
Give me

*Misty lets out a long sigh. Looking down at Carson's hand Misty speaks.*

"Ya you did mess up big time and you can only say sorry so many times before people stop believeing it. Your probley gonna have to start showing with actions."

*Closing her eyes for a moment Misty draws silent and lets go of Carson's hand.*

"You relized whats your asking me to do? Havent I been through enough?"

*Looking up and down the hall Misty shakes her head. She stars to pase looking at the small windows.*

"This place is a fortruse it would be near impossable to break out of here."

*Stoping Misty puts her hand through the bars. Searousness in her voice.*

"Give me your phone Carson. Trust me.Give me it back."

*Katie heads out of the infermary and heads to the store taking a bit longer than normal, than swings around the 24 hour video store and picks up two movies before heading back to TJY and walks back into the infermary.*

"Ice cream, spoons and two movies. Glimmer man and Fire down below. That ok with you your royal hyness?"

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