

*Misty turns back to Wyatt throwing him a look of pure fire something she dident do offten. She new what he was thinking. She new good and well what Carson MIGHT be doing. But she also had faith that he wasent doing that.*

"Wyatt, I...Am....Fine. Now let me go."

*The irratation grows in Misty's voice. She wasent messing around and she dident have time for Wyatt to be over protective. If something happend to Carson it would be on her head for not bothering him last night.*

*Katie smiles*

"Good Luck. Ya never know people can saprise you sometimes.*

*stoping for a moment Katie turns. A question entering her mind that was unspoken.*

"Its a nice day out and I dont have anything planed. So..yes, I wouldent mind going for a walk with you and Trooper. Just let me know when. I need some exersis anyways I am starting to put on some pudge."

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