

Feeling Jason come close his words to her made her forget the pain just a little. As Jason touches her head and feeds her the good emotions Katie couldnt help the sigh of releaf she let out. It felt good, it calmed her down and it made all the hurt go away.

Looking up at Jason Katie's eyes lock with his. She hated fight with him and being made she hated the feeling of being divided. Trying to admit her own emotions of good Katie does what she can.

"Thank you J."

Just letting him rub her hand for a few moments longer Katie finally calms down her own emotions. Giving Jason a smile Katie stands and nods they should probley finish putting the tables together.

"Alright I think I am ok now. Lets finish with these tables. So we dont get harassed on not being prepared."

Giving a quick nod Angel new there was nothing else
she could do. Clint and Wendy needed there time alone with there babys right now, and though things were ment to be all ohhh and ahhhs they would have to wait. They deserved this time for as long as they could.

Exiting the infermary Angel takes in a deep breath as a small tear ran down her cheek as her silent prayers go up to heaven for her family. Stepping off the pourch Angel makes her way over to the dinning hall where she new everyone would be.

Looking down at the baby Wendy gentily ran her hand over the baby's soft face as she gurgled. Tears fill her eyes and run down her face. Her tiny eyes already held such a shine and wonder for what was around her. Wendy had started to already get attached to both her babys and now soon she would have to say good bye to one.Happyness was there, but the pain remained of knowing she would lose something so dear.

Feeling Clint's on her shoulder she was happy to have him near for comfort though she new he would need some too.

Looking up at him Wendy tryed to give the best smile she could even though she hurt so much on the inside.

"Would you like to hold her? She has your smile..."

Wendy's voice quivered a little as she talked trying to fight controll of her emotions. She wanted to scream, she wanted to cry but nothing would come. Her baby so small and so fragile and she was powerless to help her.

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