

*Misty listens to Carson conversation as she chews on her doughnut. Misty picks up on Carson's acent coming though over the phone. She couldent help but listen alittle harder. She always liked Carson's acent. Once he is off the phone she hops off the hood and goes to the passanger side with the food and the rest of the drink.*

"Like you think I'll let you drive my car without me."

*Geting into the car Misty smile. For a moment she is silent. Before looking out the front window and speaking again.*

"I'm sorry I blew up back there, I...dont....."

*As Misty speaks her phone rings making her jump 3 feet in the air. Pulling her phone out of the jacket pocket she flips it open leting out a sigh.*


*Katie heads out of TJY and home. Worrying the whole way about many things. Getinf home she flips the tv on and for a while just watchs tv till finally she falls asleep.*

Are you coming?

Carson paces by the car, looking up only when Misty comes. He shakes his head at her offer. “Nah, I’m not hungry.” He seems disinterested in anything around him, his nervousness growing.

Finally when his phone rings, it makes him jump, and he has to calm himself before answering.

“Carson here….yeah. Zane… Yeah, I got it….” Carson pauses, listening, his voice growing cold and steady. “Not so fast. I may get the cash to the drop off point, but how do I know the goods are safe?”

He stops again, grinding his teeth. “I want to know where she is. No good businessman would pay up before making sure the other end of the deal is secure, mate.”

Carson listens, beginning to pace. “No, you listen to me. I want proof she’s alive and unharmed, and you’re going to give me the time to check on that before I pay up. Got it?”

Suddenly he turns and steps quickly to the car, reaching in for a piece of paper and pen, fumbling with it as he uses the car’s hood as a table. Scribbling something out, he nods to the phone. “Yeah, I got both. Give me three days.”

He stops, glaring at the ground. “I need more than that and you know it. Look I got the money, I can’t perform miracles.” Pausing again, he listens. “Fine. Forty-eight hours. I’ll be at the drop off point.”

Flipping his phone shut, Carson is quiet for several moments, then finally turns his attention back to Misty, holding up the scribbled piece of paper. “I got an address on Danielle. We check out to make sure she’s still alive, then we meet Zane at the drop off point. But without the money, I can’t let him get away. We’ll need to take him down.”

Carson turns and opens the driver’s side door. “Are you coming to California with me?”

Reese shakes his head at Katie. “No, no…go on and get about your day. Check back here later, or I’ll call you.”

Once Katie is gone, Reese goes for his phone and picks it up, dialing Misty. “Come one, Misty…answer your dang phone.”


*Katie's eyes widen a bit as she stratens. It hadent even been 24 hours yet since Misty had helped with Jason why would do go and get Carson out?*

"Are you sure Misty helped? I mean...wow. Are you sure I cant do anything to help? I was going to go home and go to bed, but I dont think I can sleep now."

*Katie wants to help and she knows what she says it true. She wont be able to sleep not with all this going on.*

*Misty makes her way inside the small rest stop. Asking where the bathroom is first. Geting pointed in the right direction Misty finally finds it. Going inside she stairs into the mirror for a long moment. She looked like crap and help it too. Pulling a brush from her purse she runs it thought her hair making it look alittle bit better. Than splashing some water on her face She feels semi refershed.

A few more mintues pass and Misty emerges from the bathroom. Heading down a few isles she grabs some advil. A bottle of moutain dew and a pack of doughnuts for Carson and herself. Heading back to the car she plops down on the hood and cracks open the bottle downing some of the pills.*

"I have doughnuts if you want them."


Jason manages a smile at Katie. “Thanks, Hero.”

As if on cue, as soon as Katie leaves, Rick appears in the doorway. “Hey, Hotshot. Thought I’d come in early this morning to see how you are.”

Reese slams the phone back down in the cradle and looks up as Katie. “Oh, Katie, Katie, Kaite…” He groans, rubbing a hand over his face. “Carson bailed….Misty’s with him.” He shakes his head. “I’m going down to the station now to talk with Brown and get a search out. You go one with your day like normal…I’ll just call you if I need you.”

Carson turns quickly to Misty’s comment about smoking. “Yeah, yeah, I know. Tell that to my nerves.” He watches her get out of the car and gives a little nod. “Like I hadn’t thought about them looking for us…” He almost rolls his eyes. “Yeah, go on – I’ll wait for ya. We’ll be sitting here ‘til I hear from Zane.”

He twirls his phone in his hand. “We can’t just travel in any direction…for all we know, he’s the opposite way and we’re heading away from him. He could be clear across the country.”


*Katies eyes slowly open as her neck throbs with pain. Hearing Jason's voice she sits up and gives a half grin.*

"Sorry I fell asleep on ya."

*Standing Katie streaches taking note to the time.*

"I guess I had better get going huh. Rick should be here in about an hour. If you need anything before that call me. I mean it J."

*Giving a smile and his hand a squeeze turning she leave the infermary.

As Katie cross the main for to head out she hears Reese voice rise. Feeling something was wrong Katie makes her way over to his office. Seeing the door was open she gives alittle knock questions on what was going on in her eyes.*

*Misty's eyes slowly flutter open her head feeling like is was spliting open. Squinting Misty trys to remember what happend and than groans as she remembers. Looking around she can tell they are at a rest stop but where she dosent know. Seeing Carson leaning aganst the car outside Misty rolls down her window. Staring to slips out of it than sits down on the doow half in the car half out her arms on the roof. Looking to Carson she states.*

"Smoking kills you, ya know!"

*Looking back to the roof of the car she picks at some tryed berrys that had baked there in the sun probley the day before.*

"We probly shoulden't stay in one place for two long. My guess would be right about now they are going to be looking for us."

*Pulling the rest of herself off out the car she walks past Carson twords the tiny store.*

"My head is killing me. I am going to get some advil, and MD. Might as well use the bathroom while we are here too. Do you want anything?"


“Yes, I can drink because I didn’t drink half a bottle, ya idiot.” Carson shakes his head. “Yeah, I’m hot alright – hot enough to belt your behind for making a scene then getting shnockered.”

He tosses a brown paper bag in the back seat, and steps closer. “Now come on, move over!”

Seeing Misty’s sluggishness, he reaches down and pulls her put of the car into his arms, containing the groan from the pain it causes his ribs. Carrying her to the other side of the car, he manages to get the door open, then deposits her in the passenger seat. Bending over her, he pulls the seatbelt across and fastens it.

Pausing before he straightens though, he gives her cheek a gentle tweak with his thumb. “What am I going to do with you, huh?” Sighing, he finally withdraws and shuts the door.

Going around to the driver’s side, Carson slips inside and starts the engine, peeling out of the driveway with a squeal of rubber.

“He did WHAT?!?!” Reese stands in his office, the door open and his shout reverberates through the main floor. “You cannot be serious! What kind of idiots do you have working down there?!”

He slams his briefcase onto his desk, his phone in hand. “You mean to tell me that not only is Carson missing, but it was MY NIECE who broke him out?! No, I will not calm down! This is completely uncalled for! No, I’m coming down there NOW and you WILL get your men on the road to start looking for them!”

Jason’s eyes flutter open and he blinks in the dim light. He hurt from head to toe. Turning his head, he saw it was after five in the morning. Licking his dry lips, he spots Katie asleep in the chair and has to shake his head a little bit. “You better get up,” he whispers. “You got church in a while.”

Carson leans against the outside of the car and throws his cigarette on the ground to crush it under his boot. Looking around the roadside reststop, he’s glad not too many people are around.

Fingering his cell phone, he waits for it to ring. Zane should have called by now…


*Misty just looks at Carson as he gets in the car.*

"Sure...you cans drink but I cant? How fair ish that?"

*Misty's words are slered proving she was a bit tipsy. Crossing her arms she just looks at Carson and shakes her head.*

"Where are we run tosh now?"

*Misty squints alittle look at Carson. Her head was spinning.*

"Your pretty hotsh you know that."

Cold hearts

Jaz whirls around as Misty raises her voice, her eyebrows raised.

Carson flinches as Misty’s fist slams into the table, and he looks up as he hears her harsh words. His eyes start to narrow, his jaw tightening. Standing up, he glares at her, watching her take the bottle and leave. “Misty, get back here!” he barks, but the front door slamming is the only response. “Dang it!” Carson flops back down in his chair, burying his face in his hands. “This is just stupid.”

Jaz folds her arms across her chest and just watches Carson for several quiet moments. “Your tastes have changed, Carson…this one has a fragile heart.”

Carson looks up quickly, staring Jaz in the eye. “And you don’t?”

Jaz offers half a smile. “Oh…maybe at one time. But somewhere along the way I learned if I was fragile, I wouldn’t survive around guys like you.”

“Guys like me?”

“Cold-hearted sunuvaguns with their own plans and their own roads to glory.” Jaz shakes her head and turns to pour a cup of coffee. “Girls like me are cursed with an attraction to that, then we get burned, learn our lessons the hard way, and then we get hearts just as cold.”

“And Misty?”

Jaz takes a sip of her coffee. “She hasn’t developed a cold heart yet.”


“Keep pushing her and she will.”

Carson sighs, and is quiet for several moments. “I’m sorry, Jaz.”

“What for?”

“I don’t know.” Carson shakes his head and picks up his shirt to slip it on over his head. “Everything.”

Jaz just forces a small smile, understanding. “You’ve changed too, Carson. I just hope you’re not in too much trouble this time.”

“Yeah…me too.”

“Let me get you guys some food to take. You better get out of here before this thing gets worse…”

…Misty’s car door opens and Carson reaches in to jerk the whiskey bottle from her hands. He slams it on the driveway, letting it shatter into a million pieces, what’s left of the contents, running down into the grass. “Move over,” he orders. “I’m driving.”


*Misty eyes Carson and the drink watching him as he drinks it. Listing to Jaz and Carson both Misty cant take it anymore. She dident like crying infront of people, let alone crying at all but her emotions were so high, and she had been through so much. Her face turns flush and her eyes fillls with tears from her emotions and her mouth truns into a frow slaming her fist into the table with such force as she stands.*

"DONT, call me hun and as for taking it easy on him..."

*Misty scoffs as the tears burn in her eyes.*

"Why dont YOU ask him how many times I have let things slide, how many times I have turned a cheek and taken it easy on him while I was being trampled in the process. But I guess no matter what I do that dosent matter does it."

*Misty takes some money from her wallet and throws it at Jaz taking the alchohl from the counter.*

"I'm waiting in the car so when you need me again come and get me. Because obvesly I am not needed in here. Stay the night, eat do whatever I dont care anymore. Just tell me when and what we are doing next whenever that is."

*Turning Misty makes her way out of the house opening the bottle of whiskey and taking a swig coughing after wards. Making her way out of the house she opens the door and gets into the car taking another swig. Than just twirs the bottle in her hand her mind still racing.*

If you want to keep

Carson winces at Misty’s lack of care on his face, and tries to breath through the pain as she wraps his ribs. He can hear the tension in her voice and knew good and well that she was upset with him for bringing them here.

As she sits back down, Carson sits and leans his elbows on the table to rest his face in his hands. “I don’t know…I can’t think.”

Jaz watches their interaction closely, quirking an eyebrow. Seeing Carson on the verge of giving up, she shakes her head. Going to the cupboard she grabs a bottle of whiskey and a glass, pouring a double shot. Setting it down in front of Carson, she then puts the bottle away. “You can always spend the night.”

Carson lifts his head as he hears the glass clink on the table. “Apparently staying isn’t an option,” he states flatly, throwing Misty a perturbed sidelong glance.” Downing the whiskey, he cringes as it burns his throat, and it takes him a moment to speak again. “Unless my partner here wants to bail on me now, which she is free to do at any given time if she so pleases.”

Jaz raises an eyebrow and glances at Misty. “Honey, if you want to keep this guy, I wouldn’t give him too bad of a time. I can tell you don’t like being here, and I can’t blame you, but it is what it is.” She turns to go to the coffee pot, and pats Carson’s shoulder on her way. “Take it easy before you give yourself a hernia.”

Carson rolls his eyes. “We need to put distance between ourselves and the station, then at five, I’m expecting a call from my contact.”

“At least stay and eat something,” Jaz prompts. “Please…I can’t let you leave hungry.”

Borken and brused

*Misty dosent bother smiling back. She dident like being here and she dident intend on preteding she did.*

"No, I'm fine thank you. I could use that iodine though."

*Taking the bottle and cloth Misty starts to clean the cuts on Carson's face beign alittle less than gentil. Her eyes locking with his every once in a while. Her own eyes holding so manything its was hard to desypher between them all.*

"Well nothing is broken in your face. So thats good."

*Moving down Carson's chest she comes to Carson's ribs. Poking tham and proding them feeling them here and there.*

"Well, there broken you new that and they are savearly brused, but they will heal."

*Misty takes a bandage from her pocket and starts to wrap Carson's ribs drawing near to him to to get around the back. Leting out a soft Sigh this time Misty trys to be gental knowing his ribs were more delakit.

Finally dont Misty goes to the sink and washes her hands. Than sits back down at the table . Taping her fingers absintmindly.*

"Now what do we do?"


As Misty’s comment hits Carson’s ears, he turns to her with a look of distaste and is about to say something, but resists, instead, simply pointing her to the bathroom. Heading to the kitchen, Jaz follows to put on a pot of coffee. Her back turned while Carson changes, she questions him. “So what kind of scrape is it this time?”

“Broke jail.”

Jez’s eyes widen slightly and she turns around. “You’re kidding me.”


“With that girl?”

Carson sighs. “Yes. She’s the one that got me out.”

Jez quirks an eyebrow. “Been a long time, Carson.”

He pulls off his shirt and winces, looking down to see the bruises around his ribs.

Jaz cringes. “Nice. What did you do, get hit by a truck?”

“Just about.”

Jez sighs and shakes her head. Grabbing a washcloth, she gets it wet, then goes to Carson, reaching up to wipe several of the cuts on his face. “There was a time when you’d enjoy this.”

“The only thing that I’ll enjoy right now is getting out of here without you or us getting caught.” He reaches up to take her wrist and lower her hand. “I don’t want you to get involved in this.”

Jez catches his eye. “I won’t.” After a moment, she turns to go to a cabinet to retrieve some iodine, ointment and bandages. “May I?”

Carson shakes his head. “Not unless you want to insult the doctor.”

“Doctor, eh?” Jaz looks up as Misty enters the kitchen. She gives her a light smile. “You better get this man cleaned up before someone thinks he was the victim of a hit and run. Coffee?”

At least

*As Misty drives following Carson direction till finally they stop. Stoping at the house Misty eyes it for a moment. Geting out she follows Carson up to the steps waiting. As the woman answers the door Misty just looks at her and than looks to Carson giving her head a shake. Entering Misty can feel her stomach do slips and flops. Standing numbly. She couldent believ this. Just one thing after another. Her anger seemed to flair again though she tryed to keep it in. After Jz had gone up the steps. Misty is silent for a few moment but as Jaz comes down the steps again she snickers and whispers so only Carson can hear her.*

"At least Ashlyn was pretty."

*Taking the cloths from Jaz Misty heads down the hall to where she was told to go. Entering the bathroom Misty closes the door and locks it. Siting down on the tolet Misty puts her head in her hands. She dident want to be here, what was she doing. Standing again she cleans her face off and changes into the shirt that was given to her. Finally emerging from the bathroom and making her way to the kitchen.*


Jason stays alert for quiet a while, but finally can’t stand it any more and as Katie get him some pain killers. It’s not long after that his body takes over, pulling him into sleep for several hours.

Carson rolls his eyes a little at Misty’s sass, though humor glints in his eyes. “Yeah, yeah…I’ll get cleaned up here…” He stares out the windshield, his mind reeling with possibilities.

“Hmm?” He follows her gaze to the backseat. “Yeah, sorry. We might use it, but I think my tactic has changed. I would have had the money tonight, but now that’s all gone, so I’ve got to convince Zane I actually have it…”

Carson sighs deeply and lets them get miles between them and town. Heading into another city, he looks around, seeing the signs and seems to hesitate, but finally directs Misty. “Turn right up here…there’s a place we can stop to change clothes and get cleaned up.”

He leads them to the back edge of the city in a residential area, finally telling Misty to pull up in front of an older two-story house.

Carson is quiet for a moment, then gives Misty a sidelong glance, his eyes seeming to say, ‘I won' tell you, if you don't ask.’ “Come on.”

Getting out of the car, Carson leads Misty to the front door and rings the bell.

A small dog barks inside, lights go on, and the sound of someone approaching can be heard. The locks turn and the door opens a crack to reveal a blonde woman in her mid-thirties, wrapped in a robe. Her eyes narrow with suspicion, then widen. “Carson?”

Carson nods. “Jaz, we need your help.”

Opening the door wider, Jaz makes way for Carson and Misty, shutting the door behind them. She gives Misty a once-over, then glances to Carson, seeing the shape he’s in. “What happened?”

“Got in a scrape. We need to clean up…need some clothes.”

Jaz studies his eyes for several moments, much being unsaid. Finally she turns back to Misty to size her up. “I think I have something.” She disappears upstairs for just a few moments, and Carson waits awkwardly, not meeting Misty’s eyes.

Jaz returns down the stairs with a short-sleeved shirt and jacket to hand to Misty, then holds out a t-shirt and jeans to Carson. “I’m gonna miss having these around.”

Carson’s jaw tightens, showing the tension, and he accepts the clothes as his own. Not responding to her, he turns to Misty instead. “There’s a bathroom down the hall. I’ll clean up in the kitchen, then you can come sew me up.”

Not the first time...

*Katie giggles alittle and shakes her head handing the ice cream and spoon to Jason.*

"You don't have to say sorry all the time you know. I don't exspect you to always remember. Its not like blocking things out is going to always be the first time on your mind."

*Katie gives alittle smile at goes to the tv to pop in the movie. Geting it start Katie finally sits down in the chair next to Jason's bed and digs into her own her attachen on the tv. Once and a while she would glance at Jason throwing a smart alick comment at him or something but for the most part they she just sat enjoying his company and watching tv.*

*Once outside Misty throws a look at Carson irratation on her face as she hiss back at Carson.*

"Yes I realize what I am doing. If you have a problem with it I can turn you right back around and put you back in the cell."

*Misty cant help but give Carson a sassy grin as she gets into the car.*

"Its not like this is the first time I broke you out of a cell."

*Misty tolls her eyes.*

"But if you run away this time, I wont be happy and you have enough problems without me being madder at you."

*Misty peals out of the parking lot and squeels her tired heading down the road away from town.*

"I'm not stupid you know. I know better than to go back to your place. I'm the driver you tell me where to go and when we stop I'll clean you up, and re-wrap those ribs. I dont need you geting sick on me."

*Misty keeps her eyes on the road as it turns dark leaving down and heading down the dark road.*

Changed your mind about tracking the call. You mean I got that stuff for nothing?"

*Misty nods to the backseat. Trying to keep the grin from spreading across her lips.*

Do you realize...

“Oh, sorry.” Jason thinks for just a moment, withdrawing the pain from the extractable emotions so Katie won’t feel it. “Pain killers make me sleepy and I don’t want to sleep, I want to watch a movie.” He nods stubbornly. “I don’t need anything but to get my mind off that stupid case, so pop the movie in.”

As Misty walks away with Carson’s phone, he looks after her, bewildered. What on earth was she doing?

A few minutes later when the officers com in, Carson is on his feet, ready for anything, but clueless. At the officer’s questioning what’s going on, he scoffs at them. “Don’t you wish you knew?”

Getting slammed against the wall to be searched, Carson lets out a grown as the pain kicks in again. But finding nothing, the officers leave. Their parting statement makes Carson’s blood boil and he grits his teeth, unable to think up a suitable comeback.

Pacing his cell, Carson’s mind bounces from one thing to the next. What had happened? Where had Misty gone? Was she really helping? Or had she decided she’d had enough, and was now against him?

The rattling window catches his attention. His eyes widen as he sees Misty drop through the opening, and he just stares at her, hardly believing that she’d taken him seriously. “Misty…what….”

But he’s not about to stay. Holding his ribs, he makes his way as quickly as he can to the window after being let out of his cell, and grabs a chair to help himself up and out. Once outside, he reaches in to help Misty out as well, his insides screaming with pain as he pulls.

The night air is cool and crisp, a refreshment from the inside dampness. “Holy cow, Misty,” he hisses. “Do you realize what you’re doing?!”

Making his way with her to her car, he gets in the passenger side and waits until they’re away from the station to speak. “Dang, you are an impulsive sheila aren’t you? Breaking a bloke out of jail like that?”

He gives her a sidelong glance before shaking his head a little. “Thank you.” He wipes some fresh blood from his cheek and points down the road. “Don’t go to my apartment. Just get us out of town. I think I changed my mind about tracking the call.”

Not doing anything

*Misty takes the phone and turns off the ringer, Misty slips the phone into her pocket. Starting to walk away from Carson's cell.*

"I'm not doing anything."

*Misty keeps walking dispite any noices she hears and exit where the cells are. Taking a deep breath Misty busts through the door as she see 3 differnt cops siting at a desk.

The office jump up forgeting Misty was there she startled them.

Misty goes over quickly to the one officer and leans close to to. Panting she speaks.*

"Carson, he.....something is going on....he was talking crazy...and I need to go home...but you need to see whats wrong."

*As Misty speaks the office look at eachother and heads out into the room with the cells.

Looking through the doors and seeing the officer disapear Misty acts fast moving around the room. Grabing a few items she new would be used for tracking calls. Than quickly she gets into her car with the stuff and pulls out of the parking lots.

As the officers make there way to Carson's cell they eye him for a second.*

"Whats going on here?"

*The one officer goes for his keys but cant find them leting out a groan as he remembers he left them on the desk. Noding to one of the other to open the door. Once its open the officer goes in and starts ruffing Carson up. Checking his pockets. Finding him clean the office leave the cell and locks it up again.*

"I dont know what your up to Banks but why dont you not scaire off the people that actully want to still come and see you."

*The officers laugh between themself and head back down the hall disapearing. After a few moment one of the windows starts to raddle as the sound of a lock turns. Before anything can even be said some legs pop through the window and there is no mistaking who this was. Finally Misty drops to the ground and dusts herself off having shed her jacket. Walking over to Carson's cell she shakes her head. Pulling a set of keys from he pocket she gets a grin on her face and unlocks the cell opening the door.*

"This dosent mean I forgive you yet. Come on lets go before the relize something is up. My car is outside."

*Turning Misty grumbles.*

"I'm so going to jail for this, and losing my job. Go on go through the whole first."

*Misty hands Carson his phone back.*

" I dident want them to take it when they came down here."

*Katie laughs as she hands Jason his ice cream and cracks open her own.*

"Want some Advil for that pain? Because how you can stand it I dont know but its driving me up a wall."

*Katie cant help but smile poping in the movie.*

"As for Rick and Misty its 2 am I doubt they will be in anytime soon. Do you need anything before I start the movie?"


Jason grins as Katie comes back, some of the meds starting to wear off. He was in more pain now, but said nothing, not wanting to get loopy so much again.

“Mmm, you know how to take care of me, don’t you?” He winks at her. “Yes, it’s more than ok with me. Just keep Misty and Rick away a little longer so I can get away with eating the ice cream.”

As Misty withdraws her hand, Carson pulls his back inside the cell, feeling a tinge of coolness, and knowing he deserves it.

Looking up at her at her request, he frowns, quirking an eyebrow. Searching her eyes, he finally passes the phone back through the bars. “What are you doing?”

Give me

*Misty lets out a long sigh. Looking down at Carson's hand Misty speaks.*

"Ya you did mess up big time and you can only say sorry so many times before people stop believeing it. Your probley gonna have to start showing with actions."

*Closing her eyes for a moment Misty draws silent and lets go of Carson's hand.*

"You relized whats your asking me to do? Havent I been through enough?"

*Looking up and down the hall Misty shakes her head. She stars to pase looking at the small windows.*

"This place is a fortruse it would be near impossable to break out of here."

*Stoping Misty puts her hand through the bars. Searousness in her voice.*

"Give me your phone Carson. Trust me.Give me it back."

*Katie heads out of the infermary and heads to the store taking a bit longer than normal, than swings around the 24 hour video store and picks up two movies before heading back to TJY and walks back into the infermary.*

"Ice cream, spoons and two movies. Glimmer man and Fire down below. That ok with you your royal hyness?"

You know

Jason grins at her. “You know my favorite is mintchip. And don’t get no chick flick. I’m in the mood for some butt kickin’ movie where the goodguy wins.”

Once Katie is gone, Jason settles back again, sighing deeply. He hated the feeling of not being in control of his own thoughts, and lying here like this was driving him bananas.

Carson sits and racks his brain for a solution. His nerves getting the best of him, he starts to bounce his leg a little, his hands becoming a bit shaky for the want of a smoke.

“Okay, so…here are the pieces…. I got a sister, whose location I don’t know. It may not even be the US. Next, I got a guy who found her – and I know it has to be true because no one knew about her at all – and I don’t know where he is either. He is going to do something bad to my sister if I don’t pay up the fifty thousand dollars. I just lost my chance at getting the money. So now we have to find him in order to take him down, and then find Danni so we can prevent more mishaps.”

He closes his eyes for a moment, lost for answers. Slipping his hand through the bars, he takes Misty’s. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes quietly. “I know I messed up.”

Quiet for several minutes, he finally speaks again. “If no one is going to let me work on this case, or even believe me for that matter, how about breaking me out of here?”

Ice cream/ Movie

*Katie finally sits up and whipes her face though her cheeks were still read.*

"Ya I know from experince with pain killers they will do that to you. Your just lucky your not eating hospetal food."

*Standing Katie see Jason wince alittle and trys to help him sit up. Pulling his pillow alittle bit up behind him.

Giving a laugh Katie goes to her purse and pulls out her keys.*

"Give me about 10 minutes and I will get some ice cream. Because now that you said something I want some too. What kind do you want? I'll grab a movie too seeing as there is nothing on."


After a few moments of silence, one might think Jason was asleep again, but ever so slowly, his hand reaches down to ruffle Katie’s hair. “I hate drugs,” he mutters. “Dang spiders.”

He pats her head before withdrawing, and tries to pull himself up so he can sit a little more, but the pain keeps him down. “Okay…I don’t know ‘bout them things Misty gave me, but I am wiiiiiiiiiide awake now.” He widens his eyes, then frowns. “And I have a craving for ice cream. It's after two in the morning, and I have a craving for ice cream. Now you tell me that's not drug-induced.”