

*Misty eyes Carson and the drink watching him as he drinks it. Listing to Jaz and Carson both Misty cant take it anymore. She dident like crying infront of people, let alone crying at all but her emotions were so high, and she had been through so much. Her face turns flush and her eyes fillls with tears from her emotions and her mouth truns into a frow slaming her fist into the table with such force as she stands.*

"DONT, call me hun and as for taking it easy on him..."

*Misty scoffs as the tears burn in her eyes.*

"Why dont YOU ask him how many times I have let things slide, how many times I have turned a cheek and taken it easy on him while I was being trampled in the process. But I guess no matter what I do that dosent matter does it."

*Misty takes some money from her wallet and throws it at Jaz taking the alchohl from the counter.*

"I'm waiting in the car so when you need me again come and get me. Because obvesly I am not needed in here. Stay the night, eat do whatever I dont care anymore. Just tell me when and what we are doing next whenever that is."

*Turning Misty makes her way out of the house opening the bottle of whiskey and taking a swig coughing after wards. Making her way out of the house she opens the door and gets into the car taking another swig. Than just twirs the bottle in her hand her mind still racing.*

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