
Do you realize...

“Oh, sorry.” Jason thinks for just a moment, withdrawing the pain from the extractable emotions so Katie won’t feel it. “Pain killers make me sleepy and I don’t want to sleep, I want to watch a movie.” He nods stubbornly. “I don’t need anything but to get my mind off that stupid case, so pop the movie in.”

As Misty walks away with Carson’s phone, he looks after her, bewildered. What on earth was she doing?

A few minutes later when the officers com in, Carson is on his feet, ready for anything, but clueless. At the officer’s questioning what’s going on, he scoffs at them. “Don’t you wish you knew?”

Getting slammed against the wall to be searched, Carson lets out a grown as the pain kicks in again. But finding nothing, the officers leave. Their parting statement makes Carson’s blood boil and he grits his teeth, unable to think up a suitable comeback.

Pacing his cell, Carson’s mind bounces from one thing to the next. What had happened? Where had Misty gone? Was she really helping? Or had she decided she’d had enough, and was now against him?

The rattling window catches his attention. His eyes widen as he sees Misty drop through the opening, and he just stares at her, hardly believing that she’d taken him seriously. “Misty…what….”

But he’s not about to stay. Holding his ribs, he makes his way as quickly as he can to the window after being let out of his cell, and grabs a chair to help himself up and out. Once outside, he reaches in to help Misty out as well, his insides screaming with pain as he pulls.

The night air is cool and crisp, a refreshment from the inside dampness. “Holy cow, Misty,” he hisses. “Do you realize what you’re doing?!”

Making his way with her to her car, he gets in the passenger side and waits until they’re away from the station to speak. “Dang, you are an impulsive sheila aren’t you? Breaking a bloke out of jail like that?”

He gives her a sidelong glance before shaking his head a little. “Thank you.” He wipes some fresh blood from his cheek and points down the road. “Don’t go to my apartment. Just get us out of town. I think I changed my mind about tracking the call.”

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