part of themselves off. And he didn't think it was far to Katie, always feeling his pain. He knew she needed the raw emotions and that she said she didn't mind because of that but... he hated seeing her hurt. Yet this was hurting her too.

He can feel a tension in the emotions and knows that she's upset. But he'd been expecting a fight, and none came. Maybe he should be grateful.

"Okay..." He stands for a moment, used to giving her a goodnight kiss. But tonight he feared he'd be met with a cold embrace, so he refrains. "Goodnight. I'll... see you in the morning then."

Turning, he heads back to his truck and soon is driving away...

"How's she feel about it?"

"She hates it."

"Mmm." Rick looks at his task at the infirmary counter as he prepares two bottles of pills and speaks to Jason. It was mid-morning and their discussion wasn't surprising. "But she's willing?"

"I guess." Jason shrugs. "I didn't want to force her, I mean... if she refused, I wouldn't take anything because that would be stupid. But she's not happy... she's just... doing it because of me, I guess."

"You still sure you want to do it?"


Another voice interrupts the conversation. "I wouldn't like to feel alone either."

Jason spins around to look at Jeff, who he thought had been asleep. "But she's not alone. It's not like we're leaving each other or something."

Jeff winces a little as his head throbs, and he pulls himself up in bed so he can sit up. "I won't bother trying to explain what you can't understand yet." He motions to Rick. "Help me up and dressed, will you?"

Rick joins him. "You've been asleep since yesterday morning. How do you feel?"

"Better... like I'm gonna throw up or fall off this merry-go-round I'm on, but better...I think."

Rick grins a little. "How about you just stay right here?"

"No I want to get up and walk around."

Rick gives in. Jeff was safe around here, and he'd allow him to walk since his fever had broken. "Alright. Come on."

Jason waits nearby as Jeff is able to get up and get dressed with few words. Once alone with Rick again, he looks at the bottles on the counter. "Those it?"

"Yeah. It should take one pill a day. I'll explain more though when Katie's with you."

Jeff ambles slowly down the hallway, not familiar with these surroundings, but finding his way okay. He finds the main floor and stops at the corner of a cubicle until a wave of dizziness stops and his stomach settles enough for him to walk again. He looked pale and thin but unfortunately, it was a familiar feeling.

Finally he finds Katie's cubicle. Slipping in, his hand finds her shoulder. "Hey, kiddo," he greets quietly. His fingers give her a little loving squeeze. He would have come just to say good morning, but there was too much else going on to ignore the facts.

"Jason's in the infirmary with Rick..." He knew that Katie would understand what this meant. "I'll be with you... if you want."

"What? When?"


"How soon?" Carson throws up his arms, his voice raising in the back of the kitchen at Mom and Pop's.

Gunner shakes his head. "Don't know. All I know is the hearing will be soon. I'd say no later than next week. Have you found anything yet?"

"No." Carson growls in frustration. His mind was on too many things. He needed more time to dig things up about Scott, but he was stuck here during the day, all day.

"Not even with the password?"

"No. It got me in deeper but... so far there's nothing."

Gunner leans back against the wall and gives a friendly wave to Aerith as she passes by. "You think it's really there?"

"Facts to prove his innocence? There has to be."

"But what if there's not?"

"There has to be," Carson repeats. He furrows his brow. "Where is Scott anyway? Aren't you supposed to be with him at all times?"

"Shhh..." Gunner puts a finger to his lips. "He promised not to go anywhere so he's still at his house."

Carson rolls his eyes. "Reese would have your head."

Gunner grins. "All the more reason to do it. Spices things up a little, ya know?"

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