

*Misty turns back to Wyatt throwing him a look of pure fire something she dident do offten. She new what he was thinking. She new good and well what Carson MIGHT be doing. But she also had faith that he wasent doing that.*

"Wyatt, I...Am....Fine. Now let me go."

*The irratation grows in Misty's voice. She wasent messing around and she dident have time for Wyatt to be over protective. If something happend to Carson it would be on her head for not bothering him last night.*

*Katie smiles*

"Good Luck. Ya never know people can saprise you sometimes.*

*stoping for a moment Katie turns. A question entering her mind that was unspoken.*

"Its a nice day out and I dont have anything planed. So..yes, I wouldent mind going for a walk with you and Trooper. Just let me know when. I need some exersis anyways I am starting to put on some pudge."

Hang on

Wyatt steps aside, but reaches out to take Misty’s arm. “Now just hang on.” His voice goes stern. “I know you’re glued to him, but lets be reasonable, shall we? The rest of us have just as good of eyes as you do. And besides, if he’s…”

He bites his tongue. What he was thinking was that if Carson was somewhere he shouldn’t be, he really didn’t want Misty having to find him. “I mean…well you just shouldn’t be up out of bed!”

Jason gives a little sigh as Trooper returns to him, and gives the dog a pat on the head. Looking up, his mouth opens without him even thinking, ready to invite Katie along for a walk with him later to take Trooper out. But he catches himself, closing up again. No…that probably wouldn’t be a good idea.

Instead, he just waits a moment, then finally moves around to the other side of his desk to sit down. “Well, no pets in the apartment, so I guess I better start trying to convince Reese to let me keep Trooper here again.”

I'm glade

*Misty looks at her cousin in the eyes. Her look cold, and stern. She was going one way or another.*

"No Wyatt, I AM going. So you can eather come with me and Make sure I dont hurt myself or you can get out of my way before I hurt you and myself. If Carson just went to get Milk great, but what if he dident and he is in a ditch right now dieing. So are you coming to help me, or not."

*Still holding her stomach she pushes past Wyatt with a bit or force even though it hurt.*

*Katie scratches behind Troopers ears and smiles looking back up at Jason.*

"I hope so too. It was always nice to have his antics around here."

*Katie just watches Jason and Trooper for a moment. Jason might of changed and was slowly geting back to who he use to be but Trooper, Man's best friend new who Jason was no matter what. Slowly Katie stratens up again.*

"I'm glad he's back."


Wyatt’s face reddens a bit, though the rolls his eyes and turns around as Misty tells him to. “Sorry, sorry…”

After she’s done and they finish conversing, Wyatt puts his arms out to stop her. “Whoa, whoa, just hang on there. You’re not going anywhere. You’re in no shape, and besides, this could be a little as he went to the store to buy some milk.” He pauses and shakes his head. “We’ll just wait a little longer and if he doesn’t come in, either me, or Nate or somebody will look for him, alright?”

Dennis sidles past Katie, giving her a slight nod before heading for Reese’s office.

Jason looks up a little surprised that Katie had come this way, but he grins a little as she interacts with Trooper.

Trooper turns around and looks at Katie a moment, cocking his head. He whines a little and looks back up at Jason.

Jason points to Katie. “Well go on.”

Trooper is hesitant to leave Jason’s side, but finally steps forward to sniff at Katie’s hand, then lick her fingers.

Jason chuckles a little and folds his arms across his chest, still leaning against his desk. “Reese didn’t tell me he was coming back. I hope we can keep him around this time.”

Knock, Wait, than Enter

*Misty looks up for a second pulling her shirt down as Wyatt walks into the room.*

"Ya know you should knock, wait, than enter."

*Misty cant help the cheese grin the cross her face as she laughs. She loved making her cousin embarssed she always had. Sticking her finger in the air she spins it in a circle signaling Wyatt to turn around with his back to her.*

"I need to finish cleaning and dressing this before it gets to much air so talk with your back to me."

* As Wyatt talks Misty continues to clean the bullit wound and than places another bandage over top of it. Once again pulling down her shit and siting with her legs dangling off the bed.*

"Ok you can turn around now."

*Finishing listing to Wyatt a bit of worry cross Misty's face.*

"I havent seen him all day yet. Last night he told me he would be in but...."

*Misty thinks back to the night before and how Carson had seemed distint. He told her not to worry and she had forgoten about it before, but...now the feeling came back.*

"...He seemed ok late night but distint."

*Sliding off the bed Misty puts a hand over her Stomach she takes a few slow steps twords the door.*

"I've got to go look for him Wyatt. I new something was wrong last night and I dident do anything. I have to find him now."

*Looks up at a dogs bark. Standing she see Trooper bolt for Jason's office and smiles. Moving out of her cubicle She follow the sound coming from Jason's office. As she nears the door she gives smiles seeing Jason's own smile. For a moment Katie can see the old Jason show through again. His best friend had returned.

Entering the office behind Dennis Katie cant help but give a laugh as Trooper sits on Jason's commend. For a moment and old memorie of when She met Wyatt and Trooper comes flooding back.

Bending down alittle Katie sticks her hand out to Trooper wondering if he rememberd her or not.*

"Hey there big guy. Long time no see."


Wyatt smiles as he watches Aerith retreat to the house. He speaks, loud enough only for himself to hear. “Goodnight, Maid Marian.”

Giving a little sigh of content, he starts up his jeep again and pulls away from the curb, heading for home. If time allowed, he already wanted to stop by Mom and Pop’s sometime tomorrow…for the good food, of course.

Scott is just a little surprised that Katie shows up after the already-long evening, but her presence certainly doesn’t damper his spirits, and it’s not long before both are settled on his couch to watch a movie.

It gets late though, and after the movie, Scott bids Katie goodnight with a kiss to the cheek, and promises to see her tomorrow.

Watching her leave, he stands in the doorway for several minutes, Domino at his feet. He watches until the taillights disappear, but lingers in the cool night air. Finally he heads back inside to turn in for the night. Tomorrow foretold of a new adventure.

Jason ambles into TJY, glancing around to get his bearings. He’d slept so hard last night, that getting up this morning, he was still in a fog even after showering and walking to work. He was earlier than normal, but late compared to most anyone else. It looked as though almost everyone was at work already.

Tossing a few nods at people, he keeps up his routine of heading to his office and settling in for the day.

Wyatt looks up from his desk as he sees Jason walk by, and he glances at his watch. Sighing a little, he shakes his head and rises. He’d told Carson yesterday to meet with him early, but he hadn’t shown up yet.

Annoyed, Wyatt goes to Jason’s office and taps on his door.


Wyatt pokes his head in. “Sorry, but did you happen to see Carson before you came in?”

Jason raises an eyebrow. “What, he’s not here? He’s not at the apartment. He wasn’t around when I got up, and his bedroom door was open. I assumed he’d already come in.”

Wyatt furrows his brow. Carson had yet to get a car, so it wasn’t like he would have gone somewhere far. Something tells Wyatt that there was more to this than a forgotten meeting. “Did you bring your bike to work?”

“No, why?”

“Just thought you might want to go back and look around…you know…he didn’t leave a note or anything?”

Jason starts to wonder what’s going on. “Why the worry?”

“Oh, I’m not worried…just…curious.” Wyatt thinks for just a moment. “After all that went down…I don’t know… Carson’s got three weaknesses and they all start with “w.” I just want to make sure everything’s alright is all.”

Jason tosses him his apartment key. He hadn’t conversed much with his roommate the last few days to know or assume anything. “Have fun.”

Wyatt rolls his eyes. “Thanks.” Leaving Jason’s office, he checks by Carson’s cubicle once more, but still finding it empty, he heads out. Arriving at the apartment, he lets himself in and takes a quick look around. The only odd thing seemed to be Carson’s cell phone smashed in the living room. Wandering down to Carson’s bedroom, he glances around. Everything seemed to be in order… But something in his gut prompted him to look deeper.

Logic reminded him that this was ridiculous. Carson was a grown man with a life – so he was out somewhere. What was the big deal? But…it just didn’t feel right.

Wyatt takes a look in Carson’s closet, and checks out the dresser drawers. It seemed a little sparse maybe, but there was nothing missing. His sneakers and baseball cap were nowhere to be found, so he obviously really was out somewhere. But had he taken himself somewhere, or had he been on his way to work and something happened?

Not jumping to any conclusions, Wyatt goes back to TJY and heads for the one person who would know if Carson had other plans.

Knocking before he enters the infirmary, Wyatt opens the door slowly, smiling at Misty. “Hey, good morning.” He approaches slowly, still holding his smile. “You seen that boyfriend of yours yet this morning? He was supposed to meet with me, but hasn’t come in yet, though Jason says he’s not at home. Did Carson have plans to go anywhere today?”

The door to TJY opens again, and a man steps inside, or rather, is yanked inside. Muttering, he strains against the leash. “Heel! Heel!”

The Mastiff pays just as much heed to Dennis’ commands as he always had – he doesn’t.

Dennis gets pulled along down through the cubicles. “Dang mutt,” he grumbles.

Suddenly, Trooper stops and sniffs and the air. Giving a bark, he takes off.

Taken off guard, the leash slips from Dennis’ grip. “Trooper! Get back here!”

But the dog has only one destination in mind. Skidding around the corner and down the hall, he stops at Jason’s office door, jumping towards the doorknob, whining and scratching at the door.

Jason looks up from his desk at the strange noise at the door. What on earth? Rising quickly he goes and opens the door. Before he can even react, Trooper’s paws are on his shoulders, and he’s pushed back several steps before receiving wet kisses to his face.


For the first time since Jason’s return, a genuine smile escapes. He gives the dog a rambunctious rub behind the ears. “Hey, buddy!”

Trooper wiggles all over, causing Jason to stumble back until he’s leaning back against his desk for support. “Alright, alright, alright, get down.”

Trooper obediently goes back to all fours, though nuzzles Jason’s hand, still whining and wagging his tail.

“Oh, nice…”

Jason looks up at the negative remark and raises his eyebrow at Dennis. “What’s going on?”

“That mutt of yours…” Dennis points at Trooper. “He’s a right good dog, I’ll give him that. He helped us out a lot, but he doesn’t pay attention to anybody! I worked with him for a month straight and he still won’t even sit for me!”

Jason grins and looks down at Trooper. “You mean you never showed him how you can sit?”

Trooper immediately sits down, looking up at Jason for any more commands.

Jason looks to Dennis again. “What’s the problem?”

Dennis groans and throws up his hands. “He’s all yours. I’m going to report to Reese.”


*As Jason turns around and head back around to his bike Katie turns and watches him.*

"Jason wait..."

*Joging up along side him Katie gives alittle smile.*

"Thank you."

*Katie gives Jason's arm a small pat.*

"I'll see you at work tomarrow."

*Katie turns again and starts back to her car. Jumping inside and heads to Scotts. Katie's mind felt a suddin peace.The bridge still was being built but the first bored and nail had been set and only forward is what was left.*

*Aerith cant help but feel some color comes to her cheeks as she relizes Wyatt embaressed himself as well. Giving alittle chuckle Aerith opens the door to jeep. Going to get out Aerith gives Wyatt a sly smiles.*

"Well Robin Hood, I hope to see you again soon. Its time I retire for the night."

*Geting out Aerith look at her grandmothgers house and lets out a sigh. Than turning back leaning in the window alittle bit.*

"Thank you again. This ment alot to me."

*Aerith heads twords the house entering and shuting the door as her grandmothers shrill voice is sounds. As the door latches shut Aerith's happyness of this night is l;eft on the door step to return to once she went to bed.*


Words still escape Jason, so he says nothing as he begins to pack things away. Sometimes silence could better speak for itself, and right now, no audible conversation was needed. He knew that Katie had realized his intentions… He had opened up to her – the only way he knew how to show her that he truly did want that friendship back…that he still held her as the one who could draw him out of himself and who he could share with. He knew it would be different…but it was okay. They were both moving on. But this time…this time they were moving in the same direction.

After a few minutes, someone turns the overhead lights on, and the other guys and Jen emerge from behind the door, all talking amongst themselves and never once implying that anything was different or that they wondered what had gone on. They didn’t know, but they didn’t have to.

It takes a while for everything to be taken down, put away and loaded up again, and the group is kept lively with chatter, bantering and more laughter as always. Kyle and Phil go at it more than normal, remaining the center of attention most of the time, though in good humor.

Jason still stays on the outskirts of the conversations, though feeling a little more relaxed than he has been, joins in every once in a while, and even throwing in a wisecrack once.

“Jen, catch!” Phil tosses her the roll of duct tape.

Jen looks up just in time to see it coming her way, and catches it. Leaning down, she goes to put the roll in the box before closing it up. But the box is just a little farther away than she thought, and she leans too much. Losing her balance, Jen teeters out of her wheelchair, landing in a heap on the floor.

Mike is the closest one, and drops the cords he was rolling to immediately goes to slide down next to her, his arm going to her shoulders. “Hey, hey, you alright.”

“Yeah…” Jen rolls her eyes, disgusted with herself, and pulls herself into a sitting position. “Just being a clutz again.”

“Hey, Sis, you alright?” Kyle hollers.

“I’m fine, I’m fine!” Jen smirks at Mike. “Help me up, would you?”

Mike looks her in the eye for several moments before finally moving to pick her up. Instead of setting her down right away though, he lets her linger in his arms for just a few seconds.

Jen’s arm is around his neck and she waits expectantly to be set into her chair like he’s helped her with so many times before, but when he doesn’t move, she turns, her face only inches from his.

All of a sudden, the heat creeps back into her face. She’d known Mike for years…she interacted with him now almost as much as she did her own brothers, and she’d grown accustomed to him helping her like Kyle and Phil did since her accident.

But in this brief moment, something was different. Her eyes locking with his, she swallows hard as her heart beats faster. What was happening to her? Feeling silly, she looks away, and finally Mike moves to set her back down. “Thank you,” she says softly.

“Sure.” Mike leans down to finish what Jen had started with the box, and picks it up to take to the truck.

No one seems to notice anything strange, and the activities continue. After a while, everyone is back outside under the parking lot light.

“Alright, well, this was a good night,” Phil states decidedly. “When’s our next practice?”


Phil rolls his eyes at Kyle. “Don’t give us a break or anything.”

Kyle grins. “Never.”

Phil looks to Jason. “How about you? You sounded good tonight, how’d it feel?”

“Awkward,” Jason admits, shrugging. “But…I’m game to keep at it if you guys can put up with my mistakes until I get in the groove again.”

Kyle scoffs, waving him off. “Good grief. You were great and the crowd loved having you back. So when can you come out to Mike’s again?”

“Depends on work…we got that hearing coming up that I told you about, so…things are kinda in limbo right now.”

“That’s alright,” Mike intervenes. “Just give us a call when you can come. We don’t have another gig yet for a few weeks.”

“Sounds good.”

“Alrighty then!” Kyle claps his hands and points to the two trucks. “Move out!”

They all wave and say goodnight to Katie and Jason and soon they’re pulling away from the lot.

Jason watches them go, and sighs deeply. He was getting there…slowlyl…maybe… There was still something missing…he still wasn’t having the fun like he knew he wanted to. He still wasn’t sure how to interact with everyone yet…but he knew tonight had been a good step forward.

Hooking his thumbs in his beltloops, he glances over to Katie. “Hey, um…thanks.” For a moment, he cracks his barrier again, though lets out just the gratefulness he was feeling for her presence…for her forgiveness. “I’ll see you around.”

Turning, he heads slowly away, heading for his bike behind the building.

Scott flips channels on his television, looking for nothing in particular, and finally landing on a historical documentary. He wasn’t too tired yet, and knew that Katie would either show up or call him. It had been an interesting evening…he’d had fun. He’d never done much socially with anybody from TJY before, other than just Wyatt a few times, so it had been a new experience to be with them away from work. He didn’t have anybody he’d really call friends away from TJY either, so being around JetStream had been new as well. Though awkward, it hadn’t been too bad, especially since Katie had been there. He’d recognized her efforts to make him feel comfortable, and appreciated it.

Seeing Jason on stage had been interesting…Scott had never seen that side of him before, and had been surprised not only with his good voice, but his stage presence and the way he interacted with the crowd. People loved him. Scott still wasn’t so sure about how to interact with him again, and couldn’t help but have felt just a little bit of relief when Jason hadn’t gone to Mom and Pop’s with everyone else. He didn’t know what the future held, and his own nerves were a bit unsettled when thinking of eventually being forced to work with Jason again back at TJY.

But for tonight…Scott was relaxed and felt good about the evening.

Wyatt nods to Aerith with gratefulness. “All prayers would be appreciated, thank you. God’s the only one that knows what’s going to happen in this, so I’m just having to trust in Him on this one.”

At her comment about being Maid Marian, Wyatt chuckles. He grins and reaches out to give her chin a playful tweak. “If you want to be Maid Marian, it’s fine with me. As long as I get to be Robin Hood.”

Realizing he might have implied just a little too much, he breaks his gaze, and clears his throat. “I’m glad you trust me...and I’m glad you know about this now. Hopefully things will work out so I can still be around after all is said and done.”

Jason walks down the hall after climbing the two flights of steps to the apartment. Entering with his key, he finds it quiet and dark. Assuming Carson was already in bed, Jason simply heads to his own room.

Flopping down on the mattress just a short while later, Jason stares up into the dark. He hoped his dreams were better tonight…he knew things still weren’t right… He still didn’t understand himself and he still didn’t know where he belonged anymore… But something deep down told him it was finally going to be alright. He hadn’t lost everyone for good…

Robin Hood?

*Katie takes in Jason's emotions like so many times before. This time in a differnt light, in the light of friendship. Absorbing his feelings, his emotions one by one digesting them. Jason was leting her see him, was opening his feelings to her once again. As Jason's emotions start to build start to flow faster Katie can feel the pressure building become almost to much. But like air being released from a balloon the pressure starts to leave as Katie feels Jason close up again. This time knowing anymore and it could of hurt them both. For a moment Katie just sits on the edge of the stage catching her breath and strength. Slowly turns a small smiles is visable on Katies lips.*

"When your ready J...I'll be waiting."

*Slowly Kaite stands and walks over to where Jason is to help him starts to put some of the equipment away knowing the others would be coming back in soon. Katie felt good. This was the start to rebuilding something important to Jason and herself again. A friendship. Something they both wanted. Katie felt more at ease now beaing near Jason., the bridge was being rebuilt and it made it easyer knowing things were on the mend.*

*As Wyatt speaks and Aerith soaks up the information a sence of shock washes over her. This was the last thing she thought was going on with why Wyatt left all the time. Though looking into his eyes, and seeing the light of the sun and the sparkel of the stars Aerith new it was true. It dident make sence to her but she could feel that everything Wyatt was saying was real.*

"I have to say when you told me you were in lawenforcment this isent what I exspected. Though I give you alot of credit. You and everyone who works with you. You guys go into work every day risking your life for what your believe is right. Knowing freely you could die, go to jail get hurt and you all go in and hold your heads up."

*Aerith leans back in the car seat turning a bit to look at Wyatt and study his face. She was so nice and so sweet, He cared what she though, and what she though of him. Wyatt and is friends had shown so much kindness to her. And now she understoond why they seemed so close. Cuz they had to be.*

"Thank you Wyatt. For trusting me enough to tell me. It help because now I can also pray for you all. That God will have his hand in this hearing, and everything will work out ok. And I am sure it will. If there is anything I can do to help let me know."

*Aerith cant help but give alittle giggle.*

"Hey you guys are kind of like Robin Hood and his merry men. Ohh...does that mean I am maid Maryum?"

*Aerith's eyes beam with happyness and joy stairing back at Wyatt giving another soft laugh.*

"I do trust you Wyatt. Thank you again for Trusting me."

*Jamie cant help but laugh at Con's comment about her mom. It struck her funny bone for some reson. Her parents had always been care free nd not the normal parents but god had given them there gifts, and abilitys to fing good in anything. Jamie was blessed with two wonderful parents she loved to much and she was happy Con got along and understood them.*

"hah...thats probley why she is always asking me to bring you over you know that."

*As Con's hang touches Jamies face she couldent help but lean her head into it. She had come to love the feel of his hands no matter how rough they were. To Jamie they felt like silk on her skin bringing her love and comfort.*

"And thank you Con, for returning the love."

*Jamie brings her own hand to Con's face running her finger along his skin making every marking and bump till finally she draws her face close to his and gives him another goodnight kiss promising to see him tomarrow.*


As Katie’s voice drifts through the darkness, Jason’s fingers suddenly stop on the strings. He can feel the heat in his face and is glad for the dark. He hadn’t intended for anyone to hear him.

But as he feels Katie draw nearer, his embarrassment begins to fade. Her words are soft and soothing. Though their meaning cuts him deep, they also provide a familiar comfort…one that Jason had missed.

He missed her too…he missed their friendship…he missed being able to talk to her about anything…he missed smiling just because she was.

Katie’s insightful message claws at Jason’s walls, her very presence again pulling at him so hard that it almost physically hurt. Her words drove the emotions to the back of his eyes in the form of tears, though he keeps them at bay.

Jason wanted that friendship back…he wanted it so badly, if just to end this horrid battle he had started. They couldn’t go back…they couldn’t fix what had been undone…they couldn’t start up where they had left off…and they could not be more than friends. But just to know there wasn’t a rift there…just to feel any kind of warmth again.

Jason’s guitar is set to the side as Katie speaks, the music forgotten, but the song still being sung through the darkness as the very essence of its meaning hangs in the air.

The arm around Jason’s shoulder drives him further down the path of despair as his soul relentlessly clings to his emotions. Katie’s touch automatically demanded that what he felt be drawn out. He could fight it…he could keep it in if he really wanted to. But that would require allowing his anger to take over. It would require showing hate instead of the sorrow. It would require hardening himself once again, when what he really wanted was to continue feeling this warmth.

Jason’s pulse quickens just a little as he knows what he is about to do. Logic screams at him not to – it will hurt too much. It will just complicate things. But his heart battles back with the yearning to be set free.

Slowly, Jason reaches up and takes Katie’s hand from his shoulder, bringing it back around in front of him. He just holds it…the silence deafening in the large empty room. He stares straight ahead, not daring to turn and look Katie in the eye. His fingers tighten their grip as his hand begins to shake slightly.

Just staring into nothingness, he whispers. “I want to be your friend again too.”

Taking a deep breath, he closes his eyes, slowly, agonizingly pulling away the layers. Like a dam breaking forth with force, so too does a burst of pain with enough pressure that it makes Jason wince, his grasp on Katie’s hand tightening even more.

Gritting his teeth, his heart begins to race, his breath going shallow. Hurt, anger, confusion, frustration…one by one, he painfully releases them. Memories hurl themselves in his direction, intensifying the emotions to a point unbearable. Like water under pressure, it has been building, and now released they have more power than he can easily handle.

For a moment, Jason is almost lost, the feeling so overwhelming, that he can feel himself start to black out. His body’s reflexes kick in, and in an instant his emotions are cut off, hurling him back into a mental realm without the pain.

Gasping, Jason’s eyes fly open and he can feel the bead of sweat run down the side of his face. The darkness of the room envelopes him, comforting him with the knowledge that he could not be seen.

He just sits for several moments, trying to regain his strength. Slowly, his grip on Katie’s hand loosens until he finally lets go. Unable to even think of what he could say, he slips forward off the stage to stands, picking up his guitar to start packing things away.

Carson exits the infirmary, spinning around one last time to throw Misty a wink. Only after the door is shut and he’s out of sight does he lose the mask he’s had on all evening. It takes him several moments to regain the energy to trudge down the hall.

Stopping by his desk he grabs his keys and cell phone before heading out. The evening walk should have been calming, but the cool night breeze seemed to go unfelt.

Reaching his apartment, the stairs seem to take forever to climb. As he enters in the dark, he doesn’t bother turning on the lights. He makes his way into the living room and flops down on the couch. Not really wanting to sleep, his mind creates things for him to do to stay occupied.

Absentmindedly, he flips his cell phone open, cleaning out old messages and cleaning up his contact list. Almost done, he listens to the last message that’s left. He didn’t remember it was there…he didn’t even know when it was from. But Ashlyn’s voice hits him like a kick to the gut. Acting purely on reflex, he flips the phone shut with force and hurls it across the room where it hits the corner of a bookcase, breaking it beyond repair.

Carson leans forward to put his face in his hands as his elbows rest on his knees. He couldn’t take this any longer. Over and over and over again his mind insisted on replaying the rooftop scene. The look in Ashlyn’s eyes…her grip to his hand…the blood… A life he’d loathed he had killed, yet the killing he loathed more. But even worse was the sense that he shouldn’t be feeling this way. He shouldn’t have cared that much. There hadn’t been anything there… he had someone in his life now that had filled the hole in his heart. He shouldn’t be pining over any past with someone who had never even known how to love anyone but herself. And yet…the battle was there.

He wasn’t used to this kind of battle…he wasn’t used to this kind of pressure…this different kind of sorrow. Carson didn’t even recognize it as anything like he’d felt before. It wasn’t just Ashlyn…it was seeing Misty at the brink of death as well. He hadn’t voiced his feelings on that to her, but he felt at fault. He’d told her to go down and stay in her position. He’d put her there, thinking she’d be out of harm’s way. Yet she was the one who had been shot. She would be okay…but she was in pain and Carson couldn’t stand knowing that it was a pain he could have prevented.

Standing up, Carson heads to his bedroom. He had made promises…he had been living a commitment… but sometimes… a man could only take so much.

The ride back to Aerith’s is fairly quiet, and before they know it, Wyatt is pulling his jeep up to the curb. Instead of juts temporarily waiting, he puts his vehicle in park and shuts the engine off. Thinking quietly for a few moments, he finally turns to face Aerith.

“I really had a good time tonight, Aerith…thank you.” Honesty shows in his eyes. “I…I’ve been thinking all evening…and seeing you having fun…seeing your heart through your personality… I’ve seen someone I can trust. And…as someone I can trust, I owe you more than just brush-offs and excuses.”

Wyatt looks away for a second or two, contemplating his next move. He liked Aerith…she was nice…sweet…fun… He couldn’t keep the truth from her any longer. If things went sour with the hearing for TJY, he would vanish off the face of the earth and be put into prison. He didn’t want Aerith to not know where he was, or find out and not have the right story.

He finally looks back over to her. “Aerith…I’m a part of an underground corporation of vigilantes who are at war with lawlessness that government and state law enforcement itself either can’t handle or ignores.” He pauses, letting that bit of information sink in.

“There are man of us…including Laura…Nate…Jamie…Jason...Scott…Katie… and Con only recently got out for personal reasons. That’s how we all know each other…that’s why we all interact the way we do.”

Wyatt looks Aerith in the eye, hoping she believed him…hoping she understood. “After some unfortunate events, our corporation was forced to reveal itself to local law. And as a consequence, there is going to be a hearing next week.” He swallows hard. “At that hearing, everyone who has ever been involved in our vigilante work will either be pardoned…or sent to prison because of what we’ve all done aside from the law.”

He pauses again. “Any action we’ve ever taken has been to help the innocent…to protect those who have been wrongly accused, or who have been attacked by criminals. But in the process, people have gotten hurt…people have died…and the law itself would not look kindly upon those acts.”

Wyatt’s not sure if he’s still holding Aerith’s understanding or not, but he continues. “I’m…I’m telling you this now because if things don’t turn out the way we want at this court hearing, then…well, I don’t even really want to think about it. But I couldn’t just leave you in the dark. I wanted you to know so you could understand and…and trust me.”

Laura isn’t surprised by Nate’s embrace or his kiss, but it still takes her breath away. As he hugs her close, she returns it, burying her face in his chest. He was so warm…so comforting…so protective. Had she finally found her place? She didn’t know…maybe she was afraid to even think about it. But for now…in this moment…she could find nothing but joy when realizing that Nate had chosen her to care for.

Con chuckles and nods. “Yeah, your mom especially keeps an eye on me. I think she’s hoping to steal another glance at us kissing.” He grins at Jamie, reaching over to cradle the side of her face in his hand. His palm is worn and rough from his work, but it still holds a warmth, conveying his feelings despite the calloused surface. “Thank you for loving me, Jamie…I couldn’t have asked for more.”